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Melanie Yoc

Julio Alicea
World History
June 2, 2015
End Of Course: World History
World history has never been my favorite class, but this year I had a different experience
and I liked it. During the year we learned about identity and membership, Latin America, Middle
East, Africa, race, East Asia and feminism. One of the topics that has impacted me this year was
identity and membership because I learned how identity and membership affects the world now
and how it has affected people in history. Identity is who or what makes a person and
membership is being part of a group. The topics identity and membership, impacted me because
identity makes you the person you are and helps people view you a certain way. Membership, or
being in a group, is part of our identity. Another topic that impacted me was is race real?. It
impacted me because in this unit we tried to figure out if race was real or not and we found out it
wasnt. This impacted me because society puts people in racial groups, because of their
physical appearance or culture. We should stop racial profiling because it leads to racism.
Finally, another unit that impacted me was about Asia. What impacted me about Asia was when
we learned about comfort women. Comfort women were women who were taken advantage of
by the Japanese and used for pleasure. Thus impacted me because I realize that women get
taken advantage of and can show how much power a man, which leads on sexism and
discrimination towards women.
World history has taught me that history is seen through many perspectives. Some people
might think that what has happened in history is important and some may not. I also learned that

the past and history are different. The past is what happened not to long ago, and history is what
recorded facts about what has happened. This helps me view and value history because I can
choose what is important to me and because I can also see the different perspectives people have
on history and the past.
World history has helped me think and value my identity. It helped me value my identity
because no one else has my identity, so basically, there isnt another me. It also taught me that
my identity is part of my past because I can see how I have changed over the years. World
history has also showed me that identity is very important because it makes us who we are why
we act, speak, or look a certain way. This class taught me not to judge others and form
stereotypes because everything you say can be part of who you are as a person.

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