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1. Bullets

Large printed dots, shapes, or icons used to highlight items in a list

2. Cache

A fast storage area in the central processing unit of a computer also

known as (CPU)

3. Computer

A programmable machine that responds to specific instructions and can

do a per-recorded set of instructions

4. Data

Raw, unprocessed information

5. Databases

Organized collection of records and related files

6. Desktop

A primary screen that users see as soon as they start their computer

7. Document

Information input by users through a software application program

8. Download

To copy information or data from one computer server to another

9. Ergonomics

The study of workers interactions with their working environment

10. Ethics

The moral principles that determine the rightness or wrongness of

particular act

11. Floppy Disk

A thin, square, magnetized flexible plate used for storing data

12. Hacker

People who gain unauthorized access to computer systems

13. Hard Copy

The copy of a computer file that has been printed

14. Hard Disk

Memory storage area in a computer, retaining data when the power is

shut off

15.HTML (Hypertext
Markup Language)

A computer scripting language used to create and display files on the


16. Hyperlinks

Hypertext document links that, when selected, leads Internet user to

another World Wide Web page or another place within the same

17. Input

Information/data provided to computers by the user

18. Intellectual

Any form of creative work that can be protected through copyright (),
trademarks or patents

19. Memory

The internal storage area on a computer located on chips

20. Microprocessor

The main computer chip that processed instructions, calculates data,

and manages the flow of information in a computer (CPU)

21. Modems

Devices that enable a computer to receive and send data over telephone
lines or cables

22. Motherboard

The main circuit board of a computer

23. Network

The connection of two or more computers so they can communicate or

share resources

24. Output

The results of processing, the result of input

25. PDF (Portable

Document Format)

A popular document format that ensures that the layout of the text can
be easily viewed on any computer with Acrobat Reader software

26. Portfolio

A collection of work samples created by an individual or a group

27. Program

A software application designed to allow users to preform a specific task

28. Programmers

People who create programs

29. Programming
30. RAM (Random
Access Memory)

A language that programmers uses to create programs

Temporary memory that stores information for the length of time a
computer is left on or a program is left running

31. Software

A set of electronic instructions that tell the computer what to do

32. Spam

Unsolicited emails

33. Storage

Memory located on disks or tapes

34. USB (Universal

Serial Bus)

A connection that provides a quick, convenient way to connect external

devices to a computer

35. Upload

To send information/data from one computer to another

36. URL (Universal

Resource Locator)

Address that identifies Web pages from Websites

37. Website

A location on the World Wide Web, containing a home page and other

38. WWW

The World Wide Web

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