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196 Early Learning Framework aligns:

Early Learning Philosophy

The goal of early learning is to nurture the development of children to be inquisitive, eager to learn, creative,
confident, compassionate and self-initiating. Early learning experiences provide opportunities for these qualities
to develop and lay the foundation for future learning. Early learning should support cooperative learning,
socialization, healthy self-esteem and creativity and maximize the growth of problem-solving, decision-making
and communication skills.

Early learning programming consists of teacher-facilitated, hands-on activities that address the individual
childrens needs and interests, as well as curriculum frameworks. Children assume increasing personal
responsibility and independence as they grow and develop.

Critical connections between home, school and the community are acknowledged and strengthened through
early learning programming. Families and teachers work cooperatively to encourage and support children on
their unique journey of lifelong learning.

Early Learning Beliefs

Early childhood is a remarkable time of psychological, physical, social and academic development as
many pathways of learning are being established.
Learning is a social process where children learn through play, exploration and inquiry.
Families are a childs first and most influential teacher.
Each child has unique strengths, which benefit and enrich their family, school and community.
Children thrive in a safe environment where their needs are met through mutual respect, nurturing and
Strong family, school and community partnerships help ensure a childs success in school and beyond.


Common program name so that families know the program is a district-wide program
(i.e. High Five, PreK, KinderPrep)
- School name/mascot can be a subset
Coordinated registration process
- Criteria for invitation/placement
- Reporting of student data
- Fees, billing and payments
One, shared parent handbook (like Great Choice for Your Child booklets)
Hiring and placement of classroom teachers & paras
Student/teacher ratio
- 10:1 MN state law
- 3:20 current ECFE standard (1 teacher, 2 paras)
- 4:20 co-taught model (2 teachers 1 EC, 1 ECSE and 2 paras - 1 EC, 1 ECSE
Space requirements and classroom equipment/supplies?


Between Elementary Education, Early Childhood Family Services and Early Childhood Special Education
Coordinate the alignment of early childhood to district goals and initiatives
Coordinated decision making regarding all aspects (elementary, ECFE & ECSE)

District 196 Early Learning Framework aligns:

Curriculum & Instruction

Provide a common set of standards and curriculum resources in an effort to build consistency across
classrooms (horizontal alignment)
Align standards, curriculum and resources to K-12 (vertical alignment)
Consistent implementation of standards
Participate and implement district-wide initiatives (literacy collaborative, units of study)

Professional development

Joint professional development/staff training

- Consistent language
- Program guidelines
- Early Childhood goals/standards
- Curriculum & assessment training
- Response to Intervention
Mentoring new(er) teacher with a seasoned teacher
Teacher meetings, PLC groups


Selection of developmentally appropriate assessments and systems of data collection

- Selection and timing of student assessment
- Coordinate the gathering and dissemination of student data
- Determine Early Assessment practices


ECFE provide administrative support to schools as needed
Train principals on early childhood (St. Paul)
Assist with hiring and placing classroom teachers & paras with building principal
Classroom teacher included on Early Childhood seniority list
Assist with observing and evaluating classroom teachers & paras with building principal
Provide Family Education events/programs?
Provide Parent Educator for family events/programs

Yet to consider:
How do we communicate who gets invited (district standard)?
Smaller committees to determine Assessment what is used (IGDIs ties to RtI & may have socio-emotional
component; concepts of print?), frequency, reporting system
Report students on ECFE annual report to the state
Free for all students? Fee for those who can pay?
Paras (ECFE) vs Teaching Assistants (ECSE) contact Julie Boyd on what the difference (other than prep &
training)is, work on aligning across programs which may impact sub status

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