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Unit37 P4 - Evaluation

Dayo Awoyale

Miss Schutze

Binge Drinking (Dayo & Ladi)
1) Post Production Feedback
I and my group had wrapped up the filming and edited it, then showed it to our
class mates a teacher (Clients and target audience). We received a lot of good
feedback from our first piece which was based on Binge Drinking. The feedback
we received was okay but there were thing s we could've improved.
The show was structured well with good approaches within the interviews we all
did however, the sound and editing was poor which needs to be improved so our
clients can hear everything which is going on in the interview, my colleague Ladi
needed to use more interview techniques such as progressing from point to
point, building bridges, he needed to show more of his personality as he was too
laid back (body language looks confident and relaxed), he also needs to pick his
interviewees probably as she was giving vague answers which was helping our
Our clients didn't like the way we were
interviewing a student but then it just cut
to a health info clip, they thought it looked
unprofessional and edited poorly, I took
this into consideration for my next piece of
My personal feedback was good which I
tried to bring into my next piece of work.
My last interview with a victim of alcohol
was really good, a variety of questions
were used, my body language seemed really interested in what my victim was
talking about which my clients liked, they would like to see all this again in my
next interview.

4) Pre-Production
Our first interview topic was
based around Binge drinking
which we had to research into,
finding out information on how
bad binge drinking is in the UK,
I found out stats about men
and women, the information I
received told me about the

Unit37 P4 - Evaluation
Dayo Awoyale

Miss Schutze

quantities a man can have and also what a women can have, this helped me with
stats I could use in my interview. The information was found however, we had to
pick a format to present our show on.
reviewed Chat shows, News shows
and Documentaries. Once all of this
worked was devised me and my work
colleague, Ladi Williams created a
presenting our Binge Drinking show at
this specific time, why BBC THREE is
the best show to televise it on, the
type of target audience we are aiming
our interviews to and also the particular format we will be using which will be
Documentary based.

Once Documentary was picked we researched more in depth of the codes and
conventions of a Documentary, how they start off, the type of questions are
asked and also stats which are put into the show. The prime example we used
was Ready Steady Drink and Party Paramedics. These shows helped us plan out
our show, giving us a very good understanding of how documentaries are
created. Once we had devised our documentary, we contacted our relevant
people who we thought were good to interview such as young university
students (which is some of our target audience), also doctors who have seen
young people in an awful state due to an overdose of alcohol, we tried to find out
the effects of alcohol on short term and also long term. . I and my colleague had
a shortlist of people we had in mind we would like to interview however, people
in their professions couldnt all fall into our schedule due to their own busy
schedule. Some of their responses did help as they gave us links of where we
could get informative clips which shows what alcohol does to the human body,
whether it be Male or Females, the amount a male can consume and also female
and also short and long term affects.

Due to the first type of show was a documentary format, we wanted to

incorporate facts, not just peoples opinions. Sending out emails, getting a
variety of responses saying yes and no. I and my group were capable of filming
within Ravensbourne University, when we use the University it was really good
because we could questions young students who have a lot of free time ion their
hands as they may go out a lot during their nights out so we could get
information on their experiences they have seen and been through. Doctors
however didnt have time to be interviewed due to their busy schedules but, they
gave us good resources such as clips and sites we could use in our interview.
Once all our interviewees were confirmed, we were able to create a storyboard
and a script of questions which we could sent to our interviewees, this was for
them to get familiar with the questions. The questions were also sent beforehand
to keep them aware of the questions they will be answering, preventing them
from being offended.

Unit37 P4 - Evaluation
Dayo Awoyale

Miss Schutze

I took a look at a range of interviewing styles and dress codes to keep the codes
and conventions in our documentary on Binge Drinking. I took a look at different
examples such as Ross Kemp on Gangs, his dress style is very laid back. A simple
black Tee top, basic black jeans and brown boots. Another example I looked at
was Ready, Steady, Drink which is also very casual as the main presenter, Emily
Yaytec who presenters the show is in a casual blouse, jeans and small little flats.
This is very different in comparison to a News Show such as BBC NEWS where
they wear formal suits. During our practise run my approach was really good
however, I must improve on building more bridges when asking my questions
and also progress from point to point my interviews. I must also have some pace
within my questions to keep the viewers at homes attention and also the

2) Target Audience
When I started to think about how to devise my product I knew it was really
important to always incorporate my target audience at all times. The reasons
behind in having a target audience is to aim and make a particular situation
appeal to a certain group of individuals. I sat down in a class room with a variety
of people aged 17-19. This focus group/presentation was conducted to get back
feedback from the people within the age bracket who will be watching the show
once it is released. They are also very familiar with people who will be watching
the show so I receive feedback from a range of ages and sexes.
The focus group/presentation I conducted was very effective as it told me what I
need to include to make my product as good as possible, making it appealing
and also appropriate to my target audience. The reason behind it not being
difficult to relate to my target audience was due to me being in the same age
category as them. I already had an understanding of what they would like in the
show however, I needed to find more opinions to make my show have
individuality and also relatable to my young viewers needs. A few of these steps
were taken to make my show as relatable as possible to my chosen target
A guideline which I used a lot was Ready, Steady, Drink which show me how to
approach my documentary, following the layout and codes and conventions the
presenter was using, the questions types and the costume which the presenter
was wearing. What I also like about this particular link was that it showed within
the show how bad alcohol can be if you abuse it, this is what I wanted to portray
in my own Binge Drinking show. Also the feelings I gained from watching this
documentary which made me think 'drink responsibly when I'm out with my
friends'. I would like viewers to feel this, watching how much they drink once
they see other people who don't have perfect health

3) Comparison to other presenters/shows

On the binge drinking show I think I tried to come with a light hearted
approach to make my viewers feel comfortable about what they were
watching, the prime examples of this was when I took time in the
beginning with one of the victims whose mother was a deep alcoholic, my
approach was relaxed and light hearted which Is seen in the Good Morning

Unit37 P4 - Evaluation
Dayo Awoyale

Miss Schutze

show. I also showed compassion into what Tara was talking about as she
shared her experiences with the viewers back home.
Due to this soft and smooth approach, my target audience liked it as the
felt drawn to the person they were watching at the end due to her
experiences. People at home could learn from this and slow down on
alcohol them maybe consuming within a week.

Light hearted

News Show Ched Evans (Dayo &

1) Post Production Feedback
Right at the start with my group member, we devised a practise mock interview
to find out feedback from our target audience, giving us feedback into how to
create a good interview for people our age watch, enjoy and also understand
what is being discussed in it. This feedback was good healthy feedback and also
constructive criticism which helped us removed unimportant things from our final
piece would could hinder the professionalism on the piece.

Once this was all done devise a report on how our show would be, this ranged
from the studio setup for the show we were trying to create, the topic being
shown to the audience, what our presenters would wear whether it be informal or
formal, how us as a group are trying to make other young people understand
what we are talking about and how we came about inviting people to speak with
them, giving us information on what people would like to find out at home.

Also the equipment which needs to be booked and used in different locations
once filming begins. I also needed to find out the legal and ethical considerations
before filming such as not putting myself and group into trouble by stating an
incorrect fact from a weak source, slandering someone's name on national
television, and also liability to end up being taken to court, I had to remember to
research on how I could possibly breach the codes and conventions of BBC
Threes show.

Unit37 P4 - Evaluation
Dayo Awoyale

Miss Schutze

Due to me and my group intending on creating a BBC Three News show, my

partner took a look at Channel Four and BBC News to get an understanding of
how the news works, gathering important skills to incorporate into our own body
of work such as the, camera angles, shots, how the show has been edited
together, this was done on the storyboard. Once that was all created a scripted
was devised with questions which would be asked to our chosen guests, showing
our chosen techniques which will be used in out News Show on BBC Three.

When my feedback was given back to me they liked how I introduced my guest
by making them feel welcome to the show, I always referred back to what I was
talking about, sticking to the main topic of what were discussing, my
development of a question was also good as my chosen guest answered
comfortable and the audience fully understood what they were being told. When
my guest was talking I seemed interested in what they were talking about by
nodding and also giving them eye contact as they were telling relevant
information. As the conversation was growing due to be building bridges right
from the start and relevant progression from point to point kept the audience
watching as it wasn't boring to listen to.

Once my feedback was given to me, my target audience advised me to improve

my presenting techniques by having a relaxed approach to the way I maybe
speaking and not to be as nervous as I am. To improve I plan on rehearsing my
lines so I know them off by heart, this will make me more comfortable in front of
camera once filming commences, I will also slow down my speech so people who
will be watching me, understand everything I say word for word. I will need to
have a reasonable but exciting pace to my presenting. When I go out and film I
need to also not put too many fillers in as this could slow down the pace of the
interview, I will need to use just the right amount of fillers to keep the interview
flowing. The main issue which I think I came across was speaking on the case
which Ched Evan did get convicted for, I will need to keep the people within the
interview of the topic if he was guilty or not, this could be liable to the
programme and also see as slander on Ched Evan behalf so I will need to also
ask questions which will be relevant to him being able to play professional
football ever again or shouldn't be allowed to play again as he is a convicted
rapist. I must build bridges to gain information on why he should be allowed to
play football or not.

4) Pre-Production Process
Before filming any footage, I and my partner had to sit down and look at
examples of News Shows/Formal interviews, how they constructed the show, the
professionalism the presenter brings to the show, a professional backdrop and
suitable attire for the News show. I used Oprah Winfrey and a Skype interview on
BBC NEWS. Within these different shows I took the layout from the BBC NEWS
show which was professional and clean cut which I would like to add to my
backdrop once I record my piece.

Unit37 P4 - Evaluation
Dayo Awoyale

Miss Schutze

Me and my new partner have undertaken a new efficient approach to our work
and how our time is managed, dividing our work fairly. First thing we managed to
do was to write out our practise report feedback which gave us an understanding
of what people who will be watching our shows will like, and also the things they
will dislike which we can eliminate before the show is shot and edited
(constructive criticism).
Ive also written up a report of our presenters dress style on our production,
when and how we will film and the useful equipment which will be used and
props which is listed in section B. Once this was all done me and my group
member then contacted people via email to find out if we could potential
interview them at a later date. Once this was all done I observed into the legal
and ethical considerations. I considered and looked into how I could possibly
breach the legal constraints. I and my partner reviewed a BBC and Channel 4
News shows so we could incorporate relevant shots, camera angles, choice of
clothing (Suits), the background colour and setting and how we can take specific
edits to match the news shows to our own news show which will look
professional, to a high standard.
Within the storyboard it will have an image by image process of what will go on
once the show commences, me and my partner reviewed channel 4 News and
BBC News, selecting shot types and actions which will also go on in our news
show, these shot types and angles are very important to be selected correctly to
inform the viewer as much as possible, once the news show starts cameras must
cut just at the right time once the interviewer or interviewee(es) are talking.

2) Target Audience
My channel needed to be disciplined and focusing on the young - its centre of
gravity was 16-34 year-olds: young people within a spiritual mind-set. BBC Three
is Never Afraid to Try New Things and thats why we continued to innovate with
breakthrough comedy, stand-out entertainment, brave documentary and
intelligent factual formats. The content I am trying to produce needs to have
potential to innovate across different types of platforms.BBC Three should
provide an environment for the development of new ideas and talent and for
existing talent to take risks, becoming a genuine laboratory for BBC One and BBC
The target audience will range from 14-35 however, with a mixture of sexes, it
will be a fair opinion as half and half of people within the footballing world
expressing their views on Mr Evans being allowed to play football again. The
target audience got more of an insight of the guest speaking about their views
on why there is even thought of Mr Evans being allowed to play football again
from a person who doesn't take the rape charges which he has lightly, and also
people who have professional careers, young up and coming footballers who may
think he deserves a second chance or just purely think all footballers are role
models so any bad things they may do off the pitch could possibly tarnish their
names if any actions which Ched Evans preformed deserve no second chance

Unit37 P4 - Evaluation
Dayo Awoyale

Miss Schutze

due to young footballers watching superstars make mistakes which people would
want other professionals to make.

Young people like to watch things which relate to them and also things they can
understand, if we create this with a feel which young male and females feel
involved with what is going on with Ched Evans this will give us more of an
insight of their opinions if he should be given a second chance.

I thoughtfully planned this out by questioning my clients -Teacher-, giving me

information, I had the opportunity in making a good standard of work, I asked
questions on thing such as liability and slander, these were the two main things I
didn't want to go on within my interview due to being pressed for as simply
saying 'Ched Evans was not found guilty'. I had to make sure I also was swaying
to one side of the argument which was 'Should Ched Evans be allowed to play
professional football again?'. To have a point of view from both angles I tried to
get a sportswomen who has her own personal opinions on whether he should be
allowed the play football again, I chose her because she is of the same sex as the
rape victim so she will be able to see where the victim is coming from. An
opinion from both sexes is the best thing due to both most likely having different
opinions, some females may think he should get another chance to play
professionally, some may think not.

3) Comparison to other presenters/shows

I would compare my news show to BBC NEWS as it was constantly formal
and professional, the layout of the news show was very clean cut with and
good coloured backdrop, amazing editing from my colleague Hobie Chan.
The interviews were very formal and research was done as you can see
within the interviews, remarks we corrected if a mistake was made which
happens on the BBC frequently, I tried to bring this to my own news show.
My chosen attire was also clean cut and right to be recorded in, I took my
time to analyze other news presenters such as Paxman, and he is always
up to date with the news and also has a formal attitude to presenting the
The structure of my show is based around BBC News which helped us
finding out who we'd be interviewing, the order they'd go in to end the
show, evaluating a set of point of views however, not taking any sides as
news reports don't usually have an opinion of public relations. They are
just there to ask the questions for the general public to find out big figures
opinions on what maybe going on. My confidence and wittiness helped me
with the way I introduced, ask and formulated my questions, the reviewing
of other news presenters helped me with this particular format

Unit37 P4 - Evaluation
Dayo Awoyale

Miss Schutze

Chat Show - #RelationshipGoals (Dayo,

Renata & Werth)
1) Post Production Feedback
My Post Production Feedback which I received really showed me the
strengths and weaknesses within all my shows but in particular this show.
I gained information on what I could develop and improve my work to
reach my long term goal which is presenting the show as professionally as
an actual TV show. I really learned more about my target audience and
what they'll be attracted to within my interviews, it widened my
knowledge on my target audience as now know what to include within my
interview to make them more than appealing to my audience.
Before any filming commenced, I looked at a variety of chat shows which I
thought would go well with a relationship chat show. I took a look at
Maury, which is based usually based around couples who don't get along
and try to find out the truth if so and so has been cheating of behaving
mischievous, I also looked at Jeremy Kyle which has the same kind of
layout which is very combative/argumentative. These shows gave me an
idea to create a show like this with a twist. I and my group thought of a
show where people discussed the views on young relationships in this day
and age, how they work out, why some don't work about and also how to
make them work out. I general thought was to have a variety of people in
a chat show sharing their opinions on what they thought of relationships.
Our plans dramatically changed as people were unreliable due to them
not wanting to be filmed or bailing out with no answers. Our plans quickly
changed as we thought of another Idea. it was still based around the same
context but interview people in smaller groups. Firstly we thought to
interview single people who have and haven't been in relationships, giving
the views from a Godly Perspective and also the younger generations of
having different morals and codes from the bible. I then thought of
couples to interview, finding out the struggles of their maybe long
distance relationship, how they battle rumours, how maybe they involve
God in their lives and relationship and also how they stay true to each
other. I thought of this as it would be informative to the young viewers at
home, receiving information on how to make a relationship work if their
previous relationships haven't.

The feedback I received back from my client and target audience was
really good however there were things I could still improve on. Within the
show my interview was too long, this was due to be not being able to
shoot it with a variety of angles which would've given me more shots to
cut from as my interviewee was being recorded. I was also suppose to
record some of my single friends but they bailed out at the last minute so

Unit37 P4 - Evaluation
Dayo Awoyale

Miss Schutze

I only had a couple to interview, I had to make this interview very well,
thinking about the questions which I will be asking. They could give me an
opinion from when they were single, with their partner. This gave me more
time to keep focused on one particular interview. My clients thought I was
confident in asking my questions, capable of building bridges and also
progressing from point to point.
Within my first interviews for Binge Drinking, as the feedback was already
good. I had to carry this confident presenter into my remaining interviews
I have left. I needed to be more creative with my production as it was very
simple and repetitive from previous interviews I had already done. I would
say my News Show was easy to do due to the basic codes and
conventions. The edits were very easy to do which I really liked because of
the basic creativity you can use on a News Show. The News Show was
interview was done professionally, with a great layout and also edit very


Why use classroom and not

greenroom? Needs to be
professional. Camera focus poor
and shaky. Werth and Renata good
eye contact, direct questioning. Nice
flow to interview, Werth and Renata
more confident than before. Dayo
looks more professional in green
room. Get your interviewee to not
swing on chair. Girl looks like she
doesnt want to be ther direct your
interviewees. Dayo D level
interview skills, need to ensure
programme overall is D level.
Interviews too long, shorten. Improve
structure of programme. Make
creative and interesting to target
audience use music, clips etc..

4) Pre-Production Process
Once this production process started we had an Idea of what we could
film. Which was based around why a lot of young relationships don't work
out, why some individuals may cheat within a relationship and how to
keep a relationship from lasting. We had chosen this specific topic
because we thought it would be very simple to gather people who have
experience in being in a relationship. We based the show around a chat
show so it was very easy for us to know the codes and conventions of a
chat show due to us researching on how they are run, the type of
questions which are asked on them, and also the type of costumes which
are worn on the show. Once me and my group new the overall plan, we
created a storyboard, script and a small proposal.

Unit37 P4 - Evaluation
Dayo Awoyale

Miss Schutze

I created the script which started with me asking basic questions on

peoples past relationships, finding out why their relationship didn't
possibly work out and how they could've improved it [these individuals are
single], then I thought to question people in relationships to find out the
struggles of being in a long distance relationship, how they made it work
and also how they resolve their issues within the difficult times. Once we
had thought of questions we would like to ask, we devised a storyboard of
where we could film our introduction and also our variety of interviews.
Firstly we thought we will do all of our interviews studio/green room
based. The first section of interviewees will be people who were in
relationships which didn't end so well for them and also people who
haven't been in relationships due to religious reasons, then we will sit
down with a long term couple who have been in a relationship for a
Number of years.

We equally distributed the work as I did the Script, Werth did the
Storyboard and Renata did the Proposal. Werth storyboard was really
simple, as we had only one kind of shot in mind once our interview started
which was a two shot. We wanted to incorporate a two shot with a mid
shot to show the use of single camera techniques. This couldn't be done
due to only being able to book out one camera.
2) Target Audience
BBC 3 Mixed Genre for Young People

The channel needs to be disciplined about focusing on the young - its

centre of gravity will be 16-34 year-olds: people who are young in spirit and

BBC Three is Never Afraid to Try New Things and thats why we will
continue to innovate with breakthrough comedy, stand-out entertainment,
brave documentary and intelligent factual formats. Our content needs to
have potential to innovate across platforms.

BBC Three should provide an environment for the development of new

ideas and talent and for existing talent to take risks, becoming a genuine
laboratory for BBC One and BBC Two.

I feel as if this Talks for the relationship show right from the get go as the
show is diverse, linking different kinds of people in different way.

Unit37 P4 - Evaluation
Dayo Awoyale

Miss Schutze

3) Comparison to other presenters/shows

RelationshipGoals was compared with different types of discussion show, a
particular on BBC THREE where big names discuss with young people
finding out about the government, how it is run and particular things
which they aren't happy with. I tried to convey this in my show which
didn't work due to the amount of people who backed out or didn't turn up
on the film day. My how show was changed to a more basic and light
hearted with a variety of people. This idea was taken from another BBC
THREE show Marry, Kiss, Avoid. People are spoken to all over the country
finding out their opinions if they would 'Snog, Marry, and Avoid.
In comparison to my News Show, I wasn't to please with this show as I
thought it was too basic and dragged along. To improve this show I would
have had more shots, in different angles to keep my target audience
watching. The interviews also dragged along which detrude people from
watching as they got bored. The first section of the interviews were really
boring as my colleagues [Renata and Werth] Lacked enthusiasm as they
were interviewing special guests.

News Show Does Hip-Hop has an

influence on Youth Crime? (Hobie, Ladi
& Dayo)
1) Post Production Feedback - No Feedback
4) Pre-Production Process
I and my group sat down and thought of an extreme topics which is
discussed in the News and music industry which is 'Does Hip-Hop -Grime,
Trap, Street Music- have an influence on Youth Crime today?' I and my
group had to sit down and thing about the particular topics we could have
touched upon. First we thought about the variety of people who we could
interview. Young up and coming music Producers, Rappers and Singers
who could share their personal views on what is going on in the industry
and mainly if it is influential on young people today. I tried to broaden this
by thinking of a Police officer who has studied young men and women
over a set amount of years, how they have evolved, does it depend on the
type of music they listen to. An officer who has been in the fire line will be
able to give us a better insight onto why Youth crime has possibly risen
over the past few years.
Another person we thought to interview was a Sociology teacher who
understands human relations and also they way humans behave, this was
important to me because I thought he could also give us more of an
insight the marketing and sells of music, going deeper into the history of
the Gang styled music. These two type of people with these specific
occupations were the ones I wanted to interview because of the

Unit37 P4 - Evaluation
Dayo Awoyale

Miss Schutze

information they could've given to me, informing my target audience at

home on what they think and why it could possibly goes on in the UK.
Before I started filming, I researched on the type of presenters such as
Jeremy Kyle and Maury, Jeremy was more combative while Maury was very
witty and questioning trying to find out the main reason on why
something has happened. I learned this from Maury and tried to take this
relaxed, yet questioning approach within his interviews which I think
works for me due to my bubbly yet approachable personality. I looked also
looked at his posture and how he carried himself when he was conducting
an interview, which was very calm in his tone, laid back and always
reviewing his question when the time was right. As an interview I've
learned that u must not rush the interviewee as the answer which is given
to you fuels your next question, you may not have written a particular
question down but you can build of questions as they answer a specific
question [building bridges + Developmental questions].
Once I was ready to begin my interviews I sent my questions to my
interviews, a young up and coming sing Amaka. Before interviewing
Amaka, I sat down with her for a few hours got comfortable, asked her
about her interests and what she thought about Hip-Hop. This is really
important to do, build an off camera relationship with your interviewee
before the action starts. Once you are comfortable and able to talk with
the person this will flow onto the camera once you are being filmed.
BBC THREES NEWS - Ched Evans Edition
2) Target Audience
The target audience always stays the same within every format of show, within
the influence of music we looked at different types of the music released within
the different types of hip [Gangster Rap and Trap music]. The different types of
dress codes shows us the comfort ability of our target audience depending on
the interview, I viewed the styles which the different types of artist were wearing
such as Section Boyz. It was usually Levi jeans with a basic jumper or a baggy
Nike or Puma tracksuit.
When I saw all these type of correlations with the artists I thought it was
important for me to remember when and where I can be casual as a presenter
and when I shouldn't, just in case I wanted to film of sight I think it would've have
been best if I dressed as costume to where I'll be going however, if it is a studio
based show I will keep it formal.

3) Comparison to other presenters/shows

In comparison to other shows, I feel as if I and my group bought back the
seriousness into interviewing people, we also got to know out interviewees
before interviewing them. The news show is the most easiest to do for me as the
codes and conventions are very simple to follow. Continuously having a formal
and serious approach to your interviews will keep you on track to getting a

Unit37 P4 - Evaluation
Dayo Awoyale

Miss Schutze

I would compare this show to my News Show about Ched Evans as I followed the
codes very well, not being liable for slander in any of my interviews, Questions
which the interviewees were capable to answer however, thoughtfully thought
about their answers as they were questioned from me or my colleagues, Hobie
and Ladi. The clarity in my voice in this interview is clear and more confident
than my first News show interview which I am happy about. I tried to stay more
comfortable with the person I was interviewing to make the interview as genuine
and natural as possible, Building Bridges and Developing onto another questions
as Paxman does.

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