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I. Directions: Below are sentences taken from the story. Read each sentence carefully. One word in each
sentence is underlined. There are three words below each sentence. One of these words is a synonym
for the underlined word. A synonym is a word that has almost the same meaning as the underlined word.
Write the letter of the synonym on the blank before each sentence.
7. It was dusk and the dogs lay before him on the warm hearthstone.
a. morning
b. noon
c. evening
2. I had gone to bed thinking how wretched he looked.
a. pitiful
b. appealing
c. handsome
3. "I am good at sums and writing," said Sarah.
a. division
b. addition
c. subtraction

c. tricky

5. I shook my head, weary with Caleb's questions.

a. tired
b. entertained
c. puzzled

//. Directions: Write a letter to Sarah. Tell her about yourself. Ask her questions you would like answered.
Use a separate sheet of paper.
7/7. Directions: Write your answers to each of the following questions.
7. How are Sarah and Jacob different?

2. How are Sarah and Jacob alike?

3. Do you think Sarah and Jacob will have a happy marriage? Why or why not?

1993 by Sue Jones Erienbusch

4. "I am sly_ too," said Sarah stubbornly.

a. stubborn
b. determined

Answer Key
Part I:
1. c

2. a

3. b

4. c

5. a

Part II:

Answers will vary.

Part III:

1. Answers will vary, but mayinclude such as comments as: Jacob has been married andhad chil-

dren, but Sarah has always been single. Jacoblovesthe land, and Sarahlovesthe sea. Jacob is
poor at expressing his feelings, but Sarahisn't.
2. Answers will vary, but may include suchcomments as: Both are lonely. Bothlike to sing. Both
are hard working anddependable. Both are thoughtful and kind. Both are handy with tools. Both
are good with children.
3. Answers willvary.

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