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Grade: VII
Initial Test Paper
I. Complete the sentences. Use the comparative or superlative.(10x 0,4=4P)
1. This year its..(hot) than it was last year.
2. Whats(good) way to get to the centre?
3. The librarys...(quiet) place in the university for studying.
4. Books are..(entertaining) than computer games.
5. What time does.(early) flight to London leave?
6. A computer is..(useful) than a typewriter.
7. Thats..(bad) excuse Ive ever heard!
8. The first story she told was.(funny) than the second one.
9. This book is(interesting) that that one.
10. Its .(heavy) weight Ive ever lifted!
II. Use the verbs given in the Past tense to fill in the blanks: (10x 0,3=3P)
chase, feel, be, shout, drive, stop, begin, try, take, come
Gordon and Celine decided to go to Red Rock safari Park. First, they(1) into
the park and Gordon...(2) the car. He .(3) some pictures of
the lions. After that, he(4) to start the car again. Suddenly,
smoke.(5) to come out of the engine. A few minutes later, the front of the
car.(6) on fire, so Celine beeped the horn and.(7) for help. Just
then, a park ranger..(8) along in his jeep to help them. Finally, another jeep
arrived and(9) the lions away. Gordon and Celine .(10) very
luck to be alive.
III. Complete the article. Use the present simple or present continuous of the verbs in the
box. (5x0,4= 2P))
not have
Lifes very busy for Belinda Lee these days. At the moment she.(1) on a
new film with Oscar winner Tom McCall. She(2) much time to relax,
but she.(3) to the gym every day and she always.(4) to
see her friends at the weekend.
She and her husband(5) to sell their house because theyre going to move
to Hollywood next year. We wish them lots of luck!

You have one initial point. Good luck!

(10x 0,4=4P)
2. the best
3. the quietest
4.more entertaining
5. the earliest
6. more useful
7. the worst
8. funnier
9. more interesting
10.the heaviest

(10x 0,3=3P)
1. Drove
2. Stopped
3. Took
4. Tried
5. Began
6. Was
7. Shouted
8. Came
9. Chased
10. Felt


1. Is working
2. Doesnt have
3. Tries
4. goes
5. want

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