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Hepatitis A Virus

By: Destynie Viliamu

Hepatitis & It Relatives

Hepatitis A Virus is a disease characterized by
the inflammation of the liver
All known Names For Hepatitis;

Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis D
Hepatitis E
Hepatitis G

Causes & How Its Spread

Drinking contaminated water
Having sex with someone with the virus
Being in close contact with someone with
the virus
Eating food handled by someone with the
virus who doesnt thoroughly was his/her
hands after using the toilet

Symptoms Of Hepatitis
Common Symptoms
Nausea and Vomiting
Abdominal Pain/Discomfort
Loss Of Appetite
Low Grade Fever

How its diagnosed

Blood tests for antibodies are helpful in
diagnosing Acute and Chronic Viral
Blood tests also help prevent further

Hepatitis Ethnic Groups

Affects Of Hepatitis
Hepatitis affects the liver and can cause
liver cancer
Hepatitis can also affect your eyes and
cause yellowing of the eyes
Some of the Six known Hepatitis Virus
may affect your whole body

Treatments & Cures

There is no specific cures for hepatitis but
prevention is key
Vaccine is available and recommended for
anyone with liver disease

Is there a birth control to prevent

No, there is no certain birth control that
can prevent Hepatitis, but again
prevention is key.

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