CCNP Ticket

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1 Home > Tike 1 = OSPF Authentication Ticket 1 - OSPF Authentication i varen zon, 2089 Gaim rswoor v2 560m comments 1.clent i unable to ping R's sel interface fom the een: ‘Problem was dsnble authentication on Ri, chesk where authentication is not pen under router os oF RA. (use inv ayers) ‘Configuration of 1: Incorface Sea}/0/0 desciption Link to RZ ip eddress 10:1.1.1 755.255.255.257 'p matinee encapsulation ramo-elay ip cept message digest key 1 mds TSHOOT ip oxpi network point-to-point router oso outer id 1.1.1 gradjaceney-changes retwork aren 12 detaut-nformaton ongmate ainays {Configuration of 2 interface Seral/0/0.12 point-to-point ip address ‘> capt authentication messoge digest ip cept message digest key 1 mds TSHOOT ‘Answer: on Ri need command “ip ospf authentication message-cia ans) a2 ‘Ane2) IP OSPF Routing ‘ans3) Enable OSPF authentiation on the s0/0/0 intertace using the “ip ospf authentication message digest” command © Home > Ticket 16 -IPv5 Pg OSPF Rediatnbuton Ticket 16 - IPv6 RIPng OSPF v3 Redistribution merch te, 205 yin TSHOOT v2 12 ot comments Problem: Loopback address on Rt (2026::114:1) not able to ping the loopback address on OSW2 (2026::102:1). ‘configuration of 4: inve router acpt 6 Tog-adjacency-changes ‘edicuibute osp 6 metic 2 incude-connected 1082) Ipws OSPF Routing ‘n083) Under ipv6 ospf process add the vedistibute rip RIP_Zone indude-connected command " Home > Teket 2 ~ HSRP Track Ticket 2—HSRP Track isons arm, 2015 Gaim rsHOOT v2 {0 Gow comment SRP was configured on DSW1 & 05W2. DSW1 is configured to be active but & does not become active Configuration of DSW1: track 1p oute 102.25.128 metic tveshold threshold metricup 1 down 2 track 10 ip route 10:1.21.128 metric threshold threshold metric up 63 down 64 interface Mento ‘peddrexe 755.255.2550 Standby 10 9 102.1.258 standby 10 prirty 200 standby 10 precmet standby 10 rack 1 docement 60 Answer: (ure Ped Layer 3 Topology) (on DSW interface van 20 rade, type these commands fo standby 10 track 1 decrement 60 Standby 10 track 10 decerent 60 (ip for track command not exact for real exam) Note: x the IP addreas ofa loopback interface on RA. Thi IP belongs to subnet, net) DSW |ane2) HSA [Ane3) delete the command with tack 1 and enter the command with tack 10 (standhy 10 tack 10 decrement 60) Note: For more information about 1P route tracking and why the command “Uweshold metic up 63 down 64” is used hee please read this tatorial: htp:furww.networdut Tike 9 = BGP Neighbor Ticket 3 - BGP Neighbor ‘Toren 20m, 20:5 ie reHOOT v2 S52 Go comments Problem: Cheot ix able to ping but cant ping the Web Server Configuration of 1: router bap 65001 to synchronization ‘bap log-neighbor changes network 209.65 200.224 mask ‘neighbor remote-as 65002 check bap neighborship. **** show ip bap sum*==* ‘The nelghtor®e addreas in the neighbor command ie rong under router BCP (use inv Layer'3) ‘Answer: nesé change on router mode on Ri neighbor fans) Rt ‘ns2) 86? ‘ans3) delote the wrong neighbor statomont and entarthe correct neighbor addresa in the neighbor command (changs “neighbor ramete-26 65002" to “neighbor ramote 35 65002") 9 Home > Tikat 4 — MAT ACL, Ticket 4 — NAT ACL Si merch anh, 201s Gin Tenor v2 ecw annem Cchent 2 6.2 are notable to ping the web server, but al the routers & DSW1,2 can ping the server. NAT problem. (ure put Layer 3) problem on RE Nat ac Configuration of Rt ipnat inside source bt nat_pool interface s0/0/1 overload ip accens-at standard nat_post Interface serl0/0/2 ip adaress 209,65.200.225 ib natoutside interface Serialayojo.12 ip address 10... pf meseage-digest-key 1 mls TSHOOT pf authentication mestage-digest anes) RL ‘nng2) NAT ‘nngs) Ad the commend permit the nat_pool acess ist 9 Howe > Teket 5 =AL ACL Ticket 5- R1 ACL Simerh ach, 2015 yin ToHOOT v2 (Gee comments CCentis not able to ping the server. Except for Ri, no one elee can ping the server: (use ipwa Layer 3) Prablomon Ri ad backing ip ‘Configuration on Rt interface Seriatorort ‘eserption Link to ISP ip address 209 65.200.224 ipnat outside ip access-group edge_tecunty ix ip aconse-et extended edge_secuty ‘deny ip any ‘deny ip any ‘deny,255.255.255 any permitip host any ‘newer: add pormut wp any command to fs ACL Ans) RE ‘ans2) IPs Layer 3 Security ‘angs) Under the ip access list extended edge: securty configuration add the permit ip any command Note: Ths the only ticket the extended access-et edge_secunty exists. In other tickets, the acess-Ist 30 is applied tothe mound arection of SO//1 of RT 19 Home > Ticket 6 ~ VLAN iter Ticket 6 — VLAN filter merch 2m 2015 sin TsHOOT 2 50 to comments (Gone ia not able to ping the server. Unable te ping OSW1 or the FIP Serve(use L2 Diagram), van Aosess map i apnied on DSW! biodking the p address of lent Configuration on DSW Vian access-map testt 10 action drop rmateh ip addrese 10 Van accoss-map toctt 20, aaion drop match paddrese 20, an aczess-map testt 30 ‘acion foward rratch padiress 30, ae aczens-rmp teat 40 dation fomara on fier tests vlan 20 access-ist 10 permt 10.2.1. ict 20 permit 102.108 ict 30 pormit 00.0255, interface WANS ipeddrexe 255.255.2550 ‘nex) DSW ‘ans2) VIAN ACL/Port ACL ‘ang3) Under the global configuration mode enter no Van iter testi vent 10 command. Nota: Afar choosing DSW for Ans1, next page (fr Anc2) you have to sealldawn te find the VLAN ACL/POF® ACL option. ‘he seal bar only appoara inthis ticket and & very diffiltto be eaen. © tome >Teket 7 ~ Port Security Ticket 7 — Port Security merch 2mm, 2015 Sain TsHOOT 2 Ores cent ic unable to ping Chent 2 as well as DSW. The commend sh interfaces fe1/0/1"willshow folowing message in the fst tie “FastEthernet/0/1 = down, ine protoca in down (er~diabledy ‘on ASW! port-ancuily mee 000.000.0004, inesface in er-nnble state Configuration of ASW interacefanjo/t ‘Swtchport access vlan 10 Switchport mode acsees swrtchpost port-securty “Swiechport port secunty mac address 0000,0000.0001 ‘Answer: on ASW delele port security & do on iterfaces shutdown, no shutlown oat) asw 1032) Port security ‘083) 8 Configuration mode, using the interface range F21/0/1 ~2, then no ewitchportport-secutty, flowed by ‘thutdown, ao shutdown interface configuration commands, © ome > Teket 8 ~ Switchport WAN 10 Ticket 8 — Switchport VLAN 10 Sl merch 2a 2015 Sain TSHOOT v2 Ores Gone 1.2 cant ping OsW1 or FIP Server but thay are able to sing each athe sStuaton: in port chan ‘Configuration of ASW. interface Fastethemeti/o/t Swichport mode acsoss Switchport acess van 1 configuration of ASW: van 10/6 not allowad. (us interface FastEthemett/0/2 wichport made accee= ‘swichport acoess van 1 (On ASW, om interfaces fa/t,F0/2 switchport access wnt ASV change swrtchport access vlan 1 to switchport access van 10 poatysina pean ‘essai command: interface range f91/0/1-/2 &ewitehport access vlan 10 Home > Tekot 9 - Switcher rank Ticket 9 — Switchport trunk march an 2013 Gj rShoor v2 (2G ts comments ‘chent 18 2 can ping each other but they are unable to ping DSW or FIP Server (Use L2/ Diagram) ‘Configuration of ASW intertoe Portchannell3 ‘twzhpert mode trunk Swtchport trunk allowed van 3-9 interfce PoriChanne23 wchport made trank wichport trunk alowed van 3-9 interce FastEthemett (0/1 ‘wechpert mode acces swichport acsose van 10 interface Fastethemett/0/2 swichport made acces wichport acceas vlan 10 port channel 13,23 disables al vans and give switcyport trunk allowed vlan 10,200 moss pswa ‘032}5witah to ewitch connectivity ‘pos3}int range portchannell3,portchannel2s ‘witzhport trunk allowed Van none wichport trunk alowed van 10,200 19 Home > Ticket 10 ~ EIGRP AS Ticket 10 - EIGRP AS Simerch ais 2015 Sym ToHOOT v2 52 60 9 comments Cent sie not able to ping the Webserver DSW cen ping fa0/t of Ra but cant ping 30/0/0.34 ‘chodk' ciao neiahbore from USW you wil not see R# 28 neighbor {ueeipv4 Layer 3) "Show ip route" on DSW3 you will not tee any 10.xa0% network route (on OSW1 & DWSZ the EIGRP AS number if 10 (router egrp 10) but on itis 2 (router sigrp 1) ‘newer: change router AS on R4from 1 to 10 nes) Ra ‘ans2) EIGRP ‘ans3) Change EIGRP AS numbertrom to 10 © ome > Teket 11 - OSPF to ELGRP Ticket 11 —- OSPF to EIGRP- Smack 202015 Sain TaHOOT 2 Sires Gone 1 ie not abo to ping the webesrver [BSW: can ping fa0/s of Ra, However csnte and DSW can ping Ra's $0/0/0.3 interface ( (On fA in router ciorst router cig 10 network 0.0.00 Fedistrbute opt metric 100 10 255 1 1500 routesnap OSPF to EIGRP redistribute eigrp £0 subnets Imotch address 2 esi) 4 ‘3ns2} IP va Route Redistribution ‘ans3) Under the EIGRP process, delete the redistribute ospf 4 route-map OSPF. to EIGRP command and enter the redistribute ospf 1 route-map OSPF->EIGRP coinmand. 1 Home > Tket 12 — IPs OSPF Ticket 12 — IPv6 OSPF SA merch sth 2018 yin TsHoor ve ae Dswa & 4 ant ping 82's loopback interface or £0/0/0.12 W's addres fae not an OSP#v3 neighbor on R SStuation:fov6 ospf wae not enabled on R's serial interface connecting to R3. (use ipvs Layer 3) ‘conhguration of 2 inv router asp outer! 2222 sanz Configuration of RS ‘px router oxpl 6 intertace 20/0/0223 ‘pve aderoas 2026: love osef 6 area 0 Answer: Ininterface onfgutation made of =0/0/0.25 on 82: inv ospF 6 area 12 pont) 2 4022) TP OSPF Routing {ns8) on the terial interface of R2, enter the command ipvG amp 6 area 0 (notice that tix rea 0°, notYeren 12°) 1 ome > Tikot 19 - BHCP Range Ticket 13 - DHCP Range Sth march som, 2035 yn 15H00r 2 \S Got comments In thin ticket, you see the “ip dhep exch 10.2.11-° then the DHCP range hes been misconfigured Configuration on RA: ip dhep exchuded-address 102.1.1 102.1.253 net) a4 ‘Ane2) IP DHCP Server ‘ane3) on Ré delete fp dhep exchided-addvess £0.24.4 and apply ip chen exched-address 1 Nome Ticket 14 ~ EIGRP Passive Interface Ticket 14 — EIGRP Passive Interface vrch:7m, 2085 Gin Tenor 2 Dehn the neighborship between RA and OSW1 wasnt estabied Chant 1 cant ping RA ‘Configuration on RA: routereigm 10 Dessive terface default redistribute ospF 1 route-rap OSPF->E1GRP network 10.144 network 10.148 hetwork ‘efauk-metic 10000 100 255 4 10000 fo auto-summary poawort) Re ‘peawer 2) 14 EIGRP Routing ‘nawer 2) enter no pasehve terface for interfaces connected to DSW under EIGRP proces {ofo, something tke this) (erin interface fo/t and Note: There is 2 loopback interface on this device which has an 1? adres network £" command ‘of 10..23.129 20 we have te indude the + jst for your information, in fac Clients 1 & 2m this cket CANNOT receive IP addresses from DHCP Server beenuse DSW: cannot reach (an loopback interface on RA) because ofthe “passive-nterfacedefout” comand. But in the examyou willsce that Cents 1 8 2 can stl get thet IP addresses! Its a bug nthe exam. 1 Home > Tidet 45 ~1Pv6 GRE Tunnel Ticket 15 —IPv6 GRE Tunnel Stmeren tem 2018 querstoor 2 Gauaenae Problem: Loopback address on RI. (2026i:111:1) isnot able to ping the loopback address on DSW? (202 Configuration of 5: Interface Tunnel no ip address Ipv6 address 2026::34:1/122 Ibv6 enable ibve osof e area 34 tunnel source Serisi0/0/0.34 tunnel destination 10.14.20 tunnel mode ipvs 02:1). Configuration of 4: interface Tunnel34 no ip address ipve address 2026::34:2/122 ipvs enable ipve ospf 6 area 34 funnel source SerilO/O/0 tunnel destination 10.4.9 dns) 83 ‘ane2) Ind and Tove interoperability ‘ane3) Under the interface Tunne!34, remove tunnel made pv command

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