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Matthew Cortes-Segura

2nd Period
Human Development

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is a highly variable
group of birth defects such as retardation, deficient
growth, and malformations of the skull and face that
occur in the offspring of women who consume large
amounts of alcohol during pregnancy. It is incurable
but treatments may help in which these include
medicines to help with some symptoms and behavior
therapy. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and other spectrum
disorders can affect children differently that may
include the following such as, problems with the
heart, kidney, and/or bones, learning disabilities and
low IQ, trouble with memory, coordination, and
attention, hyperactivity, problems with sleep and
suckling as an infant. Today according to the National
Academy of Sciences, 40 percent of women who
drink alcohol continue to do so during pregnancy,
and about 8 in 29 women who know they are
pregnant report dangerous levels of drinking.

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