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Evaluation: Binge Drinking

Post Production Feedback

I conducted a focus group from my target audience to find out
the strengths and weakness of my presentation. During the
focus group, my target audience focused on my presenting
style, body language, clothing, setting, technical quality, and
the structure of my questions. Firstly, my focus group noted
that, though I seemed much laid back and outgoing, this was
not reflected on the interview. They stated that my style was
plain and boring as if I only tried to ask my questions and get
done with it. They commented on how I wasnt connected with
the interview itself, and that I didnt show enough character
and individuality. One positive thing they said was that,
although my presenting style is tedious, it was rather original
and had not plagiarised other presenters style.
Secondly, they applaud my body language mainly due my fixed
eye contacts on the interviewees which showed my
attentiveness and how invested I was in the interview.
However, they also, ironically, indicated that I was too laid back
suggesting that I wasnt invested in the interview. They believe
that this implied that I did not pay attention and shows a lack of
enthusiasm. In addition, they think that my hand movements
were really important and outweighed the negatives in my
body language. Though, they complimented my ability of smile
and seem excited even though my laid back body suggested
otherwise. Thirdly, they liked how I structured my questions. For
instance, how I asked all my interviewees whether they knew
the meaning behind binge drinking shows professionalism, and
how this was followed by building bridges. But, they stated that
I didnt ask a lot of questions and the questions didnt allow the
interviewees to delve into the meat of the discussion. They
thought that I tried to play it safe by not engaging the
interviewee on a mature and personal level due my lack of
interest in what I was doing.
Finally, they were not impressed with the editing process and
criticised the technical quality aspect of it. They didnt like the

final interview because it was too long. They felt like the whole
scene to scene were not connected and didnt flow with each
other. They criticised how they werent any established editing
techniques. They also showed a complete disapproval of slow
motion scenes. They also thought the greatest weakness in the
interview is the lack of a diversity of camera shots and angles.
In the feedback given from my teacher, she commented on how
the interview was presented was creative. However, she stated
that we needed to choose our interviewees more wisely so that
they are relevant to the topic of Binge Drinking and
interviewees who can give us a good interview. She also stated
that the sound outside should be improved by filming on
locations were there isnt much background noise. Furthermore,
she noted that I should showcase my personality and interview
skills more when interviewing for an engaging interview.
Moreover, she also said that the last interview was very long
and that it should be shortened. My teacher commented on
how we didnt plan the order of who was going to be next in
asking questions as we both looked hesitant in asking the next
questions not knowing whether who was going to ask the next
questions. This showed the lack of responsibility each of us was
willing to take.

Pre-Production Process
I have conducted and handled various preparations, research,
rehearsals and time management before the execution of my
programme, which has obviously impacted my actual
presentation, mostly negatively. The pre-production process has
been important and successful yet ineffective in conducting my
interview. This is mainly because I didnt pay attention to it
during the production interview. I have conducted an extensive
amount of research and have compiled the necessary
information. The research includes BBC Threes target
audience, programmes related to the target audience, question
types, questionnaires, recce, and binge drinking facts. Ive also
had various meetings with my team.
Conducting information on BBC Threes target audience was
quick to undertake. The information taken was easy to
understand and to compile on PowerPoint. The target audience
was vital piece of preparation because it would give knowledge
on how to approach teenagers, how to speak to them and how I
would conduct the programme to appeal to them. The facts
about binge drinking was obviously vital because I ended up
using them to back up my points and without these facts I
would have been clueless and nave showing
unprofessionalism. Researching on programmes related to the
target audience was also vital because the knowledge on it was
necessary to be familiar how other programmes on BBC Three
is put together in order to emulate it. Things such as looking for
how they have conducted the introduction, the conclusion and
camera works were really crucial and informative.
Researching on how questions are formulated and its structure
was also important for the actual programme because the
better the questions, the more engaging the programme will be
as this also allows the discussion to delve into the meat of the
teenagers problems. In addition, a questionnaire was also
necessary because it made it possible for us to find out what

format is preferred, the style that is liked, and whether the

audience would prefer the show to be formal or informal.
Furthermore, recce was also important because using the right
location would appeal to teenagers and make the programme
seem more realistic. However, all this preparations came to
nothing because I did not follow it up due to many constraints.
The only thing that I used was the questions that I noted and
the facts obviously. The reason why I couldnt use this all these
preparation for my programme is because there wasnt enough
My time management during this programme was really
unsuccessful because many things werent planned and was
done on the day. Because of this reason we went to search for
people in a hurry who probably were caught off-guard and were
not prepared. The interviewers and the interviewee both would
come late to the interview and minor obstacles such as
changing the SD Cards, charging Cameras and setting up props
and other important element very much slowed down the
whole production. Also the disadvantage of filming in a college
was that I encountered many students so therefore any location
outside the classroom was very costly because many students
were moving about. Most were caught on camera. As a result, I
had to reshoot various times and this made me delay other
plans. Managing my time ineffectively has impacted me greatly
because I wasnt organised. Because I didnt finish on time, it
affected the quality of my work. I kept jumping from one thing
to another and this lead to low productivity. We didnt conduct
any rehearsals but I believe if we did it would have greatly
helped us. And this has impacted my actual presentation
because I didnt have enough knowledge in shooting with a
single camera. I didnt know the procedure.

Evaluate your finished piece of work

There are many things that I liked and
disliked about my programme. But the bad
outweighs the good. So overall I am not
impressed in this piece of work because
many things did not go to plan. I also think
that it was not technically great. This is
most likely because of time constraint. I
believe everything was rushed and executed at the last minute.
This greatly affected my presenting style and the programme
as it looked very unprofessional. The first thing I like is the
beginning of the programme where there is the BBC Three
introduction theme with a voice over. By using this theme, it
makes the programme seem realistic and would attract BBC
Threes audience as they would seem to relate to it. However,
the background voice was not recorded by me or my
teammates, and this makes it feel unrelated to the creators of
the binge drinking programme. The words spoken also were not
spoken by anyone in my team which just makes it feel
amateurish. Next time, I would use my own voice as the voice
over and change the dialogue for the introduction to make
seem professional and feel like everything was created by us.
The first issue I dislike is, during the introduction, there were
background noises which interrupted the sound of my voice
and made it difficult to hear the speakers clearly because of the
wind. Next time, I would be more prepared and film on a day
that isnt windy. I could also use an iPhone as a recording
device and put on the speakers upper clothes pocket for
superior and clarity sound. The issue with the too much

background noise is extended

throughout the end of the programme.
There were too many people walking
around the college and were captured
in the frame. People were looking at
the camera which takes away the
reality-ness that we were attempting to
produce. Students hanging around shows that nothing were
planned in regards to the people we interviewed, and that we
werent prepared. Next time, we should plan and prepare our
interviewees and set the location at an appropriate place. For
example, this individual wearing a white top shouldnt have
been there pointing the gun sign. Even he wasnt aware of what
was taking place.
The second
factor that I
dislike is the
establishing shot
did by panning
the camera from
left to right. This
looked very unprofessional and shaky.
The establishing shot wasnt much of an establishing shot
because it didnt really establish the location as in, it didnt let
the audience know the exact location of the reporters. To
improve this part, I should use a tripod and pan very gently and
slowly. The establishing shot should establish the exact location
of the reporters to let the audience know the location of the
reporters. For example, this scene was very shaky because the
camera was handheld. The decisions I made greatly affected
my actual presenting. For example, filming in one location, and
only filming teenagers and not experts. It would have added
something different to the programme if we had different views
from adults and teenagers. This would have also given us the
chance to change locations to make everything feel fresh and
Filming in one location limited the movements of the reporters.
It made the programme look tedious and amateurish. It
therefore seems unappealing because it doesnt give a sense of

going out to bust out binge drinkers. The programmes

technical quality was poor in appearance.
There were too many long takes which
made it boring and dull. This became
even worse because the discussion
wasnt really informative and effective.
The green screen also looked poorly
edited as some green screen was
leaking into the foreground. There wasnt a variety of camera
shots. This made everything look boring. The editing also
wasnt perfectly done as it was very abrupt and hasty. The
editing wasnt quick and snappy like BBC Three programmes
but rather it was slow and filled with many long takes, and this
was mainly due less use of camera angles and shots. The
lighting was also too bright and seemed smoke-ish. This greatly
impacted on the whole programme because using a variety of
shots and angles allows the audience to build a relationship
with the interviewees. It also adds different feelings to the
audience so that they can relate to the interviewees on an
intimate level.
Target Audience
The original context of my presentation was to go around the
college and bust binge drinkers in order find out their reasons
to drinking. In order to do this, I had to watch a variety of
reality shows to emulate how the format conducts itself and
how the presenters conduct themselves. I also had to be
familiar with interview styles, question types and body
language in order to make myself presentable and professional
so that I could get the best of their responses to engage
ourselves into better discussions.
My main target audience was BBC Three. BBC Threes target
age consists of 16-34s; male and female; and with a social class
of ABC1. BBC Threes shows must are light-hearted and fun, so
entertainment that is opinionated and thought-provoking is
what BBC THREE requests for their audiences. These shows are
required to offer influential examples of life and human
nature. BBC Three requests their shows to relate with 16-34

years old, therefore tone is seen as something of importance.

The implementation of humour is vital for the audience but also
need to remember that the young audiences want the chance
to connect with others: these shows must include things that
are worth talking about, good television that can be discussed
with their friends, and moments that will leave a good
impression. They like comedy, stand-out entertainment, and
brave documentary and intelligent factual format.
I believe my programme did not successfully target BBC
Threes target audience and I hardly did anything to make it
interesting or appeal to them. There are a few things that share
the same value has BBC Three audiences. One of the elements
in my programme that is similar to BBC Three target audience
is the incorporation of college students, who are 16-18 years
old. For example, in Ready Steady Drink, you can see
teenagers and young adults interacting. I believe this element
would appeal to the audience because they are fellow
teenagers and hearing their problems makes them relate to the
audience and offers a feeling of comfort and encouragement.
Another example of what can appeal can appeal to them is the
topic itself, Binge Busters, where we go in search for people
who drink excessively. Excessive drinking is fundamental and it
is something that you would find in a lot of teenagers and
young adults social lives. Excessive drinking is human nature
and reflects how people conduct themselves in real life. This,
therefore, will attract and appeal to BBC target audience
because BBC Three want to offer influential examples of life
and human nature and I believe this programme reflects this.
There are also numerous examples that show that this
programme isnt successful in targeting BBC Three audience, or
appeal to them. For example, in many BBC Three programme,
any discussions tend to be engaging and interactive filled with
entertainment and comedy. However, this programme shifted
more to the seriousness and dangers of Binge drinking without
making the show feel light-hearted. This wouldnt appeal to the
target audiences younger viewers.

Comparison to other presenters/shows

My programme followed a reality show format because I
thought it would be appropriate. This was not a successful
attempt because I vaguely followed the conventions of a reality
show. Therefore, my programme lacked in creativity and in
realism. We went on tour around college to bust binge drinkers,
which I thought was a good idea, but after that process, the
programme derailed into unconventional ideas and ineffective
discussions. For example, in Ready Steady Drink, the
introduction is very quick and snappy, and there are various
shots and angles in different locations. This makes everything
seem interesting and engaging to the audience. But, in my
programme, this convention isnt emulated. There are not
many angles or shots and the location basically in the same
from the beginning to the end of the programme.
One of the conventions used in Ready Steady Drink is the use
of voice over to explain the events taking place in the
introduction and during the middle-section of the programme.
However, this style isnt emulated and
made the programme boring and without a
sense of what is taking place. In addition,
in Ready Steady Drink they use fun
activities related to the topic in order to
grab the attention of the audience. Yet, in
my programme, there isnt much going on in order to engage
the viewers. Furthermore, I have realised that in my
programme, there are many times were we slowed down the
clips. This was because we didnt want it to drag the scenes
taking us to our interviewee. However, this style wasnt in this
programme, and also isnt used much from other BBC
Programmes. Using slow motion in a documentary just makes
everything look silly and amateurish.
I did not emulate any style of the interviewers that I had
mentioned in my planning. This is because of the time
constraint. I believe everything was rushed and executed at the
last minute. As a result, I couldnt emulate their styles. This
greatly affected my presenting style as it looked very

unprofessional. I believe my presenting style compared to other

presenters of the same style such as in Ready Steady Drink was
not successful for many reasons. Firstly, in Ready Steady
Drink, the presenter is very much partaking in the lives of the
interviewees. The presenter plays games with them and goes
to a club in order to relate to them and understand them more.
However, in this programme there isnt a great relationship
between the reporter and interviewees because we didnt build
rapport. We also didnt partake in their lifestyles and so we
didnt feel connected.

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