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Observe an Assessment

The math skill which have being assessed is

addition and subtraction.

the assessment:

teacher tell the
about what should
they do
after when they will
finish the
exam with telling
them that
they dont have to ask
later. Then
she asks group
leaders to
give the students
paper to cover and
hide their
work. She clarifies
that they
have to write their
names and
the date on the
assessment paper. She also asks them to read the instructions
carefully and raise their hands if they have any question without
talking with others. Finally, she asks students to retell the
instructions and hands out the paper by herself for each student.

During the assessment:

The teacher moves around to check that everyone is covering

his/her work. She moves around students to make sure that all of
them understood what they should be doing. There was one
student sitting and doing nothing, the teacher saw her and
moved her to another spot to finish her work. The teacher didnt
give the students any hints and she was looking carefully for
each student paper. One student raised his hand because he
finished but the teacher asked him to check again.

After the assessment:

She collected the papers from the students how have finished
with saying 5 mins left, then we need to stop. No one responds
to her because they were nearly to finish.

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