Week 9 Summary

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Week 9 Summary

Chapter 12
10 points
School Wide Strategies for Positive Behavior Supports
1. School-wide behavior management strategies are presented in chapter 12. According to
McIntosh et al. (2009) there are four elements found in effective behavior management. List

Continuously monitoring and screening students at each level to identify those in need of
additional supports.
Implementing evidence-based strategies and interventions with fidelity.
Providing a continuum of intervention strategies through multiple tiers of intensity so
that the needs of all students can be served.
Examining student progress data to help make programming decisions and decisions
regarding special education eligibility.

2. The beginning of chapter 12 outlines the SWPBS three-tier system. Under the section;
Guidelines for Tier One SWPBS the text notes that school districts around the nation are under
pressure to improve school safety. A list of 12 guidelines (tier one supports) to help schools
establish a plan for students is offered on page 332. In your opinion, which of these ideas would
be easiest to get started with and would be the things you would do first?
A: I think that, establishing school rules that are consistently enforced throughout the building,
would be the one I would start with. It might be the easiest but it will be a very important one. I
would get all of the staff together and have a big brain storming session. I think having everyone
that will be enforcing these rules are the ones that need to help develop them.
3. In two or three paragraphs, share your thoughts about the following question:
A school principal has asked you to design an intervention/prevention program aimed at reducing
school violence. What features would you most want the program to have? For ideas take a look
at the following two programs:
Take a look at The Second Step Program: Steps to Successful Implementation in Schools and
Steps to Respect, the counterpart for elementary schools. Visit the Committee for Children
[http://www.cfchildren.org/site-map.aspx] Take a look at Aggressors, Victims and Bystanders
which is another packaged program to use to bully proof your school.

Take a look at the resources collected by Ron Slaby. The .pdf file is called Slaby Resources and
can be found in the week 9 dropbox where you found this file.
A: I would want there to be a clear understand in the school that violence is not ok in any form.
There will be hard punishments for any student involved in any type of violence on school
grounds. I would make sure that students will not be punished or made fun of for informing staff
of school violence.
4. List 3 possible obstacles to school-wide programs.
1. Some schools might try to do too much too soon.
2. Staff might see a three-tier model as a method of identifying disabilities not a way to
improve schools.
3. Due to lack of funding the model is never fully implemented and tested.
5. What are the categories of ecological manipulation that can be incorporated into classroom
management strategies to PREVENT challenging behaviors, as recommended by Long and
Newman (1976).
A: They are; classroom environment, classroom activities, and teacher behavior.
6. On page 343, you find a list of basic behavior management strategies for classroom teachers.
Which strategy would be the most difficult for you to implement and why? Which strategy
would be easiest for you to implement and why?
A: To be honest I am not really sure any of these would be hard for me to implement in a
classroom. I think the easiest would be the classroom rules, it would be something that would be
on the wall to remind students. Plus I would make sure to go over them a couple time with the
students at the beginning of the school year.
7. In our text, LaVigna and Willis (1991) and Carter and Grunsell (2001) discuss strategies to
interrupting the behavior chain of inappropriate behavior. Of the six suggested in the book, give
an example when you would use one of them.
A: Stimulus change could be used by changing up the seating chair and making sure to separate
students that are known to talk too much.
8. Do you think the use of school-wide PBS increase or will it decrease the referral for formal
testing rate in the schools? What impact, of any, will school-wide PBS have on the number of
students receiving special education services?
A: I think having a school-wide PBS is a great way for students to know that they are not getting
singled out, that all of the students have to follow the same rules. I am not sure how it would
impact the number of students receiving special education. I feel that if everyone is following the

rules and behaving like they should then the ones who truly need special education services will
be getting them.

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