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Tasks # 11

Sentences Reviews:
1) Tall people have higher incomes than short people.
Ratios of High incomes have been seen in tall people over short people.
2) Economic sanctions are in effective.
Economics approves are in effective.
3) Alcohol causes brain damage in teenagers.
Alcohol has adverse effects on teenagers brain
4) Passive smoking causes cancer.
Unresisting smoking causes cancer.
5) Recycling is the best solution to waste disposal problem.
Optimum way to waste disposal problem is recycling.
6) Physical exercise prevents depression.
Exercise helps in preventing depression.
7) Deep tunnels are safer and less vulnerable to earthquake shaking than are
shallow tunnels.
Rooted tunnels are safer and less exposed to earth quake shaking than are
shallow tunnels.
8) Private schools provide a better education than do public schools.
Private schools excel higher quality education than do public schools.

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