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Education Issue Summary

Shalayne Tonin
Brief Notes for Presentation

The Impact that Nutrition Plays on Student Learning:

Some may wonder why it is so important to teach
nutrition education in the classroom? benefits are
too valuable to pass up!
Ex. students are able to make healthier choices to
improve academic performance; and nutrition
education can benefit the whole school
(Speaking to class following Stephs information)
Looking at the list you guys have come up with on
the board, what differences do you think these foods
would have on children?
How do the healthy snacks impact children?
How do the unhealthy snacks impact children?
What our group wanted to know:
*whether or not elementary students were aware of
those foods that were healthy for them and those
that werent.
*if the children felt differently when eating the
different types of foods.
Last week I pulled aside a few children in my grade 2
class to hear about their ideas of what is healthy and
what is not. I started off by asking them which foods
they thought were healthy. The responses consisted
of carrots, broccoli, cucumbers, lettuce, mushrooms,
fruits and chicken. It was surprising that all the
students I asked were aware of the foods that were

Following this question I asked the students how they

felt when they ate healthy foods. Strong, energized,
happy, amazing, focused, and I feel like I am going to
do a healthy dance! were the responses I got.
Next I asked them to provide me with a list of
unhealthy foods Cookies, popcorn, candy, pop, hot
dogs, hamburgers, cupcakes, which they said made
them feel sick, icky and unhealthy.
Our group was surprised that:
* So many kids were aware of those foods that are
healthy and unhealthy
* Students were even able to identify how the
different food types made them feel
It is clear that snacks children take to school have an
impact on their overall behavior and learning.
Proper nutrition has a positive influence on:
1)Brain function
3)Learning and social behaviors.
Research has confirmed:
1)Nutrition has a direct affect on neurotransmitters,
which are important in sending messages from the
body to the brain.
2) There are specific dietary components that have
been shown to have negative effects on this system,
many of which are common in school-aged childrens
daily eating.

Proper nutrition is critical to maximizing brain

function and enhancing learning. Helping children
develop healthy habits from a young age will aid
them in reaching optimum potential.
In a study conducted by Erikson (2006), the
following factors were found:
1) A lack of protein led to poor school performance
by children and caused young children to be
lethargic, withdrawn, and passive, all of which help
affect social and emotional development.
2) Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for
the brain. When carbohydrate levels are fluctuating,
this may cause dizziness and mental confusion-which
both affect cognitive performance.
3) Fat makes up more than 60% of the brain and acts
as a messenger in partial control of aspects such as
mood. Omega 3 fats are crucial to the proper
functioning of the brain. Lack of these fats can lead
to depression, poor memory, low IQ, learning
disabilities, dyslexia, and ADD. A diet that is rich in
Omega 3 fatty acids can strengthen synapses and
provide cognitive benefits.
4) Vitamins and minerals are also important
substances for the functioning of the brain. Vitamins
A, C, E and B complex vitamins are the most
-Water is very important to ensure proper functioning
of the body
-Water makes up 60% of our bodies and up to 80% of
the brain matter

-Elementary aged children are required to drink 8

cups of water a day
-According to experts, when we are thirsty our
mental performance deteriorates by 10%. If students
are dehydrated it can lead to fatigue, dizziness, poor
concentration and reduced cognitive abilities.
Students should be encouraged to keep water bottles
at their desks to drink throughout the day.
-In the classroom I am in, almost all the students
have water bottles at their desk
Exercise and Nutrition
-Exercise is another important aspect to consider in
ensuring proper nutrition for students
-The amount of exercise that students get can also
play a major role in the performance of a student.
Students are given time for physical activity during
their recesses and lunches. There are also
intramurals for different grades throughout the week
that allow for children to get more physical activity.
-All students at the school are required to get 30
minutes of gym time each day
Proper nutrition helps students show up at school
prepared to learn. Studies show that malnutrition
leads to behavior problems, and that sugar has a
negative impact on child behavior. Every student has
the potential to do well in school and failing to
provide good nutrition puts them at risk for missing
out on meeting that potential. Taking action and
providing healthier choices in schools can help set up
students for a successful future.

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