Democracy Alliance Vision Framework

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DEMOCRACY ALLIANCE 2020 VISION FRAMEWORK FOR THE DEMOCRACY ALLIANCE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ‘Ten years ago, our collective imagination created a community of donors that would think and invest together to build a strategic and coordinated progressive infrastructure to counter right-wing dominance and establish a progressive majority. In its founding prospectus, the DA wrote: A. CONSENSUS HAS EMERGED THAT THE PROGRESSIVE CAUSE WOULD od GENEFIT GREATLY FROM A BETTER INFORMED AND NETWORKED We have been iiving COMMUNITY OF PROGRESSIVE DONORS...THE VALUE PROPOSITION FOR ‘ with the adverse ALLIANCE PARTICIPANTS IS THAT THEY CAN LEARN TOGETHER; AUILD. consequences — for RELATIONSHIDS; INVEST MOME INTELLIGENTLY: INVEST COLLABORATIVELY; = MONITOR INVESTMENTS AS PART OF A COMMUNITY OF DONORS; AND women, for people HELP T ASSURE MORE GENEROUS SUPPORT, OVER THE LONG TERM, FOR of color, for workers, THE NEXT GENERATION OF PROGRESSIVE LEADERS AND MORE EFFECTIVE, iAir'femncorscy, for: PROGRESSIVE ORGANIZATIONS. our climate - of a Thal prescient vslue proposition has been substantially achieved. Mare than $500 milion right-wing political has boon rsed to build and sustain elements of the progrossive intractructure — fram tmuittissae thik tanks to a sophisticated media monitoring anparotus — thet did not exist. = map forged by ‘oF wore just ing launch! tem yore ag. In many ater — theugh noe enough, snd nat yt to the necescary scale — strong conor andl erganizational tables nave been built that the 2010 election, save increased prograssive pawn and influence: Many progressive ideas and policies nave achieved broad sepular wypnert, & eftiesl mage OF uote now agree With pageEssive values and ideals, Gur data, tools, and utilities nave been effectively used to mobilize voters and coordinate work at the state and national level. lnceedl health care would certainly have-boen among aur 2020 prionties, would it not nave been tor the concentrated and rategic uso of aur progressive infrastructure — much of it supported by DA — in passines and protecting the AMfordabie Care Act, 5 resiand important te in adevessing ineUlity. [And the electaral victories in 2086, 2008 ano 2012 bear the stamp of these coordinated investments made by DA Partners. and we cannot let that happen again. ‘Yet we also know that winning elections — when we do — wile absolutely necessary. is far trom cuffcient, The electoral vietories Bat we have Rae have Nat Bake gh EO enact most elements of eur progressive agenda, amet we have not been able te retain out sains inthe face of a resilient and heevly linanced right wing. Our opponents have steady undermined the lagitimacy af government and kay independent oad nonportican institutions, allowing corporations and wealthy individuals to create legislative acl structural innpediments to 2 fair economy, functioning democracy. and rational environmental policy. To alter thase ratios of power and influence such that we allain andl sustain progres Dolicies, we must marshal resources with @ sense of unpency Ever the next six yoDrs, 2 | 42020 VISION FRAMEWORK FOR THE DEMGCRACY ALLIANCE By the next decade, we seek an America where progressives hold the reins of power and use them to make significant impact on several of our nation's greatest challenges: fixing our democracy, making the economy work for all, and addressing climate change — white staying nimble and ftexible to address emerging issues. Sinco its bosinning, the Democracy Alinnee (Oi) has paused every three years te survey: the political and sultural landscape, and think through wnaes eur investments — af funds, ‘ost importantly but also of ather capital ke convening power, relationships, and idea ‘Generation — shat! ne made for the futurs, We araat such a reflection point now: Ia this ocument, we propos alanger strategie view. planning fer the DAS work through 2020, vwinen there isbotha census ania Presidential election that wil be critical for every issue we care about, We have een living with the aciverse consequences — fer women, for people {al calox, for chron, for marks, for democracy, for our elimate — of a fight wing political ‘map forge by tho 2010 alection. and we cannes let that hapnien again for the decade af the 2020s ln order to avaid a repeat of the current decade, ad given the stalemate in ‘Wathington,swe must foeus even more heavily on buiing power in the states, Our 2026 Vision builds on-our pant successes, learns Hom our zothaeks and raises Gur sights higher to imagine what a community of like-minded progressive donors is uniquely poised to accomplish together in the maaths and years ahead. By the nest decade, we seek fn Asharidal whve progreselves hall the reing of Bower and use them to make significant reatest challenges: fixing our demossacy, making the 19 climate enange — while staying nimble and lesible to impact on several af our nation's jecanemy war forall, ned addrossi eldross emerging issues THE DA’S 2020 VISION: LONGER HORIZON, LARGER GOALS Building on OAs past aesevemants, we began ths peoeass by asking: we hve holed to bul a much stronoer progressive infrastructure, but for what purposes and to what ends? The answer, we belies 42 overcome the key structural challenges that impode the building of sustainable progressive power by aligning aur investments aroun three central and connected gout: | fair democracy where everyone can participate A growing economy that works for all ‘A planet that is healthy and safe ‘We acdose thece three issues together hecause they are deeply connected. Climate iscuntion is a serious theeat te prosperity, ond we eanot act together to.confrent our economic and our climate challenges without a healthy democracy. at the rodical economic inequality eats at the Foundations of « democratic sorioty unt as it erodes the sources of sconcshie gronth and innowntion necessary lo reversing climate chanae. The Issues wo Reframe the eeanomic dabate to focus on policies that recult in shared prosperity, including attention te wages and the daminant role of Finance in our poitics and economy, > Enaure we have the intellsetual infrastructure to support this agonda by sunnortina key progressive exanomie think Lanks and continving te explore new ides > Feige stronger links between the economic agenda to ather pillars oF 2 stvang economy, such ag comprehensive ienmigration reform, public Investments to both create jobs and ackass climate change, and fnvestmants io-educstion and infrastructure. Focus resources on national, state, and facal campaigns on both wages nd financial retorm, > State and local earnpaigns must both make a differonce inthe lives Cf people and redofina the public’ xpos investments in a naw wave of esganizing around financial reform inctuding addressing educational det, the banking and Financial services needs of underserved communities including communities of color the forecloture eres, and executive compansation, Exploit opportunities to male meaningful structural reforms in the tinancial sector, induding those created by the Concumer Financial Protection Burcau. Invest in and develop sustainable organizations that can Build workers’ bargaining power, challenge financial institutions, and generate gises/oote political pewer. There area number of national organizing networks that are well Ositioned te significantly scale up community and grassroots mobilization, Use BA's convening power to build support emong state and federal elected officials for a progressive aconomie agenda, > Invest in holaing politicians af both pation seeountable when they put “corporations anc Wall Steet ahead of fei ADDRESSING CLIMATE CHANGE ‘The rationale for the inclusion of climate in the DA’s ion 2020 framework is twofold. First, climate change presents a clear and dramatic threat to the earth’s natural systems that support all life, including human communities. We de not have the luxury of waiting or hoping someone else will address it. We have a responsibility to act. Second, the issue of climate change has become inextricably inked toissups of economic grawth and demecracy Economic activity hes exacerbated enviranmantal degradation Providing parvarse incentives fer pollution, wave elmate change has eexeertoted inequality, Poor urban communities are often nit the hardest frown extreme weather phenomena SUCK ae Hurricane Katrina and Sariy, wt suffer whon thei lives and le paar rasa communi 10 | 42020 VISION FRAMEWORK FOR THE DEMOCRACY ALLIANCE Climate change presents a clear and dramatic threat to the earth's natural systems that support all life, including human communities. water and land are destroyed by tracking and mountaintop removal. We rust ensure thot ‘our sirotogios and salutions eam just ring further challenges, such as Righer eneray 9615.0 reduced job caportunities, but provide new opportunities such as goed jobs anc improved neaitn Moreover, the same powerful interests that contribute to climate change — namely the fesil uel industry — are systematically undesriining aur democrecy. The big contributors to wwarseaing climate have bought sna! piel far the Congross thay want, and the same actors that are stalling progress on meaniniul climate legislation are the very same actors mh are inserestad in suppressing the vale, reducing worker rights, ane manipulating public Hebste. Meaningful action an climate requires action on money in pollucs = and! vice versa ‘The falar to pase climate Ingielation in the 2009-10 Cangress demonstrated that advocates lacked! sufficient pottical power and influence to overcome the fossil ul industry anc its ideolagical alive, Particularly lacking was-grossroots power in hey states and suthesent lioness with and support from ether progrossive los, inclucing aber. Too ttle investment was made in elections. and the mavernent generally did not hold elected officiate accountable for thas? Sosibane on climate, even a3 eSimate senial Beeame a daminant positon for mary in Congress. As setbacks often create opportunity, the climate bl fallure catalyred a critical rebuilding phase for the climate maverent. During the 2012 and 20M election cycles, climate sdvocntes started ta go toe-to-toe with the fossil fucl industry and candidates, voters and the political lass are beginning te recognize the infhasnee of climate donors andl tho isrue. Oreaniing afforts blocked approval of the Keystone XL pinetine, and milions were mobilized in support af the fisi-aver carbon ‘omissions standards fo power plants, Thani to the work ef many leasing organizations and ‘donors, climate denia is becoming a pobtical lability for more and more elected officals. And this fall, a cred wf 400,000 marched in the streets of New Yorke suppoting action on ‘cimate change, lsd not by enviranmentalists, but by young people of col, leaders. rom impacted indigenous communities, and labor ‘Ths transformation of the climate movement, while Nascent, has croated neecied aalitical space for policy progress. President Obama has used his exccutive authority te move significant omission reduction pole st the federal level, cramatiesllyrecuting emissions from cars. ard trucks, and proposing the fist caroon standards on new and existing coal-fired power plants. The Climate Action Plan leased by the Presicont in 2015 proses nove progress uring the final two years of the adminitation, ut dworatar anticipate huge pushtack from an increasingly hastile Congress. At the state level, ALEC and others are working to systematically undéritine the geeat strat made on climate and elaan enersy policy in recent years, while al the same time new apoarunities are emeraing to.advance re-climate pel Progress on chmato policy must be accelerated to meet the dramatic change demanded by the scioncs. The important prosyass made inthe last four yeni carves a 2 foundation te grou an effective mevement, dapiey aver more paworfl olectoral and accountadllty tools, defend and advance policy progress, and expand alfianses across the erogreea ve movement ‘The DAs climate agenda will seek to build the poltical power ofthe climate movernent so that by 2020) ‘The Prosident and Congress ant positioned te advance a national eavbon pricing, policy that achieves dramatic reductions in greenhouse gas emissions while, at the rams time, adsrossing eesnemie inequality. ‘The U.S. 1s playing a global leadership role on climate change. © States adopt ambitious new climate ang clean energy policies, and defeat attacks fn existing laws “The fossil fuel industry's influence on elections and policy is diminished. Moving a strang climate agenda is fundamentally apolitical — nota pelicy — problem. Broad — Moving a strong consensus oxime on tho ese! to Serve 8 tional prce.on carbon, but the wea ehallenge is overcoming the fierce opposition of the fossil uel ieustry ands ales om the Right Buileing the politcal wil to ache the GAs ngonda wel require a more diver fl niet 5 Pewerlelsed Fundamentally & ineluciva movement = one that unites imoacted communities, workers, young peonlc and =. and promotes the economic opportunitcs of a clean eneray future. political — nota climate agenda is cervironmenta The OAs recommended investment approach has three interceanacted lines of work: policy — problem. Engaging in elections and accountability. The OA can play a critical role in helping 4g level the electoral playing field that for tno long has ben clominatod by the Kech ‘Brothers and the fossil fuel industry. Electing state and feskeral cimate champions, dofesting doniers, and helsing elected offiisie secsuntable are powerful tools for ‘change. These efforts might involve: > Electoral activities and fundraising Gresstops lobbying. advocacy, and accountability efforts > Supporting cone state-bated. civic enggemont infrastructure, meludines actdtional nwestment in lncaland state-based arganizations that Corganizo in-communtios of color and other affected communities ane howe the ability lo engage the New American Majority ih ahacRoval issue advocacy campaigns 12 | #2070 VISION FRAMEWORK FOR THE OEMOGRACY ALLIANCE ‘Supporting campaigns to advance state/tegional climate policies. This could include 8 wise range of ius, such as renewables and efficiency, carbon pricing, divest/invest campaigns, EPA regulation implementation, and transitioning commemunities o clean aeanomy. Investmants might inelude: > Staterbased coulilion building around! key campaigns > Communications strategies to reach and engage core constituencies % Copatity busing toy plsee-tatee organizations feeused! a ‘emironmental and economic justice: > State-basod advacscy to cinfend.against attacks on state and fecleral climate pobcy. Using the 04's unique convening power to bring key stakcholders together ‘on a number of important igeves andl to help build relationships, problem solve, and identity future opportunities for collaboration, leverage, ond setion. This strategy might include: > Building bniges betinidn labor and anvigonmental groups te eneure {lust transition ta 4 clean eneray economy Bulcing coalitions at the national Mtate/local lave! te promate and advance issue campaigns, Aligeina existing progressive infrastructure with exating enwitonenents! infrasteucture As we operationalize aur climate strategy. we will outine the care objectives and Interim milestone 40 Ehat we are Getter able tamanow the specific taeties nected for Aachioving these ambitious goals. For example. core objectives might include: adwocacy ‘around the United Nations Climate Conference in Paris December of 2015; making climate ‘change a top ter sue i the 2016 Presidential r9ce; defeating ALEC attacks on state ‘climate and clean eneray policy: hokding climate deniers accountable: or bulge capacity of stato/loeal organizations. SUMMARY Our job in the DA is to build political power so that policies can be put into place that improve people's lives, protect their rights, respect the dignity and identity, and foster health and justice. Given the current strength of the right wing both in Congress and the states and its growing financial might, our task is daunting. The recommendations in these pages seek to advance these ends. This means foeusing ur attention on the states where the American peonie live anc work and were political poner won and makatained. This does net mean abandoning national orgenizations but rther ensuring Uhr vital werk reaches oee.of the pullie. This meant supporting the enhanese! eammunieations reach and inact of national organizations The resources of OA partners ore limited while the need i great. While-communiestion= can reach all Amencans, Funding for more advanced infrastructure must go-to the states where ou marginal investment will hive the greatest political and oly payboacks up and ‘down the Ballot over the next & yeors, Our eiTart must be Coordinated with members of tha Committee on States, founded by DA Partners in 2006. ta build conor alliances in states. ‘This will allow the resources natical Hndrs ve corivinting to be matehad By Ineal loners who are intent on building the capacity of stale based organizations and communications, ‘The OM 2020-Vition grew oUt of eomuereations with dezens of promessive thinkers land ieacers. and seven forums around the country in which more than 803% of the DA Partnership particinated, We know that this ust remain a @ynamic process, requiring constant erties! review, enures eseroetion, and opon initations ta new ideas and voices. Evens we focus. we must remain nimile ta ceal with changing eicumstances and emerging challenges and opportuni ‘Wie @ sharper focus and mare ambitious vision has grown out of the inclusive and consultative procest we have omplayed to develop aur 2020 Vision famawaré, the DA ‘wit continue to 0@ @ platform ~ through caucuses, donor tables and other vehicles — for range of Partner concorss outside the priatcs aatalsahed in the new stvatagy. such 32 un violence, reproductive rights, criminal justice, marriage equality, foreign policy anc Immigration, Although we hope that the ultimate recommendation will inspire increased funding song OA Partners ~halping te grew the pie tram the appraxiately $20 milion in annual uncing that has neen pravided to recommended organizations in fecent years. ‘we wil also need t0 necome more active ambassadors, sharing aur 2020 Vision with other state ane national donors, ana building 4 spl base Of support far an enduring progressive ‘future that hes a larger and even more passionate and committed DA at its core, but that hos influence and impact well beyond our ranks. 1% We will..need to [build] a solid base of support for an enduring progressive future that has a larger and even more passionate and committed DA at its core...fand] influence and impact well beyond our ranks.

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