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Revit Family Tutorial

Revit Basics
Revit Families Lesson #2
Reference Planes
Reference planes and reference lines provide the framework for creating forms in Revit.
When creating a new reference plane always draw vertical planes from bottom of screen
to top of screen and horizontal planes from left to right. Planes have a positive side and a
negative side. Always drawing planes the same way provides predicable results later.
Naming reference planes will help clear confusion once the modeling gets more complex.
This is done in the properties of the plane by typing the desired name under Identity Data.
A good naming convention will bring clarity to a family especial when revisiting an old
family. When adding planes to control solid forms, naming in the format of, <Object>
<Location>, (i.e. TableTop, DoorFrameLeft, ControlboxRightside), is an effective way of
giving meaning and allowing for ease of use. There may be times when adding a <Use>
to the end of a planes name is necessary to provide further clarification.

The Is Reference parameter indentifies the location of the plane or determines if that
portion of the family can be aligned to or dimensioned to. There are 12 choices for the
Left, Center (Left/Right), Right
Front, center (Front/Back), Back
Back, Bottom, Top, Center (Elevation)
Strong Reference, Weak Reference, Not a Reference

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Revit Family Tutorial

To dimension to a plane or snap to it, it must be classified as a strong or weak reference.

Strong references have priority over weak references.
The Defines Origin parameter can be applied to three intersecting planes to define an
origin point for the family. Consider all three dimensions when specifying the origin
Reference Lines
Reference lines have a distinct beginning and end point and are the preferred method for
controlling angles. This is because they actually form as two perpendicular planes,
meaning that forms can be attached both parallel and perpendicular to the current view.
Adding Parameters
Dimensions can be used to constrain reference planes and lines. Solids and void forms
can be locked to these reference planes and lines. If the dimensions are associated with
parameters, those parameters can drive the dimensions, planes and forms to create a
flexible model that responds to user input as well as logical operators and formulas.
To accomplish this first create the desired dimension using one of Revits dimensioning

In the image below the angle between a reference plane and a reference line has been

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With the dimension selected, pick the tool from the Label drop down on the Options bar.

The Parameter Properties dialog appears. Give the parameter a name. Again, a naming
convention is very important. <Object> <Use> works well. This parameter is going to be
used to determine the angular size of a break in a sweep form. Group the parameter under
Dimensions unless it will be controlled by a formula. In that case group it under
Constraints. To give each instance of this sweep individual sweep breaks make this an
Instance parameter. To keep them all the same, make this a Type parameter.

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When a sweep form is locked to the reference plane and line the new parameter can now
control the size of the opening.

To make it simple when working on families, only add annotations and dimensions to the
Reference Level, Front Elevation, or the Right Elevation. This helps everyone find
parameters that could be in 7 or more views.

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Revit Family Tutorial

Basic Math Operators:

+ Add: 2 + 0 6 + Length
- Subtract: 1 6 Width
* Multiply: Length * Width
/ Divide: Length / 2
^ Exponent: x^y, x raised to the y power
log Logarithm
sqrt Square root: sqrt(81)
exp E raised to an x power: exp(2)
abs Absolute Value: abs(-10)
sin Sine: sin(60)
cos Cosine
tan Tangent
asin Arcsine
acos Arccosine
atan Arctangent
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Conditional Statements
Conditional statements test for a true or a false condition and then return a value based
off the results. The format is this;
IF (, , )
Supported Conditional Operators:
< Less Than
> Greater Than
= Equal to
AND Both statements are true
OR One of the statements is true
NOT Statement is false
a<=b is not supported, but NOT(a>b) can be used to the same effect.
Sample Conditional Statements:
Simple IF Statement
IF (Length < 30, 2 6, 4)
Formula That Returns Strings
IF (Height > 30, This thing is tall, This thing is short)
Using logical AND
IF (AND (x = 1 , y = 2), 8 , 3 )

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Using logical OR
IF (OR (A = 1 , B = 3 ) , 8 , 3 )
Nested IF statements
IF (Length < 35, 2 6 , IF (Length < 45, 3 , IF (Length < 55, 5, 8 ) ) )
IF with Yes/No condition
Length > 40 (The condition and the results are implied)

Bookcase Family Assignment Pick either assignment A or B

Construct a bookcase family that allows for any number of shelves and creates equal
distance between the shelves.
Construct a bookcase family that determines the number shelves based off the height of
the bookcase, equally spacing the shelves about a foot apart.
Extra Credit
Add a Yes/No visibility parameter to allow the user to individually add doors in front of
the bottom 3 shelves.
It is possible to set dimensions equal in Revit by clicking the EQ icon, but it is considered
bad practice to use EQ in the Family editor because it can cause the model to become
over-constrained easily.

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Revit Family Tutorial

Any parameter can have a formula determine its value in the Family Types dialog.
Formulas can contain basic math operators and/or conditional statements using integers,
decimals, fractional values, and parameter names. Instance and Type parameters can not
be used in the same formula.
Bookcase Family Example
In this example a bookcase family is required that a user can define the HxWxD. The
number of shelves should be determined by the height, there should also be a control for
the thickness of the material and the option to have doors on the bottom 3 shelves.
To gain the type of control needed, the shelves will have to be nested into the bookcase
family. Nesting means the shelves will be an independent family that will be loaded into
the bookcase family.
Build the Shelf Family
1. Begin with the Generic Model.rft template.
2. Unpin the 2 references planes in the template and uncheck the Defines Origin check
3. Add 4 reference planes to define the length and width of the shelf in the reference
view. Set the Right and Back reference planes to Define Origin and Pin them in place.

4. Name the new planes (Front, Back, Left, Right) and set the Is Reference parameter
5. Use the Extrusion tool on the Home tab to create a form for the shelf, locking it to the
4 defining planes.

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6. Use the dimension tool to dimension the Width and depth of the shelf form.
7. Select the width dimension and pick the Label: drop down on the Options Bar, and
then select .

8. The Parameter Properties dialog appears. Fill it out as indicated below. Do the same
for the Shelf Depth dimension.

9. Switch to the Front view and create a reference plane to define the top of shelf. Name
the reference plane, set its reference to Top and lock the top surface of the shelf form to
the plane.
10. Set the shelfs thickness to . Create a parameter for Shelf Thickness as was done
with width and depth.
11. Save this family as A-Fn Bookcase-Shelf.rfa

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Build the Bookcase Shell

1. Begin with the Generic Model.rft template.
2. Unpin the 2 references planes in the template and uncheck the Defines Origin check
3. Add 4 reference planes to define the length and width of the shelf in the reference
view. Set the Right and Back reference planes to Define Origin and Pin them in place.

4. Name the new planes (Front, Back, Left, Right) and set the Is Reference parameter
5. Add 3 more reference planes to define the thickness of the back and sides of the
6. Use the Extrusion and trace the footprint of the bookcase sides and back. Lock the
faces of the extrusion to the reference planes.

7. Switch to the Front view and create a reference plane to define the top of bookcase.
Name the reference plane, set its reference to Top and lock the top surface of the shelf
form to the plane.
8. Create parameters for Bookshelf Height, Bookshelf Width, Bookshelf Depth, and
Bookshelf Thickness the same way parameters were added to the shelf family.
9. Add half parameters for the bookcase width and depth. These will be used to keep
the center planes in the center.

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Revit Family Tutorial

10. Click the family types button to open its dialog.

11. Group the half parameters under constraints and insert the formulas below to ensure
they are always half of their parent lengths.

12. This is a good time to flex the family by trying different dimensions in the parameters
and checking that the geometry follows suit.

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Revit Family Tutorial

Add the Bottom Bookcase Shelf

The intent here is to add one shelf near the bottom of the shell and array it to the top of
the shell. We can then create a parameter to determine the number of shelves in the array.
That parameter can be driven by an equation that adds more shelves the taller the
bookcase gets.
1. Begin loading the shelf family into the bookcase family and place it off to the side in
the reference level view of the bookcase family.
2. Use the Align tool to lock the sides of the shelf to the inside planes of the bookcase
shell and the front plane.
3. Select the shelf to access its properties. Here we want to create links between the
parameters in the shelf to new parameters in the bookcase to control the shelfs width,
depth and thickness.

4. Select the grey box to the right of the Shelf Thickness to add a new parameter. Name it
Shelf Thickness (in case), make it an Instance parameter and group it under
5. Do the same for Shelf Width and Shelf Depth.

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Revit Family Tutorial

6. In the Family Type dialog we can now create formulas to keep the shelves the correct
size as the case changes. Create the formulas shown in the image below.

Creating a Swappable Shelf

To add another level functionality (or complexity) we can add a parameter that will allow
the user to switch from one type of shelf to another.
1. Open the original shelf family and save it as the second shelf option. The shelf below
has extrusions added to the bottom.

2. Load this new shelf into the bookcase family, but do not place it.
3. In the Family Types dialog create a new Type parameter named Swappable Shelf.
Make its discipline Common, its Type of Parameter and group it under Constraints.

4. When you select the Type of Parameter Revit will open the Select Category dialog.
Pick Generic Models.

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Revit Family Tutorial

5. Select the original shelf in the bookcase family now. In the Properties dialog, look for
the Label parameter and change it to Swappable Shelf.

6. In the Family Types dialog Create 2 shelf types, Shelf Type 1 and Shelf Type 2.
Associate the swappable shelf parameter with the appropriate type.

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7. Flex the family. Change the family type and verify that the shelf changes.
Array the Shelf

1. Switch to the front view. And move the shelf up 3. Add a reference plane to the
underside of the shelf. Dimension this plane from the reference level and create a
parameter named Bookshelf Toe-Kick.

2. Use the Array tool with Group and Associate on and Move To set to Last. The array
should go from the top of the placed shelf to the top of bookcase reference plane.

3. Select the group and associate line with the current number in the array. On the
Options bar select from the label drop down and add a new parameter.

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4. Make it an instance parameter and group it under Constraints.

5. In the Family Types dialog add the equation below to place a shelf at about one shelf
per linear foot.

6. Flex the family by changing the height of the bookcase, verifying that the number of
shelves changes. Also flex the width, depth, and shelf type.
7. If the shelves lean out of plumb, use the Align tool to lock the upper most shelf in
Control the Thickness
For this family the user can input the thickness of the bookshelf, this will in turn drive the
thickness of the shelves. Lets create a formula that allows the user to input any thickness
they want, however, if the thickness is less than Revit should use anyway.
Conversely if the user specifies any thickness greater than 1, Revit will use 1 only. If
the user specifies any thickness in-between, Revit should consider this a fair value and
use it directly.
This requires creating an Actual Thickness parameter and a couple of nested IF
1. Create a new instance parameter and name it Bookshelf Thickness Actual. Group it
under Constraints.
2. Apply the following equation to the new parameter.
There are essentially two parts to this nested IF statement.
If (Bookshelf Thickness < 0' 0 1/2", 0' 0 1/2",

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This first part states that if the Bookshelf thickness is less than use for the Actual
thickness. If it is not, refer to the rest of the statement.
if (Bookshelf Thickness > 0' 1", 0' 1", Bookshelf Thickness))
The last part states that if the Bookshelf thickness is greater than 1 use 1. If it is not,
use the Bookshelf thickness.
3. To finish apply the Actual thickness parameter to the constraining dimension instead of
the nominal one.
Using Model Text to Provide User Feedback
Since the user can specify any thickness they want, even if they are wrong, it may be a
good idea to provide feedback to the user if the thickness they provide is out of bounds.

Posted by Todd M. Shackelford at 11:59 AM 0 comments Links to this post

Labels: Families
Friday, March 11, 2011
Revit Families Lesson #1
There are 3 Types of Revit families; System, Loadable, and In-Place.
System families are predefined and cannot be created, modified or deleted by users.
System families can be duplicated and modified to create custom types within system
families. Example system families are ceilings, conduit, duct, floors, fluids, pipe, stairs,
structural framing, and walls.
Loadable families are completely customizable and can be created from scratch as
needed, pre-loaded into templates, or added into projects on the fly from a shared
Annotation families are a type of the loadable family that contains no 3D geometry. Used
for tags and drawing symbology.
Profile families are a type of the loadable family used to define profiles for sweeps and
In-Place families are created for use within the specific project only.
Loadable families are sorted in Revit by their categories. Categories can not be created or
altered by the user. The current Revit categories for Loadable families are;

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Boundary Conditions
Furniture Systems
Specialty Equipment
Air Terminals
Cable tray Fittings
Communication Devices
Conduit Fittings
Data Devices
Duct Accessories
Duct Fittings
Electrical equipment
Fire Alarm devices
Lighting Devices
Lighting Fixtures
Mechanical Equipment
Nurse Call Devices
Pipe Accessories
Pipe Fittings
Plumbing Fixtures
Security devices
Telephone devices
Structural Columns
Structural Connections
Structural Foundations
Structural Framing
Structural Stiffeners
The categories of families listed above are also how the default displays of families
are sorted in the Object Styles dialog and the Visibility Graphics dialog.
The selected category also dictates the available Family Parameters. Revit MEP
families will have different Part Types based off the Family Category selected.

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Revit Family Tutorial

Autodesk Revit products install with a host of templates meant to give the user a jump
start when creating families. These templates are found in the Imperial Templates
folder. There are Annotation templates (used mostly for tagging different categories
of families), Hosted templates (wall, ceiling, floor, and roof hosted), and non-hosted
templates (everything else). Choosing the correct template, while relatively easy, is an
important first step to success when creating families.
Naming Conventions
Families that have a naming convention are easy to identify and find within the any
family folder structure. An ideal family name has four parts, a Major, Minor, and a
Descriptor, followed by a Version Number.
A-Furn Casework_v1
M-Hv Diffusser_v1
E-Po Receptacles_v1
G-Tb Logo_v1
Geometry Creation
Geometry for families is created by using Solids and Voids. Both solids and Voids are
created through one of the following forms; Extrusions, Blends, Revolves, Sweeps,
and Swept Blends found on the Home tab in the Family editor.

Between the 5 solid forms and void forms nearly any shape can be made. Complex
shapes can be broken down into basic pieces and joined together and voids can be cut
from solids. When creating the 3 dimensional component of a family it is important
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Revit Family Tutorial

not to over-model it or under-model it. Think about its use and function then gauge
the usefulness of the detail that should added.
When saving and exiting a Revit family, always close every view except for the view
best suited for the thumbnail image used when inserted into projects. Often the
preview image should be the Home 3D view with Shading with Edges on. Reference
planes, connectors and dimensions should be hidden in the preview image view.
Create an Table family.
Construct an Table family that utilizes 3 of the following tools; Extrusion, Sweep,
Void, Blend, Sweep/Blend and Revolve.

Posted by Todd M. Shackelford at 2:19 PM 0 comments Links to this post

Labels: Families
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Design Options
I like that Revit supports indecision. If there are spaces in a model that could be used
more than one way, design options let's the user pursue them all. For this example
there is a space that could be used for a band to rehearse or as a library. First duplicate
a plan view of the space by right clicking on the view in the project browser and
selecting duplicate. Duplicate with detailing if you want the annotation to be
duplicated as well. Do not duplicate as dependant. Rename the views so their use can
be identified.

Now go to the Manage tab of the ribbon and select the Design Options tool. This will
open the Design Option dialog. There, a option set can be defined with options under
that set. To create a new set, click the new button under Option Set circled below in
red with the number 1. Option 1 will automatically appear under this set. To rename
the set and the option, highlight them on the left then select the appropriate rename
button on the right. rename the set to "Mystery Room" and Option 1 to "Band Room".
Create a second option by selecting the New button under Option circled below in red
with the number 2. Rename that option to "Library".

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Revit Family Tutorial

With the options setup, the visibility graphics for the two views created earlier can be
set to show just the desired option. A Design Options tab has been added to the
Visibility Graphics dialog. In each of the two views, change the design option to
match the view.

In the Manage tab of

the ribbon the Design Options section now allows the user to pick what option to add
components to. When Main Model is selected all objects placed will be seen in both
views. When Band Room is selected, new components will only appear in the Band
Room view.

Below is an image of the two views. If objects are

showing up in both views, Select the objects and use the Add to Set button to deselect
the view it should not be in.
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Revit Family Tutorial

Posted by Todd M. Shackelford at 6:55 PM 0 comments Links to this post

Interfence Detection
A benefit of using Revit is the ability to do an interference check with other
To run an interference check, first attach any discipline,like structural, that might not
be in the central model. In the 2009 version of Revit go to the File menu and select
Import/Link then Revit.

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Revit Family Tutorial

In Revit 2010, go to the Insert tab and select Link Revit. Make sure to link using
Origin to Origin.

Select Interference Check then Run Check from the

Tools menu in 2009 and off the Collaborate tab in 2010.

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Revit Family Tutorial

Revit let's you pick what to

check. The example below shows light fixtures in the current model checked against
structural framing in the BK file.

Any interferences will be shown in the interference report. Select the interference in
the report then select the Show button to see the interference in the model.

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Revit Family Tutorial

Once the interference

has been addressed, click the Refresh button to clear it from the report.
Do not run an entire model against another entire model. Revit hates that. Run the
check specifically on the items that are of concern, like duct and mechanical
equipment against structural framing, or lights against air terminals.
Posted by Todd M. Shackelford at 6:47 PM 0 comments Links to this post
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Model Family - Door
I have added a PDF to your folders on the server. It is The Revit Familes Guide. There
is a great door tutorial on page 139, that I pretty much followed for the class
discussion. Please use this PDF for your guide. To access this tutirial outside of class
follow this link to the Revit Families Guide.

Posted by Todd M. Shackelford at 7:43 PM 0 comments Links to this post

Friday, October 23, 2009
Annotation Family - Logo
To build a logo for a title block, create a new annotation family. Select the application
browser, then New and finally Annotation Family.
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Revit Family Tutorial

Revit offers many templates for annotation families. Revit template families have a
RFT file extension. For this example select "Generic Annotation.rft". This template
contains two reference planes and a note to the users to specify the type of family. The
intersection of the reference planes is the origin for the family. Select the "Category
and Parameters" button near the end of the ribbon to change the category. For this
example use "Generic Annotation".
I used text and a filled region to create this logo.

Now I am going to add

a parameter to the text "Omaha" so I can turn it on and off based off which office this
logo is attached to. First select the word Omaha. In it's instance properties to the right
of the word Visible is a grey box, click it. Now select the Add Parameter button.
Name the parameter "Omaha", make it a type parameter and Group it under
"Graphics". See below.

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Revit Family Tutorial

Create a Las Vegas

Parameter the same way as the Omaha parameter and place the Las Vegas text on top
of the Omaha text.
Now let's create two types under this family. One for Omaha and one for Las Vegas.
The type will control visibility of the text so only the appropriate city name will
appear in each type. Create types by selecting the Family Types button near the end of
the ribbon.
On the right-hand side of the Family Types dialog box select New under the family
types header. When prompted for a name, type "Omaha". With the Family name set to
Omaha, check the Omaha visibility box.

Create and configure a

Las Vegas type the same way and load this logo into a project.

Posted by Todd M. Shackelford at 7:17 PM 0 comments

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Revit Family Tutorial

The Revit Interface 2010

When transitioning from the 2009 interface to the 2010 ribbon this link can help quite
a bit. It shows the old 2009 interface and lets you select a tool. The it show where that
tool can be found in the 2010 interface. Revit 2009 to 2010 interface tool.
Posted by Todd M. Shackelford at 7:03 PM 0 comments
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