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Learning Target

What is this a picture of?

I can draw items from a side

and aerial view.

I will know I can when...

-I look at items from the side
-I look at items from above

What is this a picture of?

Why do the two pictures look
different? What changed?

When we look at something

On your paper, draw what you

from above, we call it an aerial

predict this item would look like

view! When we look at an object

from an ariel view!

from the side, we call it a side


side view

aerial view

Does your drawing look like this?

On your paper, draw what you

predict this item would look like
from an ariel view!

Does your drawing look like this?

On your paper, draw what you

predict this item would look like
from an ariel view!

Does your drawing look like this?

On your paper, draw what you

predict this item would look like
from an ariel view!

Does your drawing look like this?

Today, you are going to look at

items on a tray.

1) Draw each item with a side


2) Draw each item from the

aerial view.

When you're done...

Pretend you are a bird flying

near the ceiling. What would our
class look like?

Do you know when we would use
aerial view?

When we look at a map!

What do your drawings look

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