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Negative Feedback
Negative Feedback
. , Negative Feedback
, gain

5 , ( ) open loop ,
4 Negative Feedback .
Transistor Negative Feedback
2. OP amps : Golden Rules

OP amp , 2
(-) Inverting Input(2), (+) Non-inverting Input(3)
, Output(6) .
Golden Rules
OP amp Inverting Input Non-inverting Input 0 . ,
Input .
Input out .
3. Amplifier
Inverting & Non-inverting Amplifier

, Inverting amplifier, Non-inverting amplifier

. , (+) ground (-) ground
0 . (-) Ground Ground
Virtual Ground . ,

, . OP amp

, gain . (-)

(+) , . ,

. ,

. gain .

AC amplifier

AC Amplifier DC .

, (-) out 1/10

. (+) out 1/10 . , gain

, 88 .

(-) out 1/10
DC Ground

. , .


4 Follower , Open-ioop version,

Active version, High-current active, Push-pull active.

. , OP
amp Impedance . buffer .
5. Current Source

Source .
(+) (-) .

R .

6. Summing Curcuit

, ,
OP amp Summing Circuit, , ,

7. Current-to Voltage Converter

OP amp .
(Photometer), Transistor
. . OP amp
(Active Current Meter) , (-) R
8. Strange things can be put into Feedback Loop

, (+) (-) output

Negative Feedback , (-) .

, diode squarer .
(-) out diode
, 0 saturation .
out (+) .

1 : Open-loop Test Circuit

: OP amp

OP amp . LF411 E F, J
A . 2,3,4,6,7 1~8 .
0V .
: , 2 3 , gain 200
2 : Inverting Amplifier
: Inverting input gain, output swing,

Inverting Amplifier . 1 sine wave .

gain, output swing, linearity triangle wave , sine wave
1 input Impedance
output Impedance (). blocking capacitor .

: Gain ,

3:Non-inverting Amplifier
: Non-inverting input gain

Non-inverting input
voltage gain
1 , 1
input Impedance
10 , AC
. .

: gain


4 : Follower
: Follower gain, ,

Follower ,
: gain 1 , Impedance .
5 : Current Source
: OP amp Current Source

OP amp Current Source .

10 load DVM .
output current load impedance ,
. 10 load .
2N3906 PNP Transistor , MOSFET VP0104 .
: load

, , .

6 : Current to Voltage Converter


(a) Photodiode

Photodiode . Transistor LPT-100 ,

Transistor .
100 10 .
(b) Phototransistor

. base .
modulation(%) .
: .
7 : Summing Amplifier
: Summing Amplifier

: .

8 : Push-pull Buffer
: Push-pull Buffer ,

Push-pull Buffer . sine wave 100~500 .

OP amp push-pull stage .
OP amp (-) push-pull output push-pull output
: , distortion .

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