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BBC Three - News Show Ched Evans

A) Information on Rehearsal Role Play Feedback - Positive and

Before anything was recorded me and my partner took the time out the practise
in front of a small audience to find out the dos and don'ts of an interview, this
helped us know what made an poor interview and what we could take from this
to make it even better. When my feedback was given back to me they liked how I
introduced my guest by making them feel welcome to the show, I always
referred back to what I was talking about, sticking to the main topic of what were
discussing, my development of a question was also good as my chosen guest
answered comfortable and the audience fully understood what they were being
told. When my guest was talking I seemed interested in what they were talking
about by nodding and also giving them eye contact as they were telling relevant
information. As the conversation was growing due to be building bridges right
from the start and relevant progression from point to point kept the audience
watching as it wasn't boring to listen to.

Good Introduction
Guest Complimentary
Building Bridges
Eye Contact

Constructive Criticism

Don't jump in too early

More research on the chosen Topic
Don't speak on the case - Speak about Ched Evans possible career

Once my feedback was given to me, my target audience advised me to improve

my presenting techniques by having a relaxed approach to the way I maybe
speaking and not to be as nervous as I am. To improve I plan on rehearsing my
lines so I know them off by heart, this will make me more comfortable in front of
camera once filming commences, I will also slow down my speech so people who
will be watching me, understand everything I say word for word. I will need to
have a reasonable but exciting pace to my presenting. When I go out and film I
need to also not put too many fillers in as this could slow down the pace of the
interview, I will need to use just the right amount of fillers to keep the interview

flowing. The main issue which I think I came across was speaking on the case
which Ched Evan did get convicted for, I will need to keep the people within the
interview of the topic if he was guilty or not, this could be liable to the
programme and also see as slander on Ched Evan behalf so I will need to also
ask questions which will be relevant to him being able to play professional
football ever again or shouldn't be allowed to play again as he is a convicted
rapist. I must build bridges to gain information on why he should be allowed to
play football or not

E) Interview Research
Me and my new partner have undertaken a new efficient approach to our work
and how our time is managed, dividing our work fairly. First thing we managed to
do was to write out our practise report feedback which gave us an understanding
of what people who will be watching our shows will like, and also the things they
will dislike which we can eliminate before the show is shot and edited
(constructive criticism). Ive also written up a report of our presenters dress style
on our production, when and how we will film and the useful equipment which
will be used and props which is listed in section B. Once this was all done me and
my group member then contacted people via email to find out if we could
potential interview them at a later date. Once this was all done I observed into
the legal and ethical considerations. I considered and looked into how I could
possibly breach the legal constraints. I and my partner reviewed a BBC and
Channel 4 News shows so we could incorporate relevant shots, camera angles,
choice of clothing (Suits), the background colour and setting and how we can
take specific edits to match the news shows to our own news show which will
look professional, to a high standard.
Within the storyboard it will have an image by image process of what will go on
once the show commences, me and my partner reviewed channel 4 News and
BBC News, selecting shot types and actions which will also go on in our news
show, these shot types and angles are very important to be selected correctly to
inform the viewer as much as possible, once the news show starts cameras must
cut just at the right time once the interviewer or interviewee(es) are talking.

F) Safety Checks On Locations

Due to us not filming a in a lot of locations and our main set being based in the
studio, a lot of our gear won't have to be moved and arranged in another
location. Our style and format is Formal and News Show, investigating to try and
find out if Ched Evans should be allowed to play professional football again as he
has been convicted with a rap charge, serving almost two years in prison. Me
and my group member plan on interviewing a professional footballer within the
studio and also a woman spokesman for a football team. We will also go out on
our local streets investigating on people's opinions on whether they think he
should e allowed to play again.

Professional Studio

Health and safety within the studio will be checked, if there are any lose wire
which anyone could trip over once recording commences will be taped down so
there are no hazards which can make anyone trip and hurt their head. The green
room is very safe already but just for safety
measures if there are any lying obstacles
which could cause an accident will be
moved to a safe place. Two cameras will be
used to capture both presenters in the shot
and also a mid shot of one presenter
whenever they could possibly be talking on
their own, our recording staff will have to take care as a lot of gear will be in and
around them such as tripods which can easily get tripped over.
Noise Levels need to be considered as well as ambience sound within the room.
As the professional studio is surrounded by classrooms, I and my group will need
to pick reasonable times to film our news report because we don't want uncalled
for noise in and around once our casting commences.

Lighting within the room will need to be set at a reasonable level, I will switch on
the lights within the room to make everyone visible, there are also professional
lights within the studio which can be used to make the room brighter and also if
the room lights aren't at the standard we need them, we'll have a back.
Football Stadium - Within Stadium or Office.
Health and safety in or out of the stadium will need to be extra safe as if it
is within the stadium where the fans are seats, damages within the chairs
could cause the interviewer or interviewee any form of pain and also
outside the stadium, slips and trips of fans who have slip any form of
drink. We will need to take extra care in and around a stadium whether it
be on a match day or not.
Noise Levels are very important as if we film on a match day a lot of noise
could be around and hyper as their chosen teams will be playing which
could make it difficult for us to hear whoever we're interviewing. We will
take early action and find a day where we can film on not such a noisy day
where all the information being given to the presenter is heard loud and
Lighting won't really be a issue due to me and my crew will try and film
during the day which will again help us handle less gear as we can use
natural light from the sun, help us give us reasonable light however if we
do need to bring lights, we'll have to set our lighting to correct angles so
we don't affect the interviewee or interviewer also for the lighting not to
be so bright as it could blow and burn one of our guests.

Health and safety on the streets will
be very important as I think that is
where most hazards can occur. We
need to be vigilant with moving cars,
Lorries or bikers around us on the
street. The location outside will have
to be safe and possibly away from
the road side to keep us the interviewee safe and also the interviewer safe
from any accidents which could occur. By also recording on firm land such
as concrete will keep us at less of a falling point as mug and other slippery
surfaces could be a key factor in anyone hurting themselves
Noise Levels will be a big issue outside as Sidcup is a very busy place
during anytime of the day, we will need to project out voices to the
camera so everything is heard and direct however, we don't want to be
shouting at the top of our lungs because this could make the interview
look shabby and unprofessional. We'll need to also find just the right
location to find people to speak to because if the noise levels are just too
loud to hear any speech, we will have to relocate.
Lighting within this part of the interview
will be beneficial to us as natural light
can be used again, looking for bright
spots with not a lot of background sound,
also within a safe place all adds up to
having a perfect location to shooting
small parts of the news show.

G) Target Audience
BBC 3 Mixed Genre For Young People

The channel needs to be disciplined about focusing on the young - its

centre of gravity will be 16-34 year-olds: people who are young in spirit and

BBC Three is Never Afraid to Try New Things and thats why we will
continue to innovate with breakthrough comedy, stand-out entertainment,
brave documentary and intelligent factual formats. Our content needs to
have potential to innovate across platforms.

BBC Three should provide an environment for the development of new

ideas and talent and for existing talent to take risks, becoming a genuine
laboratory for BBC One and BBC Two.

The target audience will range from 14-35 however, with a mixture of sexes, it
will be a fair opinion as half and half of people within the footballing world
expressing their views on Mr Evans being allowed to play football again. The
target audience will get more of an insight of the guest speaking about their
views on why there is even thought of Mr Evans being allowed to play football
again from a person who doesn't take the rape charges which he has lightly, and
also people who have professional careers, young up and coming footballers who
may think he deserves a second chance or just purely think all footballers are
role models so any bad things they may do off the pitch could possibly tarnish
their names if any actions which Ched Evans preformed deserve no second
chance due to young footballers watching superstars make mistakes which
people would want other professionals to make. Young people like to watch
things which relate to them and also things they can understand, if we create
this with a feel which young male and females feel
involved with what is going on with Ched Evans
this will give us more of an insight of their opinions
he should be given a second chance.

Young Footballing Fans and reserve team

players who are willing to be interviewed

H) Legal and Ethical Considerations (OFCOM Codes) Ched Evans

OFCOM is a communications regulator for Television and Radio, regulating any
inappropriate and offensive language on air, this broad protects the viewers and
listeners and also the people who work on the radio and television programme
who are mistreated or unreasonable. Our main legal duties are to ensure the UK
has a wide range of electronic communications services, including high-speed
services such as broadband, a wide range of high-quality television and radio
programmes are provided, appealing to a range of tastes and interests,
television and radio services are provided by a range of different organisations,
people who watch television and listen to the radio are protected from harmful or
offensive material, people are protected from being treated unfairly in television

and radio programmes, and from having their privacy invaded, a universal postal
service is provided in the UK - this means a six days a week, universally priced
delivery and collection service across the country and The radio spectrum (the
airwaves used by everyone from taxi firms and boat owners, to mobile-phone
companies and broadcasters) is used in the most effective way.
Through the legal and ethical issues which need to be considered before the
release of a news show just as an example. I and my group member must be
sure that the programme we are trying to release has no offensive, harmful to
the viewer or material which wont be accepted on a national broadcasting show
due to the graphic context within it. The programme must also be relevant to the
audience I am trying to tell the story to which is people aged 16-34. Since the
topic of my groups choice is very prolific, there must be a standard followed so
no viewers are offended at home due to the topic being based around a
professional footballer, known as a convicted rapist. The show will be televised to
a broad audience so information released will be said with great care as the news
shows (BBC or Channel 4 News) could be held liable for anything said out of
context or incorrectly approached. Within the interview, if the case is bought up
and spoken about all information must upheld from the rap case such as the case
which went on, what he may have been charged
with and the possible time he couldve served.
When speaking on a convicted criminal no form
of abuse or slating of someones name is
condoned on national television, when my show
is going on my presenter and interviewees must
not express their personal opinions on how they
may think Ched Evans is as this is seen as
Slander. A prime example is a well-documented story about Lance Armstrong
who won Tour De France by cheating throughout the seven titles he won, taking
drugs however the example was a journalist accused Lance of taking drugs
(which is classified as slander) but due to Lance Armstrong knowing he was
doping, taking drugs this is why Lance Armstrong did take the journalist to court
for slander. Once my show begins I must ensure that no form of slander,
opinionative answers on Ched Evans are displayed because this could entail into
the news show getting sued due to misconduct on television, also not following
codes and convention news shows.
To gain important and factual cases which went on within the case, I must
research on the internet and also within books to
state facts once presenting, a prime example is of
an American Terrorism Commentator, Mr Steven
Emerson who described Birmingham as a ''MuslimOnly City'' which wasn't taken lightly as people
responded to his poor statement, Steven Emerson
then apologized on BBC News to anyone who took
offence to his poorly researched statement which
in the beginning seemed to be a fact to him.

Once my show begins I must portray to my young audience right from the start
that rape is not condoned and it is an act that must not be practised. I'm also

trying to put off people who may consider such actions with
both sexes, the show is trying to find out if Ched will be able to
be allowed to play professional football once again. The News
show is trying to find out views of why Mr Evans should get a
second chance, the presenters body language as they need to
look as if they are interested to find out people's opinions and
also giving people information at home on the topic of the
convicted footballer.

Viewing BBC News the Director of Public Prosecution, Alison

Saunders would like police and prosecutors in rape cases to
examine complainants of freely and knowingly consent to sex.
She believes that society have too often blamed the rape victim as never being
venerable to having sex with the convicted offender. Within our interview we
need to let our audience know that the convict has been convicted with rape
which is highly unacceptable in society so people shouldnt blame the victim if
the victim has been drinking because males could also take advantage. In my
interview I will discuss with my guests however, my guests will have to know that
he has been found guilty, serving half of his sentence. This means once our News
Show will in no form or way side Ched Evans but find out the views of people who
think he should play professional football again.

I) Production Diary
Right at the start with my group member, we devised a practise mock interview
to find out feedback from our target audience, giving us feedback into how to
create a good interview for people our age watch, enjoy and also understand
what is being discussed in it. This feedback was good healthy feedback and also
constructive criticism which helped us removed unimportant things from our final
piece would could hinder the professionalism on the piece. Once this was all
done devise a report on how our show would be, this ranged from the studio
setup for the show we were trying to create, the topic being shown to the
audience, what our presenters would wear whether it be informal or formal, how
us as a group are trying to make other young people understand what we are
talking about and how we came about inviting people to speak with them, giving
us information on what people would like to find out at home. Also the equipment
which needs to be booked and used in different locations once filming begins. I
also needed to find out the legal and ethical considerations before filming such
as not putting myself and group into trouble by stating an incorrect fact from a
weak source, slandering someone's name on national television, and also liability
to end up being taken to court, I had to remember to research on how I could

possibly breach the codes and conventions of BBC Threes show. Due to me and
my group intending on creating a BBC Three News show, my partner took a look
at Channel Four and BBC News to get an understanding of how the news works,
gathering important skills to incorporate into our own body of work such as the,
camera angles, shots, how the show has been edited together, this was done on
the storyboard. Once that was all created a scripted was devised with questions
which would be asked to our chosen guests, showing our chosen techniques
which will be used in out News Show on BBC Three.


1) Liable
2) Slander
3) Correct Facts
4) Shaming the Victim or Convict
5) TV reports on/of Rape Cases

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