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School: Harvey High School

Date: f,6ri I 23,Zots

Teachers: Miss J. Nason

-I Sscrat Sdadies
Lesson Map

Title of Lesson: Jeopardy & the Return of Louis Riel

Curriculum Outcome:
7.4.2 analyze the events of the Northwest Rebellion to determine its impact on intenral
relations in Canada. . research the key factors that led to the Northwest Rebellion of 1885 .
identifr the events and results of the Northwest Rebellion r assess past and present
perspectives on Louis Riel's role in Canada's history. identiS the long term irnpact of the
rebellions on Canadian internal relations
Class Objectives: Big Ideas, Key
Watching debates and checking for
How welldo we knowthe previous chapter?
understanding in the points made.
Why did Louis Riel return? What came of it?
How does this a.ffect Canada todav?
Time Required for this Lesson: 60 minutes (one class)
Text/AudiolYideo Based
Power Point
Jeopardy Questiogs (game
Debate instructions on smart
Instructional Sfrategiesl Procedure for the Class:


IntrolWarm-up: Gane of Jeopardy with questions constructed by members of the class.

Groups willbe pre-determined by teacher.
Time:24-25 minutes

Knowledge Content: A quick lesson and overview ofthe main events of the Northwest
Rebellion and the return of Louis Riel. Power Point will be used for those needi4g a visual.
Brain break will occur halfiray througb so students can stop and process information before
they have to come back to learn more.
Time:20 minutes

Activities: Students will get into groups (selected by teacher) and will be given a side to debate
(similar to oufposters) with the information we have come up with some points to support
your argument and prepare for a debate. Must decide what is important to touch upon and
figure out who will be presenting your side ofthe debate. Anticipate the other side's points so
you can counter them. If there is time we will begin the debates. If not they will be for next

Time:15-20 minutes

Close: Get students to get their materials together. If they are scared they may lose their points
for the debate they can hand them in to the teacher to hold on to. Put chairs up, make sure the
classroom is cleaned and then go to lockers to get their items for home.
Time:5 minutes
Differentiation: Teacher support is always available. Students can work with other students to
figure out the inforrnation. Students are always able to use any of the resources available to





rA change in government
. from November 1873- October 1878, Canada had a Liberal
government headed by Alexander Mackenzie.
.This happened because of a scandal that happened with
.The National Policy is what got MacDonald re-elected. It was a
plan put in place to help the Canadian economy. The plan was
to allow Canada to make more of their own goods and create
their own economy. So a high tax was put on imported goods.
.The other two parts of the nation policy were:
.Encouraging immigration to provide farmers and ranchers for
the prairies.
.Building a railway across Canada to make it easier to move
goods and people.




.ln the west:

.While there was some benefit like immigration to the prairies

and the railway gave BC connections it had not had before
they soon found that shipping costs made it very difficult to
make a profit from certain materials.
.While the West had no control over the companies in Central
Canada they depended on them to buy products which was
tess than ideal.
.People had to pay high prices for manufactured goods due to
shipping costs and also due to the import tax which made
products outside of Canadafar more expensive.


.ln the East:
.NeMoundland was not affected because it was not a part of
Canada, but the maritime provinces had some problems with
the National Policy.


rThey paid high prices for the goods from Central Canada but
were paid very little for the raw materials they sent. Which
wasn't good due to the decrease in international trade
because of the import tax. Before the tax the Maritimes relied
heavily on trade and they were the hardest hit by this tax.
.The National Policy helped manufacturers in Quebec and
Ontario most because NS and NB had some successful
manufacturers already. This policy affected the manufacturing
ind ustries negatively.

.Nothing really happened to help the East and West. The policy
did not change for a long time because it worked well for
Central Canada which was were a majority of voting people
lived and the only hope of changing the policy was voting in a
new government.








. At this time Saskatchewan was a district not a province so they did not have representatives
in government to fight for them. Settlers, the Metis and First Nations all had grievances
against the government.

. Settlers had a problem with the high costs of good because of shipping costs and low prices
for their goods (produce). They also had concerns about the way land was given out and the
route of the railway.
. After Red River many Metis moved to Saskatchewan. They got tired of waiting for their land
so they moved west. Thing didn't improve though, events began to unfold similar to those
that happened in Red River.

. The river area in Saskatchewan is the traiditional territy od the Nakotah, Anishinabe, and
Plains Nehiyawak. At the time the Nehiyawak (also called Cree) had the highest population in
the area. Like in Manitoba with settlers coming in and killing buffalo and their settlements
made it impossible for the Nehiyawak to live in traditional ways.

. ln 1876, they signed Treaty 6 with the government. They expected the treaty would be
followed and they would get what they needed to survive.
. By 1885, they were desperate. The government was not holding up their end of the treaty by
providing food and other supplies, many communities were facing starvation.


. 1884- Gabriel Dumont invites

Riel back to help the Metis and First Nations people. Riel
agreed because he had stayed out of Canada for 5 years which was the agreed term for him
to avoid arrest.

. People knew that in 1870 Riel had helped the make the government respect Metis rights.
They were hoping he could help them. Riel met with English and French speaking Metis, First
Nations and Settler to help work out a plan.
. He put together a petition which laid out their grievances and he sent it to Ottawa in
December 1884.

. Key points of the Petition can be found on page 164 in the textbook.
. By 1885 the government still had not done anything about the petition, so Riel formed a
provisional government and threatened to take control of the area by force. This tactic had
worked before.


. Some believed that Riel didn't give the government enough time and he lost the support of
the English speaking Metis, the settlert and most first Nations Leaders except for 2. Dumont
become the military leader for the Metis and the Nehiyawak set up warrior lodges to prepare
for the fighting to come. Their were battles over the course of 100 days and these battles
have resulted in bad feelings that have lasted over 100 years.
. Who fought for the federal government?
. The North West Mounted Police (NWMP) were in the area to enforce Canadian law.


However their was a lot of respect for them in the communities because they treated
people fairly and got rid of whiskey traders. They also had very few men in their ranks to
take on the group challenging the government. This force later become known as the
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).

. A militia was brought in headed by Colonel Frederick Dobson Middleton. They took over
from the NWMP, they were called the North West Field Force. While they brought
numbers the men in the militia were not trained soldiers so Middleton had a task ahead of

. Chronology of events in 1885- page 166 in the textbook.

, After the battles many of the rebels were tried for treason.
. Many Metis and Nehiyawak fighter were sentenced to prison terms ranging from one to
seven years.

. Six Nehiyawak were hanged because they considered responsible for the deaths at Frog Lake
and two more who had killed a government farming instructor.



. Riel's trial took place from )uly 29 to August 1885.

. The jury was six settlers, all of them English speaking Protestants. Many guessed this would
make the jury biased towards Riel.
. ln Quebec fund were raised for Riel's legal funds by the Riel Defence Fund.
. Riel's lawyers tried to argue that Riel was mentaliy ill and needed to be put in a hospital
instead of being hanged. Riel did not want that defence and spoke for himself and explained
his actions during the trial.
. lt took the jury one hour and twenty minutes to decide their verdict: guilty. Rielwas
sentenced to be hanged.
. MacDonald had a decision to make. People on Quebec were furious at the verdict because
they saw Riel as a leader and activist. They wrote letters and newspaper articles demanding
Riel's freedom, they claimed Riel was only be treated this way because he was French.
. While people in Ontario felt Rielshould be hanged and the sentence was just.
. Whatever choice MacDonald made would lose him the next election because these two
provinces held the most voters and their opinions were split.
. MacDonald had Riel examined by doctors twice to see if he could be found mentally ill and
stop the hanging. But they did not. ln the end Riel was hanged.

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