LGNY May 2000 Story About Williamson Henderson & Stonewall

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Bush-Whacked: | At Home in State of Activism: Andy Humm on New York: | Washington’s March, the Log Cabin’s | Boys Don't Crys Philly's Pride, Burden | Kimberly Peirce | and Here in New York > Page 12 » Pages 5,7 b Page 4 Lesbian & Gay New York A! BooK.S ss Tacviewh Duncan Osborne - Searches for The Truth About 1969 page 6 Unesian & Gay New Yonk Stealing Stonewall The Dubious History of Williamson Henderson. By Duncan Osborne S ‘ay what you will about Wiliamson Hiendersin. he Keops sy A coir one Senet Yoon’ ition andthe imperial Queens snd igs af Gestr New fone he bas been seal (race Manin i Rephnn or Rody Cian ceping empany wih Democrat Et Spe te sate at lorney general and fens a June gay pide ch sate Alpen Ane A "Widding his sats sa veteran of the 1969 Stonewall rots, Henderson has isc his way inte ay polis, used ‘rove. and bated polis emi Nw growing chores of emmunty a tis are dikpuing that he was at Sonewal and sing ta lenders ct firs sre one end Winns Hen creo, Tradeson rece tok dine tak shou inset and tw Sool os 809. He, was, charming otal aan alga con but alr speakg Sith nary 50 pop who know ener ior the evens of Jane 196) op Won kg fay part of sory tue? Tlendenon's socal standing stoms from clan tat hn was ares ut ‘ihe Stoneman on Done 2.1969 Shen poe aldo hat ar tare Thine et ia minal eet in modern ur hry has marke ery June Sith allis tnd marches. ths invasion happons and 1 was caufuup init Henderson sale fen fel thy story, but as one missing fice ebro arrested three mes Shc in 1977 and ten in 1978 He bas ‘atest ord ram 1963. Why? ave mode Henderson sd Te hay spores. ase, #9, 9 Stonewall Yoorans Association member, Sawa yung man receive a ols beating ‘usd te Stool ht nigh “ies was Moray being beat” Rose said “ie was savage) ung beat by Tin. remembered" ose st met Henderson in 195 and sho decd ho was tha young man St old endrsoal ith regard” Rowe si. "In myopia, he was tere inde col, but cant be sure I ‘vas him Henderson and Rose ier onthe beat ing Its shoulder was ijured, but that srs the exten of be woud. “Logoed has that was beat up.” ‘endetson sal Tes ot ea ‘Siar Tran Dye, 0 32-yearcl svh'ienber onion the ares and that Henderson 1969 Cada parked thsi th ar nas seized by pole im prety re thre was aa nthe bar, ha went on for fv days, that Wlianson was arrested, hats ar Was taken ay Van Ds said wth touch ‘ofsarcasm when presse about his met ty He saw Henderson in 1969 but ony ‘meth nthe mise ead en Akrson was tho man Be had ep arested year tr. “Leclled tha when we were trading series about six months lator sald Vat Bk ig fom 9s canes “Ther are plenty of people who dispute Neodenons im “My hole hing shat jt donb lo hat she was thereat a sald Sa fives 46 fre Nh ener ree fing to Henderson as Queen Alsen, itera ave the eat Staal story of the esa by Nar Un Daberman i et Frat who walt ge saguand was abo prfied ty Stonetal ‘eked doubt about Henderson na nd in si reine torte aes 2 eee tear aart cation cn elas ee mes a ranean naire a ns You Be the Judge ~ iy than Warn 5 Basen ean Non Ar Aes, ad City yn ice 196 Ip circulated e-mail message ast. Sie wan rota part of ay of i sponses on ay of he nigh” Fourat TENY "Vaso know thee was no Calc ‘nthe Blok that nigh, ny eollectio, ‘cron any ober night Lean tll you be ras three no oe {anf i Fve asked all the people that TTenow, whether thy were my fends or fancent ener. and aol a single one bas ever bear oi” Toward Smith, 63, and Lacian K. Tr scot 1, 53, are the Wage Wice re- no wrote the best eyewitness a uns ofthe ft Both are sraght with ‘no apparent axe to grnd concerning Who ‘wes at Stonewall Neier remembers pole seizing. 2 Cadac nr shat eluded in thelr 1969 stories “Tere were no cars towed that nght ‘| rca sai Treat a nov and ‘Sreenriien “There was too much of Fucks ging on there “Thece was. «Willy Hondorson a raigned on une 30, 1969, atording fh erin court docket books He was 52 devas older han Willson vas at the tne, and gave a Brooklyn addres Wilson said he gave pice Long s- The fingerprints are aot crronty avalible Heder sa Te ple be Stop io LONY ban ration a ‘Bensung ts date ne olic poroneaned have soon thse eur 070, al Wee 6, an Money, rea ong te 1963 ar atmos ndr can Tower oyu wil 10-prcent esti, net he Best of my real Tin es: Weer en He ao represen 0 Hedeeon nthe ex 705 When be rs cr in gy pais “represent Willams in 70," “72, on many oceasons, nt ost on Winer si ut how real ae mes of ‘evens more than 30 gras ag? And of tourer are 900 highly crganied vents ASV Desai ne tok a {SI oped the broad te, an en Sno reember what hoppned tft? Shoes fact, ba ao mth fy and ebating ths sot wef Bu person tbs on his sory Fo tach lis anyones guts how mh he fas coed ant ow tht money sent. ‘either SYA noe IQKNY has towexempt status fom the ner Revenue Sere May 4, 2000 or has their erature, until recently dlaimed that staas, Thy hav never led ‘ny financial statements required of ax ‘exempt groups with the IRS oF the stale atioroy general. Donations to a tax-ex ‘mpl group are tax-deduetbe ‘Wat Sv budget? trelly does hve ne," Henderson said “varies fom year to yest "This year the Gay Financial Network, or gfncom, and the campaign a ton Sori Door ear a he 'S- Senate In New Jersey, bought a the SYA newaletae “Th Corin cam alg pal $300 to ran in tn sues A Fal gh.com was no oturnod in 1999, SYA launched undrasing ifrt so mark ig '30ch anniversary. The ‘roup receved $250 from the Empire Sata Pride Agenda, aswell 8 $250 rach fom the ogra canals op resent Cac Hoth SVA and IQKNY ave old regular rangaginans parse eee Tpmbian ‘and Gay, Comobiunly "Serf nto Out magazine and the Gay ard Tesblan. Aljanee Against Defamation Pave made donatons ranging rom $50 S100, Z6N¥ found donations frm ini fidins, such as Ea Koch, the former Inayor all he aamouns se staal, But TTGNY could no determine other groups rindi have donated in 197, Repblian Alloy Genera Dennis acco received complaint about SVA and opennd an Ingulry Into the our. think they were making an nguy to mbether or ot thro was a represen fadon ay to tak exempt sats said Karen Bursts, SVAS pro bono couse. insruced (SNA) to nat represent the rooney as tax deductible. hat eons {utes an propriety the misrepresen {ation thet somethings ax deduct it emt” ‘he status of hat inquiry Is unler Spiers ole recehed another com paint concerning SVA last Jl. Five days fater the atlorney goneral warned the rp, y leer, at was delinquent in Fig is 1997 and 1998 tnaneal reports Using th sate epen records law, LGNY Southall documents on SVA on March 15 fads Sive days ltr, Spitzer’ fice sent SVA another warning cs something hat T havo tole and we wil but he arent ging to be go Ting aay money because me don't have fang? Henderson fd. Spitzer. elated in 1988, was endorsed by Henderson a5 the fad of the Pride Democrats, anther rep he founded The group has applied for taxexempt stay th TRS, eeording to Bursein SVA has not reaned that satus hough is erature now Metis the group as taxexemp “the general rules are you shoul aot ——_—_—— STEAL STONEWALL contsnnd cn 920 ae te holding yourself out os, heving acencmp satis you don" sid Kevin Meer, an RS spaksperon. TPA wi pot ge “Theos whe he | woney has gone sll Ma oreo ESPNS exes doar. Others have never given because they fad Henderon eo age nt Shy shoot polly ang ase Who {a pon apes ‘Wete not donted because we've fond wo ining iG eng Zrner, Doar menber and pt pridtt oie Sonovall Democ asx gy police cb ‘int pus of Henderson past might snake‘ ea dub the won og | tne way op ade by in in vo Hendrzn the Board ne sar fin tmpeial Cour i ad Sogo table rhe Night of Thousand Gown, the, Coats aoa. unre eden ae ah ek made ypyable the Cour wes deposed fn Tava his buses eccunt. I was a0 ‘Story ono his empijecs "Sorome gee a cock and it as e- posted ithe wrong sezount der Bonsai fac got reused as seman abt yeTbeees manera PN, Se pain of antipope {ering ip Se rd ps "The Imperis Cour removed hi and esr stung aati eer sien” Sibhesidh went of and tate ip ergata cle the Inger Queens” Hendorsn abo ined ase fon procodng ith his indo thst Ing being a ocr up shor As ane frp owed nary $700 in en Cording\ otr ecrds.The landlord | ‘cused Henderson of photocopying only Sheroot oa check and presen 88 wens ha thet aus al val “Respondent has ont east one oc | sion deed openers agent po itapy ofa eho that be clined as | {Endre ede lendr' agent The re Sponfenthas done ths srt hing no pus the andrd charged court rd. ‘efored to nthe arte as gay mae, rasa “staph woman," and bo oe teas ‘would e correc tn the ease af "nal" thoeretatian reference smado wit gard tothe curent sex assigament of the party, while with “woman,” the are ceniaon refers to gender presentation ‘One can ad another shade with bate” and Tre as the caneept oa "batch Dreoperave MZF transsexual (straight ‘al (uy wunafesban” 8 nt a posse desrpton. ren cee pone have | lm Using ender and Sx as 5) ‘nym, and manfinale or woranferale | 4: equivalent word, beeause for the fendered, these terms arw interchange fbb. Butsal io tho uncharted saa the feansgender work and the choice a ‘words becomes eri fons & to avoid lon Henderson dee he care "faytng a subedoben was fot an ac he Tot won 8 {ase ig they “hen hte are ims tat Henderson tas deta ake onequson much fat he a. endeean cand SUA was unde Just ater Sonal No rear suppor {is Sarat th Now ork Ct 1 and wh te sin 198 “No one crprated en,” ender son sid "Thal no wat gay organza finned, fm ontglgt, Oger ae, ‘art proving an organization Was anand juries comune ss wa “that i reson” “orgie ho campaign ag Ana ents honopote f-bshing cam ie Tesi of 5 Dade Cony Coan for Haran Rigs (hated ha ight ener KN sae te st ay piel parade Now Yor fe evar be pac salon” he Inte: The 1970 march wen to Can- tral Park and no other hisiry coins TOKO partition. “heft tht something nt que right even eons ois age Many oople le apse “I've been personally — tet alee. rew Sik mene lt parassed by this guy ‘osm ae out was launched In Woe areaty 998. for the past few years,” Mendenoe exhib “we founded it ‘hn boeanso wo et ‘here as ood for said Alan Fleishman, — 148¥hewas born in Brooklyn and a fecmeain' he past president of ian i hee eta Jeent Brooklyn's Lambda $2 uoe iw rk tare Independent Democrats. 5, Sak, ‘iyo 1994, atthe Beth anniversary cf “i the rts, a group of parimact records. Fis undergraduate Som veces, of intimidating adem rewis a melding eer Sneed ay and haras fea ae Bagining ot oF fala wes are reprehensible. ‘ond ing Ir th else sd fel the ave from Iunéreds towed peopl” Presb, Newion sai tat ender sonar ate Sionealit 196, but ow Abies tat Silay, Henderson clams IQKNY vsfaunde in 1968 ah Stool a. TE fund QKRY records died 19, btino eather Tho Imperial. Corts Sit eae IKNY a founded aie Henderson was ose rom he Cert 192 “it sa purl claim since weal rember when i was founded” She sai 1997 inervo ith Tapestry mag aaie, Henderson sed that RNY ‘Ber and ons and wrt | feel better now. - Joann Porat Vi emai Paul Schindler roles: The description 1 used ny story was fact Simone Pe- tersons own Jurmout Key to Farley's “api 1, 2000 tote Ett, Yor arte shout Jo Furey’ Cam pat for Congressional Dstt? New Sere was grata fr as net ‘Chon are Airs fr Washington Fiat sindr Lan hel 2 Ts ot cl alenportat, tye fae who he feels don't support his efforts me gre or his agenda they as the Birth Hosta University sing people ge toet as he Birt year. His arrest ‘ver’ 1953 Sour Hotsra would Gly confi Infor ‘maton that ZGNY a ready possess twas able to verily that 1943 was the bic year on the un ‘dergradante records, but about the ga ‘at rere Hoe said only th te hich year was neler 1944, 1952, nar 1988."The dato of bith In all recars LGNY found was Ober 5 ‘ndesoa appears Lo hav fudged his resume io cath age He carned his BA {in 1974, according io hs resume. Hora save the year af 1968, Henderson pa fenty responded to LGNY'. low-up questions, bul ho would not soe tis Headersue has alo alonted many in New York i's ay polite ics: Sa wart Demcerats do ot ike his embrace Tnenton was “wer wrnoat” “Tho {urmous in many New Jersey Demoerate Party Primaries have boon very low in e ‘com years. In patth sheets of the ance of Democratic party "ms. hie plc who turn ofthe average Hever. Joel has areal chance simply At he ges he gay vote out This the ‘math, There are approximately 600,000, loin the Ds Lats 8) Beeause of | {eaumber under 18 year of age. and those who chose not rotor there aro ‘only 360,000 on te electoral ral InN tne ean vt foe weer ane wants in 2 frimary. ets sy only 5% are gy oes Sian (a lw-bell iro. Thats 18,000 ‘oles, With 18,000 les Farley wins the primary! In short, Fay can wn witout Paling’ single heterosexual voto gays ed nsblans et thelr act together fr a thang. ’ASs newspaper tht has inthe pat Mar 4, 2000 ‘Gian or AIDA, tho former US. Senay Henderson, of ours. fs ono ‘timany Demers fo wees aly ‘nd Republean ad ex pls inated ‘bat Gf whe uy votes ached Ci Sains 1997 mayoral renketon rate Nendeaon so eda sonora 1998 Candidate forum that raed aL est Soo forthe Cone tendon swing to buck tho gay pola ers when th enna {rent ssn aes it ‘agressive manner tat fends hem “fen Wilameen Henderson cals he saber ans money fo SVR a ter prosiming hoe onder Be sr Ba ‘Slingo be honor sld Alen asl, Tonge gy gis aes ces tna pl to dea with Henderson as sulting et nas for many people he bas sparred ih and {od the fei in nerves He wl Sema fal with pone als nd together of people fis documents and’ hapa Share thom wih :GNY “tv ben personal hares by ths sy for the fast fo pear” sail lay hhman, pet preident of Brokias Lambda Independent Democrat. Tis tates nuns and harap fle who be fol da support his fs {rh agenda are ropes” But Heerson lo as polical sp- porters who yale Bi support. He has tary ers fom lc gta sae IngSVA or RNY and Wo SVA donates ‘ra nly appr “tw alaye Been very supportive of ny anaes fer whch fm ey SPP ‘Save Koch sd. Trt hd sia view Ain hs atng sn, ho be: os ht he eh Be a eho are py ha “ve pel SGA? known han fay wel cathe {199s} eampalgn he ato gee” enon fl bark on i Streval voleran sats. He made strife r {he quer community i 1969 ae str. trards"Sogpestng, hea ol al eval "an alc anda aac inst hi anal agli alos isan tm gry he San slo gay hse shen Streatham aon. dal te Sie was tna en no 00 weet Snenal™ Toised about the fet tha you regard ours 26 beg advoeat not ‘ore roportor of events would have ox- ced you to make ths pin The son vor simple gay and lesbians i | Dist 7 bots tm ut lun a | out gay man wil cn the Blt fn No- vember It dost come muh simpler than thet.

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