SKM 454e15061218020

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COMPETENCY SELF-ASSESSMENT Human Resources-core Use this rubric scale to evaluate both your academic and experiential leaming 4 Applied this competency in a school or classroom seting 3 Studied this competency in depth andor fom muliple perspecives. 2 - Studied this competency in several graduate courses. 1 - Studied this competency in a previous graduate course. Experiential Learning — 4 - Successtully provided leadership in professional work related to this competency. 3 Been involved in extensive professional work relating to this competency. 2 - Participated in some professional work relating to this competency. 1 - Participated in seminars, workshops, etc. related to this competency. tnt | | fil | ial | Investigations in... human relations Waaamin 1 [1 |4 |4 | 4. Staff recruitment policies and strategies; cultural balance in staff 4 1 [4 [3 | 3° | 2, Legal issues related to staff recruitment and hiring, including Equal Diversity Opportunity Employment issues. 1 |4 [3 |3 | 3. Philosophy and purpose of staff development programs 3 1 [2 |4 |3 | 4. Supervision models and strategies 1 |1 [3 |4 | 5. Motivational and needs theories related to staff development 3 1 |2 |4 |3 | 6. Staff evaluation models and strategies 1 |1 |4 | 3 | 7. Human Resources planning and management; understanding needs of | 3, diverse populations Diversity 1 |1 |3 | 3 | 8. Role of collective bargaining in human resources management 1 [1 |3 |3 | 9. Strategies for mobilization of community support and resources 5 Initial Rationale for ratings: Our district piloted the new Educator Effectiveness module this school year. | was part of an eight person team who attend a two day training through CESA 7. We covered the different parts of the module along with documentation using Teachscape. We were presented with the Charlotte-Danielson four domain model for evaluation. We were then evaluated one quarter on the two observable domains of Charlotte-Danielson model, ‘On-going Assessment: School Goal Form © Observation Format Form jupporting Artifacts: readings, documents, projects, activities Final Rationale describing growth: When it came to Human Resources | quickly realized that | am in charge of that. In my knowledge of generation Y teachers, they are people who like immediate feedback. In order to aid in the need for quickness, | have transitioned the school into a Google school. | used Google forms to construct a form for the staff to fil out regarding their goals for the school year. After collecting the results, | compiled the top four qualities they choose to become our pillars that our year was formed around. | have also created a google form for teacher observations. | fled out the form while | observed in their classroom, when | submitted the form it was sent directly to the teacher to provide immediate feedback. These are just two examples of how our year has gone smoothly with the help of Google for Education. WI Administrator Standards 3. The administrator manages by advocating, nurturing and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to pupil learning and staff professional growth. 4. The administrator ensures management of the organization, operations, finances, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment. 5. The administrator models collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mot ing community resources. Dispositions Servant leader Respect for all persons Collaboration Honest Responsibility Observations School Goals * Required Collective School Goals * Choose ONLY four U Learning Objective (1 Word wall ( Technology (O Feedback to Students (3 Engaging Students (Collaborative Learning ( Faith Intergration ( Other: ‘Never submit passwords through Google Forms. Powered by ‘This form was created inside of St. Mary School. Report Abuse - Terms of Service - Adkitional Terms

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