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BTEC Media Extended Diploma

Bradley Bablee

Miss.Schutze Unit-36


Freedom of Expression.
BBC Investigative/ News Report
The Format of this project will be in a News/Investigative style, meaning
myself and Werth will be talking to a certain amount of people trying to
cover the topic of the Paris Attack.
While looking at a more serious topic, as interviewers and presenters, we
must alternate yourselves so that we approach a more serious tone and
attitude towards the subject, compared to our first interview, where our
style was following a more reality/Chat show format, we was able to have
a dress sense of a smart casual, our tone of voice was not too uptight but
still formal so that the audience will have the same trust sense as the likes
of Jon Show on Channel 4, where hes middle class standard English
accent and well-spoken grammar, helps his audience believe and trust
him, we was able to follow the same approach; we will continue to follow
this path however this time using a more middle class approach. We will
focus on the likes of people like Jon Snow and Paxman. The reason for
looking at such role models in the field is because of the fact that they are
so well-known and trusted in the field, the audience is able to listen to the
presenters and trust them with what is being said, being trustworthy at
the same time still enjoying the TV show. We will also follow the
presentation of the news report all the way down to physical appearance.
Jon is seen usually in a suit, such is the likes of Paxman where the only
difference is that Paxman doesnt wear ties much looking the slightest bit
less serious however still showing strong links to the middle class social

BTEC Media Extended Diploma

Bradley Bablee

Miss.Schutze Unit-36

status, so I believe as presenters we can also get away with this small
point, whether or not to wear a tie but using grammar and language as
strong as his may still entice the target audience.


Considering the style of our Report/Interview, we have chosen to use

specific locations that will be able to complement our background purpose
and target audience.
Our Background purpose is to give the impression of a serious topic and
professional style, by this I mean we want the location to reflect to the
audience alone that the format of the news report is serious rather than
the likes of our chat show, where we was walking about and finding
people, having an unplanned, laidback approach, we want the locations to
represent our tone of seriousness.
So by this we have chosen to stage each interview in different locations
according to who will be interviewed (Which will be explained later on)
First Location is, CTK: St. Marys Sixth Form College- Chaplaincy. This is
because of the main reason that the location is peaceful and quiet. The
chaplaincy has a spacious room where no background ambience noises
can be heard, which is one good factor, considering the type of equipment
we will use, where the microphone will be able to pick up our voices
clearer. The Chaplaincy also has a great appearance which looks
professional and can work well on camera, I know this because I have
used the location before to create a serious scene in my short film. Having
used the location already for a similar purpose, I am able to mimic or
layout the location again to resemble a serious tone once again.
Second Location will be in an office/Smart Class room. The Reason for
choosing a location like this also is because of the sense of having the
interviewer in an area of comfort. Also by interviewing a guest speaker in
an office, we are able to also give serious tone and layout to give a
professional look and feel. Offices are usual a place to discuss business
and serious topics, whether portrayed in films or news, offices are
automatically seen as a place of seriousness which will help backup our
aims of coming across as serious to our target audience.
Third/Back Up location will be held in the green room. The reason being is
so that we can alternate the appearance of the background if need be to
make the background more appealing. However the downfall of the
greenroom is that the effect and editing stage, the background may not
look as professional rather than using a real location, which in turn may

BTEC Media Extended Diploma

Bradley Bablee

Miss.Schutze Unit-36

throw off the audience and give the News report a downfall, making it less
serious at this stage.

Our first candidate was Mr.Hirst. This is because of his background, he is
seen to be a man that doesnt follow much of what is being said in the
news and also because of the fact he has no religious background (Will
link in to our second choice). Mr.Hirst is a person that is able to analyse
situations and topics for himself and give his own conclusions, At first we
thought this may be a problem in regards to Mr.Hirst replying in a manner
to offend the subject however, through questioning and question types,
we will be able to ensure that nothing is said out of place or to offend
viewers. Mr.Hirst is also a media teacher which helps in regards to
production as a whole, which means that little is needed to prepare for
him because of his knowledge in media he will be able to work effectively
on camera, knowing what can be said and cannot.
Our second interviewee is Mr. Jasper. This is because of the fact that
primary, the difference in personality. Mr. Jasper is a religious man, so by
having the difference in views and background, we can make the project
more informal and interesting. Mr. Jasper is also a respectable man in his
field of work.

BTEC Media Extended Diploma

Bradley Bablee

Miss.Schutze Unit-36

Background information and Facts Paris Attack

Started because the newspaper / magazine company Charlie Hebdo had
published cartoon images that mocked the Prophet Muhammad
Happened in Paris, Charlie

Gunmen attack Charlie Hebdo 7th Jan

Policewoman killed 8th Jan
Attacker from hebdo robs a petrol station 8th Jan
Hebdo suspect shot after supermarket 9th Jan

At 11:30 local time (10:30 GMT) on Wednesday 7 January, a black Citroen C3 drove up to the
Charlie Hebdo building in Rue Nicolas-Appert. Two masked gunmen, dressed in black and
armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles got out and approached the offices.
The men opened fire and killed the editor's police bodyguard, Franck Brinsolaro, before asking
foreditor Stephane Charbonnier, known as Charb, and other four cartoonists by name and killing
them, along with three other editorial staff and a guest attending the meeting.
At about 08:45 local time the following day (Thursday 8 January), as police continued their
search for the Charlie Hebdo attack suspects, a lone gunman shot two people in the southern
Paris suburb of Montrouge.

BTEC Media Extended Diploma

Bradley Bablee

Miss.Schutze Unit-36

People killed in the Paris Attack

12 people were killed in total in the attack on the Charlie Hebdo offices:
Eight journalists, two police officers, a caretaker and a visitor.

Charlie Hebdo editor and cartoonist Stephane "Charb" Charbonnier, 47, who had
been living under police protection since receiving death threats

Cartoonists Jean "Cabu" Cabut, 76, Bernard "Tignous" Verlhac, 57, Georges
Wolinski, 80, and Philippe Honore, 73

Elsa Cayat, 54, psychoanalyst and columnist, the only woman killed
Economist and regular magazine columnist Bernard Maris, 68, known to readers as
Uncle Bernard

Michel Renaud, who was visiting from the city of Clermont-Ferrand

Mustapha Ourrad, proof-reader

Police officer Ahmed Merabet, 42, who was shot dead in a nearby street after the

Frederic Boisseau, 42, caretaker, who was in the reception area at the time of the
attack (his photo has not been released)

Franck Brinsolaro, 49, a police officer who acted as Charb's bodyguard (his photo
has not been released)

(Montrouge shooting Victim)

Clarissa Jean-Philippe, 27, was the policewoman killed in the suburb of

Hyper Cacher supermarket Victims

Yohan Cohen, 20, worked at the kosher supermarket

Philippe Braham, 45, was a business manager for an IT firm

BTEC Media Extended Diploma

Bradley Bablee

Miss.Schutze Unit-36

Yoav Hattab, 21, was a student and the youngest supermarket victim

Francois-Michel Saada, 64, was a former pension fund manager

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