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Gregory Balza Leadership Statement As I sit down to write my leadership statement, I needed to take a little time to reflect on how I got to this point. Over the last year, I have grown immensely as an educator and as an administrator. I have had the privilege of being in the administrative position as I went through the graduate process which has afforded me a priceless experience. By having first hand experience in the administrative role I have gained insights in curriculum, instruction, finances, facilities, and the inner workings of the school. As stated in my initial writing sample, “I believe education should be actively engaging, geared around student interest aligned with the curriculum, and driven with technology.” After this year of growth, I still believe this to be true, but have come to a better understanding of how collaboration of school personnel impacts the education that the students receive. My teachers, support staff, administration, and parents have all come together for the betterment of the students and it shows in the lessons I observe weekly and in the growths they have made during yearly testing results. During my graduate coursework I focused on two major topics that were needed at our school, RTI and Google Apps for Education. Within these two projects, I grew immensely in my understanding of education and how the administrator plays an important role in the workings of all school parts. My biggest take away from this first year was to be reflective. I have grown so much because of my ability to step back and think about what has happened and what may happen. I hold accountable Silver Lake College for this wonderful skill I have gained from my undergraduate and graduate education at Silver Lake College. As I have read, researched, and collaborated during this year graduate process I have been truly enlightened on how it truly “takes a village it raise a child”. I feel truly blessed to be part of such a wonderful community that gives 110% each and every day for the betterment of the children.

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