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Middle Leadership Diagnostic Rating Sheet

The middle leadership diagnostic is completed offline. The guidance for the diagnostic tool
provides a general description for each competency as well as more detailed information for
each of the four levels.
This simple tool enables the programme participant and raters to record the identified
strengths and areas for development across sixteen key leadership competencies. The
participant will then review the feedback received and discuss with a learning colleague.

What you need to do:

Participants need to decide to what extent each competency is a strength or area for
development and record the result and their evidence in the tables below. Participants need
to distribute this document and the guidance for the diagnostic tool to a selection of raters
and collate the completed copies. Once collated, the outcomes of the diagnostic should be
discussed with your learning colleague or mentor.
Raters who have been sent the diagnostic tool by a colleague need to decide to what extent
each competency is a strength or area for development for the identified colleague. Please
record the result and supporting evidence in the tables below and return to your colleague.

Each competency has four levels and you need to decide for each competency which level
you feel you, or the person you are rating are currently working at.
The default level for leaders who are solid performers is level 2 across all 16 competencies.
It is expected that participants will have a range of competencies at different levels.
Over all, levels can be summarised as follows:

IPML Diagnostic Rating Sheet Sept 2014 v.1

Name of individual participating in programme: Charles Clarke

Name of person completing diagnostic: Head of Key Stage One
Please put an X in the box where you feel you, or the person you are rating are currently
working at. More detailed information for each of the four levels can be found in the
Diagnostic tool resource.
Leading strategically
Information seeking
Conceptual thinking
Leading services
Future focus
Serving others
Personal drive
Analytical thinking
Leading in the community
Partnership working
Organisational understanding
Impact and influence
Leading people
Relating to others
Developing others
Holding others to account
Inspiring others
Self management
Self awareness
Resilience and emotional maturity

Level 1 Basic

Level 2 Effective

Level 3 Complex

Level 4 Exceptional


Supporting evidence:
Charles has made dramatic improvements since taking over as Head of Key Stage 2 at the start of the academic
year. He is very passionate about his new role and invests a great deal of time into making the Key Stage 2
department a success.
Staff morale has lifted- high expectations are set Charles, himself leads by good examples.
For example adhering to deadlines/marking policies/contributing to the wider aspects of the school community
He is good at simplifying complex ideas so that others, especially the teaching assistants can understand them
more easily. He keeps up to date with current changes and developments in the UK education system.
Charles opinion is highly regarded in weekly SLT meetings as he is able to find the balance between firefighting
and implementing longer-term initiatives that benefit the school.
He has been able to maintain clear communication with parent regarding expectations via parents evenings,
report writing, informal meetings and weekly newsletters. He has a good rapport with the children, SLT
members, the colleagues in his department and his parents.

IPML Diagnostic Rating Sheet Sept 2014 v.1

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