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Kettlebell 6

Max rounds in 20 minutes

5x Handstand push-ups
10x Pistols
15x KB swings (24/16)

For max rounds

On-the-minute Double KB Sumo deadlift(2x50)
Start at 1 rep, add another rep at top of each minute.
Continue until you cannot perform the requisite number of reps/round

3 rounds
20x Sumo deadlift high pull (48/32)
10x Hang clean (60/45)
40m Farmer's walk (2x48/32)
Row 500mt / Run 400mt
25x KB swings (32/24)

3 rounds

4 rounds
5x KB thruster, left arm (24/16)
10x Deadlift (102.5/70.5)
5x KB thruster, right arm (24/16)
10 Burpees tuck jumps

Max rounds in 10 minutes

1x Double snatch (16/8)
3x Overhead squat (16/8)
5x Jerk (16/8)
Max rounds in 20 minutes
15x KB swings (24/16)
15x Push-ups
15x Pull-ups
15x KB goblet squats (24/16)

1 round
60x Sit-ups
50x Jumping jacks
40x Suitcase deadlifts (2x32/24)
30x Push-ups
20x KB sumo high pull (32/24)
10x Pistols
5x Burpees tuck jumps

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