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Silver Lake College - Administrator Leadership Practicum — Concluding Report Candidate: Gregory R. Balza SUC Supervisor | Larry Ballwahn License area: | Administration -51 Date submitted | Report and Evaluation of Practice and Learning Directions for use - Candidate: Complete this form, share it with your onsite supervisor, save it fo your own computer and then upload it to your Joule Account. Send an email notifying your SLC Supervisor that you have submitted the form A web conference is then arranged for the final approval ‘Sign-off vy Site Supervisor | Date 3/2014 sionatwe__ Aa gee Ca caleso/ Date ‘SLC Supervisor Signature Practicum Term: Spring 2015 Date of Final Conference: TBD Approximate Number of Practicum Hours: 300+ | Conference P: Gregory Balza, Kaye Jacobs, Larry Ballwahn ‘School or District St. Mary School, Luxemburg Kaye Jacobs = Principal, Holy Trinity School, Casco zi Diversity Activities Poverty Training and Role Playing Site of activity Pulaski High School — Master Class UR. | How did this practicum experience prepare you to fulfill the typical responsibilities of ajob in your licensure | | area? Reference Wisconsin Administrator Standards and Critical Skills and Dispositions for a person in the licensure role. a a This practicum was a bit different for me because | am living the role currently as principal of St. Mary School. | have the privilege to “learn by doing” as the year continues to push on. What this practicum did for me was to truly ‘open my eyes to what this role encompasses and reffect on everything that | have been learning each day. ‘Sometimes | felt ike I did not even know I was learning things unti | stepped back and took a few moments to reflect on the information | experienced from the past few weeks. Another avenue this practicum provided for me | | was in the area of the Wisconsin Administrator Standards. | was able to tie my activities into those standards and how they can drive the school forward. | became well diversed in the wording of them and how they can help me be ‘a better leader for our school How did this practicum experience facilitate your growth as a visionary leader, resourceful manager, and/or reflective educator (the dimensions of the AL program conceptual framework)? ‘A visionary leader, resourceful manager, and reflective educator are al fundamental aspects to being a great principal. | was able to enhance all three areas during this practicum experience. An example of my visionary leader came from my technology/device project. | have had a roadmap of this entire experience from starting as a Google Apps for Education schoo! to purchasing 40 devices forthe next school year. My vision started back in July (of 2014 and will come full circle July of 2015. | have to keep the vision ahead of me as we continue to move this, project through our school. As for resourceful manager, this came into much effect during my budget month of March. | never knew all the different ways | could be resourceful in managing the monies of a school. | learned much, from creating classroom budgets to personal raises. The last area, but | believe most important, is @ reflective educator. Reflection is the key growth in anything | do. When | was a classroom teacher, | always reflected on my lesson, what went well, and how could | change it to make it better. My reflective lens as a teacher may be tweaked a bit to fit the administration lens, but the idea as a whole is the same. | reflect on my changes, strengths, and weaknesses to discover ways to improve our education system. €. | Were you able to complete the goal evaluations that you set forth in your plan? Results? jost of my goal evaluations that | set forth in my plan were met or are on a continual plan that will be met in time. To continue growth in my leadership for the school year, | have and continue to collect teacher surveys on best practices r administration. These surveys throughout the school year keep me focused on those core practices. As for my TI goal, | have created several Google documents that help create and manage our invention time at St. Mary school. We continue to make changes to this time, but our foundational base is there and we continue to build upon Jt As for diversity, we can only provide and learn from our schoo! culture. With limited diversity, we always continue }o build on our knowledge. We need to remember that we do not all have the same beliefs and traditions, but we all have to be understanding of each other's feelings. ._| Most valuable leadership opportunities during the Practicum: The most valuable leadership opportunity during this practicum for me was my participation al our two board meetings. | pride myself on being organized and well prepared forall types of situations, but the last two board ‘sessions | can say that | was not fully prepared. | believe some ofthis came from my lack of knowledge in this position and expectations were not clear. | value this time because | know what | can do differently next year ‘These meetings made me a strong person as | follow our school vision. In addition to the board meetings, my other leadership opportunity | value is the technology plan. | created this plan back in July and to see it develop throughout the school year has been amazing. This experience has given me several leadership skills that | can take with me to continue to implement school-wide goals. E_ | Summarize the Wisconsin Administrator Standards, Critical Skills and Dispositions that you had a chance to practiceldemonstrate during your Practicum Experience? Examples? E-1 Wisconsin Administrator Standards IWS 1 = | brought much knowledge about the teacher standards from my six years are prior teaching. This prior experience has given me strengths in this area /S 2 ~ The ideas and challenges shared through staff meetings to continue to drive and update our goals for RT /S 3 - | know that we need to nurture the area of classroom technology for students. We will also have to provide professional development to teachers when the devices come into the school, /S 4 ~ With a cost of about a $12,000 initiative, | have to continue to talk between our technology and budget mmittees to ensure success. | was also able to create our budget while maintaining a culture that is effective for students. JAS 5 ~ Collaborating with families and community, /S 6 — acting with integrity and fairness to the standardized testing of students and providing contracts for the follow ear. (S 7 — interacts with the public school to best service our students in programs such as Title I E-2 Critical Skills and Dispositions ‘Two of the critical skills and dispositions that I learned during this time were collaboration and communication. | believe you never can have enough of these two topics. Some areas that | have shown these skills is in my technology project for the school year. | have been collaborating and communicating with teachers, parents, Home ‘and School organization, and School Board. We have been shaping the plan to make it the best possible action With the help of so many people. The ideas and support have grawn so much because more people became invested in the solution/outcome. F, | Lessons: State one or two main lessons you learned through this experience. ‘One main lesson I have learned through this experience and year is finding a balance with professional and personal time. Being a new principal, I wanted to do and try everything. I quickly found out that was not possible. With the help from my wife, I was able to back step and decide the important parts in life. We came up with a few to focus on this year. I have found this to be a great help as I moved forward with my education and school. Another main lesson I came to discover is to be honest and upfront. Not everyone is going to agree with you, but will work with you when they know their expectations and requirements. In saying this, build the group in the decisions, solutions, and efforts. Ihave submitted my Practicum Experience Reflective Paper to my SLC Practicum Supervisor. | will submit my Practicum Experience Reflective Paper to my SLC Practicum Supervisor by Please check that the information about your Practicum is complete before you submit the form, Thank you, Note: This Concluding Practicum Report must be included in your Portfolio. iver Lake College Administrative Leadership Program position Assessment Rubric - Practicum Candidate: Gregory Balza License: Administration #51 Assessor: Gregory Balza Date: 3/30/15 Assessor: Kaye Jacobs Date: 3/31/15 Dispositions are observed and reported in all program work. Descriptors for each disposition are found in the table below and are examples only. Other descriptors may also apply and may be added in the Comments area. Please rate and intial each disposition providing, at minimum, a general explanatory comment, ‘Rubrig used to assess evidence of candidate's dlapositons MM Routinely exhibits the behavior consistent with the sleposttion NM Not Mot- Frequently exhibits behavior contrary tothe dispositon _- Developing Values the disposition and is working to develop habits of action consistent with it NO Not Observed Not observed inthis context - (of concern only it appears consistent overtime) Dispo | Descriptors Ie. examples Comments: Please initial sition your comment and rating. eet > Program Descriptors With my undergraduate degree | Wi (GB) + Provides resources & materials for other candidates & program personnel. | ‘fom Siver Late Coleg, | have * Participates in online discussion and shares ideas learning from the been well trained in Servant. Application in Practice Leaceraip, nave put cers + Expresses positive attitude in seminar discussion, provide useful feedback | stn my classroom cle and to other candidates completing culminating demos caren et a tees | + Gareor Descriptors feping Kaye ou th tng @ + Puts ones before sel tong sub for Per schoo! + Seeks to empower others in werking toward goals rather than “command” | (68) them | ‘was very qratot Gregory | Ma (Ku) hee me fn along term su. He is very wiling to help out in various ways. Since Fatnor Suess i the priest for both of ur schools we have @ connection that is beneficial, Gregory also makes sure that a! members feel important as part of his schoo! communty. Making sure that everyone is InvoWed in ereating and following goals is 8 poor for him Servant Leadership Respect forall persons * Program Descriptors * Selects resources that include diversiy-related issues * Pays altention to others’ reactions during seminar discussion * Career Descriptors: ‘Speaks well of district personnel and peers * Speaks respectully of students and peers, even when discussing problems + "Considerate of the time and expertise of others, ‘During our budget meetings T Upheld respect for everyone. 1 spoke about al the wonderful things our teachers do for our ‘students and while they shoud be warring a raise. (GB) | share a htendly good morning to al students and staf. (GB) | thank all teachers fries, ‘and students fr ter time, ‘alerts, and treasures they ‘share wth ur schoo! each doy. (68) Gregory maintains @ positive atitude nhs role as principal he demonstrates a high regard for Father Suess, the staf, and Students of St Mary's Schoo! ‘Boing present for students ana staff throughout the schoo! day ‘Shows his respect and ‘appreciation, Appreciation for Siaff, students, and families aro given by Grogory through ‘Tequent methods of communication. (Ki) By jM«y Collaboration * Program Deseriptors + Keeps competency mentor-instructors informed of progress and findings, * Volunteers to work with other candidates as needed + Spends ime wah otner candidates and program personel * Career Descriptors * Describes collaborative experiences positively and constructively * Uses “we" more frequently than ‘l" when speaking of leadership and ‘administrative work * Listens for understanding Collaboration ie an extramoly lnportant role in my ob. I have shown this throug my ‘echnology and RT) implementations. | worked ttrecty with teachers, committees, students, and parents. (G8) | implomentse Mondey Morning Meeting with my staf this year We use this 5 minutos of Ome to Collaborate onthe week ahead ofus. (68) From discussions with Gregory, ‘tis obvious that he has spent time doing research for affordable programs that wil ‘nop his sohoa! to improve Teachers’ involvement in planning and imelemerting new ‘rogram isa print for Gregory as well as proving hp throughout the process. (Ks) WBS Meks) Honesty * Program Descriptors * Uses appropriate citations of professional readings and resources * Career Descriptors + Provides letters of recommendation that attest to character and behavior * Faces dificult issues with openness and honesty ‘Our redietion sal is year shows my honesty tremendously. I had fo face ‘many difcut conversations to ‘make the bes! possible ‘conclusion (8) ‘Honesty isa charactonitic Gregory has tht willbe beneficial throughout his career ‘a5 a principal People he ‘lates 10 wil krow the tue reasoning behind any decisions. ca MGB) mew Ihave made to St Mary's Schoo, itis apparent that various types ofinstrucion are used to meet Ihe differential needs of el) | students. (ks) | | instruction. Within the visits | | * Program Descriptors “tering @ CESA 6 raining on | M(B) + Shows positive attitude toward students in discussion at seminars and with | Title funds shows my program personnel responsi Tone fo my + Meets program deadiines, attends seminars and program activities ‘tudenis and school. | am * Commits to program expectations: ae Gevelop toa profesional +, Soitnty checkin fr Seminar atendence oaneeuss oy * Career Descriptors + "Makes a concerted effort to understand and teach students wth differing | Gregory nas attended our | M (KJ) teaming styles and abilies sit Th! meetings gain + Meets the expectations ofa professional educator ination aout anaes © Provic [; sibility seen | ae _Prodeseconmendaton eters hat atest Fesponsilly seen by ard hap tats vate ‘aw agmiistraor nsorices ‘brovided bythe Green Bay Diecese. In meeting nods of a students and tft is important fra professional txlucators fo continue their Professional devtopmant. (Ki) = Program Descriptors developed our intervention M(GBy + Work presented evidences efforts to work with and understand how Ye is yeaa St ary studenis wi ifeinglearingsyles anderen ates cn be ened See, Me ea mule | ‘Students can achlove mor. _| + Shows positive attitude toward students in discussion t seminars and with | i" E | program personnel g | + Career Descriptors: ur tue jy time is @ great § | + “Seeks to diferente instruction ace fo cerontate insinction | « Is supportive of teachers in their efforts to help all students learn because students are moving & between grade levels for heir 3 eed ofatcton (CB) i ‘ive jy timo sounds ike 9 good : way to provide the students with | M (KJ) i {he opportuni for speciio 7 Proaram Descritors Tahvays value Tearing MGB) + Aicuates appropriate “next steps" for own continued teaming sreirg a, rate + Participates acively and contributes post monthy DASA moet Moone secs earn cera ea Mrs Gate Stet + Career Descriptors: Cece ne lscuss venous tps I have + Relates professional growth tothe ultimate goal of student learning oe eee bee + Evidences respect forall students in their efforts to learn, {he Begining of te your | ‘tend ose meotng to share Iny nndongs about eaming wha {0 fetnig footer frcings. ‘iste nas ated me gro professionally both in ‘Cam ana admiration, (Gs) J believe earing my masters ‘and taking this program shows iny professional growth. I want to loam through these avenuos ‘to increase student leaming. (cay Values learning Gregory played a key roe in geting our regional DASA. | M (Kd) Drincpars group to meet ‘monthy. Those meetings have hot only been beneficial o tim but foal ofthe principals as well The sharing of 03s, various activities, and concems | a great way to help schools ‘continue to find ways ___| improve. (Ks) ‘St. Mary's School Community is fortunate to have Gregory as its principal. He has shown great leadership and Competence in this role throughout the year. (kd) General Comment Silver Lake College Administrator Leadership Program Practicum Assessment - Wisconsin Administrator Standards* Assessment Rubric * derived from ISLLC standards; used for licensing & compatible with WI Framework for Principal Leadership Candidate: Gregory Balza License: #51 Principal Assessor: Gregory Balza Date: 03/30/15 Assessor: Kaye Jacobs Date: 03/31/15 Directions: Numerical rating ofthe work done within each of the seven Wisconsin Administrator Standards. You may be unable to rate every standard during this practicum. In addition, please provide a brief explanatory rationale for your rating making reference to specific descriptors where appropriate ‘General Assessment Rubric ~ used to assess attainment of standards and obiectives: ‘3 ~ Proficient ~ Refers to successful professional practice a rated by the Site Supervisor, described in candidate logs, and supported by artifacts and rationale, 2 Basie ~ Refers to professional practice that demonstrates some knowledge and sks to infuence student and organizational learning, but ‘the application i inconsistent as rated by the Ste Supersor, nt carefully descrbed in logs, or well supported by artfacts 11 Unsatisfactory - Refers to professional practice tat does not dsplay understanding ofthe concepts underlying the responsible. Inteneiveinforvention and suppor is needed NA-Not Appicable or NO-Not Observed ithe stuaion ofthe practicum warrants i General Administrative Standards — Practicum Assessment 4. The administrator has an understanding of and demonstrates competence in the teacher standards under s. Pl 34.02. (Teacher Standards) The SLC Administrator Candidate Is expected to understand and be able fo practice the feacher standards atthe level which wil tenable them to help teachers implement the standards in their classrooms. Rationale for your rating: Cand. | sitesupv. | sic supy | have been using the Wisconsin Teacher Standards in my career now for seven years. | | 3 = hhave been eveluated on them and required to demonstrate competencies in all areas. | believe this has helped me gain an understanding of them. | have been able to develop my application of them more this year because of a new teacher on staff. We were able to provide her with a mentoring program and how we could help her through her frst year. (GB) ‘Another development was my observation format for all teachers. We came together as a staff and developed four areas they wanted to improve this year in their classrooms. We tied these improvements into our Wisconsin Teacher Standards. We mest one on one, three times throughout the year to give feedback and support to these goals. (GB) 2. The administrator leads by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared by the school community. (Vision) A Wisconsin Principal will demonstrate proficient performance in the following knowledge and skills: A. Use a collaborative process for developing and implementing a vision for student achievement, BB. Align the school's vision withthe district and the community at large. Communicate and build support forthe vision with stakeholders. D. Support the vision by creating a results-oriented focus to increasing student achievement. E. Use data to inform the development, support, and evaluation of a shared vision and mission. F. Lead the process of setting and monitoring the goals based on the vision, G._Lead the change process to increase student achievement. H. Construct and implement evaluation processes to assess the effectiveness ofthe school’s vision and progress toward goals. Rationale for your rating: Cand, | Site supv. | sic supv ‘Mission and vision are important in any process of learning and growing. When moving 3 3 through a new idea or initiative, itis important to keep the why at the font. This can be seen through my project of implementing 40 devices in our classrooms. We did not just come up with this great idea and say complete. We worked through the whys and hows ofthis [process to ensure student leaming. We tied everything back to our mission and vision to help keep us grounded in the right direction. (GB) 3. The administrator leads by advocating, nurturing and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to pupil learning and staff professional growth. (instructional Program) A Wisconsin Principal will demonstrate proficient performance in the following knowledge and skill Establish high expectations and build organizational systems that result in a high performing school Create and implement a comprehensive, rigorous and coherent curricular program based on the Wisconsin Model ‘Academic Standards, a> ‘and leads to increased student achievement. ‘Supervise instruction and provide support to ensure staffs increasing achievement for every student. interventions, report student progress, and increase student achievement. Promote a collegial learning culture that supports on-going professional development focused on achievement for every ‘student. on™ m0 levels of student achievement. H. Monitor and evaluate the impact ofthe instructional program for continuous improvement to assure high levels of student Establish a learning environment with instructional programs that meet the diverse learning needs and interests of students Facilitate and supervise staff in the design and use of standards-based assessmenls to evaluate student learning, identify Monitor the use of differentiated strategies, materials, and technologies to maximize instructional ime and to ensure high achievement Rationale for your rating: Cand. | sitesupv. | sic supv Making a change to our instructional program this year at St. Mary's School was huge. We | 3. 3 implemented a daily 15 minute intervention block across eight grade levels. This time has not been perfect, but we continue to improve and make changes. Some examples include the four week duration instead of six. Adding MAPs testing to primary grade levels was ‘another addition to support our instructional data. Looking ahead to next year, we are planning to create a literacy block for students in third through sixth grade. This block would allow students to change between different reading groups. (GB) 4. The administrator ensures management of the organization, operations, finances, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment. (Management) ‘A Wisconsin Principal will demonstrate proficient performance in the following knowledge and skills: A. Develop, align, monitor, and evaluate management systems through short and long-term strategic planning processes to focus on student achievement lead to high levels of student achievement supports the well-being of students, staf, families and community of the students and staff, Model effective communication, decision-making, time management and current technology practices for school management and business procedures. Ensure teacher and organizational time is focused to support effective instruction to increase student achievement. Manage all aspects of the educational organization, including co-curricular and extra-curricular school programs. Establish and sustain distributed leadership to increase the achievement of al students. zon Rectut, select, induct, evaluate, supervise and retain highly qualified staff to support effective instructional practices that Establish and sustain a safe, efficient, healthy and productive schoo! environment that nurtures student achievernent and Identify, obtain, allocate, and monitor appropriate funds and other resources forthe short and long-term educational needs Rationale for your rating: Cand, Site Supv. SLC Supv ‘My management for our school is simple yet informing. | create this communication through | 3 ‘variety ways. | complete a Monday Moming Meeting, Teacher/Staff Bugle, PLC meetings, ‘and informal emails. Each Monday we start as a group to share thoughts about the week. It keeps all of us on the same page. | also share a google doc called Balza's Bugle to keep the ‘school community in the loop about my day. It alows the community to see the development ‘of my day. | also hold PLC meetings each month to grow our learning as a schoo! ‘community. Lastly, I have sent various informal emails to keep staff informed of unplanned aciviies. (GB) '8. The administrator models collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobiizing community resources (FamilyCommunity Relations) ‘A Wisconsin Principal will demonstrate proficient performance in the following knowledge and skills: A. Attend, facilitate, and participate in school-wide and community events. B. Involve diverse community groups to develop trust, and to support and implement programs and services to increase student achievernent C. Identify and use diverse community resources to develop and improve programs and partnerships and to meet the needs ofall students and stakeholders. D. Collaborate with families, the community, service-providers, and other key decision-makers to increase student achievement. Recognize, respect and respond to the needs of diverse families and community groups. romm Use culturally-responsive practices that acknowledge and value diversity Create and sustain celebrations, traditions, and customs that promote awareness of and respect for diversity. Employ multiple communication strategies to engage and collaborate effectively with all stakeholders. Rationale for your rating: Cand. Site Supv ‘SLC Supv I have become an active member in our school community. | have buit relationships with | 3 teachers, students, and families. | have built these relationships through the school and ‘outside of the school. | greet everyone as they come into school or as | scan their lunch ‘cards. | attend each Home and School meeting along with other subcommittee meetings for ‘our school board. | attend sporting and academic events outside the classroom. Another ‘community builder for me was the start of Remind. This instant messaging system is being used to communicate with parents about events and upcoming deadlines. (GB) 3 6. The administrator acts with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner (Ethics) A Wisconsin Principal will demonstrate proficient performance in the following knowledge and skills: ‘A. Formulate a bulding-level leadership platform grounded in ethical standards and practices that promotes a sense of urgency for increasing achievement for every student. B. Develop, implement and evaluate schoo! policies, programs and practices that ensure social justice, equi confidentiality, inclusion and respect between and among students, parents, faculy, and the community to support student achievement C. Know, understand, and articulate the relationships among social justice, culture and student achievement and promote ‘programs to address inequities within the school community. . Act with justice and faimess in applying federal laws, state laws and district policies as related to educational issues. E. Model principles of self-awareness, reflective practice, transparency, and ethical behavior. Rati nale for your rating: Cand. | Site Supw. Ske supy ‘Aig strength inthis area is my quality of respect, | respect each individual person which in | 3 tum allows me to act in an ethical manner. Ifwe rely on our personal instinct, we will come ‘out ahead. When approached from teachers about poor behavior or not turning in homework, | apply back to the why. We leam a lot when we think about the why students act the way they do. When we work on changing the why we can achieve more from our students. (GB) 3 7. The administrator understands, responds to, and interacts with the larger political, social, economic, legal, anc: cultural context that affects schooling, (Context affecting schooling) ‘A Wisconsin Principal will demonstrate proficient performance in the following knowledge and skills: A. Foster collaborative relationships and generate support for the school through open communication with local, state, and. federal decision-makers. B, Advocate for schoo! polices, programs and instructional practices that promote an equitable and culturally relevant instructional program ©. Demonstrate through personal actions, decisions and expectations a respect for, and appreciation of diversity 1. Identify and communicate emerging trends and issues likely to impact the school E. Ensure that the school complies with all legal, regulatory and policy requirements. F, Analyze and resolve school problems considering the larger political, socal, cultural, economic and historical context Rationale for your rating: Cand, | sitesupy. | suc sup Being a private school, we respond and interact with larger contexts in diferent ways. One | 3 3 way that we work directly with larger context isin our service plans and Title programs. | ‘oversee all service plans for our students. | am able to work with the public school to create a plan that will benefit the student. Furthermore, | attend all Title meetings through our public ‘school. Currently, | have three students receiving reading services through the public sector. We work together to achieve more learning forall. (GB) General Comments: The Importance of Reflecting Everyday As | step back from this entire practicum experience, | think to myself how excited | am to already be in this position and | feel happy that | made the transition from teacher to principal. As | was thinking about applying for this position, | thought to myself: Is this something | want to do? Will | enjoy my day? Can Istill have an effect on student learning? | will tell you that I can say yes to all of those questions. This school year, along with my practicum, has being a wonderful experience for me and | would not trade it for anything. There have been many significant things that | learned through the practicum experience, but the two that stood out for me were patience and collaboration with my team. | knew coming into the position that | wanted to do so many things to improve learning and help the school continue to educate the best students. I quickly realized through my technology advancement (Google Apps for Education) and RT! project that it takes patience to implement these new ideas. | needed to step back and slowly chip away at the projects while keeping the eye on the prize. | learned that patience helped me lead the school in the appropriate direction and students, parents, and teachers were more adapt to jump on-board with sharing and growing in the project. This leads into my other significant learning of collaboration. When | took little chunks of the projects, teachers were able to visualize the plan and help mold it. Teachers have given input which in turn leads to ownership. We had many sit down conversations to mash out ideas of little parts on the master plan. These small parts came together because of all the teamwork between students, parents, and teachers. Collaboration and patience were two significant learning points that | will take with me as | move forward. ‘Some people say that they are born leaders while others say it can be taught. | believe in both of those statements. | also had a goal of becoming a leader in a school district and believed that | had the skills to do so. | quickly found out that | did have some of the skills needed, but my leadership skills have evolved through this entire process. One of the major leadership skills gained and reinforced was managing a budget and the effects it has on students, teachers, families, and parents. In today’s world, everyone is asked to do more with less. This is especially true in education. | sit through some difficult closed session board meetings that | was not prepared for and my lack of skills showed. | learned greatly from these experiences and will better know how to handle these situations in the future. Cutting staff, raises for all, raises for some, frozen pay scale are just some of the areas that my skills were pushed to the limits. This practicum could not have come at a better time for me because I was able to reflect and share my experiences with others. | had the practicum to help me through this difficult time of the year. 11am glad I was able to sharpen my leadership skills in this area. My self-assessment in regards to the disposition assessment is overall strong with meeting the dispositions set forth. Becoming a servant-leader is something that | have been completing since my undergraduate degree at Silver Lake College. This idea of putting others first and listening to everyone has been something I carried over from my classroom to the principal position. My teamwork approach is an excellent example of my servant-leadership style. Respect to all persons can be seen through my best practices. | am greeting staff and students each day with a warm smile and friendly greeting. | also enjoy scanning lunch cards to make another personal connection with each student. Collaboration is important to help teachers feel ownership and that they have choice. A great example of this would be our weekly Monday morning meetings to discuss our week and share thoughts. My parents always said that honesty is the best policy. This has stuck with me from that point on. | have been upfront and honest with my entire staff from day one. Some changes were made and | have been honest with them on why those changes needed to be made. | have taken full responsibility of my learning and efforts at St. Mary School. My proof to this would be attending the CESA 6 training on Title funds. | knew it was my responsibility to research and learn more about our Title funds for private schools. Another disposition that is similar to my classroom is knowing that all children can learn. | know that all children learn different, but they can all learn. My RT! intervention time is an excellent example of building in other learning times for students. The last disposition | have met is the value placed on student learning. | have implemented Google Apps for Education and extra-curricular activities to enhance student learning. An example of this would be arranging our sixth grade students to go to Camp Tekakwitha. This is a new experience that students did not have before arriving at St. Mary School. This learning experience is one that we could not provide in the classroom. All these dispositions are important as | continue to grow in the school administrator position. My encompa: \g thoughts about this practicum were that | enjoyed every minute of it. Being in the principal role as | complete my practicum has allowed me to be more reflective than I would have been if | were a classroom teacher. This practicum gave me the opportunity to share my thoughts and find different avenues to increase my leadership skills. | am happy | was able to partake in this experience and reflect on my current position.

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