Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival

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Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival

My favourite festival is the Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival
Is an international festival dedicated to the sculptures of snow and ice. Is
celebrated annually in January since 1963.


Harbin is the capital of Heilongjiang province, China, is one of the

cultural capitals of ice and snow in the world. The city is located in
northeastern China under the influence of hard Siberian winter. The
average temperature in winter is -16,8C and 21.2 C in summer,
but winter can reach extreme temperatures of up to -38.1 C.

The festival officially begins on January 5th and lasts a month, but if
the weather permits, the festival begins before and continues
beyond the official closing date. The technology used for the
preparation of the sculptures is very varied, ranging from modern to
traditional lantern laser ice.

During the festival dates other popular activities include downhill

skiing in Yabuli, winter swimming in the Songhua River and the
sample of ice lanterns in the garden of Zhaolin.

Harbin festival is one of the four largest in the world next to the
Sapporo Snow Festival in Japan, the Quebec Winter Carnival and
Norwegian Ski Festival.

In the 2007 edition was recorded in the Guinness book of world

sculpture, of a size of 250 meters long and with a volume of 13,000
cubic meters of snow greatest snow. The work consisted of two parts,
Niagara Falls and the "Crossing the Bering Strait."

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