CE90 Final Review

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Second Semester Final Examination

Christian Ethics 9, Period 5, Room 212
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Your final exam will be a comprehensive set of long answer questions. You will have
over a week to prepare for these questions so relax. You will not be able to bring in a
cheat sheet or notes but you can work on these questions prior to. If you want to write
your answers before and get me to read it over for you, that is just fine. You must choose
6 of the following:
1. Choose at least three of the Beatitudes that our society needs to learn about.
Explain how people often do not live out the teaching of that Beatitude and
explain how they could authentically live out Jesus teachings.
2. Describe three (3) of the ten (10) commandments (commandments) and explain
what would have to change in society for these commandments to be obeyed most
or all of the time.
3. How does Abrahams life story show us that we are in a loving relationship with
God. Reference his major events and explain how being in a covenant with God
means we are obedient to God, not to please God, but to be fulfil a loving
4. How do we know when a relationship goes bad? Give three (3) concrete ways to
effectively end a relationship while respecting the dignity of the other person.
5. How are Catholic Social Teachings violated in the production of food, and how
could these violations be changed so that everyone is treated fairly and we do not
abuse the gift of creation?
6. What are four (4) of the seven (7) ways to pray effectively? Give concrete
examples in how focusing on four (4) of them will help you spiritually and
mentally in your own life.
7. What is a prophet? Describe a prophets life and how we can learn from that life
to better our own relationship with God.
8. Show how Isaac points to Jesus (you will have to recount the story of Abrahams
sacrifice). Extra hint, use Sufjan Stevens song Abraham as a guide.
9. Explain three (3) of the five (5) proofs for the existence of God. Use real life
examples to help prove your point.
10. Mr. McKay: great teacher or greatest teacher? Prove with real life examples (or
make up really cool stuff).

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