Katie Lebel - T Chart

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Developmental Area: Physical, Cognitive and Social


Teaching Considerations

My first consideration is to be aware, and sensitive

to the rate in which my students are developing. I
need to keep in mind that it is a diference pace for
The junior student begins to
everyone. In terms of students coodination, I need to
develop physically at different
rates. Both males and females are remember that I may have some students who have
developped strong fine motor coodination, in which
developping differently and at
their lines are straight, printing is neat and legible.
different rates. This process is
While there may be other students who are still
not as evident and quick in
developping the coordination to use scissors
comparison to other
properly. Some consideration may be to provide
developmental phases. Female
students are growing taller, faster other outlets for students, such as opportunities to
type or to have a scribe.
than male students. Females are
My second consideration would be implications on
also maturing at a quicker pace.
the school yard and in physical education and DPA
With this growth, both male and
situations. On the school yard and in PE, boys, at
female students tend to become
this developmental rate, are becoming quite
more slim and muscular. slower
competitive. As a teacher, I need to be able to plan
and gradual growth. The other
activities that focus on the development of skills, at
piece to physical development is
any level, and choose games that are less motivated
puberty. At this age, female
by winning. In terms of the yard, I need to encourge
students may begin to develop
games that do not exclude other students who are
breasts, while the males may be
less coodinated, or who are not as developped in
sweating more, and have
terms of growth.
increased body odor.
In terms of the junior learner facing puberty, as a
teacher I need to be aware of the insecurities that
come along with a changing body. I need to have
proceedures in place to help students through this
time. I also need to foster a safe environment in
which students have a positive body image, and there
are no put downs towards students in generally, but
especially to do with the changes occuring.

Physical Development:

Cognitive Development:
At this stage of development, the
most exciting cognitive
development is the learners
ability to problem solve. The
junior learning has a more

My first consideration as a teacher, is that my

students are able to listen and participate in a lesson
for longer. With their growing interests, tasks should
involve choice, and be geared to their interests.
Although students do have a growing attention span,
I must remember that most junior learners thrive in
an environment that is active and involve an

developped ability to reason and

to think logically. The junior
learner, as schema in which they
are able to use to help make
connections to self, to others and
to the world around them.
Studets are able to focus longer
and on different tasks. Students
are able to self assess their own
work and are able to note areas of
strenth and weaknesses.
Cognitively, students begin to
develop new interests. Students
begin to feel independent, but
more as a world citizen,
expanding their world view from
local to more global.

experience of sorts. Learning should be hands on,

and they should allow students to contruct their
knowledge, building on prior knowledge and
drawing out of discovering the learning outcomes.
With the ability to self assess, it is essential that the
classroom walls are the teacher. Students should be
able to see their learning on the walls, including
anchor charts, learning goals and success critera as
well as examples of levelled work.
In math, students are able to take on more complex
problems, they are able to choose different strategies
and explain their work. Students should have access
to manipulatives, in which they will be able to use at
their own leisure to help them.
Again, with their expanded attention span, the junior
learner will thrive with gradual release of
responsibility. Modelling a problem and giving them
opportunities to try in groups and on their own

The junior learner is quite sensitive. Tending the the

emotional well-being of my students is sometimes
just as important as tending to the academic needs
This is such an interesting time
and curriculum pressures.
for the junior learner. Emotions
My first consideration as a junior teacher is that I
are running high, as puberty is
peering around the corner, but the much create a safe environment, where each student
feels comfortable to speak, to learn, and to simply be
junior learner is beginning to
themselves. Circles are a tool and strategy that can
develop the tools to deal and
cope. Socially there is a lot going not only be used in academic situations, but to
debrief and to deconstruct social issues.
on. Students begin to feel a
Management techniques must also reflect the
greater ergency to belong and to
sensitivity of the junior learner. For example, as a
fit in. They are concerned with
what is considered to be cool and secondary teacher, calling on a student who isnt
how they can achieve this level of paying attention is acceptable, however, this may
coolness. Peer pressure becomes embarrass or discourage a junior student. Having
much more aparent, both positive positive behaviour plans or reward systems,
positively encourage the junior learner to be engaged
and negative pressure.
and to focus on the task at hand in a constructive
Friendships become more
complex. Most students socially way.
As a junior teacher, it is also important to model a
are developping a relationship
positive self-esteem. Being yourself is so important
with a best friend. There are
as a junior teacher. Being silly is so important to the
also many rules to learn, mostly
students struggling with fitting in or being cool.
informal. Usually these social
Showing your personality is so important.
rules involve what to wear, what
to bring in your lunch, who to talk In my grade 5/6 class, I would always dress up for
spirit days, in very obnoxious ways. I would
to , what books to read, etc.
Usually revolved around the idea participate in games with them, and catch them off

Social Development:

of cool. Students also begin to

notice personal strengths and

guard sometimes, like greating them at the door in a

silly mask, or by playing a silly song. As grade 5
and 6s start becoming intermediates I strongly
believe that it is important to show them that being
silly, creative, out of the box is still OK.

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