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Name: __________________________

Photography Quest


/25 Marks
/2 Marks

Part A: 1. Matching

/5 Marks

______ Shutter

A. The size of the opening behind the


______ Zoom lens

B. The amount of a scene that is in focus

______ Monopod

C. Light and easy to transport

______ Depth of field

D. Allows framing of the image without

physically moving

______ Aperture

E. Manual light regulator, shuts off light from

passing through
F. Allows alternation between manual
and auto

2. Match the following terms with the photographs below



rule of thirds


room to move

diagonal line

triangular composition camera obscura



________________ ________________




contact sheet




/10 Marks



Name: __________________________

Photography Quest

Part B: True or False:

/5 Marks

______ If you have shaky hands, leaning on a stable structure can help steady the
camera and produce a crisp image
______ The number of pixels determine the resolution of the image in Photoshop.
______ When a photographer focuses on the background, the foreground will also be
in focus
______ Having subjects placed straight into the centre or dead centre of the image creates a
dynamic photograph
______ A smaller aperture opening happens with the lens when the light is very bright so that
it doesnt let in too much light

Part C: Fill in the Blanks

/5 Marks

1. Using a ____________ or applying a technique to steady the camera is needed to

photograph in low light to avoid camera shake.
2. These ________ ____________ can be positioned on the floor, a table, chair, shelf,
window sill, a low wall or a car roof.
3. If you are on an incline, use a ___________________ so that the tripod does not
topple over.
4. The opening functions as a diaphragm, controlling the amount of light that falls
onto the______________.
5. This symbol

is used to prevent ____________________ from firing.

BONUS: Make sure you do this! If you decide not to, you are surely missing out!
/2 Marks
State the steps to making this image Black and White and Colour in certain areas:

1. __________________________
2. ___________________________
3. ___________________________
4. ___________________________

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