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Chapter 11 - Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization

Chapter 11
Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization

True / False Questions

1. (p. 306) A recent study of North American and European corporations indicated that the need
to stay cost competitive was the most important external issue.

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Comprehension

2. (p. 306) Multinational companies confronted by global competition for expaning markets are
changing their strategies and altering their organizational structures.

Difficulty: Easy
Type: Comprehension

3. (p. 306) Multinational companies need to make comprehensive decisions regarding key
strategic choices such as concentration versus dispersion in order to enhance their
competitiveness and to capitalize on global marketplace opportunities.

Difficulty: Easy
Type: Comprehension

4. (p. 306) The big question in global marketing management today is "standardization versus

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Comprehension


Chapter 11 - Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization

5. (p. 308) With respect to globalism, only in America can international market requirements be
an afterthought.
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Comprehension

6. (p. 308) To be a success in the marketplace today, the best companies will focus on country as
the primary segmentation variable.

Difficulty: Hard
Type: Comprehension

7. (p. 309) The "Nestl way" is to dominate its markets. One of the ways Nestl does this is to
decentralize with respect to foreign markets.

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Application

8. (p. 312) Tactical planning is essentially long term, incorporating generalized goals for the
enterprise as a whole.

Difficulty: Hard
Type: Knowledge

9. (p. 312) Strategic planning is conducted at the highest levels of management and deals with
product, capital, and research, and long-term and short-term goals of the company.

Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge


Chapter 11 - Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization

10. (p. 315, Exhibit 11.1) The first phase of the international planning process is to adapt the
marketing mix to target markets.
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Knowledge

11. (p. 315, Exhibit 11.1) The third phase of the international planning process is to develop the
marketing plan. In this phase budgets and action programs are devised.

Difficulty: Hard
Type: Knowledge

12. (p. 316) In the second phase of the international planning process, the results of the analysis
frequently indicates that the marketing mix would require such a drastic adaptation that a
decision not to enter a particular market is made.

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Application

13. (p. 317) With respect to the international planning process, the marketing plan begins with a
situation analysis and culminates in the selection of an entry mode and a specific action
program for the market.

Difficulty: Easy
Type: Comprehension

14. (p. 320) With indirect exporting the company sells to a customer in another country.

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Knowledge


Chapter 11 - Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization

15. (p. 320) Ralph Means' company has decided that it would like to export products to Japan. In
order to do this, Mr. Means will sell his company's products to a Japanese distributor who in
turn will sell (export) the products to the Japanese consumers. This form of exportation is
called indirect exporting.
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Application

16. (p. 321) Patent rights, trademark rights, and the rights to use technological processes are
granted in foreign licensing.

Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

17. (p. 321) A form of licensing is multiple-layer exporting.


Difficulty: Hard
Type: Knowledge

18. (p. 321) One of the types of franchise agreements used in international marketing is

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Comprehension

19. (p. 323) A business relationship established by two or more companies to cooperate out of
mutual need and to share risk in achieving a common objective is called a strategic
international alliance (SIA).

Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge


Chapter 11 - Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization

20. (p. 323-324) One reason businesses enter strategic international alliances (SIAs) is the cost of
entering a new market "from scratch."
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Comprehension

21. (p. 326, Exhibit 11.3) Building a strategic international alliance (SIA) takes several steps to be
successful. The first step in building strategic alliances is called "dating."

Difficulty: Hard
Type: Knowledge

22. (p. 325) Mike Jordan's company has just entered into an agreement with a German firm that
will create a separate legal entity. This new firm will be allowed to conduct business and
actively compete in the European Union's various markets. A good description of the new
company would be a "joint venture."

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Application

23. (p. 327) The primary reason for using an international joint venture in China is that it is the
only form of business that is allowed to make a profit.

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Knowledge

24. (p. 327) Ten high tech companies joined together to make a concentrated business effort in
China. By joining together, the various companies were able enter the Chinese market for the
first time. A good name for this type of arrangement would be a consortium (consortia).

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Application


Chapter 11 - Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization

25. (p. 328-329) Korea's Samsung invested some $500 million to build television tube plants in
Tijuana, Mexico. This form of international business is aptly named international licensing.
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Application

26. (p. 328-329) A hallmark of global companies today is the establishment of manufacturing
operations throughout the world. This is a characteristic of what is called direct foreign

Difficulty: Easy
Type: Comprehension

27. (p. 331, Exhibit 11.4) An advantage of a matrix organization structure in international business is
that it permits management to respond to the conflicts that arise among functional activity,
product, and geography.

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Comprehension

Multiple Choice Questions

28. (p. 306) A recent study of North American and European corporations indicated that the need
to __________________ was considered to be the most important external issue affecting
their marketing strategies.
A. gain access to the Chinese market
B. avoid competition among themselves
C. reduce international exposure
D. stay cost competitive
E. overcome management resistance

Difficulty: Hard
Type: Knowledge


Chapter 11 - Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization

29. (p. 306) With respect to global marketing management, the argument for managing in
international arena for the 1990s was framed as:
A. standardization versus adaptation.
B. globalization versus localization.
C. global integration versus local responsiveness.
D. capitalism versus socialism/communism.
E. buy now versus buy later.
Difficulty: Hard
Type: Comprehension

30. (p. 306) In the 1970s international marketers framed their management emphasis in foreign
markets as a question of:
A. standardization versus adaptation.
B. globalization versus localization.
C. global integration versus local responsiveness.
D. capitalism versus socialism/communism.
E. buy now versus buy later.

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Comprehension

31. (p. 306) In order to enhance their competitiveness and to capitalize on global marketplace
opportunities comprehensive decisions need to be made by multinational companies regarding
key strategic choices such as: integration vs independence, concentration vs dispersion, and
A. import vs export
B. direct sales vs franchising
C. standardization vs adaptation
D. political vs legal
E. international vs global

Difficulty: Easy
Type: Comprehension


Chapter 11 - Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization

32. (p. 313-314) The text cites studies that report firms committed to international marketing gain
competitive advantages from __________.
A. delaying entry into specific regions
B. an extensive advertising campaign
C. developing relationships in specific regions
D. clustering operations in specific regions
E. using central regional warehouses
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Comprehension

33. (p. 314) Competition and the ease of global communications is forcing managers around the
world to __________.
A. expand global advertising
B. respond quickly to competitive threats
C. make greater commitments to global marketing
D. increase customer access to their companies
E. extend product and service warranty periods

Difficulty: Easy
Type: Comprehension

34. (p. 307-308) The statement, "Only in America can international market requirements be an
afterthought" is an example of American __________________.
A. ethnocentrism
B. marketing myopia
C. fear of European dominance
D. concern for international customers
E. profit-taking

Difficulty: Hard
Type: Application


Chapter 11 - Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization

35. (p. 308) The ideal market segment size, if customer satisfaction is the goal, is:
A. one.
B. a small group such as 10-15.
C. local such as a small city of 10,000.
D. regional such as a state or territory.
E. the world.
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Application

36. (p. 309) Nestl focuses on dominating markets in the world arena. The company has four
primary points in its highly successful international strategy. Which of the following would
not be among those four points?
A. think and plan long term
B. decentralize
C. stick to what you know
D. standardize so that all becomes one
E. adapt to local tastes

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Application

37. (p. 309-310) Which of the following companies has been known for its ability to adapt to local
needs and wants in the international marketplace since its inception in 1866?
A. Kodak.
B. C.W. Post.
C. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco
D. Ralston Purina
E. Nestl

Difficulty: Hard
Type: Knowledge


Chapter 11 - Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization

38. (p. 310) When large market segments can be identified, __________________ can be
important competitive advantages of global companies.
A. profits
B. product differentiation
C. strategic alliances in global cartels
D. economies of scale in production and marketing
E. relational static differentials
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Comprehension

39. (p. 310) All of the following are benefits of global marketing EXCEPT:
A. access to the toughest customers.
B. economies of scale.
C. transfer of experience and know-how.
D. financial benefits.
E. international travel benefits.

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Comprehension

40. (p. 311) International planning must blend the changing parameters of external country
environments with ____________________________.
A. tactical, strategic operatives
B. corporate objectives and capabilities
C. operational, production constraints
D. regional variation in personnel marketing capacities
E. macroeconomic potential

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Knowledge


Chapter 11 - Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization

41. (p. 312) International corporate planning is essentially:

A. short term.
B. operational.
C. tactical.
D. long term.
E. regional.
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Comprehension

42. (p. 312) Strategic planning is conducted at the ______________ levels of management and
deals with products, capital, and research.
A. operational
B. tactical
C. internal
D. highest
E. secondary

Difficulty: Easy
Type: Comprehension

43. (p. 312) If a company were to focus on market planning that involved specific actions and
allocations of resources, the company would be using _____________ to carry out plans.
A. tactical planning
B. strategic planning
C. corporate planning
D. long term planning
E. synergistic planning

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Comprehension


Chapter 11 - Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization

44. (p. 312) A major advantage to a multinational corporation (MNC) involved in planning is
A. assurance of making a profit.
B. discipline imposed by the process.
C. ability to explain the process to all employees.
D. ability to circumvent governmental barriers by using the process.
E. unification of cultural differences.
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Comprehension

45. (p. 312) The planning process is a primary medium of organizational:

A. greed.
B. localization.
C. learning.
D. power structure.
E. culture.

Difficulty: Hard
Type: Comprehension

46. (p. 314) All of the following are decisions that the foreign marketer must make when
entering a foreign market EXCEPT:
A. what products to develop.
B. in which markets should business be conducted.
C. what should be the level of resource commitment.
D. should the organization have a mission statement or not.
E. allocating effort and resources among countries.

Difficulty: Easy
Type: Comprehension


Chapter 11 - Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization

47. (p. 315, Exhibit 11.1) All of the following are actual phases in the international planning process
A. adapting the marketing mix to target markets.
B. developing the marketing plan.
C. establish the organizational design of the corporate parent.
D. implementation and control.
E. matching company and country needs
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Comprehension

48. (p. 315, Exhibit 11.1) Which of the following would be considered to be the first phase in the
international planning process?
A. adapting the marketing mix to target markets
B. developing the marketing plan
C. matching company and country needs
D. implementation and control
E. defining company objectives and resources

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Comprehension

49. (p. 315, Exhibit 11.1) Which of the following would be subjects analyzed or explored in the first
phase of the international planning process?
A. company character
B. product adaptation
C. advertising
D. situation analysis
E. budgets

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Comprehension


Chapter 11 - Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization

50. (p. 315, Exhibit 11.1) Which of the following would be subjects analyzed or explored in the
second phase of the international planning process?
A. company character
B. product adaptation
C. situation analysis
D. budgets
E. standards
Difficulty: Hard
Type: Comprehension

51. (p. 315, Exhibit 11.1) During which of the following international planning phases would the
marketer make decisions that involved the situation analysis, objectives and goals, budgets,
and action programs?
A. adapting the marketing mix to target markets
B. developing the marketing plan
C. matching company and country needs
D. implementation and control
E. defining company objectives and resources

Difficulty: Hard
Type: Comprehension

52. (p. 315, Exhibit 11.1) All of the following are subjects that would be explored in the first phase of
the international planning process (preliminary analysis and screening) EXCEPT:
A. company character.
B. home-country constraints.
C. geography.
D. host-country constraints.
E. selecting the mode of entry.

Difficulty: Hard
Type: Comprehension


Chapter 11 - Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization

53. (p. 316) The primary goal of Phase 2 of the international planning process is to:
A. perform a preliminary analysis of a country.
B. perform a screen of the environment.
C. decide on a marketing mix adjusted to the cultural constraints.
D. perform a situation analysis for the country that has been selected for entry.
E. implement specific plans.
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Comprehension

54. (p. 315, Exhibit 11.1) Kodak has already examined a series of environmental factors, reviewed its
company's character, and established screening criteria. Which of the following would be the
next step that the company should undertake as it proceeds with the international planning
A. match the company to countries
B. adapt the market mix to target markets
C. adapt the company's position to communication objectives
D. develop a marketing plan
E. implement and control information obtained in the initial examination

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Application

55. (p. 316) When a company conducts Phase 2 of the international planning process, one of the
questions generated in this phase is:
A. are there identifiable market segments that allow for common marketing mix tactics across
B. have objectives and goals been established?
C. have all budgets been determined within the constraints of resources?
D. have action programs begun?
E. have responsibilities been established for implementation and control?

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Comprehension


Chapter 11 - Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization

56. (p. 316) Which of the following is a question that is not likely be generated by Phase 2 of the
international planning process?
A. are there identifiable market segments that allow for common marketing mix tactics across
B. which cultural adaptations are necessary for successful acceptance of the marketing mix?
C. will adaptation costs allow profitable market entry?
D. which environmental adaptations are necessary for successful acceptance of the marketing
E. which country market to make a market investment?
Difficulty: Hard
Type: Comprehension

57. (p. 315, Exhibit 11.1) Phase 3 of the international planning process, begins with:
A. the creation of a management performance guide.
B. the selection of an action program.
C. conducting a situation analysis.
D. developing a list of home-country constraints.
E. exploration of the distribution option including logistics and channels.

Difficulty: Hard
Type: Comprehension

58. (p. 317) John Deere Tractor Company has just completed a marketing plan for entering
South Africa. Included in this plan is the establishment of what is to be done, by whom, how
it will be done, and when. Which of the following phases of the international planning process
has John Deere planners just completed?
A. Phase 1
B. Phase 2
C. Phase 3
D. Phase 4
E. Phase 5

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Knowledge


Chapter 11 - Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization

59. (p. 317, 315, Exhibit 11.1) If Phase 3 of the international planning process is successfully
completed, which of the following will generally occur next in the planning process cycle?
A. an objectives and goals phase.
B. a budget phase.
C. an action program(s) phase.
D. an implementation and control phase.
E. a communication phase where advertising and promotion are emphasized.
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Knowledge

60. (p. 319, Exhibit 11.2) Which of the following is the simplest and cheapest method to enter a
foreign market?
A. exporting
B. importing
C. the Internet
D. licensing
E. franchising

Difficulty: Easy
Type: Comprehension

61. (p. 319) If a company would "just like to get its feet wet" in the international marketing
arena, which of the following methods is generally used?
A. modest exporting
B. importing
C. licensing
D. franchising
E. direct selling

Difficulty: Easy
Type: Comprehension


Chapter 11 - Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization

62. (p. 319, Exhibit 11.2) A company has four different modes of foreign market entry. Which of the
following WOULD NOT be among those modes?
A. exporting
B. nonequity importing
C. contractual agreements
D. strategic alliances
E. direct foreign investment
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Comprehension

63. (p. 319, Exhibit 11.2) Which of the following modes of foreign market entry requires the most
amount of equity and, therefore, the most risk?
A. exporting
B. importing
C. contractual agreements
D. strategic alliances
E. direct foreign investment

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Comprehension

64. (p. 320) With __________ exporting, the company sells to a customer in another country.
A. direct
B. indirect
C. multiple layers
D. parallel
E. synergistic

Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge


Chapter 11 - Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization

65. (p. 320) With ____________ exporting, the company usually sells to a buyer (importer or
distributor) in the home country who in turn exports the product.
A. direct
B. indirect
C. multiple layers
D. parallel
E. synergistic
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Knowledge

66. (p. 320) Crate and Barrel (a large U.S. kitchen ware distributor) sells its inventory twice a
year to a large trading company in Vietnam. Basically, Crate and Barrel is in the exporting
business with Vietnam as its market. Which of the following forms of exporting best
describes what Crate and Barrel is doing?
A. direct exporting
B. indirect exporting
C. multiple layer exporting
D. parallel exporting
E. synergistic exporting

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Application

67. (p. 320-321) The Internet has proven to be a viable exporting alternative for most markets.
However, the European Union approach to ______________ is great cause for concern.
A. selling names
B. spam
C. taxing Internet sales
D. controlling search engines
E. regulating country of residence

Difficulty: Hard
Type: Comprehension


Chapter 11 - Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization

68. (p. 321) For which of the following products is it advisable that a company have a direct
sales force in the country where sales are to occur?
A. big ticket industrial products
B. computer accessories
C. automobiles
D. cosmetics
E. none of the above
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Application

69. (p. 321) _______________________ are long-term, nonequity associations between a

company and another in a foreign market.
A. Direct sales
B. Direct exporting
C. Indirect exporting
D. Contractual agreements
E. Joint ventures

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Knowledge

70. (p. 321) Contractual agreements serve as a means of transfer of __________ rather than
A. equity; knowledge
B. knowledge; equity
C. money; profit
D. organizational design; organizational theory
E. commercial advantage; economic power

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Comprehension


Chapter 11 - Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization

71. (p. 321) Patent rights, trademark rights, and the rights to use technological processes are
granted in foreign:
A. direct exporting.
B. indirect exporting.
C. strategic alliances.
D. licensing.
E. Internet source sites.
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Comprehension

72. (p. 321-322) Kwok Winn is looking to open a new business in his native Singapore. He has
decided on a form of licensing that provides him with a standard package of products,
systems, and management services in order to sell fast food to local residents. Which of the
following best describes the form of business that Mr. Winn has chosen?
A. direct sales
B. exporting
C. importing
D. strategic alliance
E. franchising

Difficulty: Easy
Type: Application

73. (p. 323) A(n) _____________________ is a business relationship established by two or more
companies to cooperate out of mutual need and to share risk in achieving a common
A. direct sales group
B. contractual exploration
C. Internet importing Web site
D. strategic international alliance
E. franchising organization

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Application


Chapter 11 - Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization

74. (p. 323-324) Which of the following industries would likely have the most visible strategic
international alliances?
A. computers
B. airlines
C. retail food stores
D. shoe manufacturing
E. athletic equipment
Difficulty: Hard
Type: Application

75. (p. 326, Exhibit 11.3) The first relationship activity in building a strategic alliance where senior
executives leverage their personal networks is labeled as:
A. imaging.
B. initiating.
C. interfacing.
D. dating.
E. committing.

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Comprehension

76. (p. 326, Exhibit 11.3) __________ is the relationship skill necessary during the imaging activity
stage of building a strategic alliance.
A. Good relationship self-awareness
B. Creating intimacy
C. Trust building
D. Partnering
E. Commitment

Difficulty: Hard
Type: Comprehension


Chapter 11 - Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization

77. (p. 325) A ___________ occurs when two or more participating companies join forces to
create a separate legal entity to facilitate doing business in the international arena.
A. consortium
B. franchise
C. license arrangement
D. joint venture
E. direct investment
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Knowledge

78. (p. 325-326) All of the following are considered to be important factors associated with joint
ventures EXCEPT:
A. JVs are normally between individuals rather than organizations.
B. JVs are established, separate, legal entities.
C. they acknowledge intent by the partners to share in the management of the JV.
D. they are partnerships between legally incorporated entities such as companies, chartered
organizations, or governments.
E. equity positions are held by each of the partners.

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Comprehension

79. (p. 327) One of the differences between consortia and joint ventures is that consortia
A. makes more money than a JV.
B. operates in a country or market in which none of the participants is currently active.
C. operates in only one market at a time.
D. are associated with academic partners.
E. operates in low visibility markets.

Difficulty: Hard
Type: Comprehension


Chapter 11 - Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization

80. (p. 331, Exhibit 11.4) Which of the following organizational forms is becoming increasing
popular by companies that are attempting to reorganize for global competition?
A. product form
B. geographical form
C. tall organizations
D. pyramid structures
E. matrix form
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Comprehension

Fill in the Blank Questions

81. (p. 306) In the 1970s the argument in international business was framed as ____________.
standardization versus adaptation

Difficulty: Hard
Type: Comprehension

82. (p. 314) The trend is toward steadily increasing __________ of trade agreements, trade, and
company strategies.

Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

83. (p. 306) In order to enhance their competitiveness and to capitalize on global marketplace
opportunities comprehensive decisions need to be made by multinational companies regarding
key strategic choices such as: integration vs independence, concentration vs dispersion, and
standardization vs adaptation

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Comprehension


Chapter 11 - Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization

84. (p. 314) Competition and the ease of __________ is forcing managers around the world to
make greater commitments to global marketing.
global communications
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Comprehension

85. (p. 306) In the 1980's the argument in international business was __________________.
globalization versus localization

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Comprehension

86. (p. 312) _________ planning is essentially long term, incorporating generalized goals for the
enterprise as a whole.

Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

87. (p. 312) __________ planning is conducted at the highest levels of management and deals
with products, capital, and research, and long- and short-term goals of the company.

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Knowledge

88. (p. 312) Another name for tactical planning is _______ planning.

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Knowledge


Chapter 11 - Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization

89. (p. 315, Exhibit 11.1) The final phase of the international planning process is called as
___________ and ____________.
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Comprehension

90. (p. 315, Exhibit 11.1) In Phase 2 of the international planning process, the marketer adapts the
marketing mix to _________ markets.

Difficulty: Easy
Type: Comprehension

91. (p. 319, Exhibit 11.2) A company has four different modes of foreign market entry from which to
select. They are __________, _____________, _____________, and _____________.
exporting; contractual agreements; strategic alliances; direct foreign investment

Difficulty: Hard
Type: Comprehension

92. (p. 320) With _________ exporting the company sells to a customer in another country.

Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

93. (p. 320) With ___________ exporting the company sells to a buyer in the home country who
in turn exports the product.

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Knowledge


Chapter 11 - Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization

94. (p. 321) Contractual agreements are long-term, __________ associations between a company
and another in a foreign market.
Difficulty: Hard
Type: Knowledge

95. (p. 321) If domestic business would like to acquire the patent rights of a foreign firm so
business can be conducted in the domestic business's local market, the domestic business
would need to engage in ____________ to use the patent rights legally.

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Application

96. (p. 321-322) If a company sought to buy a standard package of products, services, and
management services to open a fast food business, the company would be involved in a
business format called ______________.

Difficulty: Easy
Type: Application

97. (p. 323) SIA is a business relationship established by two or more companies to cooperate
out of mutual need and to share risk in achieving a common objective. In the above example,
SIA stands for _________ ___________ _____________.
strategic international alliance

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Knowledge

98. (p. 328-329) Because of the high equity requirement, _____ __________ ___________ is
probably the most risky of the four market entry modes.
direct foreign investment

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Comprehension


Chapter 11 - Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization

99. (p. 330) ___________ structures of organizational design work best when a close
relationship with national and local governments is important.
Difficulty: Hard
Type: Comprehension

100. (p. 331) Considerations of where decisions will be made, by whom, and by which method
constitutes a major element of organizational strategy. These decisions fall in the realm of
what is called __________ of decision.

Difficulty: Hard
Type: Knowledge

Essay Questions
101. (p. 310-312) Briefly, explain the benefits of global marketing.

When large market segments can be identified, economies of scale in production and
marketing can be important competitive advantages of global companies. Other benefits
include: (a) a transfer of experience and know-how across countries through improved
coordination and integration of marketing activities, (b) ensures access to the toughest
customers, and (c) diversity of markets served carries with it additional financial benefits.

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Comprehension


Chapter 11 - Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization

102. (p. 311-313) Demonstrate the differences among corporate, strategic, and tactical planning.
Corporate planning is essentially long term, incorporating generalized goals for the enterprise
as a whole. Strategic planning is conducted at the highest levels of management and deals
with products, capital, and research, and long- and short-term goals of the company. Tactical
planning pertains to specific actions and to the allocation of resources used to implement
strategic planning goals in specific markets. Tactical plans are made at the local level and
address marketing and advertising questions.

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Knowledge

103. (p. 315, Exhibit 11.1) List and briefly characterize the four phases of the international planning

The four phases are: (a) Phase 1--Preliminary analysis and screening (matching
company/country needs); (b) Phase 2--Adapting the marketing mix to target markets; (c)
Phase 3--Developing the marketing plan; and, (d) Phase 4--Implementation and control.

Difficulty: Hard
Type: Comprehension

104. (p. 319, Exhibit 11.2) A company has four different modes of foreign market entry from which
to select. List and briefly characterize each of these modes.

The modes are exporting, contractual agreements, strategic alliances, and direct foreign
investment. Brief characterizations may be found on page 319 in Exhibit 11.2. More detailed
descriptions of each mode may be found in the associated sections found on pages 318-330.

Difficulty: Hard
Type: Comprehension


Chapter 11 - Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization

105. (p. 32-322) Describe the two basic contractual agreements that most companies follow in
their attempt to enter a foreign market.
Contractual agreements generally involve the transfer of technology, processes, trademarks,
or human skills. The two basic forms of contractual agreements are licensing and franchising.
Licensing is associated with patent rights, trademark rights, and the rights to use technological
processes in foreign markets. It is a favorite strategy for small and medium-sized companies.
Franchising involves offering a standard package of products, systems, and management

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Comprehension

106. (p. 323-324) What is a strategic international alliance (SIA)?

A SIA is a business relationship established by two or more companies to cooperate out of

mutual need and to share risk in achieving a common objective. SIAs are sought as a way to
shore up weaknesses and increase competitive strengths.

Difficulty: Easy
Type: Comprehension

107. (p. 325-328) Explain the differences between a joint venture and consortia.

A joint venture is differentiated from other types of strategic alliances or collaborative

relationships in that a joint venture is a partnership of two or more participating companies
that join forces to create a separate legal entity. Consortia are similar to joint ventures but
have two distinguishing characteristics: (a) they typically involve a large number of
participants and (b) they frequently operate in a country or market in which none of the
participants is currently active.

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Comprehension


Chapter 11 - Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization

108. (p. 328-329) You have just been hired as a consultant by Apple Computer to advise them on
how to enter the South African market. You have decided that direct foreign investment
would be the best mode for Apple to follow at this point in time. Write a one-paragraph memo
that outlines the benefits of direct foreign investment in a country.
Companies that manufacture locally can capitalize on low-cost labor, avoid high import taxes,
reduce the high cost of transportation to market, gain access to raw materials, and gain
advantages by being perceived as making an investment in the market (as a way to gain

Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Application

109. (p. 331, Exhibit 11.4) With respect to organizational structures used in international marketing,
companies are usually structured around one of three alternatives. Assuming that you were a
consultant for AT&T who desired to create an organization that was able to merge your
organization's expertise and skills with that of Sony's cell phone division so that your new
joint venture could enter the Scandinavian market, which of the organizational structure
alternatives would make most sense? Comment on why the structure might be a good one to

The three structures are product, geographic, and a matrix approach. Students could select any
of the three options, however, the text suggests that the matrix form is preferable in today's
market place. A matrix structure permits management to respond to the conflicts that arise
between functional activity, product, and geography. Since the new venture will be a joint
venture, the matrix structure might allow both of the companies to bring separate expertise to
the table. Since a matrix structure encourages sharing of experience, resources, expertise,
technology, and information, it seem to be a natural in this situation.

Difficulty: Hard
Type: Analysis


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