Education System Classical Argument

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Samantha Vakos
Ms. Meyer
AP English 11
29 March 2015

In the eyes of many Americans, both young and old, the education system of America
seems to be putting out more intelligent students each year. While more and more high school
students are applying and being accepted to colleges, it is how they get there that truly matters.
The majority of students who excel in school, so much that they have well over a 4.0, are
constantly competing about who can do the best to be the best. However, the education system
of America is no longer about the information students learn. While there are those who suggest
that the current education system is an achievement, the reality of the system is that it lacks the
ability to positively impact students because they are more focused on their grades, grade point
average, and tend to do the work just for a class, not to comprehend the material at hand.
Todays society tells high school students how they must go to college and get a good
degree to do well in life. This puts the mindset on getting the highest GPA possible in order to
go to a good, if not great, college. Some people believe that the education system is pushing
students to do that as well. Margaret Talbot, the author of Best in Class, has taken great time
to express and provide examples of how competition has got too bruising for Valedictorian
(119). The title of being the top in your class may matter in high school but once college comes
around no one cares about what your class ranking is. Every college is full of students who were
in the top of their class. Jennifer Wu, co-valedictorian of Planco West Senior High School, stated
My roommate had no idea I was valedictorian, after finishing her second year at Harvard

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(Talbot 118). This proves that the competition for valedictorian does not matter after it has
happened. People are fighting over something that will not necessarily make a difference for the
rest of their life. Instead of focusing on learning the information that is put in front of them,
students do the work to get it done.
The English teacher walks by passing out the next book to read, which is not one of the
latest books on the Best Seller list, rather it is a book that was written forty to fifty years ago. A
book that students do not want to read. The books being read in the classroom and topics being
discussed do not intrigue students to read and enjoy the break down to what they think about the
book. Instead, it is what the teacher wants them to see and how it is affected. The list of books
the average high school student reads from is so unenjoyed that many choose not to read at all.
By making students read novels they have no interest in or do not understand limit their ability to
sitting down to read on their own time (Prose 95). By having unfamiliar literature, students
performance levels are lacking, negatively impacting the education system. This being said, the
book list and education system has not changed much for decades. Literature is more involved
in everyday life than one might think. As society changes the struggles of those of the past are
still being taught and continue to rush through the education system (Alexie 111). In order to see
an increase in students who want to succeed, the content of literature taught must change and not
continue to use what has been used for the past forty years.
Over the years, students have begun to compete to see who can be the top in their class.
Many scholars, writers, parents and students have argued that the competitive environment and
the pressure of college has caused students to slack off on learning the material and memorize
the information instead (Talbot 114-115). While this is true among many people, some side with
the fact that the competiveness, classic literature and history lessons has caused students to try

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harder to make better grades and overall succeed more in school. It pushes them into doing their
work and working harder to get the better grades. The use of literature from decades ago is not
changing because it is serving its purpose. Teaching history has also opened doors to more
welcoming education system of America. These open doors have made more educated people
and overall a more educated society. It is up to the education system to teach students not only
book smarts, but also life lessons. Many people think the current education system has a positive
impact on the students in it (Baldwin 128). They believe that it is the students choice of whether
or not they will succeed to the best of their ability through the system.
While it is good to strive and have goals, it is unnecessary to cheat the system by taking
extra courses behind closed doors, or even the school system cheating the students. It is
important to reward those who worked hard and do well but it is also necessary to remember the
purpose behind the education system. It is there to teach information to adolescents who are still
learning. By teaching books that, in one way, teach students to not want to read, or to make
everything a competition and that you must be the best is no the proper way to go about it.
Education is an important aspect in life and it must have a positive effect on everyone learning.

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Works Cited
Alexie, Sherman. Superman and Me. The Language Composition. Boston: Bedford/St.
Martins, 2008. 110-112. Print.
Baldwin, James. A Talk to Teachers. The Language Composition. Boston: Bedford/St.
Martins, 2008. 123-129. Print.
Prose, Francine. "I Know Why the Caged Bird Cannot Read." The Language Composition.
Boston: Bedford/ St. Martin's, 2008. 89-99. Print.
Talbot, Margaret. Best in Class. The Language Composition. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins,
2008. 113-122. Print

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