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The Analysis of Groups Development Part 2
SW 4010
Wayne State University
Professor Shapiro


The significance of this group session is to continue the support and well-being of each
group member of the Social Work Express. Each session is vital to the groups mental well-being
and to keep the group member from entering into a state of depress which would hamper their
efforts to be rescued from the island.
The change which occurred in the group is that each member was encouraged and
continued to have a renew hope of being rescued off of the island. The groups cohesiveness
grew as members let out some frustrations and had a chance to express themselves. This helped
the group to hear and began to understand anothers passion. The group members had a chance to
refocus and set some goals so that they could continue to work together to get off the island safe.
The disagreements that occurred within the group lead to a positive change. Everyone
had a chance to be heard, and the universal thing that was spoken was that they all had a fear of
not seeing their loved ones again and a longing to be rescued and return to life as normal.
What is the significance of this session to the groups development as a whole and to the
members? How did the group change as a result of this group session? Was the change a positive
one in terms of the groups development?
Group Dynamics Evident in these Sessions
The groups dynamics were evident, you could see the bond and commitment of the
group grow as the days and nights came and went. The groups passion for the well-being
of one another was evident. If one member fell ill and experienced a bout with depression


all the members stepped up to support the member and pick up the slack of the tasks that
member was assigned.
Group Goals and Hidden Agendas
The groups goals never changed. They were consistent and persistent to get off the island. When
any sort of change occurred the group voted on the change, but the change always was consistent
with the original goal.
Group norms
The groups norms were to ensure the safety of one another. To daily assign task in order to
ensure survival that day. The survival task included searching for food, fire wood, items to
reinforce their shelter. Each group member understood what was expected of them and they
adhered to the rules.
Level of cohesiveness
The level of cohesiveness in the group was a work in progress and continues to have
situations that test the groups patients, but they always regroup and make some positive change
out of whatever situation that occurs.
Group climate
The groups climate was very tense at times. The climate changed when another group member
felt disrespected or felt that their opinion wasnt being heard. An example of the climate change
was when one of the group members fell ill and some group members felt that we should call off
the daily task and stay at the camp grounds and watch over the ill group member, while others
felt that we should continue the daily task which was overall important for the safety and


survival of all group members. Group member felt this was insensitive to the ill person, which
cause verbal battles ( Toseland & Rivas2012). .
Ultimately this changed the groups climate into a positive change which every group
member had the chance to express their selves at the meeting that was called by the groups
leader Aisha. Once the group had a chance to talk and be heard the cohesiveness of the group
was strengthened. The groups climate began warmer and more respectful.
Group culture
The groups culture varied from person to person. Some group members had a strong
belief in religion, some had no religion. The customs of the group members were very different
seeing that each member had a different background in which they were raised.
Some had the custom of praying over meals after they were prepared, some and the custom of
praying over the food before it was prepared.
When it came to the groups traditions it was wide spread but the group members were
able to teach and learn from each other about one anothers customs. The one core belief that
most group members had a hard time accepting and understanding was the group member that is
an Atheist. They could grasp how this person could not accept the fact that life didnt just create
itself and that there must be a higher power that is responsible for creation.
Personally I feel that interactions in the group were pretty normal given the stressful
situation that the crew of the Social Work Express found themselves in. When a group of


strangers are stuck together they will have differences of opinion and there will be some
The human side of each group member showed at times, there were times of vague joy,
crying, sadness, hope, fear, and I dare to say love. I believe the group members found love inside
of themselves for diversity, a difference of culture, tradition and beliefs systems.
The group had respect for one another from what I witnessed. All had a universal goal of
surviving and being rescued off the island. So their passion for life kept the group members
pressing forward and I think this experience will be a life changing event. I think I personally
will be nicer to individual when I have the power to, respect the opinion and difference of other
from different backgrounds and cultures than mine.
Plan of Action
I plan to change my groups behavior by showing that I am tolerate, of change myself. I
will continue to press for cooperation of each group member and be sure that everyone has the
chance to voice their opinions. This will create respect within the group and allow for rapport to
be built and openness and truth from the group members.
Members will be encouraged to call for group meetings when they feel the need to talk
or an issue arise that needs immediate attention of the group. The will create an atmosphere thats
open to communication, support, and possible change.
What needs to happen for your group to be more effective?
What needs to happen for my group to be more effective is for them to be challenged more and
to challenge and encourage one another to be better.


Based on your observation of diversity, how do you plan to respond?

Based on my observation of diversity within the group I plan to continue to encourage my group
member to be open about their traditions, and customs and speak about them openly. The group
can only be observed at this point to see how they further react at time passing by.
I will encourage respect of all group members decisions and I will encourage the group members
not to be offended if a certain act based on another persons background clashes with their belief
and decides to dismiss their self from the group until the ritual (whatever it maybe) is complete.
Members Role in Terms of Denial or Acceptance.
The member of the group was in denial of the seriousness of their situation, being
stranded on an island. It was not a reality for many of the group members until the days passed
and no one came to their rescue. When the comforts of their normal life became affected and
thats when it became real to them. It took some time before the group accepted the fact that they
were stranded and had to work hard daily for mere survival day to day.
I think this will be a valuable lesson to all who are involved because, we all had time to
reflect on the things that are truly important to us, family, health, and how to set aside our
perceptions before we judge people, groups, traditions and customs. Some member of the group
enjoyed learning about one anothers background.


Toseland, R. W., & Rivas, R. F. (2012). An introduction to group work practice (7th ed.).
Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

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