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Mariah Gray
Mrs. Pettay
English 111, B-2
2014 October 14
Final Draft Informative Essay
What is the difference between Muslims and ISIS?
Muslims are not bloodthirsty people. Islam is a religion of peace that forbids the killing
of the innocent. Islam also accepts the Prophets, whether those prophets are Mohammed, God's
peace and blessing be upon Him, or Moses or the other prophets of the Books, said by Abdullah
of Saudi Arabia. The Muslim people who represent the spread of the Islamic religion are
peaceful. Yet here in America we have shown acts to the Muslim-American culture and
associated them with ISIS. The Muslim beliefs consist of six main ideas and with held in all of
these, there is no belief that there should ever be bloodshed. ISIS has been described as a
terrorist group who commit violent and indiscriminate acts against innocent people. ISIS claims
to be of the Muslim beliefs, yet nothing about them states that they are of any faith. Muslims
and ISIS have two different belief systems.
The Muslim beliefs consist of six main ideas. The first is the belief in the one and only
God; Muslims believe that God is the creator of all things and that God knows all and is all
powerful. They believe that God has no race, gender, body, or any other characteristics of a
human. The second one is they believe in angels of God. The third is the belief in the Book of
God. The Muslim people are extremely religious and can pray up to five times a day. Muslims
believe that God revealed holy books or scriptures to a number of God's messengers. Some of

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the many books they follow are the Quran (given to Muhammad), the Torah (given to Moses),
the Gospel (given to Jesus), the Psalms (given to David), and the Scrolls (given to Abraham).
The fourth is the belief that there are prophets or messengers of God. The last two beliefs are of
the Judgment day, which is where God judges you one your actions in this life, and the belief in
the Divine Decree. The Divine Decree is an article of faith which addresses the question of
Gods will. It can be expressed as the belief that everything is governed by divine decree,
namely that whatever happens in one's life is preordained, and that believers should respond to
the good or bad that befalls them with thankfulness or patience, says Kala Jadu, a Muslim
analytical specialist.
ISIS does not consist of any of these foundation of beliefs. From the mid-2000s through
today, ISIS and its predecessor group, al-Qaeda in Iraq, have had one clear goal: to establish their
own state governed by an extremist ideal of Islamic law. Within trying to accomplish this, there
are mass murders that occur frequently. In June alone there were 1,922 deaths including
civilians, soldiers, and policemen. This does not represent the Muslim belief system, nor any
other religion in the Middle-East.
Religious persecution is the continuous mistreatment of an individual or group of
individuals as a response to their religious beliefs or affiliations. The persecution of Muslims is
inflicted upon the followers of the Islamic faith. After the attack of 9/11, hate crimes began to
rise against people of Middle-Eastern decent in the country. In 2000, there were reported 3541,501 in which one of these lead to the attack of Zohreh Assemi. Zohreh was an Iranian
American Muslim owner of a nail salon in Locust Valley, New York, was robbed, beaten, and
called a "terrorist" in September 2007 in what authorities call a bias crime. Assemi was kicked,
sliced with a boxcutter, and had her hand smashed with a hammer. The criminals, who forcibly

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removed $2,000 from the salon and scrawled anti-Muslim slurs on the mirrors, they also told
Assemi to "get out of town" and that her kind were not "welcomed" in the area. The bias used
was of the thought process that everyone who was Middle-Eastern was/is a terrorist; which this
is simply not the case. ISIS makes open threats against America. Terrorism is the use of
violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims. This definition alone does not describe
the people of the Muslim faith.
In conclusion there are differences to have both of these groups compared. One has strong
beliefs in God and living their lives right, and then the other one kills people viciously. "The
group has no standing with faithful Muslims, nor among the international community of nations.
It clearly will never accept the obligations that any legitimate state has, including the
responsibility to protect citizens and uphold human rights. So we believe the media, civic society
and governments should refuse to legitimize these ludicrous caliphate fantasies by accepting or
propagating this name. We propose that 'UnIslamic State' (UIS) could be an accurate and fair
alternative name to describe this group and its agenda and we will begin to call it that." This
was said by Hussain, formerly a commissioner at the Commission for Racial Equality, when a
question was presented to him on how does the Muslim community feel about being associated
with ISIS. The Muslim people believe that ISIS is slur upon their name and they wish others
would recognize that they are different as well.

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