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Unit 41: News Production for


Unit 36: Interview Techniques

Pre-Production Booklet for Radio News Show

Name: Kerri Roberts and Amber Cann

Order of contents

Mind Maps
Purpose of Interview
Topic and Guest Research
Interview Details
Question Formulation
Interview Style
Structural Progression of Interview
Location Recce
Identifying Show Format
Order of Show Content
Relevance of Content
Type of Stories
Sound Table
Risk Assessment

Complete this booklet for YOUR interview guest ONLY

Once all people in your production team have completed this
booklet combine all of them to make ONE larger booklet.
You both must upload the complete booklet.

Mind Maps
Insert Mind Maps here

Purpose of Interview:
What is the purpose of this interview?
To understand how modern technology has affected teenagers in the
21st century.

Circle which of the following formats it will be;

News Programme
National News Bulletin
Local News Bulletin
Community News Bulletin

Add research demonstrating the format of this interview interview on an
older persons view of teens and technology. She mentions the good
and bad points about it. The interviewer was able to develop from
the answers giving, which helped the audience gain a better
understanding on the interviewees point of view. what the internet
is doing to our brains.
These examples give us an idea of how some people see technology
and what it does to teenagers. This will help us decide on what type
of questions would be suitable to ask.
Teenager- 12-17
1 Male & 1 female

Topic and Guest Research

You need to carry out EXTENSIVE research on your topic and guest.
You need to demonstrate why you have used your guest for this
topic. You need to reference where you found your research.
(Referencing is KEY)
Interviewee: Bradley Roberts
Research of topic:
Key Facts:
95% of teens use internet, and have broadband at home.
74% can access internet on mobile devices- 25% mobile mostly
internet users.
78% have mobile phones, 47% have smartphones
- 87% have a computer/ laptop
- 23% have tablet computers
81% use social networking sites
- 76% use Facebook- 24% use Twitter
- Approx. from young adult data, of teens use Instagram; 1 in 7
use Pinterest; 1 in 10 use Tumblr
From research- a lot of people agree that teenagers have changed a
lot since internet and technology was introduced. Everyones
become addicted to a life online rather than their life, outside of
that, their real life.
The gamer community had a near-miss this week in Ohio, when a
15-year-old boy collapsed after playing "Call of Duty: Modern
Warfare 3" for up to five days straight.
Potential areas of interest: technology and teens in the 21st
century. Why they use the internet and tech.
Areas of concern:
Not getting a full answer or an answer thats honest. Getting
information that is unnecessary.

Research of Guest
Primary Research: (Interviews with guest to find out what they
know; interviews with friends of guest to find out about guest)
Insert voice recordings /notes
How often do you use the internet in a week?
What do you use the internet for? Why?
Xbox, social networks
Is there anything else you think you could rather be doing
than on the Xbox or internet?
I could be playing the guitar.
How often do you hang out with friends? Why?
5 days a week
Do you think the internet is a distraction to experiences
outside of the tech world?
No, I think the internet improves life.
Do you go out much? Why?
No, because there is nowhere to go and playing Xbox is more
What is it about technology that you like? What is it that
makes you go I need to be playing FIFA now? or Oh, I
should probably check Facebook or Instagram?
Because Ive got nothing else to do
Do you think you will always be obsessed with the world of
technology, or is it just a phase?
Im not obsessed, Ive just got nothing else to do.
How do you feel when you are on the Xbox/ or internet?
Alright, I feel fine.

From this questionnaire Bradley completed above, I am able to

know that he is a suitable interviewee as he mentions the right
things and answers the questions with the answers I am looking
for. He doesnt go off topic and I know that he will be able to bring
his own experience and opinions in on the choice of topic (affect
of technology on teenagers).

Interviewee: Lauren Cann

Research of topic:
88% of teens have seen someone be mean or cruel to another
person on a social networking site.
The number of sexual assault cases related to social media sites has
increased by 300%.
12% of teens say they witnessed unpleasant behaviour frequently
on social networking sites.
55% of parents of 12-year-olds said their child was on Facebook and
76% said they helped their child gain access.
15% of teens say they were the target of online cruelty. 41% of
teens had a negative experience as a result of using a social
networking site.
22% of teens lost their friendship with someone due to actions on
social media sites.
13% had an experienced a problem with their parents because of
social media sites.
8% were involved in a physical fight with someone else because of
something posted on a social networking site.
25% of teens had experienced a face-to-face argument or
confrontation as a result of posts on Facebook.
62% of parents of teens ages 13-14 are friends with their child
are Facebook. 6% have gotten in trouble at school because of
postings on a social networking site.
24% of social network users say they are not at all confident in their
ability to use privacy settings. Half of all sex crimes against a minor
involving a social networking site, the social networking site was
used to initiate the relationship.
81% of online 9-17 year olds say that they visited a social
networking website within the past 3 months.
71% of online 9-17 year olds visit these sites at least weekly.
43% of teens say they would change their online behaviour if they
knew that their parents were watching them.
39% of tweens and teens think their online activity is private from

everyone, including parents.

20% of kids think their parents have no idea what theyre doing
online. 85% of parents with teenage children ages 13-17 report that
their child have a social networking profile.
22% of teenagers log on to their favourite social media site more
than 10 times a day.
Potential areas of interest:
Why children of this age are mostly addicted to social media
Areas of concern:
There answers may not be the complete truth.
Research of Guest
Primary Research: (Interviews with guest to find out what they
know; interviews with friends of guest to find out about guest)
Insert voice recordings /notes
We will be interviewing our brother and sister as they are both
different ages and will be good to see things from different
prospectuses from different ages. Younger people will probably
have more social media websites, where as teenagers may not.
What do you think of social media these days?
How has it affected your life or has it?
How many times do you go on social media a day?
Have you experienced anything bad on social media websites?

Interviewees Name: Bradley Roberts and Lauren Cann

Date and Time of interview: Sunday 10th May 2015, 12:00pm
Monday 11th May 2015, 17:00pm (LC)
How will you record the interview?
Phone- Voice recorder

What information do you need to get from this interview?

From their point of view, what it is like living in Wallingford/ Benson
for a teenager and the modern pressures of technology and what
they do on a day to day basis. How often they go out and why, if not
so often- why? How often they are using technology.

Describe how you are planning on contacting and liaising

with your talent (interviewee)
Ask a teenager we know if they want to do an interview.
I will message a teenager I know, who spends a lot of his time on
the internet and Xbox if he will be willing to do an interview about
his hobbies and why he spends so much of his times on the internet.

How will you make sure unnecessary sounds etc are not
We will hold the interview in a quiet place where we are able to hear
what the interviewee is saying, and where background noise isnt a


What equipment will you need to carry out this interview?

Phone, question sheet, notebook.

Structuring your interview: Scripts and

Question Formulation
Question: 95% of teenager have said that they use the internet every day.
Would you agree with this? How often do you use the internet in a week?

Likely Response:
Every day, whenever I can or am bored.

Next Question: 81% use social networking sites. 76% use Facebook and 24%
use Twitter. Do you use the internet for these sites? Or something else?

Likely Response:
Talk to friends, play Xbox with my mates and people all over the world, social media.

Likely Response:
Not really, except playing guitar or rugby training/ matches.
Next Question: there was a recent report that The gamer community had a
near-miss this week in Ohio, when a 15-year-old boy collapsed after playing
"Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3" for up to five days straight. What do you
think about this?

Question: What do you think the pros and cons are about the effects of the
internet and technology on teenagers?

Likely Response:
Its a good way to keep in touch, and get information quickly. I dont think there are
many cons apart from some people can spend too much time on the internet.

Next Question: How often do you hang out with friends? Do you go out
much? Why?

Likely Response:
Depends what Im doing. But, not so often because none of my mates live near me
and there isnt much to do around here anyway. Also, not a lot of people come out

Next Question: Do you think the internet is a distraction to experiences

outside of the tech world?

Likely Response:
No, Im not really bothered about missing out on anything or experiences I dont

Question: What is it about technology that you like? What is it that makes you
go I need to be playing FIFA now? or Oh, I should probably check Facebook
or Instagram?

Interview Style
Likely Response:

What will your interview style be? (formal, informal and chatty,
I have nothing
else to be doing friendly,
and I enjoyjokey)
talking to my friends on the
Xbox and playing games.

Why have you chosen that style?

We have chosen this style to ensure we get the most information and opinion
from the interviewee on our chosen topic as we can. This will also make the
interviewee more comfortable with them being a teenager and the interview
us in
as the
you will
with the
and will to express their opinion more freely.
is more
it just relaxed
a phase?

This interview is all about exploring the dangers of social media on young
Likely Response:
people. CBC, a news station in America,
produced an experiment on a girl
and boy and which shows us how social media has affected them. The
one interviews.
I dont
playing the Xbox and using the internet for a while now so I
guess its something that Im always going to do, but how often, Im not sure.
This interview shows from a parents perspective what their children are doing
on social media, the interviewer asks about what they would do.
Next Question: How do you feel when you are on the internet or Xbox?
What is your opinion on the statement that teenagers who spend masses
amount of time on the internet will be unable to hold down a real job? interview on an older

persons view of teens and technology. She mentions the good and bad points
about it. The interviewer was able Likely
to develop
from the answers giving, which
helped the audience gain a better understanding on the interviewees point of

Good, I enjoy it so I should be able to do it. I get to see whats happening with friends
I dont get to see often and its a good thing to keep up to date with these things.

Define the structural progression of

Interview One
What questions will you ask and when

IntroductionIntroduce the interviewee and topic. Begin the interview with a simple,
yet effective question that will help build into the interview and topic.

Leading questionsAsking leading questions will help to get out desired and wanted response
from the interviewee, but wont necessary tell the interviewee the answer
we are looking for. This will help us hear the opinion of the interviewee
while still getting our questions answered which are about topic. For
example, we may ask do you agree that the internet can corrupt peoples
social skills?
We will ask a leading questions to get direct into the topic.

Progressive questionsWe will ask progressive questions from previous answers, to help give our
listeners more information and get a better understanding from the
interviewees point of view. For example, if I asked the interviewee do
you agree that the internet can corrupt peoples social skills?, then I
could develop/progress from this by asking them why they
Sum-up the interview by getting the interviewees opinion on whether
teenagers and technology/ the internet is good, bad or both and why.
Then thank the interviewee for their time, and end with a rhetorical
question for the listeners to think about.

Identifying Show Format

What style of news broadcast are you going to produce and
Informal and chatty because it will be more attractive to our target
audience- teenagers.

How are you going to ensure your broadcast meets this

Through the words we use and questions we ask, and how we
connect with the interviewee.

Provide some examples of similar styles of news broadcasts

below explaining why you have chosen them
Because were going to be going for an informal and chatty
interview, It will be more relaxed and laid back to make the guest
feel at ease and for the listeners to feel more at ease also. Here is
an example of a similar style of news broadcast from bbc radio
where we here Nick Grimshaw chat to Emma Watson, the interview
is fairly laid back and casual, the interviewer doesnt but the
pressure on the quest meaning the interview flows pretty well. They
are both sat down which keeps it again more casual.
Another interview from BBC Radio 1 is this
interview with singer FKA Twigs,
occasionally the interview breaks into a clip which is what well be
doing in our show, clip comes in at just the right time to keep the
interview flowing and interesting. The interview is very casual and
relaxed which helps us give us an idea of how we want ours to run.

Order of Content
Why is it important to consider the order in which news is
So it makes sense and doesnt confuse the listeners with what is
going on.

What is the order of content for your show?

News Program
With audio clips

Why have you decided to order your show in this way?

We have decided to order our show in this way so it makes sense
and gradually builds up to the main stories and interviews, then
summaries it as a whole and round up the show.
This will ensure that the interview makes sense to the listeners and
they arent getting too much information too soon.

Relevance of Content

Who is the target audience of your news broadcast?

Teenagers and young adults

How is the content of your news broadcast relevant to its

The content in our news broadcast is relevant to our target audience
because we are talking to teenagers about their lives and opinions
on the subject of technology and what they do on a day to day basis
with it and why, if they dont, go out much anymore.

How will you ensure your target audiences interests/needs

are met?
I will ask questions that the target audience are able to answer and
what to answer. Also, I will make sure that the chosen topic is
interesting to them by doing research and asking different people of
the target audience if it is something they would be interested in
hearing from different sides/ points of view.

Type of Stories
What types of stories are you reporting? Human interest or
Public interest
Public interest and human interest.

Show research of similar types of stories below including

links -

Sound Table
Here you should detail what station sounds you have found
and where you will use them.





Where used


Throughout the show


We will use this at the

15 secs
beginning of our radio
program to get the
listeners attention and
to also make sure that
the listeners know who
we are targeting by the
use of music we are
We will use this sound
segment while we are
introducing the
We will use this before
and while we are
talking about the main
news stories.

We will use this at the

end of our news
program to round it up.

30 secs


15 secs


Risk Assessment
State the potential risk of your multi-camera production. Check all precautions are in place and tick off during your set up for your show.




Walking into the room/

around the room.

Could trip over cables on

the floor or clothes lying on
the floor.

Walking up the stairs to

place of interview

Could trip up the stairs and

injure self or even damage
interview equipment



Watch where I am walking.


Be careful when walking up the stairs


Activity :
Hazard :







Please leave this section blank:

Risk Assessment checked by: Name ..


Signed .

Describe the component part of your pursuit.

List the things you anticipate might cause harm or the things associated with your activity that have the potential to
cause harm. Consider the likely harm.
Assess the risk as either H (High), M (Medium) or L (Low). When concluding your assessment consider all of the
Precautions: Consider what you could do to minimise / negate the risk.
In Place:
Will the precautionary measures be in place at the time of the activity?
Review Date: When would it be reasonable to review your assessment? Remember it might be whilst you are undertaking the
Name of the person responsible for completing the risk assessment.

A copy of this form should be taken on the activity or visit by the Reviewer

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