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Myrtil 1

Harryson Myrtil
Ms. Aponte
Tech Prep 11
17 April 2015

The Carter Family?

My dad disliked the sound and the air of the city life .He would always complain about
how much this place made him sick. Ever since Mom died he hasnt been the, same hes been
crabby lately. Wilson says hes just being protective toward his family thats all. Wilson my older
brother we have a close relationship. Whenever I need some help or I have guy trouble he would
help me out, I have another brother Bernard but hes too young to understand the type of stuff we
talk about but sometimes Wilson is a jerk. Wilson would talk about how cool my dad use to be
before moms death because I was too young to remember but Honestly, I wouldnt believe him.
In my eyes I just see an old fat grumpy war veteran.
Dad are you okay up there? I asked.
Im better than okay. Start packing your bags, boy we are moving. Tell your brothers
were officially leaving April 20th.
So that means we only have two days. Besides that, I was shocked Dad actually sounded
happy for once. Maybe moving will finally lighten his crabby behind. I ran to my brothers room
faster than a lion to tell them the good news

Myrtil 2

Bernard, Wilson wake up, wake up guess what!

Dad sold Bernard to foreigners? Replied Wilson.
Shut up Wilson, he should sell you!
How about both you girls shut and start packing, were moving!
When exactly are we moving? asked Wilson
On the 20th why you ask? I said.
No reason Im just happy, Dad hated this place?
Bernard looked excited like a dog thats about to get a bone, but Wilson seemed upset and I had a
hunch I knew why. Wilson had a girl named Laura that he had been trying to get with but never
had the backbone to do it.
Bernard get out now! I said.
Ha-ha cute why should I?
Theres a huge, beautiful, delicious piece of cheese cake in the fridge, have fun
Why you kick out Bernard? asked Wilson.
Cause you a wimp you need to tell that girl how you feel tomorrow because were
officially leaving Saturday which means you got two days left!
Man what you know about girls? What if she dont like me?

Myrtil 3

What if she does? If yes, you may get a goodbye kiss; if no, Ha were moving bro, forget
her. Thats her loss
Youre right alright Ill do it Thanks punk.
No problem wimp.
Dad walked in with a face as stiff as a piece of wood, and a belt. He starred at us for a
while, after 2 minutes he finally spoke.
You guys want to hear something funny I had cheese cake right (he asked laughing) and
I saw the funniest thing when I went to the kitchen to eat it. Want to know what I found?
It was all Daquans idea. I dont know why he told Bernard he could have it
Ahhhhh man I hope you all just drop dead, all of you guys!
Hush your mouth, I outta beat you some more. You guys got school tomorrow, lights

APRIL 19TH 2012 after School

Hey Daquan. Hold on, whats up bro William asked.
Nothing much just pissed off at everybody in my house getting on my nerves. I hope
they all drop dead!

Myrtil 4

Whoa, come on, you dont mean that.

Man forget family I got friends like you William
William and I been friends since the third grade I use to get bullied for being small until
the day I met him. William is usually feared by others cause hes big, compared to ever body
else so we just end up becoming friends he was like a true big brother to me better then Wilson.
You should calm down Daquan I can imagine how you feel but everybody need a
Ha, funny not this guy, but I didnt come to talk about that I was goanna tell you Im
What, when, where, why?
I dont really know where but my dad doesnt like it here and where leaving on the 20th
Wow thats real soon I got an idea tomorrow me and some friends are about to drink
What you mean drink as in juice?
No man we going to get drunk
Man I dont know
Come on man it will be fun were going to be so wasted that well see God and say
whats good
Ha you know what sure
Cool see yah tomorrow

Myrtil 5

Honestly I dont know whats going on with me, my mind says no but yet my mouth says yes,
man I hope I dont get caught. This is my first time drinking so I dont know what to do like I see
people do it but I just dont know.
Who is it? Said Wilson
It Daquan open the door
Whats up ugly?
You shouldnt be talking but anyways how did the Laura thing go
It didnt I kind of choked
Shut up Ill do it tomorrow I just wasnt feeling the mac game today thats all
Sure you only got 1 Day bro dont mess it up besides that, watch out Im tired Im about to
knock out
I know and whatever
April 20th 2012
Whats up Daquan you ready to get drunk bro
I guess so where we going anyways
We going to Lowell Ave

Myrtil 6

Lowell Ave was the bad side of town where all the drug dealers and gang bangers live.
Im scared of that part of town but I dont want to look like a child and not go to smoke with
William and his so called buddies.
Why you ask you scared asked William?
No Im waiting on you bro show the way
So we started walking and Ive been thinking about this drinking business, I hope I dont
get caught. We been walking for five minutes and then we stopped at this old abandoned house.
Is this the place?
The place smelt like garbage the place was very unsanitary. The place looks just like
Wilsons room on a good day. A tall man open the door with eyes as red as a fire hydrant.
Whats good Marley said William
Whats good man you got the money
Yeah come in
Lets go Daquan
The place wasnt as bad as I thought it would look but it still had a horrible smell, I guess
it was to block the liquor smell .There were four other guys in the kitchen they looked kind of
Whats up guys this is my friend Daquan he moving tomorrow hes a good friend of
mine I wanted to get drunk with him before he leaves, its his first time drinking

Myrtil 7

Since its your first time drinking Im let you drink this first Hennessey bottle Said one
of the guys in the kitchen. Youre going to be more messed up then my main man Middleton on

My heart was beating even faster than before it felt like its going to pop out into my
palm, but I wasnt going to back down
It tasted kind of weird it was a real bitter taste, after that everything gotten blurry, but I
have to finish this Im not a child
I started falling everywhere, I was sweating. I think Im finally drunk and I didnt like it,
I checked the time it was 2 Oclock School just ended so I bolted to the door and ran home.
My dad opened the door and looked into my eyes
OOOUUCCHH what was that for!
Your eyes are redder than Rudolph the retarded red nose reindeer!, but Im not worried
about that now hurry up and put your stuff in the car were leaving now
10 minutes pass
Where all in the car and we were off to where ever this new house is

Myrtil 8

Pssshhhh Wilson how that Laura thing went?

She just walked away once I finished saying what I had to say, but I feel good plus were
moving theres more girls in the world
Cool as long as youre not upset at the end of the day
10 minutes pass again
Dad are we there yet? asked Bernard
Yes its on your left
The house was big and brown like a barn house
All right boys get out and start unpacking, Bernard your upstairs, Wilson and Daquan
I walked into my room it was ok, it kind of resembled my old room
DAAAAAAD! Yelled Bernard
Everyone ran upstairs and Bernard was nowhere to be found, we entered his room and
saw a floating chair and something on the carpet. Dad grabbed it and broke it BOOOOOM

Myrtil 9

Dad what was that and where is Bernard? Wilson asked

I think theres an unwanted presence in this house son
What does it want?
We all looked at the ceiling it says your dead, FLICK The Light turned off and
everyone was gone
Hello Dad, Bernard, Wilson
I ran outside and just kept running for a while, after 5 minutes I started crying
Lord when I said, I wish they all would die I didnt mean it!!!!!!!!!!!

Myrtil 10

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