Fire Emblem - d100 RPG Coups 3

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Fire Emblem: Coups

List #3




Forest Strider

Level 4

Movement is no longer hindered by forests.

Forest Warrior

Level 8, Forest Strider

No longer take the -5% hit from forests.

Forest Warrior, Improved

Level 12, Forest Warrior

Gain a +10 hit while in a forest.

Mountain Strider

Level 4

Movement is no longer hindered by mountains.

Mountain Warrior

Level 8, Mountain Strider

No longer take the -5% hit from mountains.

Mountain Warrior,

Level 12, Mountain Warrior

Gain a +10 hit while in a mountain.

Level 4

Halves the amount of fights needed for Support.

Socialite, Improved

Level 12

Coin Forgery

Artisan (Forgeries)

Reaver Reverser

Promoted Level 4

Hard Armor

Armored Unit, Level 8

Quick Draw

Level 8


Dark S Rank

Destructive Maverick

Anima S Rank

Holy Purge

Light S Rank

Staff of the Gods

Staff S Rank

Bladed Takedown

Sword S Rank

Tender Jab

Lance S Rank

Crushing Blow

Axe S Rank

Gain an additional +2 along with the bonuses

gained from the units support.
A unit with this coup can spend a day making
Negates a Reaver weapons triangle reversing
Doubles the uses of weapons when an enemy
attacks a unit with this coup.
If the units weapon breaks on their first attack
and they still have another weapon in their
inventory, they may use that weapon for the
second attack (if they can do a second attack).
Heal HP equal to damage dealt (max = enemies
current HP) with any dark tome.
Choose one unit type: Foot, Mage, Flying,
Mounted, Armored, Dragon, or Monster. The unit
deals x2 damage to the selected unit type.
Twice per battle, negate the enemies Resistance
when dealing damage to them.
Twice her battle, heal all HP to a selected
adjacent ally.
Once per battle if the unit deals at least 25
damage or more to an opponent (after factoring
in defense), they can slice one of the enemies
limbs off, giving it either a -25 to hit, or a -4 to
the enemies movement (0 = immobile).
Deal x2 damage to one type of enemy (chosen at
the start of the battle). Armored, or Mounted.
If the unit scores a critical hit, they deal x3
damage instead of x2 damage.

Halting Barrage

Bow S Rank


Rogue Level 12

Exploding Caltrops

Rogue Level 16

Nuclear Caltrops

Rogue Level 20


4 Roleplay Skills,
Unpromoted Level 4
Promoted Level 4

Even Less Armed

Promoted Level 12

Do you even HAVE

Falcon Punch

Promoted Level 16
Promoted Level 20

Any enemy flying unit who moves through

squares threatened by the unit receives an
attack from the bow unit for each threatened
square they move through.
Place down a caltrops trap as a standard action
upon an adjacent square. Any unit who steps on
the caltrops square takes 1d8 points of damage
(negates defense).
Caltrops lain by the Rogue now deal 1d12 points
of damage instead of 1d8, and deal half damage
to all adjacent squares.
Caltrops lain by the Rogue now deal 2d8 points of
damage, deal half damage to all adjacent
squares, and damage to all squares 2 spaces
Gain a +5 bonus when using any roleplay skill.
The unit can make an attack without weapons
using their hands, feet, knees, elbows, and head.
This unarmed attack has the following stats:
Hit: 50%, Dmg: 1d6, Crit: 0%, Proficiency: Any
Damage from the unarmed attack increases to
Damage from the unarmed attack increases to
1d10 and gains a 5% critical rate.
Damage from the unarmed attack increases to
1d12, gains another 5% critical rate, and a 20% to
the hit. In addition, choose one of the following:
x2 damage to (choose: armored, dragon,
mounted, mage, foot, flying, or monster), heals
HP equal to damage dealt, or Double Attack.

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