Types of ToTourism in Rurope

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Types of tourism practiced in Europe

First of all I want to start by saying which are the most important types of
tourism which can be practiced in Europe, and then to develop the most important
of them. The most common types of tourism you can encounter with in Europe are:
ecotourism, cultural tourism, rural tourism, health tourism, educational tourism,
business tourism, seaside tourism, religious tourism, dark tourism, hitchhiking
tourism. These are the most popular forms of tourism from Europe.
And there are a few types I want to talk about, like:
Ecotourism/ Rural tourism: is a form of tourism which has as main
purpose to educate the traveler, to reach to his social conscience and to create a
connection between human beings and nature. It became popular in the last few
years through its outdoor activities: riding, the chance to be a farmer and to get in
touch with countryside life. It also helps the economic development of rural
communities; it can be also seen as an educational experience because increases
the tourist awareness concerning the importance of nature in our lives and the
beauty and simplicity of countryside activities and, why not, of the rural
communities. It is a very relaxing way of spending your holyday without internet,
technology and just enjoying nature and rural lifestyle.
The rural tourism is practiced all around Europe, but, in the last years
Romania becomes the main destination of this kind of tourism, especially the
regions of Bucovina and Transylvania.
Seaside tourism. Coastal and maritime tourism includes beach-based
activities (e.g. sun-bathing, swimming, and surfing) and water-based activities (e.g.
cruising, yachting, and nautical sports), as well land-based services like hotels,
equipment manufacturers and charter businesses.
The main Romanian resorts are: Mamaia, Vama Veche, Mangalia, Costinesti,
Eforie Nord/Sud, Techirghiol-which main attraction is the therapeutic mud.
Other seaside destinations from Europe are:

The French coast. This has two options- the Atlantic Ocean and the English
Channel; Cote dAzur.
German Coast has also two options: The North Sea and The Baltic Sea.
Turkish seaside: exquisite services and hospitality
Spanish seaside: amazing landscapes, sun, hospitality, Latin spirit and great
traditional food.
Greek seaside: more than 2000 islands and the antique ruins

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