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COMPETENCY SELF-ASSESSMENT SCHOOL LAW- core Use this rubric scale to evaluate both your academic and experiential leaming: ‘Academic learning - Student has: 4- Applied this competency in a school or classroom setting, 3 Studied this competency in depth and/or from multiple perspectives. 2-- Studied this competency in several graduate courses. 1 - Studied this competency in a previous graduate course. Experiential Learning ~ Student has: 4 - Successtlly provided leadership in professional work related to this competency. 3- Been involved in extensive professional work relating to this competency. 2.- Participated in some professional work relating to this competency. 1 - Participated in seminars, workshops, etc. related to this competency. int] tal] Final | Final] Areas of investigations - School Law Wi Admin ead | Exper | Acad | Exper poral 1 [4 [3 [3 | 1 Legalrights and responsibiities of students and staff, including legal | 4, 6 issues regarding records 1 [1 [3 |S | 2.Attendance issues: compulsory attendance, home schooling, 46 alterative schools 7 [1 [3 [4 _| 3. ChurctvState Issues: the role of religion in the schools (teachers, z: students, curriculum) 7 [1 [3 |S | 4. Discrimination Issues: Staff employment and student access to 67, education Diversity 7 [1 [3 [3 |S. Legal issues regarding student discipline (corporal punishment, 6.7 after-school punishments, suspensions, expulsions 7 [4 [3 [3 |. Teacher liability issues (negligence, corporal punishment, verbal and | 4 psychological abuse, student relations 7. Special Education Issues: identification, placements, parent a5 involvement, discipline 8. Ethical issues related to school law: the relationship of law and ethics | 6 9, Legal issues and processes related to contract negotiations ele] ol alo] ol ial Rationale for ratings: |. am looking forward to growing the area of school law. My knowledge and experiences are limited when it ‘comes to the area of schoo! law. On-going Assessment: Supporting Artifacts: readings, documents, projects, activities * CESA7 training for Title 1 Services Final Rationale describing growth: In regards to our RTI program, we desired to see what services we were entitled to through our public schoo! district. Our students undergo rigorous testing in order to help the public school receive their Title funds from the state, Upon learning of where funds come from, | registered in a course through CESA 6 to better understand our role in Title 1 services. We were able to meet and discuss with the public school and three of our students are currently receiving reading support through our local public schoo! district. WI Administrator Standards 3. The administrator manages by advocating, nurturing and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to pupil learning and staff professional growth. 4, The administrator ensures management of the organization, operations, finances, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment. 5. The administrator models collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources. 6. The administrator acts with integrity, faimess, and in an ethical manner. 7. The administrator understands, responds to, and interacts with the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context that affects schooling. Dispositions © Servant leader Respect for all persons Collaboration Honest Responsibility Belief that all students can learn Values learning Statewide Title I &, Network How do Private Schools Work Together With LEAs & ESEA Funding? :30 11:30 Objectives: + Understand ESEA and the purpose of Title I, Part A Programs and Services “Understand eligibility and services to private schools “Understand how to communicate and plan with private schools 8:00 Registration and Networking 8:30 Welcome and Introduction 8:45 Title I, Part A Overview Private School Requirements Timeline for Consultations Planning for Next Year 10:00 Break 10:15 Funds: Allocations Determining Poverty Use of Funds- Reservations Equitable Services & Programming, 11:00 Meeting Topic: Topics for Spring Consultation Meeting Fall Activities On-going Activities CESA‘6 SMART THINKING, Gmail eee ata wala Title | Communicating and Collaborating Workshop -- Feedback & Links ‘message ‘Sue Christenson Thu, May 14, 2015 at 12:46 PM To: Sue Christensen Bec: Good aftemoon all, Thank you for taking your time to attend the Title | Communicating and Collaborating workshop on April 28th. As a follow up to this workshop please take a few minutes to share a little about your experience. Feedback Link This Is the link to the CESA 6 Title | LiveBinder where you can find all of the resources that were available at the workshop. Select the tab labeled: Communicating & Collaborating w! Private Schools Enjoy your busy spring. CESAS 6, 7, & 8 Title Coordinators

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