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CIFREM, Interdepartmental Centre for Research Training in Economics and Management Department of Economics - University of Trento A CIFREM Tutorial Workshop Agent-based Modelling in Economics and Finance __ | eg 19/20 May, 2008 DISA Seminar Room - Faculty of Economics - University of Trento Keynote Lecturer Invited Guest Lecturers CIFREM Members Professor Shu-Heng Chen Professor Charlotte Bruun Professor Edoardo Gaffeo University of Aalborg Department of Economics - Director Al-Econ Research Trento Centre Dr. Stephen Kinsella University of Limerik Professor Vela Velupillai National Chengchi Department of Economics - University - Taipei - Taiwan Dr. Francesco Luna Trento International Monetary Fund Editor-in-Chief: Journal of Professor Stefano Zambelli New Mathematics and ‘Ms. Connie Wang Department of Economics - Natural Computation and National Chengchi University Trento the Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination Associate Editor: Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization Further information and more details on the Workshop can be obtained from the Administrative Officer at CIFREM, Mrs Nicole Bertotti, at , and by visiting the CIFREM website at: http://portale.unitn. it/drem/

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