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Marine Technology, Vel. 23, No. 4, Oct. 1886, pp. 345-70 ‘YP 676 underway. Resistance of a Systematic Series of Semiplaning Transom-Stern Hulls Roger H. Compton’ 1 Profestor of naval architecture, Naval Systems Engineering De- Section of THES ‘The resuits of a systematic series of small (6 ft) models of hulls typical of coastal patrol, taining, or ‘recreational powerboats are preseited and dscussed. Hul form parameters studied inclide length-o-besm ‘ati, loplacement-length rato, longitatnal postion of tho cantor of gravity and section shape (haré chine ‘or round blige). The effects of these parameter onthe calm-water resistance and running aude (sinkage {and rim) over a range of speeds corresponding o watetine length Froude rumors from 0.10 to 0.60 were Investigated In the 120-4 towing tank atthe U.S. Naval Academy Hyéromechanics Laboratory (NAHL) Experimental procedures and computer-based data acausition and analysis methods used at NAHL 20 ‘scribed, The experimental results as well as the cross-faired and nondimensinalized stlwater resistance ttonds ae presented. Comperlsons with other resistance prediction methods for hulls ofthe subject ype are made. An example ofthe aplication ofthe rositance predicton to the new 108- yard pavol crat (YP) being acquired by the U.S. Naval Academy is included. Presented at the October 8, 1985, meeting of the Hampton Roads partment, US. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland ‘NEERS. OCTOBER 1986 (0025-23 16/86/2304-0345$00.77/0 ‘OF NAVAL ARCHITECTS AND MARINE ENCE 38s Introduction As A CONTRIBUTION to the Naval Sea Systems Command- Norfolk Detachment (NAVSEA:NORFOLK) design of a new yard patrol craft (YP) for the U.S, Naval Academy, the staff of the Naval Academy Hydromechanics Laboratory (NAH) per- formed a series of experiments involving asystematically varied set of hull forms representing medium-speed, transom-stern, high displacement-length ratio, low length-beam ratio, coastal patrol craft. Quantitatively, the ranges ofthe above parameters covered by this experimental program are as follows: Hard chine and round bilge 0.85 < Vilar, < 2.00 03 34ak sopaesode tanger 203376 AE ittaeananeovad avaucaoo" Dm ve peleinp | aH LW 9007 oe, woravaaiT Joo? 40. aNa-EAe or Sa von "3p gar “ty 30 201 Sanne apaeteano Lav “MLadh/120"ksoara/Lae*WnaHas 4404449 LONER nd gum avons 3H walay osonvio SH OW AWM KSHL-soKWNA TW AsraGn s5va1E ° to-aieya"o = WLAN 19 formesto =a masa eoratoce-e 83 Zo0n'o = # anno winm sp eve) Bees 2 REE Semper) 8 Pees f Bae 4 vec SHEL L898 ge eee SRR Wate tte Stina cStgn taro Rout ane Sun ae 10 3neaR = ola avin, sonst 330 - Sac re AAaNE San [7 owyua ¢ exe "tanon wt ame 3004S) UES Endo Seleol a1 sezasae ' on insets ane annoL ST Lane gar suineaany suo's < swrithinousad vaanse tao) 3 °P aumento ror woos wig onan opp oy < Th, a, ieoobes\amneds ‘ans aeary aia to Labsee"S < waa avg U3LLaR =e sx'sama ¢ aoivstis a ato < INSWSI IASI ng 2 at eniasso084 Mon 228 Stone ane venaenste sop sroerntg ene ge _ Lr narowrxennesag Tens aes "*FSouwsad “ha danenaas wis NorAtsinagy OiN209H Toueere ATIVMRVK NN doIS OL XT adAL He Re vous pessoa on 30x endo aovesedg ———___-_ MON SAS35 nats ieaucns fuezes 03 208 #149 3305029 ————+ ¢ ayn ao Means sarge Thy meee meter ef OE Bane a3 Tovseee: ‘CouSzSY OL saya W3in Glo> Sak oo aa eae 89g $n ee ere oany 5d en eeeyies eo ern RS RAE seuestyey soswseie “SINGS SVM 30° OvuGORTCYHOSIi04d TIZd 11 sangre < avon ees < song Or 13M sinzos ¢ sv aaa* Saudesthvostioga S14 se éayéerp stp Syonebaa aem8oN0 sano*z_< avon es < sowie 1SNNOH sintos + gun anor Svumoctersoctiodd S13 serge < avon ze < sow ot SNH suniog £ svt suo Gvuuocrersosaiogd Bis 11 saro't < avor zs < sons THAW sintog ¢ sym aaa Svundcttwvosiiogs 313 11 ‘san*0,< avo eg < sone Oi T3NHOHO sou anat Gvandcsthrostiogd 3d 11 ssoogpecan's soengreo 68 Geet 5370 < ovor ty ta awa esvesryay sosesedg S&S < BOY CE TaNnho aowmatmonea S28 oho bar forana eyaoxesade ) yt unet uTds¢28 NUMOCOLNY soy pmusrt suranas donee ) "Syoaoetsavag‘eee WWHOO1nY tapewosssoeoaveg aIOLNY got Samat SoS sins pone ts SS at J mor Set et sssnsson pos ssa (poe 93 sande nf Sores Su'ge yowes sorseaopey Teseueo 634 < 300 30 NNYL Y TIM se on < dauinasy 3d WwOrwoIste soqane gina e uaydey uml rove ¢ teal rsoteasca Sens Bo92484 fy ————"e" © § Lea Teaeiraseananercaeestee ‘MARINE TECHNOLOGY ‘ponupuco) 44 Oa Mtocsereasersessercesereavensaseat vorsave yor ay ssarepein sanani——y_OaHeaDNS 8931-848 ON ¢ santa aaurva Any suai aw . ‘ooo: aonema.T™ NODE I38a09 spday og aenm Yo pow etese drup “> beEog saat 1 Satu stow ovaca007 “snare. 4007 aE woriveait doo 40 aNa-848 sow ssnanaytoveMLoUna/1ogrinaiiat 4919 LOTaed00) costars 2 P Naae forere > TE 355 ura .zoserur 2% is cosin ceanaes sh mmcocingrpirl 0 Ato te { hte eet we Mees cote ina atte | at Savpangetaogg yw Cun Sat Sv RcUE Stn ¢ anys chet ae acti and at erable teed Biet Saoveetociaonren') Suite AUTO ENPASH * Thue rousine daftngs the aaciee of actions taken during the actoet rue Te5Ty0>0,4598¢4 =< fhe eapertoeeat dae chanel germ ecm Cremer Flgt cRrvorrveNrunsaCT/EHPCTICAET/ETPCH SAC ee eee en ee ates aoe SAT EHRETH ACT ERECT fodek nenared variably and computer {EiPo ROveL Yp—————Roweine o' produee ode vartablee (rg Stn, 685) Ein <7" pRshaTSnper tar al cae sume 2intey asemtees# ri Cg at ta Fig. 12. Previously writen and saved programe fr model testing Fig. 13. Turbulence stimulation study results using sand strips of various widths 386 MARINE TECHNOLOGY 4 Fig. 14 Resistance curves fr final stud configuration and extrapolated “zero width” sandstrip hypothetical “zero width" sand strip condition, the fully tur- ‘| bulent but zero stimulator drag condition is determined. Also shown in Fig. 13 is the unstimulated resistance curve which shows symptoms of laminar flow presence at low speeds. In- deed, even with sand strip stimulation, some laminar (or at least transitional) flow might be expected at model scale Reyn- old's numbers below 6 X 10°. It would appear that some viscous ‘wavemaking interaction might exist in the results shown in Fig, 13 due to the shift of the dominant hump in the total resistance coefficient between the unstimulated and the stimulated curves ‘near Reynold’s number of about 27 108). Several stud geometries were tried. The one for which the resistance behavior most closely matched the “zero width” sand. || strip condition was chosen as the configuration for all of the ‘subsequent tests from which the data for this study were ac~ ‘quired. The resistance coefficient curves for the “zero width” || sand strip and that for the selected stud configuration are | shown in Fig. 14, Model test results A total of 54 separate model tests were conducted to acqui the data presented in this paper. For each ofthe sx hulls, three displacements at each of three longitudinal centers of gr were studied over a range of speeds corresponding to Froude numbers (hesed on waterline length) from 0.05 100.625. Ateach of 24 discrete model speeds (um), model resistance (Re), model | running trim angle (rq), and model sinkage (Zec,) were mea~ ured. The latter two variables were converted by the NAMB acquisition/analysis system to rise or sinkage at the fore and after perpendiculars (FP and AP). Figures 15 and 16 show typical raw data plots of total model resistance coefficient (C,,) versus Froude number and FP/AP rise versus Froude number, respectively. The results of three tests of given hull ata given displacement are shown in each figure. Bach plot symbol corre- sponds to a different LCG condition. Except at the extreme ocroseR 1986 ia ii nes low-speed end of the speed range, the C,,, data are amazingly free of experimental scatter and make physical sense for the ferent LCG values. ‘Also plotted in Fig. 16 is the ITTC 1957 Ship-Model Correla- tion Line (C,,), which was used for all resistance data reduction reported herein. The sinkage data (Fig. 16) tend to be more erratic than the resistance data. Similar data plots for all re- maining tests were developed [5] for Models YP81-1 through ‘YPSI-6, respectively. ‘After the three sets of C,, data were plotted, as in Fig. 15, smooth curves were faired through each set of data which repre- sent the author's best estimate of the physical trends suggested by the data. Consistency among data for various LOG’s (for a fixed displacement) and displacements (for a fixed LOG) were considered when fairing the family of C,, curves for a given model. ‘The data shown in Figs. 15 and 16 represent bare hull condi tions-—no appendages of any sort were fitted. A limited series of tests on YPS1-1 and YPS1-4 was run in which centerline skegs were fitted [5] Series resistance results: graphical ‘To maximize the utility of the resistance results obtained the series of model tests performed, it was decided that nondimensional results would be plotted. Residual resistance coefficient (Cp) was chosen as the nondimensional force vari- able. Both waterline length based and volumetric Froude nur- bers (Fux, and Fe) were chosen as dimensionless speed vari- ables. Hull form variables of ongth-to-beam ratio (Lpp/B), lon- gitudinal distance of the center of gravity from amidships-to- length ratio (LCG/Dpp), and displacement-length ratio (dr) ‘were chosen. (The displacement-length ratio is not really non: dimensional since 4 is in long tons while Lp isin feet.) ‘The consistent procedure followed in plotting resistance data ‘as as follows for each series hull: as7 \ | ; i i ZEEE, SFr Se eres asa Ge PES GUS SOLES obec oe fae (0 mers HEE Bence sans Fig. 15 Typical raw data plot: C,, and C,, versus Froude numbor 1. Residual resistance coefficients for a fixed LOG/Lyr and the three ge pp's from the individual test results (as in Fig, 15) were plotted versus Froude number based on water line length. 2. The set of curves drawn above was read at 19 selected, values of volumetzic Froude number, and plotted versus displacement-length ratio. The conversion from length- ‘based to volume-based Froude number was, Fre = Fh X 6.529 4) 2 x are here the Lu/Le values were taken from Figs 4 an 6. 3. The cross curves generated in Step 2 were read at conve- nient values of displacement -length rato. The resulting curves were drawn onthe same set of axes as the individ ual test data (Step 1). Other cross fairings of Cp versus LCG/Lyp and L/B for the range of Fue were accomplished to insure the physica reason- ableness ofthe data [1- "The same series of three consistently done stops was per- formed on the data forthe three hard-chine hulls The resulting gels of dimensionless residual resistance data are presented as Figs 17 through 34. While not an exhaustive set of erossplats, they do provide the wer wth the bab esancesped-hll condition relationships needed for design purposes. For the fet set of eurves (Step 1, the (Cp, Pea) values read from faired individual test results are shown as dashed curves 358 “Zecena. Ter gee, cwlp 200%, Legs avant oft SEES ees ea ae 3 Far 205 ESS fe ace. ae lg. 18 Typical raw data plot FP and AP rise versus Froude number between the plotted points. The similar curves shown as solid lines result from the cross-fairing (Step 3) at convenient cpp values. Series resistance results: numerical resistance coefficient data acquired from all ‘ues in a multiple linear regression analysis shape and loading parameters of Lpp/B, rep, and LCGi/Lpe were treated as independent variables. Separate regression ‘analyses wore conducted at fixed speed parameter values. A series of BASIC programs was used to propare the data for and to perform the multiple linear regression analysis [6]. Tho soft- chine and hard-chine hulls were run through the regression analysis routine separately. ‘The regression equation for the residual resistance coeffi- cient ata fixed value of Froude number is of the form Cy X 108 = A+ Bpp/B,) + Cldepp) + DULCG/Lyp X 10°) "The regression coefficients for the soft-chine hull form are «given at functions of Froude number based on waterline length in the top half of Table 1 while those for the hard-chine full form are given similarly in the bottom half of the same table. ‘The above-described four-term regression equation must be considered as only a first attempt to numerically quantify the (Uext continued on page 368) MARINE TECHNOLOGY OcTOBER 1986 MARINE TECHNOLOGY MARINE TECHNOLOGY 36 369 OcToBER 1906 MARINE TECHNOLOGY 364 365 octoser 1986 MARINE TECHNOLOGY osvorree ttes4 B33 40 6763445 AROH.NAUALE TS P02 7 __Table 1 _ Regression coatictents: Cy X 10 © A+ B{L/B) + CLdcer) + OXLCOIEL X 10%) as | Sorrcume 030 as 080095040 04s aka amo & “BIBL, 29286, 2005 —2eu7 —sz7s¢sao70 asi1e 606s 9.608 ~ipa0g? Diooold 8 QaxBL Gage79 OL4se7 “O16082 “O.2888a “OsaaTs ~GI4200 “osse9s ~ Ktioss —Eeseey 799839, c GOGRsE 02882 o.G2780 09099 GosEee OMso40 dasToe OoTEes toa OSeNgS «ASHES B OME 028180 O27 0.27135 0.91552 O81 O8I8T2 OasIes OBA OATS Ege HannCiixe 010 05020028 —0.a0 oa asso 8 “EQS, ~S tls, ~aso19” S165,” 49268” ~s.om89 —agsi9 74907 194083, Sleag0s, mt. B QBREE Qassse O'g0085 “O's2853 “Onouse “Oasaz “dasses —O'sT4s7 ~"Lgte —Ltsa89~"T-71080, c Borer Ooze OLO2Bo 9.09500 OoésTI OOsuE0 genet .onr7 —OtTase—tosea © .gaRSS iy Oatise o2108 o.zz727 a.26cm O91999 Osise O0I7) | —OS87G3 Ogee © OIE ASaNE Pater as. ondensionts, yp kee LP 108.0 Bg? 22.8" manner xine OTe Lannpont Be ai Ov asir Btacr ae Tg Route Homege = or "an Enemies OetInlG Fig. 35, Abbreviated ines sketch of 108-1 yard patio erat (YP 676) (ext continued from page 258) influence of the shape and speed variables on the residual resistance coefficient of hulls of the type discussed here, Application and cotuparison of series resistance results ‘To establish the reasonableness of the resistance predictions based on the graphical and numorical results presented in this Feport, a case study ceutering on the 108-fU YP shown 9s the Frontispiece was performed. In addition to comparing actual ‘iodel results [7] on the subject YP hull with series predictions, comparisons with widely used, published, early-stage power ‘estimating schemes—standard series and a regression meth Table 2 100-1 YP case study: hull particulars Tangih overall, Lon eo angth between perpendicutars, ne ioien Refepnce deft Te ai laximum sectional area at Tyr, Ae iene line beam at Tune and She, Bey en Pristati cotficien uSns Cy ‘ser ratio at Tras, LB » ame + Bisplacement:& weaaier daa datanoe of enter of gravity aft of ton asa 1OLTH ed—will be made. Por the purpose of the case study, the 108-1 YP has the principal characteristics given in Table 2. The ab Lreviated lines sketch of the YP is chown as Fig. 35. Notice the differences between the case study hull and those of which the presently reported standard series are composed. Most notably, ‘the case study hull has a more generous bilge radius (to better suit planked wood construction), a full length integeal skeg. ‘keel, and « less deeply immersed (ransom. The firatand the last of these differences would suggest lower resistance at low vo moderate speeds for the ease study hull while the integral ap- pendage would suggest e higher resistance al all speeds. ‘The standard powering estimators chosen for this comparie son are as fellows: 1. Taylor Standard Series {8}—Although the Taylor hull form is not at all similar tothe present hull forms, this isa lely used benchmark for widely varying lvl types, Inputs include prismatic coefficient (C,), lengthelo ‘beain ratio (L/B), beam-to-dratt ratio (8/3), and speed ‘AUthe high end of the speed rango, the series is extrapo- lated beyond its original experimental data limits. 2. Mercier and Savitshy's regression equation for Lransom sterned bostsin the “preplaning" speed regime [9] —This estimate is based on meny hull forms, hard- and soft: chined, operating at. volumetric Froude numbere be tween j,0 and 2.0. Inpats include angle of entrance st the static waterline (i), transom sectional area to maximum sectional area catio (A3/A,), a loading coefficiont based on beam (9/0), a volumetric coefficient (Lyei/@*™), and a longitudinal center of gravity parameter (LOG/ WARINE TECHNOLOGY exvorros a1 aso Ly). This estienator does not cover the low end of the speed range ail Notional Phyaical Laboratory (ND) Series of Marwood ‘and Bailey [2|—Theso hull forms are very siinilar in shape tothe canu etudy hull forme. Inputs include longth- (e-beam ratio (L/B) and @ volumetric coctticient (= LWL/¥"). BHP values were read directly from can drown for a waterline length of 100 f1. A wetted surface twas read from curves provided in the report. Series 63 of Beys [3] A round bilged planing hull which waa tested at ow (Gubplaning) and high (planing) speeds. Tnpute include lengtli-to-beam ratio (L/B) and a volu metric coefficient (Lry/@™). ‘Swedish Maritime Research Centre (SSPA) Series [10] ‘The speed regime for tis eeries is generally higher than thet described here. Only the upper range of the ease {study hulle speed can be estinnated by this reference. "MOTE: ‘The plotted contours of Cy for a block coefficient of O4 eee © _werelncreased by percent on the basis of Appendix A of Mid Shear Ries reference) ae webb ann + Saer Waree @ 59" ariher Series 64 (1) nor dhe Webb ‘Prawler ecries of Ridgely- Tre G Novitt [11} wes applicable to the present study Lecnuse of ee iiglacentent-length satio mismaatches. For all predictions the © tion formulation employed by the series originator was used. Ahad the value of the correlation allowance, C, set at 0.0004 “The wetted surfaces used were those estimated by the predic: lors authors, not the eelual wetted surface of the case study hull This upproach was adopted since each estimator normal ed residual resistance (that is, enleulated Cx) by using its own relted surface and friction formulation, ‘The resulting effective horsepower estimates are shown in Fig, 36. Besides the five estimators listed above, the present ‘ares resulls—contours and four-Lerm regression equation— _were employed (o estimate EHP. For the Cy contours, linear {nlorpolation was used over both 1CG/Lvy and 1./B—-and in that order. Shnilar linear interpolation was used to determine {waterline length (Ly) and wetted surface from plotted S + [ourves (see Fig. 4). Tho rosults are encouraging for the present series validity, ‘The solid curve in Fig. 36 represents the BHI catimated from model testing a 5-ft geosim of the ship in a ‘inanner virtually identical to that used for the present series. ‘Most of the estimators underpredict EHP, especially at low speeds. At high speeds, the severely extrapolated Taylor Series ‘overpredicts badly, due to its eruisor stern and the attendant high trim by the etern. Neither Marwood and Bailey nor Mer ler and Savitsky is applicable at the low end of the speed range. Series 63 gives the best estimate for the upper speed regime (above 16 kitots for Lyy = 101.7 (1). it overpredicis BH throughout the speed range, unlike most of the other estimators alvempted, ‘The contours and regression equation developed in this re- Loverprediet EHP at low speecis (up to 13 knots) and under- bredict at high spoods (over 16 knots) for the case study pre- sented. Howovor, the presont serie is reasonably close over the ‘tire speed range. How well each predictor does at estimating EHP is shown quantitatively in ‘Table 3. Several more ease siudy situations should be studied before any widespread ac ‘eptance of the present series work is established, Summary Fig. the case study exe: and) the C 4 USWA Semis ReqRession ARCH. MRUALE TS LEGEND © Faroe SraoARO Seave's © Mewcien ¢ SAVITSKY 4 saewece 4 Auney ¥ anoganen { Waciams © Bays: Seaes ©3 x USNA Series Comrouns Hae ci Hy 1 86 EHP as 6 function of speod for YP 676: vious precitions ¢ chosen. Linear interpolation over L/13, 1CG/l- appears adequate and simple to employ when sing ‘he following trends were observed: 1 ‘The aftmoat center-of-gravity loading condition results in the higheat total and residual resistance coefficients (and running trim angle) for all hulls. “The heaviest displacement has the highest total and re idual resistance coefficients for all hulle. ‘The difference in resistance due to LCG differences less ene or disapponrs at the highest spevds tested. ‘The primary hump in the residual resistance coefficient ‘curves oocuis noar a volumetric Froude number of 1.2 Hard-chine hulls have slightly lower residual resistance coefficients than softchine hulls of the same nominal Tength-to-beam ratio and loading (depp and LCG/I) at a given epeed, The difference generally becomes more pro nounced al higher speeds More slender hulls within the series have higher residual resistance coefficients than the beamier hulls. ‘Trends 6 and 6 may appear contrary to intuition for designers. ernst be remembered that the trends stated apply to residual resistance coefficients only. Differences in wetted surface enused by differing hull slenderness may result in higher resis {ance forces and horsepuvwers. ‘The series of eillwater reeistance tests on Chee soft-chined ‘nd three hard-chined models of comparable slendemess and Toading has resulted in, first, «set of residual resistance coc cient contours as functions of L/B, & y», LOG/L."end speed- ‘measured by Fxy, and Fy which appeur Co kive reasonable tesulte for craft falling within Ue scope of the series parame> ers, and second, en initia formulation based on multiple linear regression analysis which predicts surprisingly well, atleast for Future series work ‘As mentioned at the outset, this paper represents the first Cctosen 1988 368 Table 3 Percent dtferences from model test EHP's: 108-1 YP [CEP ypodet ~ EHP o:)/EHP podil % 100- Eu Sign] SFL [Sas] SPE Vg Sead Kopeon | Sty Ss a nots Test (7) [Ref. 9] (Ref. 2] [Ref. 3} (Ref. 10) 4 ‘ : : : 2% ‘ 4 Q 8 nt : 3 ge i i a : 3 8 tS a 8 Fa é q bi a : g 2 a : 3 i 3 3 g a es u Fe i 5 3 8 fa i & $ 8 a 5 5 8 e a8 i 4 u B Bs : 3 a 8 Be 2 3 8 » Bos g a 8 I Positive values indicate underestimates relative to model data installment in a series of performance estimating tools for the designers of coastal patrol type craft in the displacement and semiplaning speed regimes, Work has begun or is in the plan- ning stages for the following extensions ofthis work: ‘Running trim angle (r) and rise/sinkage at the center of ‘gravity (Zcq) will be presented in the same format as the residual resistance data included herein, ‘+ One o more heavier displacement conditions will be in- cluded in the model test matrix. + Resistance of the series in shallow water typical of coastal, ‘operational areas will be studied. + Seakeeping tests in head and following seas will be con- ucted to assess the effects of hull changes on pitch, heave, relative motion, and added resistance due to en” countered waves. 1+ Seakeeping tests at zero speed in beam seas will be com- pleted to assess hull shape and loading effects on roll motion. + Thelinear regression equation will be refined as necessary to improve its ability to predict residual resistance coeffi- cients. ‘he series representa the first systematic resistance data published by the staff of the USNA Hydromechanies Laborato- Ty. Consequently, considerable discussion of facilities and lab techniques are included in this report. Of particular interest are tthe interactive operator/computer aspects of the laboratory ata acquisition system and the turbulence stimulator study presented. Acknowledgments ‘Many talented people were responsible for the work reported, here. The entire staff of the U.S. Naval Academy Hydrome: chanics Laboratory —both permanent and temporary—deserve Fecognition for the precision and consistency with which this large number of model tests was carried out. Special thanks are due to Don Bunker, Howard Chatterton, Steve Enzinger, Jeff Hough, and John Hoyt for their efforts. NAVSEA:NORFOLK supported this effort materially and technically throughout, ‘Mr. Don Blount and Mr, Gordon Hatchell of that organization, ‘were especially supportive. For turning pages of handwritten 370 scravil to the finished manuscript, my thanks to Darlene Bat ten, Judy Anwway, Mary Palombo, and Helen Wanbaugh. References 1, Hal. ric Rene pt oe bla ce at 2, vig 2 Monel J nd Bde D Tin Dt Hg ped via tm ee Pea A tea ERPS ng ny” De La se Ni nae eer SHAN, oe 1 Es, Wilms § nC BH Te US soa etn aan gear Read at saree nei eee a et, CEREAL Aiea ot cease ERASE ote gran: Still Water Testing of Systematic Series: YPS1-1 through YPS1-6," 8 RSE REE Ranch atte Gee 2 Dah SnAg nl Wes, sop geal ese Pee TPG ney Mat ea Po Efeotive Horsepower ‘fests for YP3I-T," US. Naval Acadamy, Divi- fon of Baginecring and Weapons, Report No, BW-20-82, Annapolis, ‘Mi, duly 198, ‘Test Data for the LE oo et sole nual rar te ree waist ioe ra oe untae Cices Weareiatra tatagedany citi Scar tte Rite? Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ. Sune 1973. i eal Seca fe rhodes eae, ie ese epoch ase a se ER come nate iia Ba venice AP Metric Conversion Factors 3048 m, 0.0329 mt = 0.92801 m* 4mm 148 ks MARINE TECHNOLOGY

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