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Eng 111- 04, 06

Project 5
Reflective Presentation
Instead of writing a fifth essay, Project 5 combines a writing demonstration with the pass/fail oral
presentation that is one of the course requirements. Your presentation should last at least 7 and no
more than 10 minutes. A minimum of 4 students will present on self-selected or assigned days
(Dec 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, or 12). Your Reflective Presentation must contain the following elements:
1. Via the classroom projector, a before-and-after demonstration of how you applied the
principles of Description to improve a paragraph from one of the assigned essays;
2. A brief discussion of what you gained from the slides on Analysis;
3. A closing discussion of one any of the following topics brought up in class:

People are the stories they tell themselves

Plato's Allegory of the Cave
Sexual politics
Self-loathing social identities
Cultivating the anti-self
The Chimpanzee Trope
The "knowledge" spectrum
First-principle logic versus data-based logic in causation
Math as the language of God
The deep cause of violence, sex, and drug use
Art and the quest for nobility as the solution to the deep cause of violence,
sex, and drugs
Infectious causation of unknown cause diseases and mental illness
Reason = Words
Crazy teacher stories

If you make a good faith effort on the first requirement, you will get an automatic B on
the assignment. If your effort is inadequate, then your grade will be lower than a B. This is
definitely at gift to reward those of you who attended regularly and listened well enough to carry
away the level of competence the class was designed to instill.

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