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Buddha Samantabhadra - Rigpa Wiki

Buddha Samantabhadra
From Rigpa Wiki
Samantabhadra (Skt.; Tib.
Kuntuzangpo; Wyl. kun tu bzang po) In the
Dzogchen teachings, our true nature, that state of
the Ground, is given the name the 'Primordial
Buddha'. Sogyal Rinpoche writes, "[Kuntuzangpo]
represents the absolute, naked, sky-like primordial
purity of the nature of our mind".[1]
He is depicted as a buddha, sky-blue in colour,
sitting in the vast expanse of space, and encircled
by an aura of rainbow light. He is completely
naked, meaning unstained by any trace of concept.
His name, Kuntuzangpo in Tibetan, Samantabhadra
in Sanskrit, means always good', always well or
unchanging goodness. What this signifies is that
unchanging goodness, or fundamental goodness, is
our ultimate nature.


The Primordial Buddha Samantabhadra

1 The Five Aspects of Kuntuzangpo

2 Teachings About Kuntuzangpo
3 Further Reading
4 Notes
5 Internal Links

The Five Aspects of Kuntuzangpo


Tnpa Kuntuzangpo
Gyen Kuntuzangpo
Lam Kuntuzangpo
Rigpa Kuntuzangpo
Tokpa Kuntuzangpo

Teachings About Kuntuzangpo

Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, Rigpa London, 8 February 1992
Sogyal Rinpoche, Berlin Centre, 4 June 2011

Further Reading



Buddha Samantabhadra - Rigpa Wiki

The Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, Penetrating Wisdom: The Aspiration of Samantabhadra, (Ithaca:
Snow Lion Publications, 2006), pages 33-37.

1. The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, page 106.

Internal Links
Prayer of Kuntuzangpo
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Categories: Buddhas and Deities Hundred Peaceful and Wrathful Deities Dzogchen
This page was last modified on 13 November 2011, at 23:36.
This page has been accessed 23,805 times.


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