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Yanique C. Thaw
Ms. Aponte
Tech Prep 11
24 April 2015
The Adventure to Finding Hope
The sun was as bright as a reindeers nose and it was one long day. I had another
altercation with my mother just like any other day, whether it was a marvelous day or a
miserable day outside.
You will reap what you sow!
She yelled out through the window when I had finish packing my belongings. I gave the
door a mighty pull SLAM! and then left. I knew a mothers curse was deadly, but I didnt pay her
any mind. I knew as long as I dont lose faith in myself, it wouldnt affect me because having
faith in myself is a better belief than to believe that you are cursed by your own mother.
She opened the door again and yelled, Youre as blind as a bat and as deaf as a rat!
I still didnt pay her any mind and continued walking.
Many people actually have the heart of a stone, but when they need help theyre as
helpless as a baby and that is how you would describe my parents when they try to team up on
me. As I reached within the forest to where I always ran away just to avoid my problems, even
though problems run faster than mankind. The wind whispered through the dry grass as I sat
down to kick back and relax. I faded off at that point, and thats when my adventure began.


It was a stormy night and I was heading to Andersons house after I had an altercation
with my father. As I reached his house, I knocked on the door and waited. Shortly with a puzzled
look, he opened the door and while his eyes went up he smiled.
Where are you coming from? he asked.
My parents house. I cant stand my fathers rotten ass. My so-call mother too. Always
standing up for him when hes wrong. Theyre like kings and queens. Theyre like partners in
He laughed. I dont wanna stay there with them anymore. Im the only child that lives
there and I dont even see my brothers and sisters anymore all because my parents have these
problems with them. Like why cant they go find them and try to work things out? That doesnt
give them any right to kick them out like that. Arent they supposed to be the parents? Arent
they supposed to fix the problems we have in this family? Why do I have to do it? Why cant I
go and find them? I love them, and I busted out crying in his arms.
I dont know whats really going on but try your best to get pass every crisis you have
with your parents. I know its hard, but just put every effort you have to get passed. Itll payoff.
Trust me. I know you can do it.
Anderson wasnt just any friend, he was my close friend. A friend who I can call at three
oclock in the morning.
After an hour of crying and complaining about my parents, I told Anderson that Im
leaving. I better not tell him that Im planning on running away, otherwise hell follow me.
Instead of going back to where I lived, I went to the opposite direction. Luckily he wasnt
watching me through the window as usual. I went deep into the woods and lay there on the tough


bumpy ground. I stared up into the darkness, closed my eyes real tight to the point where its
about to tear back open, clinched the dry ground between my fingers, and passed out. When I
woke up, it was about seven am. in the morning. As time flew by, so did the weather. I didnt
really know much of my surroundings so I got lost. Ive walked up and down the wet grass in the
woods. Approximately fifteen-twenty minutes, later I started to panic. This isnt the woods. This
is the Wilderness Forest! As quick as lightening I sprinted through the grass. I ran for hundreds
of miles. Theres a reason why people called it the Wilderness Forest. Its because many
tragedies happen to people who have entered it. As I was being sucked deeper into the forest, I
took a deep breath in, then out, and thats when I lost my faith.
Losing my faith was one of the scariest moments in my whole entire life. I didnt know
what happened, or where and who I was. I was speechless. It was like I lost my identity. I fell to
the ground breathing heavy and confused. I got up, shook it off
and walked on. As I was walking, I encountered a small river,
kind of rather a long pond. I walked alongside of the water. I
wasnt just looking for anything, I was looking for faith. An
hour later when I was beginning to give up, I heard a deep
voice in my head. What do you think youre doing!? You passed
me! Turn back around and find me! Immediately! Hurry before
its too late! I made a huge gasp. I quickly turned around and started to run. All I knew was that I
had to find whatever the voice wanted me to find and get the hell out of this place. I was in such
a hurry that I didnt see where I was going and I tripped and fell over a tree root. BOOM! I lay
there flat on the ground. As I got back up, I turned around and looked at the tree. The tree looked


very old and it bended. Almost to the point where it almost made a full circle. I turned back
around and proceeded.
Fifteen minutes later, I saw two doors a gold door and a black door. I remember not to
judge something from its cover. So I began to walk towards the golden door. Out of nowhere, I
was giving up hope. My heart felt it was going to come out through my mouth due to the rapid
heart beating. The crows fountained in the air as I took a deep breath in. I quickly backed up and
realized it. So I ran through the black door. It was kind of ironic for me to go through a dark door
instead of a gold door but, I knew to never give up hope. Just as soon I ran through the door, my
vision began to become blurry. As if I cant remember anything else about what had happen and
thats when I woke up.
Daylight was sparkling in my eyes and I could say that theres going to be clear skies
from now. I ran all the way back home. When I got there I saw my father outside with Anderson.
My father looked at me and said, Go and gather the green leaves on the lawn.
I put my bags down and proceeded in doing so. It was as if nothing happened.
My mother peeped her head outside the living room window and yelled, Come and
clean your closet! She rolled her eyes at me and shut the window. Then she came outside to
where I was and yelled again about the same thing. Thats when we started to argue again.
Anderson shook his head and said, Here we go again

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