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Silver Lake College — Administrator Leadership Practicum Plan Directions: The Practicum Experience must be well planned. Work with the Practicum Supervisor on this. The completed form, when approved by the On-site and Practicum Supervisor, will be located in your Joule account Gregory Raymond Balza SLC Supervisor: | Larry Ballwahn Administration-51 Date: | 1/12/15 Practicum — Plan Report This report is to be completed and submitted electronically to the Practicum Supervisor. Afr the initial conference, the Jointly signed form will be uploaded into Joule. Work and hours must be logged and submitted bi-weekly during the term of the practicum. ‘Approval of Plan Site Supervisor | ate /-/2 -2¢/Signature By, Yasedert SLC Supervisor Date. Signature This form is used for feedback and approval of the plan, and for feedback to the candidate during the practicum and the final approval record. ‘Advisor's comments 7 approval School or District St. Mary Catholic School Address 1406 Main Street, Luxemburg Wi 54217 Site Supervisor __| Kaye Jacobs Title/role | Principal @ Holy Trinity School, Casco Phone and email 920-837-7531, Diversity Activities Poverty Simulation a Site of activity | Howe School : Purpose/goal of activity | The poverty simulation experience will help be begin to understand what it might be like to live in a typical low-income family trying to survive from week to week Contact person Thomas Kruse Preconference date A Brief description of the proposed practicum experince. Tam currently in my first year as Principal at St. Mary School working toward my masters and license in Administration 51. We are a very small rural school where | wear many hats and cover numerous areas. During this practicum experience | would like to focus on two big initiatives that we are developing at our school currently, RTI and Google Implementation. Rationale for the activity: How will this help you grow as a Visionary Leader, Resourceful Manager, and Reflective Educator who will be able to meet the Wisconsin standards for an effective school administrator? Be specitic Reflection is important at all points during the school year. By reflecting and discussing with staff and faculty at the beginning of the school year, | have identified two particular areas of need at St. Mary's School: a school wide web service and meeting the needs of every learner. | have begun the implementation of google into the school and have scheduled RTI time daily. | continue to focus on these two topics with the vision and mission for our school in the same lens while always putting the needs of the students first. Goals for the practicum experience: Personal learning goals and school or district goals. These must be observable or measurable and should be linked with «@ program dimension (VL, RM, RE) and/or Wisconsin standard for school administrators. als Tor porsonal earning amension Sanda How evaluated? [After 6 years of being a general education leacher | have moved into this position. I have laught in both public and private sector jobs ind | want to serve and lead students and staff it St. Mary's through multiple avenues using he best practices for Administration. \dministrative Standard 4 - The administrator ¢nsures management of the organization, perations, finances, and resources for a safe, ficient, and effective learning environment. Iam going to collect urveys from the staff isplaying when they bserved me using he best ractices. The implementation of TI is also evidence of this goal. 2. _| Goals related schoolidistrict need / dimension - standard How evaluated? [As part of my initial interviews with the staff and community of St. Mary's, | have created a school wide goal of RTI time for all students. | will be part of this process from beginning to launch and will conduct reviews during the process to make gains in all students. ‘Administrative Standard 3 - The administrator manages by advocating, nurturing and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to pupil learning and staff professional growth. This goal will be valuated by bcumension of the eating of groups for RTI and the content being covered during this time. 3._| Goals related to broader understanding of and experience with diverse populations How evaluated? As part of a small school, we do not have a great cultural diversity; however, we do have social and economic diversity. On a daily basis, | plan to aid in the understanding of our students and parents that no matter what economic class their family is considered they have equal right to an outstanding education. ‘Administrative Standard 7 - The administrator understands, responds to, and interacts with the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context that affects schooling, This goal will be evaluated through reflection on a continuous basis and through documentation. We | will offer families, options for e-folders and text message reminders. Based on their at home funds and resources (internet / smartphones) families will sign up or opt out of these extra services. | Evaluation of the Practicum includes six components: Pan for evaluating the practicum experience is developed by Candidate; reviewed and approved by the SLC Supervisor, and Site Supervisor as part of the practicum planning process. 1._| Evaluation of successful accomplishments of any specific projects done during the practicum Evaluation of candidate's role in the accomplishment 2, '3._| Evaluation of accomplishment of practicum goals > Evaluation of candidate's dispositions (beliefs, values, commitment) that contributed to his/her effectiveness in| this role. 5. | Evaluation of the candidate's ability to reflect and identify areas for needed change, growth, “next steps.” 6. | Evaluation of candidate's general administrative, professional conduct. (See ISLLC Performances (skills to) and Supervisor's checklist form.) Evaluation of each component must include something of the following as applicab! Qualitative data: Statements, testimonials, interview results, etc. by persons qualified to provide this information. Quantitative data: Numerical data based results from instruments such as Likert scales, questionnaires, evaluation Instruments, etc. Evaluation Plan for Practicum: any explanation needed beyond the stated ‘Comments/Rating evaluation of the goals As stated above | will document my findings for goal three and will present evidence in the form of a pdf file electronically submitted with my practicum plan. | Silver Lake College —- Administrator Leadership Practicum Bi-weekly Log — and Supervisor Feedback {i Gregory Balza SLC Supervisor | Larry Ballwahn ] License area | Administration 51 Date submitted | Directions for use = (Candidate: Complete this form, save it to your own computer and then upload it your Joule | account, ‘Send an email notifying your SLC Supervisor that you have submitted the form. idd your comments, suggestions, approval as applicable, save it on your pu pl late's Joule Folder. Estimated Hours this biweekly posting: 80. ‘Cumulative Hours: 80. Candidate's Log Supervisor's Comments ‘A. | Goals: activities that addressed practicum plan goals this report period ‘Rs I was thinking about my goals for this log, Tthought | would focus on my RTI project that have addressed in my practicum plan, My goals included testing, data collection, and Title | grouping 1. MAP testing ~ I wanted to work with NWEA in the area of testing to | discover the pros and cons in extending our testing grades. What ‘would it look like if we added 1° and 5K to our testing window? What. would we need to do differently to prepare these students? 2. wanted to look at our data collection methods and what we are using to evaluate our students for services they are receiving from their created learning paths, What data are we collecting on the students? How are we using this data? Does this data reflect our groupings? How can we use the data from year to year? 3. [wanted to develop an understanding of our Title | services through the puiblic school and how our students are grouped for this program B. | informal evaluation (self) of your success in meeting those goals, T believe that | was able fo be successful with meeting most of my goals. 1did much research on MAPS testing and what services NWEA could provide for us | as a school. After gathering some data, | went ahead and added both 1 and | 5K to our testing window. | also looked into our data collection methods and tried to see how we were using this information. | made some changes as to move some information to Google docs and found some trends in our education program. | also shared some websites and information on RIT scores and how | we can improve them. While evaluating, | know that | could add another goal of how our assessments flow from teacher to teacher. Lastly, | went fo a Title | meeting on Thursday, January 29" to learn about our data and how we can use itto develop groups for Tile | The new group for Title | wil be starting February 9 C._| Key Leadership Experiences BED The key leadership experiences I have gain in this process are the pros and cons of standardized testing, how data can be helpful if used properiy, and how extra programs, such as Title are helpful in our school planning, These were all excellent experiences, but the biggest experience | earned was the unexpected challengesi/ideas that arise when working through the process, Some of these challengesiideas were nat even on my radar when starting, but are added as we move forward with the progress. | have leamed that experiences continue to blossom from each new idea and keep everything fresh. + Summarize Wisconsin Administrator Standards related to the leadership xperiences is 2 = The ideas and challenges shared through staff meetings fo continue to drive and update our goals for RTI. /S 6 — acting with integrity and faimess to the standardized testing of Practicum Log #1 January 26- February 8, 2015 students interacts with the public school to best service our students in rograms such as Title | 2 [Critical skills and dispositions practiced in your exercise of leadership The critical skills and dispositions | practiced during this time is to leave room for improvements and new ideas. You make a great plan but let others share and develop that plan together. When I was working through the data collection with staff, we came up with ideas that were never even ‘on my radar. With this being said, itis extremely important to be organized ina way that allows staff members to contribute, Not being concise could allow for disapproval and wasted time. 3 | Reflection on your learning and your growth as a Visionary Leader, Reflective Educator and Resourceful Manager through these experiences: earned that | we had to be true to our Vision that students come first, while continuing to push forward with new ideas and changes. We have to be reflective in all our actions in order to grow and develop into a true leader. Date of meeting with Site Supervisor ar ‘Supervisor (if applicable) since last posting irthere was a meeting. please inccate a) points discussed, b) next slope f any were dented. ‘a. Tuesday, January 27" ~ After our pre-conference via Skype with Larry, we discussed the area of RTI We talked about which of her students MAP tested. She told me that they added second grade to the testing window is session. We also shared about a possible in-service time together between the two schools around the area of RTI ’. Atournext gathering, we are to bring some suggested dates when we could have a professional in- service together on RTI Practicum Log #1 January 26- February 8, 2015 Silver Lake College — Administrator Leadership Practicum Bi-weekly Log — and Supervisor Feedback Candidate Gregory Balza ‘SLC Supervisor _| Larry Ballwahn License area __| Administration 57 Date submitted Directions for use - Candidate: Complete this form, Save itto your own computer and then upload it fo your Joule account. ‘Send an email notifying your SLC Supervisor that you have submitted the form. Directions for use - SLC Supervisor: Add your comments, suggestions, approval as applicable, save it on your computer and then upload it to the Candidate's Joule Folder. Estimated Hours — this biweekly posting: 80, Cumulative Hours: 80, Candidate's Log [ Supervisor's Comments ‘A. | Goals: activities that addressed practicum plan goals this report period | “Again, | was thinking about my goals for this log and I thought I would focus on my technology goal of implementing Google Apps for Education as it was addressed in my practicum plan. My goals included planning for our school's technology meeting and upgrading classroom devices. 4. Technology Meeting ~ We have four formal technology meetings at our school each year, We conduct them every other month to drive our technology advances at St. Mary's School. Our third technology meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 25" at 3:30p.m. | am the chairperson for this meeting s0 | have to create the agenda and | prepare all the paperwork for this meeting, | 2. Upgrading classroom devices was an initiative that stemmed from the | second technology meeting in December. I took that task under my belt. During the past few weeks, | have conducted much research on classroom devices and how we could tie it into the Google Apps for Education in the classroom, B. | informal evaluation (self) of your success in meeting those goals Being from a small private school, we have to be smart with our technology purchases and work together to achieve success. | believe that | was able to meet both of my goals set for myself during these two weeks. I was able to ‘create on agenda for the upcoming technology meeting that allows us to drive the meeting. | created and shared itn a way to allow people to share their insights before the meeting. We use the agenda to drive the meeting and keep ‘our committee focused on the topic at hand, As for my other goal, I believe | was able to find some interesting data to report back to the committee on Wednesday, Some of the activities | completed were researching different devices, gathering quotes from different companies, and even bringing two ‘demos into the school for display. Not all these activities happened this week, butitis an ongoing development. ©. | Key Leadership Experiences: ‘The key leadership experiences I have gained in this process are the amount time one uses to complete research. | knew the teachers wanted updated devices in their classrooms, but the decision making process of the best device takes several days. Since our last meeting in December, | have been gathering data to present at our February technology meeting. Just this past week, | sent out the purchase order for the demos that | requested for display at the school. Making informed decisions takes several months. We believe we are on the correct train to purchase these devices for the 2015-2016 school year. We will have about eight months of data collection before we make this very important decision for our school. Another leadership experience | learned was the importance of agendas and how they can focus a meeting. During our first technology meeting, we had no agenda because | did not realize | was the Practicum Log #2 February 9, 2015 - February 22, 2015 chairperson. The meeting was unproductive and we lacked vision. It was nice to see the difference at the December meeting ‘1 Summarize Wisconsin Administrator Standards related to the leadership experiences: ‘3— | know that we need to nurture the area of classroom technology for students. We will also have to provide professional development to teachers, hen the devices come into the school ‘4 - With a cost of about a $12,000 initiative, | have to continue to talk tween our technology and budget committees to ensure success 6 - When we come to finalize our purchase, | need to act with faimess, and integrity. Focusing on the process wil allow me to do this because of ur time together as a team to make the decision 2 [Ctical skills and dispositions practiced in your exercise of leadership: ‘The critical skil | practiced was the importance of team in making a large initiative change at our school. With replacing all the classroom computers, we are affecting many individuals. | need these technology meetings to drive our thoughts and purpose of our technology. Allowing my teachers to attend the meetings give me the opportunity make the best informed decision for the school. As a team, we come to many conclusions together which in turn make the implementation of these devices easier at the later date. With that being said, | know we wil not all agree, but with much knowledge and data, we can make an informed decision that staff can be assured b 3 | Reflection on your leaming and your growth as a Visionary Leader, Reflective Educator and Resou’ lanager through these experiences: ‘A major area | am developing with this project is a visionary leader. We have to think about how these devices will impact our students, how we are going to implement them, safety concems, technology requirements, etc. Furthermore, ask questions, such as, how long do these devices last, what is the maintenance requirements, and durability of these devices? AS a visionary leader, we cannot only think about the purchase of these devices, ‘but what the future will hold when these devices arrive at our school D. | Date of meeting with Site Supervisor and/or SLC Supervisor (if applicable) since last posting ‘there was a meeting, please indicate a) points discussed, b) next steps if any were identified ‘a. Monday, February 9” Kaye and I met to discuss my practicum and other areas. We worked together to lock in place our Friday, August 21" day of in-service. We shared some other resources such as, salaries, and tuition costs. I have my monthly board meeting, Tuesday, February 10". Our agenda included staff raises, contracts, and tuition. | will be sharing more of my experiences on the next log. Practicum Log #2 February 9, 2015 - February 22, 2015 Silver Lake College — Administrator Leadership Practicum Bi-weekly Log — and Supervisor Feedback Candidate: Gregory Balza ‘SLC Supervisor Larry Ballwahn License area | Administration 51 Date submitted Directions for use - Candidate. Complete this form, save ito your own computer and then upload it to your Joule account. ‘Send an email notifying your SLC Supervisor that you have submitted the form. Directions for use- SLC Supervisor: Add your comments, suggestions, approval as applicable, save it on your computer and then upload it to the Candidate's Joule Folder. Estimated Hours — this biweekly posting: 80, Cumulative Hours: 80. Candidate's Log ‘Supervisor's Comments, A. | Goals: activities that addressed practicum plan goals this report period This time I took @ step back from my practicum goals and | went in the life-long leamer route of an administrator. As this is my first year, | have learned numerous topics and concepts to this point. With this being said, | wanted to focus on my involvement at the last two board meetings. My goal for learning included the whole spectrum of finance and budget. 1. My first goal was to wrap my head around the area of budgeting and how the administrator fits into that puzzle. | wanted to know my part land what | needed to do in order to prepare for next schoo! year. 2. Classroom budgets I wanted to create some consistently between classroom budgets and how these could affect our overall budget. 3. The last goal was to understand teacher contracts along with raises for all staff members. B. | Informal evaluation (self) of your success in meeting those goals. My overall evaluation of myselfis positive. I have gained much knowledge in| regards to budgeting and planning for the next school year. | do not ciaim to know all, but | have made several positive strides to move in a greater understanding of this concept. To show my development, I first met with the business/parish director who assists the principal in putting together the budget for the school. We met for about four hours to discuss the overview and my role. This meeting was extremely helpful because it provided me with much background on this topic and how I fit into it. After creating the budget, | was able to give each teacher $200.00 dollars to use for their classroom budget. | Created a google sheet to record all their purchases and have reference to them throughout the summer. In the past, their supplies were ordered in May, | am going to make the change to July in order to keep the budget years separate. Lastly, the area of contract and raises provided me the biggest whirl of surprise. |-did not think this would cause so much discussion and affect so many people. | survived, but will be much better prepared for next school year. C. | Key Leadership Experiences The key leadership experience | have gained is how important interpersonal relationships are between individuals. | have also gained a whole new perspective on finance. After meeting in two school board executive sessions, Thave come to appreciate my interpersonal skills. It was especially important to bea servant leader during these times. | had to fight for what | believed was correct while listening to everyone to make the best decision for the greater good. Furthermore, | learned many perspectives on finance and how to handle raises, Several options were outlined and discussed at these meetings. It was eye-opening to see how one small idea could escalate into many others leading the group into diferent discussions. | believe that these two board meetings provided me more knowledge than | could have read about in a book. These realife examples are priceless for me and my learning, Practicum Log #3 February 23, 2015 - March 8, 2015, 7 Summarize Wisconsin Administrator Standards related to the leadership experiences: ‘4 — | was able to create our budget while maintaining a culture thats, fective for our students. 6 — I had to act with faimess and integrity as we discussed contracts and raises for the follow year. I had to stay true to my heart and focus on the 1ajor highlights | had to bring to the forefront. 2 Criteal skils and dispostions praciced in your exercise of leadership ‘The crtical skill practiced was doing something for the greater good of our students. Some very tough decisions had to be made and | had to stand on the foundation that they were for the greater good of our students. While all this was happening | continued to develop my collaboration between individuals. We worked together as a schoo! board to discuss the pros and ‘cons of each option and made sure we stuck true to our mission. 3 | Reflection on your learning and your growth as a Visionary Leader, Reflective Educator and Resourceful Manager through these experiences: Tcontinue to be amazed at the amount of time, planning, and care that goes, into each of our school board meetings. | have come to appreciate the ‘school board members and the knowledge they have provided me throughout the school year. These individuals have made me reflect on how people may react, possible road blocks, and provided solutions to our school. This leadership is being transferred to me as | continue to grow with the school. Lastly, l learned to help people see the bigger vision of the school even though some feel dragged down from the day to day process. Itteminds teachers to step back into the larger vision of education. D,_| Date of meeting with Site Supervisor and/or SLC Supervisor (if applicable) since last posting If there was a meeting, please indicate a) points discussed, b) next steps if any were identified. ‘a. This log included experiences from our Tuesday, February 10” and Tuesday, March, 3° board meeting, b, Practicum Log #3 February 23, 2018 -March 8, 2015 Silver Lake College — Administrator Leaders! Practicum Bi-weekly Log — and Supervisor Feedback Candidate Gregory Balza ‘SLC Supervisor | Larry Baliwahn License area__| Administration 51 Date submitted Directions for use - Candidate. Complete this form, save it to your own computer and then upload it to your Joule account, ‘Send an email notifying your SLC Supervisor that you have submitted the form. Directions for use — SLC Supervisor: Add your comments, suggestions, approval as applicable, save it on your computer and then upload ito the Candidate's Joule Folder. Estimated Hours — this biweekly posting: 80. Cumulative Hours: 80, Candidate's Log Supervisor's Comments A | Goals: activities that addressed practicum plan goals this report period For my last bi-weekly log | decided to continue to tackle the world of budgets for ‘our school. Working in the private sector of education is a different approach than the public. My goals for this log included 1. Funding for the 40 technology devices for our school. We got the quote and now we have to allocate the money. 2. Title | and II funding for our school from the public sector. How does this work and what role do | piay in this part? B. | Informal evaluation (self) of your success in meeting those goals. Thelieve learned much with budgeting through the allocating the money for our devices and Titie Funds. | worked with the Technology committee and the Home and School Association to secure the funds needed for the devices. | met with the Technology Committee to use part of their funds to buy the devices while the other part came from Home and School. | had to present my findings land quotes and the Home and School meeting. | was prepared to answer all the questions the parents had about the allocation of these funds. 1 had to provide parents with an excellent rationale to why it was important for our School to purchase these devices. AS for Title Funds, | never knew how this ‘was handled from the private sector. At the beginning of the year, I ust got a letter with my Title | funds available and that | could spend that money on. professional development. | decided to be proactive and sign up for Tite I Communicating and Collaborating with Private School at CESA 6 on 4/28/2016. eelieve this ail day class will help me understand this process and how I can better service my students at school Key Leadership Experiences The key leadership experience was to be organized and be sure that | had all the accurate information for our Home and School members. | wanted the Home and School members to know that we did our research and this was the best purchase for our students at SMS. | also leamed to be a proactive member of our community. | knew my knowledge was limited with Title, so ! tesearched and found that CESA 6 was offering a day retreat on private school Title | funding, You need to be that life-long leamer in all areas to continue to {grow in knowledge. 1 Summarize Wisconsin Administrator Standards related to the leadership bxperiences: JAS 2 — Ensure thal district programs are articulated throughout our school in Title | funds. IAS 4 — Allocation of funds for programs JAS 5 — Collaborating with families and community. 2 Critical skills and dispositions practiced in your exercise of leadership: The critical skills | practiced was being organized and being able to share my vision with the community of St, Mary School. Being prepared allowed Practicum Log #4 March 9, 2015 - March 22, 2015 Te to display confidence about my decisions. 3 | Reflection on your learning and your growth as a Visionary Leader, Reflective Educator and Resourceful Manager through these experiences: ‘My experiences have again provided me many opportunities to grow as a visionary leader, reflective educator, and resourceful manager. | had the opportunity to be resourceful when | reached out to the area CESAs in hopes to find out information about Title. | was reflective in thinking about the different funding options available for our devices. All these experiences help keep my vision grounded as we move forward with our student growth D.__| Date of meeting with Site Supervisor andlor SLC Supervisor (f applicable) since last posting If there was a meeting, please indicate a) points discussed, b) next steps if any were identified. ‘@._Imet with Kaye on March 18” to just touch base about my plan and the following steps. We discussed my growth inal areas and how beneficial itis for me to be able to work inthe joB on a daly basis. | have had the privilege of leaming day by day through my experiences. Practicum Log #4 March 9, 2015 -March 22, 2015,

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