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Oracle 1z0-132 Oracle9i Build Internet Applications II Version 5.1 Leading The Way in IT Testing And Certification Tools 120-132 Important Note, Please Read Garefully Study Tips This product will provide you quest ions and ansvers al ong with detailed explanations carefully compiled and witten by our experts. Try to understand the concepts behind the questions instead of cramming the questions. Go through the entire document at least twice so that you nake sure that you are not missing anything Further Material For this test Test King also provides Interactive Test Engi ne Examinator. Check out an Exani nat or Dem at Hntpu//www. testking com/index cfiifpagei d-724 Latest Version We are constantly reviewing our products. New mn terial is added and old material is revised Free updates are avai lable for 90 days after the purchase. You should check your nenber zone at Test King an update 3-4 days before the schedul ed examdate. Here is the provedire to get the Latest version 1. Go towww testking com 2. Gickon Member zone/Log in 3. The Latest versions of alll purctased products are down loadable fromhere. Just click the Links For rast updates, it is enough just to print the newquestions at the end of the newversion, not the whole docunent Feedback on speci fic questi ons shoul d be send to feedback@testking com, You should state: Exam nunber and version, question nunber, and login ID. Our experts will axwer your mil prorptly ‘Copyright Bach pdf file contains a unique serial mnber associ ated with your particular nane and cont act informa tic for sccurity purposes. So if we find out that a particular pdf file is being distributed by you, Test King reserves the ri ght to take Legal action against you according to the Internat ional Copyright Laws. Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com -2- 120-132 Inport ant Note Please Read Gareful ly Study Tips This product will provide you questions and ansvers along with detailed explanations carefully compiled and witten by our experts. Try to understand the concepts behind the questions instead of cramming the questions. Go through the entire document at least twice so that you nake sure that you are not missing anything Latest Version We are constantly reviewing our products. New mn terial is added and old material is revised Free updates are available for 90 days after the purchase. You should check the products page on the Test King web site for an update 3-4 days before the schedul ed examdate. Here is the provedire to get the Latest version Go to www testking com ick on Login (upper right corner) Biter e-mil and password The Latest versions of all purchased products are down! aadable fromhere. Just click the links, nae For rst updates, it is enough just to print the new questions at the end of the newversion, not the whole document Feedback on speci fic ques ions shoul d be send to Feedback @testking com. You should s 1. Examnumber and version. 2 Question nunber 3. Qrder nunber and login ID. Qu experts will anwer your mil prorptly ‘Copyright Each pdf file contains a unique serial ber associated with your particular nane and contact informa ticn for sccurity purposes. So if we find out that a particular pdf file is being distributed by you, Test King reserves the right to take legal action against you according to the Internat ional Copyright Laws. Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com -3- 120-132 Note: Section Acontains 98 questions. Sect ion Beont ai ns 59 quest ions. The total munber of questions is 157 Section A— more important questi ons Study these questions carefully QUESTION NO: 1 You creat eda custom menu for the Order Ent ry application. Whi ch step do you perform bef ore attaching the menu npdule to the form module? Select file: ->Ad ministration. ->Gonvert Select file-->Admi Select file ->Ad mi No further step is necessary. com> Answer: C Explamati on: After creating the custom menu you need to compile the nenu to create the .MMX file far that nenu. that is done by selecting the nenu fi le-}Ad ministraticr->Conpi le File from the mainmenu in Oracle FormDes i gner. Then you have to attach the menu nodule after compiling it QUES TION NO: 2 You want to create a pie-style chart using the Chart Wizard What must be you do to determine the fields available for use inthis chart? A. Select the block that contains the data to appear in the pie chart, B. Select the table that contains the data to appear in the pie chart CC. Select the view that contains th e dita to appear in the pie chart D. Nothing The wizard will atom tically create the pie chart based on the hi ghli ght ed data. Answer: A Explamati on: Ween creating a pie chart using the Chart Wizard ONLY Hock names will be listedinthe ctart wizard and you can not nake a selection from the wizard to select a specific table or view, Chart Wizard takes data from Da ta Bl ocks onl y. QUES TION NO: 3 Which three menuitem types are validina menu nodule? (Choose three) A. Magic B. Plain Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com “4s 120-132 C. Cheek D. List item E Dvider Answer: A, BC Explamati on: Magic menu item type is used to speci fy standard act ions such as Cup or Copy. Plainis a standard test nenu itemand Check menu item type is used to nenu as t vo possi ble states Checked and Unchecked. List itemand Divider are not a valid types for nenus. QUESTION NO: 4 You need to return a table of records that displays the account munbers of all user”s customers, but displays NULL for the account number of other customers. Which type of data source woul dyou use to create the data bl ock? Table Transactional tri gaer Stored procedure FROM clause query com> Answer: C Explamati on: Data Block can be based on Stored Procedure that return ei ther REF Cursor or Table or records. The Ret urned table of records can contain any select statement programmed inthe Stored Procedure. Which can be used to display NULL for account nunber of other custoners. Table of records will send the entire records tothe client thenclient cando DML or query operation at the client side QUES TION NO: 5 ‘The system anal ysts have request ed heavy use of object feat ures. The database desi gn makes use of PL/SQL object types, met hods, and LOBt ypes. Howdo you work with these features on the eli ent’? A. Write cliem- side subprograms cont aining the PL'SQLS constructs, and nove them nt 0 an obj ect, group. Write server- side subprograms, and call the subprograms from the farmappl iat ion. Store the PUSQLS constructs ina PL/SQL library, and attack the library to each formmuddle in ‘your application D. You cannot reference PL/SQL obj ect types in your application ew Answer: B Explamati on: Forms can use PL/SQLS objects vhen t hey are stored on the server as subprograms which ean be cal led from the appl icaticn on the client. The fol lowing feat hers are support ed in database server PL/SQLS but are not supported in Forms Builder nodul e 1+ Objext types. 2 Collectintypes Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com o5- 120-132 3+ LOBtypes 4 Methods 5+ Objects as stored procedure parame ters QUESTION NO: 6 You CUSTOMERS mmdule has a When-But on-Pressed trigger with this code: OPEN FORM(‘stock’, no_activate); the STOCK module contains a When-Ne w-Form-Instance tri gger. Whichstatement is true when you press the button inthe CUSTOMERS npdule? ‘A. The input focus switches tothe STOCK nodule, and the When-Ne w+For mlnstance tri gaer fires. B. The input focus renn ins inthe CUSTOMERS module, and the When-Ne w-Form- Instance tri gzet fires C. The inout focus rem ins inthe CUSTOMERS module, andthe When-Ne w-Form- Instance tri gaer ches not fire, D. The input focus switches to the STOCK nodule, but the When-Ne w+Form- Instance tri guer does not fire Answer: B Explamati on: Using the OPEN FORM to open forms in Forms builder will cause the form to be opened in nadel ess vi ew wh ich neans users can navi gate to the form and to the calling form, no_acti vate parame ter of OPEN_FORM met hod will not activate the formuhen opened but it will fire the trigger When-Ne w-Form- Instance if it’s available in the cal led form. Since the called form will not be acti vated hence focus will ren in inthe calling from “CUS TOEMRS” and will fireth: When-Ne w-Form- Instance trigger of the STOCK Form QUES TION NO: 7 You are building two forns. Fach formhas a butt on and a non-base table field When the button is pressed, a complicated cal culation is executed. The cal culation is the same for both forms. The calculation code does not query or change the data in the database. When the eal cul ati on comp Letes, it returns a single value to the non-base table field fo opti mize performance and maintaimbility, whi ch PL/SQL structure shoul d be used? A trigger in each form. Asubprogram in each form, Astored Subprogram in the database. A B c D. Asubprogram ina library that is attached to each form. ‘Answer: D Explamati on: Because the process required is to do calculations which is the sane for both forms and no need to access dat abase or change values in the tables and the result is a single val ue then the opt ian of storing it as a subprogram ina library then attach it to each form will save youthe time to create the same fuctianlity twice for each forms nore over you can nai nt ain the code easily because on code will be attached for both forms as a library. Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com 6. 120-132 QUESTION NO: 8 Asales anal yst reviews the first draft on your Sales application, and requests that the application ‘graphically represent revenue generat ed for each sal es representative, in addition to the textual data currently displayed for the ORDER block, How wouldyou incorporate this graphic in your form? A. Invoke the Ghart Wizard and create a chart based on the ORDER block B. Create a chart using Graphics Builder and then select File->Inport Chart in Form Builds, positioning the newchart with the text items inthe ORDER block Invoke th: Data Block Wizard in reentrant nade, select the Gharts tab, and speci fy the chart type and ccolunm sources for the X and Y axes. D. Select the Chart node inthe Cbj ect Navigator, Gick the Geate icon, and speci fy the details of the chart in the charts Property Palette. ° Answer: A Explanation: Graphical represent at ion is dane be using the Chart Wizard to create charts of different types. Gharts will represent the dita available inthe souve block. Chart s can not be created from the obj ect, navi gat or, Changi ng al so can be done by the Chart Wizard Data Bock wizard can not create charts. QUES TION NO: 9 You want to implement a master- detail relation between data bl ocks based on obj ect tables. How would you do this? Create the relation nanual ly and coordinate the blocks using triggers, Rise the rel ation on a REF poi nter using the Data Bock Wizard Bise the relat ion on a foreign key using the Data Block Wizard This task is not possible because raster- detail relations can be implemented only for bl ocks based on relation tables, com> Answer: B Explamati on: Rel ation can be creat ed on bl ocks based on obj ects table using the Data Block Wizard. When youselect the Master Table from the wi zard and the Child Table REF pointers will be listedin th: wizard as items whi ch can be used to base the relation of both blocks. Selecting the REF poi nter is the anl y thing needed to base the relationship QUESTION NO: 10 You establ ished access to menu modules using roles. You have al loved the sal es role to access the menu module, but prevent ed access to the Update menuitem. Whichitem property woul d youal ter to gray out the menu option for the rol e? HtemRoles. Men ItemRoles. Display witht Privileg:. Security, com> Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com Te 120-132 E. Command Type. Answer: C Explamati on: Wien access is established in the nenu nedul e using roles. Each menu will be g ven the permission based on Oracl e Server Roles created byDBA. The Display withaut Privilege item property in the menu will Disable “gray out” the nenu itemif user does not belong the role that have access to this nnenu item. QUESTION NO: 11 You create a data block based on a rel ati onal table containing a REFcol umn. You sel ect the REF colum for your form module. What is true about the items based on t he REF col umn attri butes? A. The Query Only property is set to Yes. B. The Gonceal Data property is set to Yes. C. The Insert Alloved property is set to Yes. D. The Update Allowed property is set to Yes. Answer: A Explanation: If formeontains blocks based an relational ta bles cont ai ning REF Gol ums. ‘The REF col um, will beanitem with property Query Only is set to YES automatically. Conceal Data and Insert al lowed and Update Al loved property are set to NO QUES TION NO: 12 Which techni que retrieves the error mnber when explidt DML fails? SQLCODE inan Qv-Birar tri gaer SQLCODE in an except ion handler DBMS_ERROR_CODE in an Qv-Birar tri gaer DBMS_ERROR_CODE in an except ion handler com> Answer: B Explamati on: SQLCODE and SQLERRM eturns the Last Oracle Server error code and nessage due to an elicit DML withina formappl ication. These funct ion mast be used in the except ion handl er of the programunit that issuss the DML commnd. DBMS_ERROR_CODE returnthe last Oracle server error due toanimplict DML fail QUES TION NO: 13 Which two built-ins youl d you use to remove the HOUR_ALARM timer wsing the timer_id parameter? (Choose t wo) ‘A. FIND TIMER B. CREATE_TIMER C. SET_TIMER D. DELETE_TIMER Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com -8- 120-132 E GET_APPLICATION PROPERTY Answer: A, D Explanation: To renove the timer FIND TIMER is wed to retrieve the Tiner IDin the application. Timer ID is used in the method DELETE_TIMER todslete the timer. GT_APPLICATION PROPERTY is used toretrieve the last exypiredtimer, CREATE_TIMER is used to create a tiner, SET_TIMER used to change the existingtiner property QUES TION NO: 14 Which built-in returns a BOOLEAN val ue that indicated whet her an objects internal ID is available? A. GET_ID B. ID. NULL. C. ID-FIND D. FINDID Answer: B Explanation: ID. NULL Return Bol ean that represent if the object has internal ID inthe application. If 1D exist it returns FALSEand if [Ddoes not exist it return TRUE. FIND IDreturns the internal IDof the dbject. GET_IDand FIND IDdo not exist in oracle forms. QUES TION NO: 15 Which built-in do you use to det ermine wh ichtimer in form modul e has expired? ‘A. FIND TIMER B. GT_TIMER_PROPERTY C. G@T_APPLICATION_PROPERTY D. GET_CUSTOM ITEM EVENT_PROPERTY ‘Answer: C Explanation: When the tintr expires includ ina queue till the application is idle to delete the tiner, each expired tiner is taken by Frst-In-First- Out. GET_APPLICATION PROPERTY is used to determi ne the Last tiner expired inthe application. FIND_TIMER is wed to get the internal IDof the tiner GET_TIMER_PROPERTY is wed to change specific tiner property QUESTION NO: 16 Which three obj ects are components of a menu nndule? (Choose three) Menus Ginvases Object libraries Visual attritutes Attached libraries moow> Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com -9- 120-132 Answer: A, DE Explanation: When menu is createdit will containthe nenus that is created using the Menu Biitor tool and it will also include the Visual Attributes and Atached libraries. When nenu is created it has to be compiled to.mmy file and attached to the frammpdule to be implemented, QUESTION NO: 17 You need to create a form for Payroll application that will alow the user to view all information for any employee IDqueri ed. This data shoul d be di spl ayed to the user ina grouped format. ‘The user shoul d be able to choose which i nformati on they w ant to see from a pull down list containing the val ues PERSONAL and PAYROLL. Which format shoul d you we to create this form? One cont ent canvas and multiple stacked camases. ‘One content and one stacked canvas, Tab canvas with several tab pages. One content canvas: A horizontal and vertical toolbar moow> Answer: A Explamati on: @ntent canvas occupies the entire content area of the windowand st acked canvas can be display ed and overlay sone portion of the content view on the same window. If data shoul d be displayed in grouped format then anl y one content canvas shoul d be used and multiple stacked canvases used to display the rel ated grouped data QUES TION NO: 18 Whi ch built-in copies values from a record group into a list item? A. POPULATE LIST B. POPULATE _GROUP C. POPULATE LIST ITEM D. POPULATE _LIST_FROM GROUP E POPULATE LIST_ITEM_FROM GROUP Answer: A Explanation: List item can copy val ues fromRecord Goup to it’s items by using the POPLULATE LIST , POPULATE GROUP is not a valid method. Record Group should be created first and assigned val ues pri or copyingit’s value toa list item. QUES TION NO: 19 You need to al low the user to toggle between aut omatic query and no aut omatic query usi mg a pop-up menu, Which tuilt-inwoul d you use inthe menuitem comm nd to obtain the rel ati onshi p name? G@T_RELATION PROPERTY SET_RELATION PROPERTY G@T_BLOCK _PROPERTY GET_FORM PROPERTY com> Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com -10- 120-132 Answer: C Explamati on: GET_BLOCK PROPERTY is wed to get block related properties including the relationship nane, SET_RELATION PROPERTY is used to change any property of the specific relation @ET_RELATION_PROPERTY is wsedto retrieve relation specific property. QUES TION NO: 20 Which two chart base types can yousel ect using the Chart Wizard? (Choose two) Line lum Bubble Flowhart OHLC candle stock. moom> Answer: A, B Explanation: Wien Chart Wzard is used to create charts it will provide with specific mmber of chart types tobe wed. It provides types such as Line, Glunm, Bar, It does not provide Bubble, FlowGhart or OHLC Gindle stock. QUES TION NO: 21 Which two are examples of a mouse event (Choose two) A. The user clicks the nouse. B. The wser noves the nouse into an item C.The cursor style changes fromdefaul t to busy D. The user noves the nouse into the window title bar. Answer: A, B Explamati on: Mouse event s are the events triggered by the nouse such as (Li ck or moving the mouse pointer over and item. Mouse movement is not included inthe wi ndow title bar because nouse events are not handl ed there. Changing Cursor st yle is not anouse event QUES TION NO: 22 Your application requires that you programmatically mani pul ate a nonquery record group. Which three built- ins can you use? (Choose three) CREATE_GROUP ADD_GROUP_ROW POPULATE_GROUP ADD_GROUP _COLUMN com> Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com “ue 120-132 E, CREATE_GROUP_FROM_QUERY Answer: A, BD Explanation: To creat e nonquery record group you mist create the group first using CREATE. GROUP then add a neweolum using ADD_GROUP_COLUMN then add new rowusi ng AGG_GROUP_ROW Example DECLARE Mec RECORDGROUP; MyCol GROUPCOLUMN; BEGIN MyRec := CREATE. GROUP (war ehouse_+ 9); MyCd == ADD_GROUP_COLUMN (MyRéc,d,nutber_od um); ‘ACD_GROUP_ROW (Mec, 1); QUES TION NO: 23 ‘The accounting manager wants you to create a form that when queried will display a calculated total of year- to- date actual expendi tures for the fund code entered. The val ue needed to generate this summary data are st ored in multiple tables. How would you defi ne the data source for this data block without having the DBA creat e a database object? A. Choose Tool s -> Data Block Wizard, select Viewas the data source type, and base the block on the columns fromt he bal es. B. Choose Tool s -> Data Block Wizard, select Table as the data source type, and base the bl ack on the columns fromt he tables. Select the Data Blocks node in the Chj ect Navi gator and click the Great e button Ghoose to build the data block nanual ly andalter the Qery Data Source Col ums and Query Data Source Arguments properties to enter the SELECT statene nt D. Select the Data Blocks node in the Chj ect Navi gator and cl ick the Great e button. Choose to build the data block nanual ly, alter the Qety Data Source Type property to Table’, and center the SHLBCT statement inthe Query Dat a Source Nane property E Choose Tool s > Data Block Wizard, select Stored Procedure as the data source type, and base the block on the col uns the tables F. Select the Data Blocks node in the Cbj ect Nuvi gator and click the Creat e but ton. Ghoose to build the data block nanual ly. Alter the Query Data Source Type to * FROM’ clause ‘query’, and ent er the SELECT statement inthe Query Data Source Nane propert y. ° Answer: F Explamati on: Data bl ock based on “FROM™” clause can retrieve data fromm [tiple table in the database without the need to create any object in the database server. This is done by creating the Data Bock nanual Ly inthe Chj ect Navi gat or and speci fy the Data Source type as “FROM? Clause query and enter the SELECT statenent inthe Query Data Source Nane Property QUES TION NO: 24 Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com 120-132 The EMP_DEPT blockinyour EMPLOYEE form is based on a vi ewin an Oracl e8 database. ‘The items in this block have the Update Allowed property set to Yes. Which database feat ure makes it possi ble to permanent! y mod fy the under! ying view? REF cursor. Instead Of trigax. Stored procedure that returns obj ect val uss. The under! ying vieweannot be nodi fied because DML on a view is not supported com> Answer: B Explanation: When the Update Al loved property is set to YES and the bl ock is bused on viewon the database server, Instead OF Tri gers shoul d be used to update the underlying tables that the view depends n. This trigger will firewhenever the user updates a val ue through the view. REF Girsors and Stored Procedures that returns object values will not update the val ues in the underlying view inthe server. Views can not be modi fied wsing DML operat ian unless instead of trigaer exists. QUES TION NO: 25 You are devel opi ng the Payroll application that contai ns the SALARY and COMMISSION forms. When a user invoked t he COMMISSION form from the SALARY form, the SAL val ue shoul d be passed to the COMMISSION form. In which data form and at what time shoul d you defi ne the parameter to accept the val ue? ‘A. SALARY format runt ine. B. SALARY format dsigntine. c. COMME D. COMME ION form at runtime. JON format design tine. ‘Answer: D Explamati on: If the called form will contain parame ter val ue then the paramet er should be creat ed at desi gn time in the cal led form “COMM SION FROM’, Then in the calling form “SALARY” formu II have to create a parame ter and assi gn it a val ue using CREATE PARAMETER LIST and ADD_ PARAMETER which will create a parameter list tht includ the specific parame ter whi ch is then used in the OPEN_FORMnre t hod to open the COMMISSION formand pass the val ue of parameter to the COMMISION form Example ect are MyParareter PARANLIST; jin MyParaneter_:= CREATE PARANETER_LIST(‘wh_pl ); ADD_PARAMETER (MyParameter , \Wh_par ani TEXT_PARANETER, : Commision id); ‘OPEN_FORM(COMM SION, ACTIVATE, NO_SESSION,NO_SHARE DATA, Wh_pl); end; here vh_pl Is the parameter list and MjParare ter is the parame ter tobe passed Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com Be 120-132 QUES TION NO: 26 At design time, you create a query record group for the LOV associ at ed withthe HO’ aform module for the Travel Planner Application, When is the record group del et ed? When the user navi gates tothe HOTEL item. When the form maahle successful ly congi les. After Form Builder val idat es the SELECT statement and dismisses the NewRecor d Group di al og box. When the user enters data inthe HOTEL item, and the Validate from List property for the HTEL item is set to YES. app S ‘Answer: D Explanation: When LOV that contain record group val ue at tached toa text item the record group will be deleted vhen wer enters data in the text item, This will beif the tex item Validate framList property is set to YES. Successful comp latin of the form will not delete the record group nei ther navi gation to the text item QUES TION NO: 27 Which object is added to a form module when you copy the reusable cal ender el ass? List ic Object group PL/SQL litrary Key-Listval trigar comp Answer: B Explamati on: Calendar class vhen used in the formmodule will atama tically add bj ect Group and Data Blocks. Key-Listval trigger can be used to display the cal endar but it has to be programmed manually not aut oma tically. QUES TION NO: 28 You devel opi ng a form module, and you woul dlike to make an indi cat ed window visible ina new splay position Which built-in can you use to accomplish this task? ‘SHO W_WINDOW RESIZE_WINDOW DISPLAY WINDOW MOVE_WINDOW_X_Y WINDOW VISIBLE_X_Y moom> Answer: A Explamati on: The syntax of Show_window is as follow SHO W_WINDOW(window_id Window , x NUMBER , y NUMBER) where x and y are the position in ‘coor di nat es in the screen, RESIZE WINDOW is wedto resize the window, DISPLAY_WINDOW, MDVE_WNDOW_X_Y and WINDOW VISIBLE_X_Y are not a validcomand, Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com 14 120-132 QUES TION NO: 29 You are creating the CUST_PREM UMdata bl ock int he AUTO INSURANCE form. Anewstate lawrequires that premiums be Lowered for dri vers with a good dri ving hist ory. Beeause this could potentially affect alarge mmber of records, you want to base the dat block on a stored procedure returning a table of records. Which statement supports this approach? A. A table of records is efficient in terms of netverk traffic. B. A table of records inproves devel oper productivity because the dat abase administrator does not have tocreate a server side view C. A table of records is efficient because the number of records fetched depends on the Array Fet ch property value. D. Your coding effort is simplifiedsince IML operat ions are handl es by setting frmmpdule properties. Answer: A Explamati on: When st ored procedure returns a table of records it transfers all the records to the client inane Unit so roundtrip tothe server is nt necessary soits efficied intermof netwrk traffic. Table ar records oes not inprove devel oper productivity because all the code is created in the Stored Procedure by dat abase administrator. Naber of recards returned is specified by Array Fetch Property value if REF Girsor is returned not table of recards QUES TION NO: 30 What does the FIND MENU_ITEMbuilt-infuretion return? A. The internal IDof a nenu. B, The internal IDof a nenu item C. The internal IDof a nenu nodul e. D. The internal IDof formnodul ¢ to vhi ch the nenu is attached, Answer: B Explanation: FIND_MENU_ITEMr eturns nenu itemt ype. Example PROCEDURE Toggle Aut oCommit Mode IS mi_id Menult em; val VARCHAR2(10); BEGIN mi ‘ind Menu Itent ‘Preferences. Aut oCommit’); val -=Get_Menu_ItemPropert y(mi_id CHECK ED; IF val =" TRUE THEN Set_Menu Item Propert y(mi_idCHECKED, PROPERTY_FALSE); ELSE Set_Menu_ItemPropert y( ni_idHECK ED PROPERTY_TRUE); ENDIF; Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com “15+ 120-132 END; QUES TION NO: 31 You established access to menu modules using roles. While testing the application, you need access to all the menus in the SALES form module for all the roles. Which method vill override the Menu Modul e Roles property to allow you to access all the menu items? Disable the values for the Menu Module Rol es property. Set the Use Security value in the formmpdule Property Palette to “True? Set the Use Security value inthe formmdule Property Palette to ‘False’ Set the Use Security val ue in the menu nodul e Property Palette to “True” Set the Use Security value inthe menu module Property Palette to “False moowp Answer: E Explamati on: To disable security on the menu module the Use Security property val ue should be set to FALSEon the nenu nodule. Forns nenu security is based on Oracle Server roles. These roles are created inthe database, typically by the database administrater. After the rol es have been created, the Module Roles nnenu nodul e property can be assigned to these roles. The next step is toassign the chesen roles to the individual neu itens. The user execut ing the form withthis nenu attached mst be assi gned to this role to activate that nenu item QUES TION NO: 32 You incl ude the cal endar el ass in your Hotel Booking application Which additional form Level objects will you need to create to implement this reusable conponent full y? A. Blocks B. Visual attritutes. C. Stacked canvas D. Nothing further needs to be created ‘Answer: D Explamati on: The calendar obj ect group includes two data blocks. The Date control_block contains the mont hand year control buttons and the Dat e_button_block contains the butt ons that represent each day. These butt ons and other items are stored on the Date lov canvas canvas. This canvas is included in the calendar obj ect group. Nothing further needs to be created vhen cal endar class is used, QUES TION NO: 33 You need to create a data block for DML operat ions in the NEW_EMPLOYEE form module. Which data source can you use for this bl ock? REF cursor query. Stored funtion Frome lause query Transactional tri gar com> Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com = 16- 120-132 ‘Answer: D Explamati on: Data Block can be based on Stored Procedure that returns REF Girsor or Table of Records or it can be based on “FROM clause query. REF Cursor and “FROM” query types do not al low DML ‘operat ions and Table of recodes allows EML operat i ons. Similarly Transact ional Tri ggers can do DML. operat ions, QUES TION NO: 34 You are creating a form that will access an Qracle8 database. On which three sources can you base a data block? (Choose three) BFILE REF col umn Object table Colum obj ect INSTEADOF trigar moom> Answer: BG D Explamati on: Data Block can be based on Stored Procedure that returns REF Garsor or Table of Records or it can be based on “FROM” clause query. REF col urm and Col unm obj ect and Qbj ect table can be sel ect ed from the Data Block Wizard BFILE and INSTEADOF Tri gaers are supported in racl e Forms but can not be used as sources of Data Block QUES TION NO: 35 Which three statements deseri be the functionality of the DO_K EY built-in? (Choose three) It accepts both a built-in and a key nane as argunent Ino key trigger is defined, the specified built- in executes. Its parame ter mst be speci fied in upper case, enclosed in single quot ation narks, It performs the same taskas if you pressed the Funct an key associ at ed with the speci fied argument, It executes the key trigger that correspans to the built- in specified as its parameter moowp Answer: B DE Explamati on: The DO KEY built in function executes the key trigger associated with the built-in that i specified as its parame ter. If no associ ated key trigger exists, then the specified built in subprogram executes. For exanple, DO_K EY('EXIT_FORM, vhen executed, will search for a Key-Bit trigsr. If it ches not finda Key-Bit trigsr, it will executet he EXIT_FORMbui It-in DD KEY accepts built inmames ‘nly, not key nants: DO KEY(ENTER QUERY). To accept a specific key name, use the EXECUTE TRIGER QUES TION NO: 36 You are creating a newform for the Order Ent ry application. You defi ne a record group that will be created when the form is executing this built ine CREATE GROUP (rg_emplist, global_scope) Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com 217+ 120-132 Which form(s) im the appl ication will have access to this record group? Al forms in the application Any forms opened by the user who initiated the recard group, Only the form i ssui ng the CREATE. GROUP bui I tin Any forms referenced by the form that contains the procedure com> Answer: A Explanation: The SCOPE parameter inthe CREATE_GROUP bui It-inSpexifies whether the record group can be used onl y within the current formor within every form ina multi-famapplication LOBAL_SCOPE Indicates that the record group is global, and that it can be used withinall farms in the application. Qnee created, a global record group persists forthe ren inder of the runtine session QUES TION NO: 37 Which tuilt- inwoul d you reference in your tri gger code to remove a report from the Reports Server queue dynamically? ‘A. FIND REPORT_OBIECT B. CANCEL_REPORT_OBIECT C._ REPORT_OBJECT_STATUS D. SET_PROPERTY OBJECT_PROPERTY Answer: B Explanation: The CANCEL_REPORT_OBJECT built-incance’ a long- running, asynchronous report. You should veri fy the report is cancel ed by checking the status of the report using REPORT_OBIECT_STATUS The SET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY built- in is used to change report properties programm tically. The DELETE TIMER built- indeletes the gventiner QUES TION NO: 38 What does the term appli cati on partiti oni ng refer to? A. The feature of a forms application enabling it torun both in client- server node and on the Web. B. Storing PL/SQL programunits between the Oracle server and the application to nake optimal use of available rescurces. The nature of a three- tier architecture, vhere the formmadule and processing soft ware resi de on an appl ication server D. The feature of a forms application that is able touse Hhernet, twisted puir, and wireless data connect i ors. ° Answer: B Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com -B- 120-132 Explanation: PL/SQL programunits can be stored in Oracle Server and inthe application at the client side Making such a division will allaw optimal use of resources at the server and client because j obs will be divided between the server and client. This applies the term Application Partiticni ng, QUESTION NO: 39 Whi ch three built-ins can you use to navi gat e bet ween forms invoked with the OPEN_FORM biilt- im? (Choose three) A. CLOSE_FORM B. NEXT_FORM C. GO_FORM D. PREVIOUS_FORM Answer: BG D Explamati on: OPEN_FORMopens th: farm in mde less nade so that users can switch between cal ling formand cal led form. To navigate to the form NEXT_FORM GO_FORMand PREVIOUS_FORMcan be used. CLOSE_FORMwill clase the indicated form. QUES TION NO: 40 Which two triggers are mouse movement triggers? (Choose two) When-Mouse-Up When-Mouse-Move When-Mouse-Down When-Mouse-Click When-Mouse-Leave moow> Answer: BE Explanation: Mouse nmvenent triggers are Moving nouse over an it emor canvas “WHEN-MOUS E- MOVE" or nouse poi nt er leaves it embox or canvas “WHEN-MOUS E-LEAVE”. MOUSE-UP, MOUS E- DOWN and MOUSE-CLICK are act ions of nouse but tons and not considered mouse movenent trigar QUES TION NO: 41 ‘The record group im the EMP form is popul ated using a SELECT statement that is constructed programmatically at runtime. Five employee records are displayed at one time, and a user chooses item tvo from the record group. Which built- inwould you use to determine which rows were flagged inthe record group? GET_GROUP_ROW_COUNT GET_GROUP_SELECTION_COUNT GET_GROUP_SELECTION FIND GROUP FIND_COLUNN ADD_GROUP_ROW mmoom> Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com vy. 120-132 Answer: C Explanation: GET_GROUP_SELECTION Retrieves the sequence nunber of the sel ected row for the given group. The GET_GROUP_SELECTION_COUNT built-in returns the nmber of rows inthe speci fied record group that have been marked using the SET_GROUP_SELECTION built-in QUES TION NO: 42 You want to create a temporary table while executi ng a procedure ina form. Whichstateme nt is true? You cannot create a table form within Forms, You must use the FORMS_DDL built- into create the table, You mist use the DBMS_DYNAMC_DDL package to create the table, You can wite the CREATE TABLE staterent directly into the tri gas com> Answer: B Explanation: The FORMS _DOL built-indlovs you to create dynamic SQL statements at rutine and to ue DOL comands. All [IL operat ions issue an implicit COMMIT and will end the current transaction withat allowing Form Builder to process any pending changes, as well as losing any Locks Form Builder may have acquired. QUES TION NO: 43 Your end users wil need to change val ues in a REF1 ookup fi el din the forma pplication you create. To facilitate choosing a newappropri ate val ue, your provi de them with? An LOV for REBS. A list item for REF. A radio group for REFS. Abhierarchical tree for REFS com> Answer: A Explanation: LOV is used to display REF lookup field because the same LOV gets attached toall the lookup items associ ated witha particular REF List item radio group and hierarchical tree are not used for REF lookup field QUES TION NO: 44 Form_A invokes Form_BinPost- Only mode. Whichstatement must be true? ‘A. FormAhas updates or del etes that have not been post ed or committed, and Form_A invokes Form_B with the OPEN FORMbui It in. B. Form_Abas updates or delet es that have not been post ed or committed, and Form_A invokes Form_B withthe CALL_FORMbuilt-in Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com -20- 120-132 C. Form Ahas inserts that have not been posted or committed, and Form_A invokes Form_B withthe OPEN_FORMbuilt-in D. Form Ahas inserts that have not been posted or committed, and Form_A invokes Form_B withthe CALL_FORMbuilt in Answer: B Explanation: A form that is called framanot her form (with changes pendi ng) using CALL_PORM is in pest only mode. Wien a formis in post onl y mode, it cannot perform commits. Changes to the called form mist be conit ted al ong wth the change inthe cal ing formby committing in the calling form. Post erly node can occur when your form issues a call to another form wh ile unposted records exist in the cal ling form, To avoid Losing the Locks issued by the calling form, Form Builder prevents any commit processing in the cal led form QUES TION NO: 45 Which val ue is valid for the iterate parameter inthe CREATE_TIMER built-in function? A. CYCLE B. ITERATE C. NO_REPEAT D. REUSE ‘Answer: C Explanation: The synt ax for the CREATE_TIMER built-in is: CREATE_TIMER (tiner_nane, nil Liseconds, iterate); The val ue for iterate can be REPEAT or NO REPEAT. The default is REPEAT, This instructs the tiner to repeat after cach expiration. It will mt repeat ifthe tiner is creat ed usi ng the NO_REPEAT keyword (Omitting the milliseconds parame ter results ina compilation error. QUES TION NO: 46 You need to display a very Large sing e- record data block Since it will be so large, a comeni ent means of mavi gation is needed bet ween items. Which type of canvas woul d you use to display the data block? Tab canvas. Pop up canvas Spread table camas. Vertical toolbar canvas, com> Answer: A Explamati on: Tab canvas can be used to displ ay Large data block, It can di splay items which make t hem ‘easy to navi gate. No Popup canvas or Spread Tabl e canvas or vertical toolbar usedto display large blocks Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com 22 120-132 QUES TION NO: 47 You need to base a data block on the EMP table, but you do not vant to give the users of the appli cati on access pri vil eges on the table. Which type of data source would you we to create the data block? A. table B. transactional trigar C. stored procedure D. FROMclauwse query ‘Answer: C Explamati on: St ored Procedure used to with INparanet er to retrieve data based on the parame ter sent by the application to display different data depending on the parame ter sent. A SELECT stat enent is assi gned toa REF cursor when it is opened using the OPENFOR statement. Therefore, the procedure coul d contain multiple OPEN FOR statere nts, each witha different SELECT stat enent. The value of the INargument will then be eval uated to det ermine whi ch OPEN FOR stat enent shoul d be execut ed, QUES TION NO: 48 Examine this portion of code: timer_id := FIND_TIMER (‘my_timer’); =- DELETE_TIMER (timer_id); END IF; Select the missing code that woul d delete the timer. IF timer_id 1S NULL THEN IF 1D_NULL _id) THEN IF timer_id IS NOT NULL THEN IF NOT ID_NULL (timer_id) THEN com> ‘Answer: D Explamition: ID NULL Return Boolean that represent if the object has internal ID inthe application If 1D exist it returns FALSEand if [Ddoes not exist it return TRUE. FIND IDreturns the internal IDof the cbject. GET_IDand FIND IDdo not exist inoracle forms. IF NOP ID NULL(ti ner_id) will execute when tiner id exists QUES TION NO: 49 Whi ch canvas built-in display the gi ven camas in front of any stacked canvases? A. HIDE_VIEW B. SHOW_VIEW C.SET_CANVAS_PROPERTY D. REPLACE_CONTENT_VIEW Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com -2- 120-132 Answer: B Explamition: SHO W_VIEW Displays the indicated canvas at the coordi nates speci fied by the canvass X Position and Y Posi tion property settings. If the view is already displayed, SHO W_VIEWrai ses it in front of any other views in the same window. QUES TION NO: 50 ‘As anal ternative to setting the Visi ble property to No for the ORDERS_W1 NDOW, whichbuilt-in oul d you use to achieve the same result? ‘A. HIDE_WINDOW B. CLOSE_WINDOW C. REPLACE_CONTENT_VIEW D. GET_WINDOW PROPERTY Answer: A Explamition: HIDE_ WINDOW Hices the given window. HIDE_WINDOWis equivalent to setting VISIBLE t o No by cal Ling SET WINDOW PROPERTY. QUESTION NO: 51 Whena repeating timer expires, The When-Tiner Expired trigger resets the tiner’s iterat ion parame ter. The When-Cist om- Item-Brent tri gaer fires and executes the desired act ions. Itis put ina queue of expired timers far processing ona first- in first- at basi The When-Tiner -Bpiredtri ger fires instantly regardless of any other processing in the form nodul e com> Answer: C Explamition: When the tiner expires insent toa queue of expired tiners for processing. When the tiner is inthe queue it’s processed by first-in-first-at GET_APPLICATION PROPERTY will return the last ‘expired tinar inthe list whi ch can be processed for deletion iwht DELETE_TIMER. QUES TION NO: 52 Howean you modify the application to returnmore meaningful error nessages to the user? A. Create a customnessages table Incl ude the necessary error handling code in the formmpdules to display the neani ngful cust om nessage instead of the ORA- error nessage. B. Provide users witha form inthe application to query the ORA- error, that will return a custom nessage to replace the ORA-niessage. Himinate comstraints vbere possible, thereby limiting the munber of error nessages ret urned. Create a procedure to incl ude the RETRIEVE MESSAGE built- intl atamatically translates cconmon ser ver errors into neani ngful nessages for use in Forms oo. Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com 23. 120-132 Answer: A Explamition: To npdify error nessages with neaningful error nessage cust omnessages table can be created withneani ngful error nessages and Qh Frror is used to Replace a default error nessage with a eustomerror nessage, or to trap and recover froman err or QUES TION NO: 53 You are creating a data block based on a stored procedure ret urni ng a table of records. So far, you have defi ned the record type as follow: Type emprec IS RECORD (empno emp.empno€TYPE, ename emp.ename®f¥ PE); Select the line of code that completes the definition of the table of records. emptab emprectTy PE; CREATE TABLE emptab As emprec; TYPE emptab IS TABL! ORDS emprec; TYPE emptab IS TABLE OF emprec INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; comp Answer: D Explamition: A table of records is declared using the TYPEconmund: TYPE reser vat ion_tab IS TABLE OF reservat ion INDEX BY BINARY INTEGER; The clause "INDEX BY BINARY INTEGER" is required to declare a table of records. QUES TION NO: 54 Which tuilt-inallows you to update the sereen di splay to reflect the information that Forms has in its internal representation of the screen? SYNCHRONIZE UPDATE_FORM SYNCHRONIZE_FORM GET_MEMORY_DISPLAY SET_MEMDRY_DISPLAY moom> Answer: A Explamition: The SYNCHRONIZE built-in yates the screen display to reflect the inform tion that Form Builder has in its internal representation of the screen QUESTION NO: 55 You created a custom menu for the Order Entry appl ication. The shi ppi mg administrator tas requested an additional subnenu cont ai ning four items to invoke vari ous reports. Which comm nd type mist you use to identify the parent menuitem as a submenu? Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com 24. 120-132 Menu Plus Macro PL/SQL com> Answer: A Expl anati on: There are three types of menus: nmin, individual , and submenu, The Menu can be used to ide fy menu item or purent nenu itemin case it’s used in submenu. QUES TION NO: 56 ‘The accounting manager wants you to create a form that when queried will display a calculated total of year- to- date actual expenditures for the found code ent ered. ‘The val ues needed to generate this summary data are st ored in nultiple tales. Whi ch data source type can you assi gn to the data block for this form without havi ng the DBA creat ¢ a dat abase obj ect? A. database table B. transactional trigar C. stored procedure D. FROMclawse query E clieat- side procedure ‘Answer: D Explanation : The Frome lause data source enables youto create a bl ock based on a SELECT stat enent This is similar to busing block an a view, hovever, the vi ewdoes not have to be creat ed in the dat abase. When a query is executed on this type of block, the SELECT statement is sent tothe database, and th: resultant rows are returned tothe block. Use this dita source in place of creating a database viewor table Hovever, unlike a table or view, IML operat ions are not al lowed. QUES TION NO: 57 Where ean you add your own PL/SQL code in rel ati on-handl ing tri ggers? A. Before the “End default relat ion program sect ion” comme nt, B. After the “Begin default relation program sect ion” comme nt. C. Before the “Begin default relat ion program sect ion” comme nt. D. It is mt pussible to modify the relation- handling code that Forms auton tically creates for relations. Answer: C Expl anati on : Relation Handling tri goers are created aut orm tically when relat ion is built between Mister and Petail blocks. Relat ion- handling will have comme nts inserted auton tically Before the “Begin” and after the “End” default sections to al lowusers toreplace them with devel oper PL/SQL cust om code. QUES TION NO: 58 Which value is valid for the iterate parameter in SET_TH IR built-in procedure? Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com -25- 120-132 A. REUSE B. RECYCLE, C. NO_CHANGE D. OCCURRENCE Answer: C Expl anati on : SET_TIMER Changes the settings for an existingtiner. You can nodi fy the interval, the repeat parameter, o¢ both. The parame ter NO_CHANGESpeci fies that the milliseconds property is to ren inat its current setting QUES TION NO: 59 You create a data bl ock based on a relation table containing a REFeol um. You sel ect the REF colum for your form module. Whichstatement about the REF col umn is true? created as a nondisplay item. The Lock Record property is set to Yes C. It cannot be referenced in item level tri gars. D. It is placed on the camas with the hi ghest sequence nunber Answer: A Expl anati on : When creating a data block based on a table that contains a REF col unm, the Data Hock Wizard will dsplay two instances of this type of col um. The first instance is the regular object colum and, all of its attributes. Selecting the attributes of this instance creates norma | items in the data block. The second instance is the RHFitsel f. Choosing this instance creates a nondi splay itemon a nul | canvas, QUESTION NO: 60 Which three objects can be conponents of a menu module? (Choose three) windows paraneters object groups report bjects visual attributes moow> Answer: BG E. Expl anati on : Menu nodul e conponent s coul d be parame ters whi ch can be passed bet ween menu it emand farms. Alsonenu nedul e conponent coul d be Cbj ect Goup and Visual Attri but es, QUESTION NO: 61 You create a package that contains PL/SQL vari ablesthat must be shared among several forms in the ‘Travel application. You place the package ina library and attach the library to all the forms that need to share the data, Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com = 26- 120-132 Which parame ter in the OPEN_FORM bilt-inmust you set to ensure that changes made by one form are visible to the other forms inthe appli cati on? data_node paramlist query_node session mode com> Answer: A Explanation: Use OPEN_FORMto create multiple formapplications, that is, applications that pen nore than one format the same tine. Data node val ue is NO SHARE LIBRARY DATA (The default.) At rutine, FormBai lder will not share data bet ween forms that have identical Libraries attached (at desi gn tine) QUES TION NO: 62 Howean you change the eursor style inyour form? A. Qpen the formmpdule property palette and set the Garsor Style property. B. Fromthe Tools nam, select Preferences- - >Runtine Set ings. C. Use the GET_APPLICATION PROPERTY and SET_APPLICATION_ PROPERTY bui It -ins D. You cannot change the cursor style. ‘Answer: C Expl anati on : GET_APPLICATION_ PROPERTY and SET_APPLICATION PROPERTY bui Lt -ins are used to Get and Set properties of the formapplicaions. CURSOR STYLE paraneter Returns the nane of the current cursor style property QUES TION NO: 63 Which trigger property applies to Key triggers? Hide Keys Show Menu Keys Hid: Menu Keys Display in ‘Keyboard Help’ Hid: Keys Description moom> ‘Answer: D Explanation : Key trigers allow you to modify the standard functionality of a function key. These triggers are subprograns that execut e vhen a certain key is pressed. Key trigars allow you to npdify, replace, or disable the standard functional ity of a function key. Display in “Keyboard Help’ can be an appl ication of key trigar. QUES TION NO: 64 Which two statements are true about record groups? (Choose two) Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com 227+ 120-132 A. They are stored in the database. B. They arestoredinlocal Forms nenpry. C. The typeis specified ewicitly at dsigntine. D. The typeis implied by when and how it is created Answer: BD Expl anati on : When record groups are creat ed they will be stared in the Local forms menor y where they created. Record group can be creat ed froma query withCREATE_GROUP_FROM QUERY or created anual ly using CREATE GROUP the type is implied by when and howit is created. QUESTION NO: 65 You need to change the text of a pop-up menu that appears when a user right clicks the mouse inthe EMP_DATA data block Where coul d you fi nd the node for the pop-up nenu in the Object Navigator? Built-in Packages Menus PL/SQL Libraries Object Litraries FormModul e moomD> Answer: E Expl anati on : Pop-up nenus can be creat ed ina formnpdule. It mst be attached to an itemor canvas of a form. The user can click the right nouse but ton to invoke the pop-up nenu vhen the nouse is on the itemor canvas QUESTION NO: 66 Which tuilt- inwould you use to test whet her the CREATE TABLE commnd issued in the SALES form executed successfully? FORMS_DDL DO_SQL FORM SUCCESS FORM NOT_SUCCESS DBMS. ERROR_CODE moow> Answer: C Explanation: FORM SUCCESS Returns the outcone of the action nost recently performed duri ng t he ‘current Runform session ‘Outcome Returned Value success TRUE failure FALSE Fatal error FALSE Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com -B- 120-132 QUES TION NO: 67 Examine the code bel ow: FUNCTION check window RETURN VARCHAR2 1S BEGIN RETURN (GET_VIEW_PROPERTY (GET_ITEM_PROPERTY ( NAME_IN (‘system.cursor_item’), item_canvas), window_name)) ; END; What does this function ret urn? A. The nan of the itemvbere the cursor is located, B. The nane of the formubere the cursor is Located. CC. The nane of the windowvhere the cursor is locat ed. D. The nane of the canvas where the cursor is Located. ‘Answer: C Explanation : The GET_ITEM PROPERTY is wed to retrieve property of a specific item. ITEM CANVAS paraneter Returns the mane of the canvas to which the item is assigned. When used with GT_VIEW PROPERTY which retrieve a property for specific view it will returnthe name of the window where the cursor is Located since sys used inthe GET_ITEM PROPERTY, QUES TION NO: 68 You are devel opi ng a Hotel Booki ng application for a travel company. The users request a wizard- style interface for this application How coul dyou satisfy this requirement? Reference the Object Iron packages in your formmpdule, Write an HTML interface, and invoke it from your formmdule. Incl ude the Wizard class reusable conponent in your application. Build customized wizard using tab canvases and a hori zontal toolbar canvas. com> Answer: C Explanation: The Wizard class reusable conponent al lows you to add a wizard-style interface to your application. This type of interface is similar tothe wizards found in Cracle Devel oper builders. Creating an interface to step a custoner through the playset building process is an ideal use of this conponent . This cconponent is found in the stnxird20.olb library. You could build this wizard style interface by using tab and hori zontal toolbar canvases and writing the necessary code, but this would take mich longer than usi ng the Wizard class QUES TION NO: 69 Which statement about windows and blocks is true? Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com -D- 120-132 Transact ion nanagenent is bl ock-ori ented rather than wi ndow-ori ented. Forms aut orn tically navigates to an item located in an acti vat ed window. A window may contain multiple blocks, but each block can onl y span one window A winxowcan contain multiple canvases, and an item can be locat ed on multiple camases, com> Answer: A Explanation : Transact ion nanagenent in Oracl ¢ Forms is block based. Commit processing takes place in the block sequent ial order. Bich itemof a block may be assi gned to a canvas and each canvas is assi gned to a window. Therefore, a block can be di spl ayed in nal tiple windows. QUES TION NO: 70 What does the fol lowi ng code do? BEGIN IF GET_RECORD_PROPERTY (3, ‘ORD’, status) = ‘CHANGED’ THEN SET_RECORD PROPERTY (3, ‘ORD’, status, query status); END IF; END; If the third property in the ORD block is changed, set the status back to QUERY. I the third recordin the current block is set to CRD, set the status buck to QUERY. If three records are changed database records in the ORDbI ock, set the stat us back to QUERY. If the third record in the ORD block is changed database record, set the status back to QUERY. com> Answer: D. Explanation: SET_RECORD PROPERTY Sets the speci fied record property to the speci fied val ue QUERY_STATUS Speci fies that the record is to be treated as a QUERY record, whether it actually is. The syntax is SET_RECORD PROPERTY (record nunber NUMBER , block name VARCHAR2, property NUMBER, val ue NUMBER) ; Solf the third record in the ORD bl ock is changed dat abase record, set the stat us back to QUERY. QUESTION NO: 71 ‘The data blocks in your form module are based on obj ect tables. How would you create a mast er~ detail rel ati omshi p between to of these blocks? A. Use the Data Block Wizard and base the relation on a REF poi nt er B. Inthe Chject Novi gator, sel ect the Relation node under the raster block and cl ick the Greate i eon, Buildthe relation nanual ly and coordinate the blocks using tri gaers, Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com -30- 120-132 ° Use the Data Block Wizard, and base the relation on the pri mary key- foreign key relationship in the dat abuse. D. This task is not possible because mster- detail relations can be implemented only for blocks based on relational tables, Answer: A Explanation: when you vant to coordinate the two bl ocks using a REF. You have al ready created the raster block and the detail block. Next, you should click the Geate Relationship button in the Data Black Wizard This will open the Relation type dial og box and al low you an opt ion of creat ing the relat ian using a REF instead of a foreign key QUES TION NO: 72 Which built-in copies val ws from alist item into a record group? RETRIEVE LIST RETRIEVE_GROUP RETRIEVE_LIST_1TEM RETRIEVE_GROUP_FROM_LIST RETRIEVE_GROUP_FROM LIST_ITEM moomD> Answer: A Explanation : The RETRIEVE LIST built-in retrieves and stores the contents of the specified I the speci fied record group. Exanple t item imo DECLARE MyRecord RECORDGROUP; FirstColum RECORDCOL UMN; SecondCol unm RECORDCOLUMN; BEGIN MyRecord :=CREATE_CROUP (tat ings_re); FirstColum :=ADD_GROUP_COLUMN (r g_id.tabel charact er_col umn); SecondCol umm :=ADD_GROUP_COLUMN (7 g_id,tat ing. charact er_col um); RETRIEVE LIST (bust oner_rat ings_li st’, MyR ecard); END; QUES TION NO: 73 ‘The telesales force requested additional ways to termi nate the automated pol ing questi omnai re. In addition to the default functi onal ity, you provi de a menu item anda button for this purpose. Adhering tocfficient coding practices, whi ch PL/SQL code do you use for the menuitem and t he but ton? T; TE_FORM; DO_KEY (‘Key-Exit!); DO_KEY (‘EXIT_FORM’); com> Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com -31- 120-132 Answer: D Explanation: The DO_K EY built-in function executes the key tri gaer associ ated with the built-in that is, specified as its parame ter. If no associ ated key trigger exists, then the specified built in subprogram executes. For example, DO_KEY(EXIT_FORM, vhen executed, will search for a Key-Bit trigar. If it bes not finda Key-Bit trigar, it will execute the EXIT FORM built-in QUESTION NO: 74 You create a master-detail form, The users need to be able to exit the formquiclly, adhering to default transaction processing, regardless of the cursor location, You believe you can achieve this using a Key-Exit trigger. What do you need to do to implement this request? Define a Key-Bit trigarr for all the blocks inthe form. In the Chject Navi gater, highlight all the items and define a Key-Exit trigar. Define a Key-Bit trigger onthe primary key item inthe naster block No additional key- tri gor definition is necessary com> Answer: D Explamati on : Great ing a When-Butt on- Pressed tri gger incl uding the EXIT_FORM built-in woul d not cexcout e the cust omi zed code found in the Key-Biit trigger. Hovever, a When-Buttere Pressed tri gaer with DO_K EY('EXIT_FORM) would execute the Key-Bait trigger, if one exists. Noneed for additional key- trigaer definition is necessary. QUES TION NO: 75 Which is an example of a dynamic SELECT statement? A.query whose object nanes change duri ng its execution, Aquery whose obj ect nanes are not known until run time, Aqquery whose bind variables val ues change during execut ion. Aquery whose bind variable val ues are not known until run time com> Answer: B Explanation: When the select statement queries database with objects specified at runtime it’s consi dered tobe a dynamic SELB statement. Object names will sprvifiedat runtine. FORM DOL executes queries for the form that will spucify object nants at run tine. FORMIOLL can construct dynamic query QUES TION NO: 76 Which datatype is ret urned by the FIND_MENU_ITEMbuilt-infureti or? A. number B. Boolean C. menuitem Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com -32- 120-132 D. VARCHAR2 Answer: C Explanation : FIND MENU ITEMSearches the list of nenu itens and ret urns a nenu item IDwhen it finds a validnnenu itemwi th the gi ven nane. QUES TION NO: 77 In the COURS E_ENROLLMENT f or mn dule, you defi ne a master- detail relation between t he COURS ES _ OFFERED data bi ock and the STUDENT dat a block, respeeti vel ‘Toimplene nt block coordi mati on, which statement must be true? The Enforce Primary Key property on the STULENT bl ock is set to Yes. The Alias property on t he COURSES_OFFERED block is set to Student The Copy Value fram itemp roperty on the forei gn key item in the STUDENT blocks is set tothe frinry key itenof the COURSES_OFFEREDblock. The Synchronize withitempropert y on the forei gn key item in the STUDENT blockis set tothe frinury key itenof t he COURSES_OFFEREDblock. ape S ‘Answer: C Explanation : Synchronize with itempr operty Specifies the nane of the item from wh ich th: current item should derive its value. Setting this property synchronizes the val us of the two items, so that they effectively mirror each other. When the end user or the application changes the value of either item, the value of the other itemchanges al so. This property is used when you define mas ter- detail relationship between two blocks. QUES TION NO: 78 You write a procedure that will be called from two level triggers and a database tri gger. Where shoul d you store this code? On the Cracte server Locally in each formmodule Inanattached PL/SQL library On yar file netvork server com> Answer: A Explanation: Stored Procedures are stored in Oracle Server. These st ored procedures can be cal led by the formappl cat ions and from the tri guers speci fied in Farms. Stored procedure can be called al so from database tri gaers. Database tri gaers cannot call Libraries stored in Forms at the client applications. QUES TION NO: 79 You need to create a data bl ock for query operat ions int he RETIRED EMPLOYEES formmodule. Which three data sources can you use for this block? (Choose three) A. vector Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com =33- 120-132 database view database table transactional tri gaer PL/SQL table of records mu ti-dnensi onal array mmoow Answer: BG D Explanation : A data block can be based on a relational table, Database view, an abject table that is based ana single object type, and a relational table that uses a REF col unn. It cannot be based on a varray col unm, astored procedure that returns an object value, and obj ect tables that are based an a complex type. tramsactiqnl trigars are typically used when For mBuilder is running agai nst a non- ORACLE data source. These triggers incl ude ON- FETCH, ON-LOCK , ON-ROLLBACK QUESTION NO: 8 0 Which two PL/SQL feat ures are supported in Oracl e Forms? (Choose t wo) ‘A. net hods B. object tables C. abject colums D, collection types E_ object as stored procedure param: ters Answer: BC Explamati on : Bl ocks can be based on obj ect tables and i tems can be based on obj ect col ums within Oracle Forms. Qracl e Forms al so supports decl aration of LOBvariables. However, Oracle Forms does not support the declaration of col ection variables. It also does not support obj ects as stored procedure parame ters. QUESTION NO: 8 1 What is the data type returned by the CREATE 1 A. Long B. tiner C.mumber D. varchar? Answer: B Explanation: The CREATE_TIMER built- inreturns the internal IDof the tiner. Therefore, the V_TIMER variable mst be declared witha datatype of TIMER. QUESTION NO: 8 2 You have wei tten a custom menu for a Forms application. You saved the menu module to the file ‘custmenu. mmb. In the Property Palette for the form, you set the Menu Modul ¢ property to custmenu. When you run the form, the custom menu does not appear. Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com <34- 120-132 What can you do to fix this problem? A. Grerate the nenu nodul ¢ executable B. Save the menu module as custmenu. mx. C. Inthe Property Sheet for the form, set the Starting Menu property to eustnenu. D. Inthe Property Sheet for the form, set the Menu Module property to custmenu, mb, Answer: A Explanation: An Oracle Pevel oper menu nodule mast be conpi led to create the execut able file (.MMX) This file must be attached to a formappl ication. Select Fle-- >Adninistration - >Conpile Fle to corpile a nenu, To attach the nenu nodule to a form, navigate tothe formmpdule property sheet and locate the Menu Module property. Specify the nane of the nnenu in this property QUESTION NO: 8 3 You want to make use of the object feat ures available in the database for the formm dule you are devel opi ng. Which three statements about object types are true? (Choose three) A. An object type is a user- defi ned conpos ite dita type. B. The attritutes of an object type can be those of other object types. C. APLSQL table of records is an example of a nest ed object type. D. Anobject type mst be declared as a type before the act ual cbj ect itself can be declared Answer: A, BD Explanation : Chject types is a user- defined conpasite data type and each at tri bute of an obj ect type can be ‘an object type of other types specified Bit object types must be declared first as type before they are declared in ot her obj ect types. Exanple CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE nane_typ AS OBJECT (fname VARCHAR2(25), L_name VARCHAR2(25), initials VARCHAR2(7)); CREATE TABLE name_table OF nane_typ: QUESTION NO: 8 4 What are three uses for record groups? (Choose three) ‘A. To pass data to a pop-up menu. B. To populate a base table block. C. To pass data to other formmpdules Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com -35- 120-132 D. To puss data to other Qracle products. E. Todynanically construct SELECT statements, F. Toserver as the source for a FROM clause query. Answer: G DE Explanation: Regardl ess of howa record group is created, it can be used to send informa tion to another formor Oracle Revel oper product such as Reports and Graphics. The SELECT stat ement can be built during rutine and used for a programma tically creat ed record group or designtime record group. Record groups can be popul ated using the POPULATE GROUP_ WITH QUERY built-in Record groups cannot be used as a source for a data block, menuitem, or FROM clause query. QUESTION NO: 8 5 Whi ch scenario deseri bes an appropri ate use for openi ng a form ina newsessi on? The data entered into the called form is lagcally independent of the data entered in the cal ling form, The cal led form requires different privileges than the calling form, The called formmus t execute as a different user than the cal ling form, The calling formmust be able to query data in the cal led formbefore it is saved. com> Answer: A Explanation: OP EN_FORM and CALL_FORMare built-ins that can invoke a form. Only the OPEN_FORMDbuilt-in can i nvoke a formusi ng a newdat abase sessi on by using the SESSION MODE. parameter. For example OPEN_FORM(‘cus taner', ACTIVATE, SESSION); The SESSION keyword instructs Farms to open the CUSTOMER form witha new session. Therefore, DML. ‘operat ions perforned in the CUSTOVER form I be part of a separate transact ion, Committing in the CUSTOMER for mwill not affect the transaction in the CRDER form, QUESTION NO: 8 6 You create a multiple form application Which bullt-inmust you use to invoke the form modules to ‘enable you to programmatically control navi gation bet ween the multiple forms in your appli cation? NEW_FORM OP EN_FORM CALL_FORM CLOSE_FORM com> Answer: B Explamati on: Because OPEN FORMopens forns as nodel ess windows, users can switch freely to different open forms. Therefore, it is nest appropriate for invoking forms from the application system Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com -36- 120-132 nenu, However, a di sadvant age of using OPEN_FORM is that it is hardto keep nul tiple open forms synchronized, QUESTION NO: 87 You are creating the SAL_INFOdata block on the EMP_QUERY form. ‘The SALARY fi el d shoul d ‘onl y be popul ated if the Logged-on user is a manager. Since this query could potenti ally ret urn a large amount of records, you have created a stored procedure which uses a ref cursor on which to base the data block How would you create the data block? ‘A. Click the Data Blocks node in the Object Navi gat or and click the create button, Ghoose to build the dat a bl ock anual ly Biter the procedure name inthe Query Data Source Col unms property and the procedure code in the Query Data Source Arguments property B. Choose Tools-> Data Block Wizard, select Table as the data source type, and base the dat a bl ock on tthe col unms incl uded in the procedure. Select the Data Blocks node in the Chj ect Navi gat or and click the Great e button Ghoose to build the data block nanually, alter the Qery Data Source Type property to “Ref cursor’, and enter the nane of the procedure in the Query Dat a Source Nane propert y D. Select the Data Blocks node in the Chj ect Navi gator and cl ick the Greate button. Alter the Qery Data Source Name, Query Data Source Col unms, and Query Data Source Arguments properties to create a stored procedure that uses a ref cursor. E. Launch the Data Block Wizard, select Stored Procedkres as the data ‘on the procedure. ° urce type, and base the block Answer: E Explamati on: Data bl ock can be based on st ored procedure that uses REF cursors. Bising data bl ocks on such procedures can be done usi ng the Data Block Wizard Sel ect Stored Procedures as the data type of the data block, QUESTION NO: 88 You want the user to toggle between t wo states of a check box in the SALES data block. When t he box is checked the val ue is ‘True’ andif it is unchecked the val ue is ‘False’. Which built-in could you use ina When-Cheekbox-Changed tri gger to obtain the current master/detail query behavi or? @T_BLOCK_PROPERTY G@T_RELATION PROPERTY SET_RELATION PROPERTY WHEN_MOUSE_CLICK LIST_VALUES moo Answer: A Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com <37- 120-132 Explanation: GET_BLOCK PROPERTY Returns inform ti on about a speci fied block, COORDINATION STATUS parameter For a bock that isa detail block ina master- detail block relation, this property speci fies the coordination status of the block with respect to its ns ter block(s). Returns the VARCHAR? val ue COORDINATED if the block is coordi mated withall of its master blocks. If it is not coordi nated withall ofits naster blocks, the built-in returns the VARCHAR2 val ue ON_COORDINATED. Immediately after records are fetched to the detail block, the status of th: detail block is COORDINATED. QUESTION NO: 89 Which three val ues are valid parameters for the DO_K EY built-in? (Choose three) A. ENTER B. GO_ITEM C.-VALIDATE D. EXIT_FORM E, EXEGUTE_QUERY Answer: A, DE Explamati on: The DO KEY built in function executes the key trigger associated with the built-in that i speci fiedas its parame ter. If no such key trigaer exists, then the speci fied suiprogramexecut es. The parameter mst be a built- inthat is associated with a key trigger. VALIDATE GO_ITEMare not abilt-in that can be executed by the default action of a key QUESTION NO: 90 You need to create a trigger to Locate the Product report inthe Rpt_Server, run the report, and test the status of the report. Which three built- ins would you use to accompli shthis task? (Choose three) RUN_PRODUCT SET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY RUN_REPORT_OBIECT FIND REPORT_OBIECT REPORT_OBJECT_STATUS COP Y_REPORT_OBJECT_OUTPUT mmoom> Answer: G DE Explanation: RUN_REPORT_OBIECT built-inlse this built-in toruna report from withina form, You can run the report against either a local or rempte database server. Buecut ing this built-in issimi lar using the RUN_PRODUCT built-inava rept FIND REPORT_OBJECT built-inReturns the report_id for a speci fied report. You can we this IDas a parame ter for other built-ins, such as RUN_REPORT_OBIECT Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com -B- 120-132 REPORT_OBJECT_STATUS bui It-in Provides status of a report object run withina formby the RUN_REPORT_OBIECT built-in QUESTION NO: 91 Which two statements are true about mouse but ton vari abl es? (Choose t wo) SYSTEM.MDUSE_BUTTON_PRESSEDr eturns a string SYSTEM.MDUSE_BUTTON PRESSE D returns a nuneric value Apossi ble val ue for SYSTEM.MDUS E_BUTTON_MDDIFIERS is Gut rol+Alt+De lete, SYSTEM.MOUSE_BUTTON MODIFIERS can only be references in form- level trigars. SYSTEM MDUSE_BUTTON_MDDIFIERS idem fies which special key was pressed in conjunction with the usual nouse butt on acti on. moowp Answer: BE Explanation: SYSTEM MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSEDindicates the mnber of the button that was clicked, either 1, 2 or 3 (left, midile, or right). The value is always a character string SYSTEM MDUSE_BUTTON_ MODIFIERS indicates the keys that vere pressed during the cl ick, such as SHIFT, ALT, or CONTROL. The val ue is always a character string QUESTION NO: 92 You have a master- detail rel ti onshi pin the EMPLOYEE form module. You set the Delete Record Behavi or property to Gascadi ng. When a user dele tes a master record, howdoes Forms implement the cascade-del ete forei gn- key rul e? Witha Pre- Delete trigar. With an QrDelete trigar. Witha Post- Delete trigar. With the Gr Check-Delete- Master tri ger. com> Answer: A Explanation: The Pre-De lete trigasr Manipulate a record prior to its being deleted fram the database duri ng the default Post and Commit Transactions process; for example, to prevent deletion of the record if certain conditions exist. QUESTION NO: 93 What is the use for the SEL_TIMER built-in? A. Retrieve the tiner 1D B. Change the tiner nane progr anat ical ly C. Determine what todo upun tiner expiration. D. Set the repeat behavior without changing the time interval ‘Answer: D Explanation: Tiners can be noi fied using the SET_TIMER built-in Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com -D- 120-132 Syntax: SET_TIMER (‘tiner_nane! nil iseconds, iterate); To keep a previ ously specified parame ter value, you can speci fy NO_ CHANGE. QUESTION NO: 94 What are three characteristics of the CALL_FORMbu! t-in? (Choose t hree) A. It is an unrestricted procedure- B. It is vlidinEnter Query mode. C. It invokes a form ina nodal window D. It can only invoke a form in Query Only mode. E It embles youtostart a nwdatabase session. FI enables free navi gation bet veen all opened form sin an application Answer A, BC Explanation: The CALL_FORMbuilt- inimokes a speci can be executed during Enter Query mode ed form as a nedal vindow It is unrestricted and Exanple CALL_FORM(cus tare 1); QUESTION NO: 95 You vant to provide a tool that allows users quick access to formmdules, by listing them in an Explorer-style interface. Which reusable component do you use? ActiveX contrals, Gilendar Cass Standard Object Litrary Picklist Class Wizard Class Navi gat or Class mmoom> Answer: F Explamati on: The Navi gat or cl ass reusabl e conponent al lows you to add an Expl orer-style interface to your application. This type of interface is similar tothe Chject Navigator of the Oracle Devel oper builders. This cconponent is found in the stndrd20.olb Li brary. QUESTION NO: 9 6 ‘The wers request that [2], [F3], and [4] be used to commit, rollback, and exit, respecti vel y. Howdo you accomp lishthis? Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com -40- 120-132 Add the appropri ate PL/SQL code for each key Map the logical keys tothe physical keys, then add the appropri ate PL/SQL code for each key. Create an object Library to define the key tri gaers, then reference the object Library in the form. This cannot be accomplished because other function keys provide this functicnality by default com> Answer: B Explanation: Fach local key shoul d be napped first to physical key. ‘Then PL/SQL code can be add for each key tonake function keys act as commit, roll back and exit actions QUESTION NO: 97 At designtime, you ereate a query record group for the LOV associ at ed withthe HOTEL text item in aformmm dule for the Travel Planner Application, When is the record group popul at ed? A. When the user navi gites tothe HOTEL item. B. When the formnpdule successfully congi les. C. After Form Builder val idates the SELECT statement and dismisses the NewRecord Group dial og box. D. Whenthe user enters dita inthe HOTEL item and the Validate from List property for the HOTEL item is set to YES. Answer: D Explanation: Wien record group is used in a LOV for a text item, The record group is populated when the user enters dita in the text itemand the Val idat e FromList property of the tex item is set to YES. QUESTION NO: 98 Exanine this code: BEGIN IF :SYSTEM.EVENT_ WINDOW = ‘WELCOME’ THEN DO_KEY (‘exit_form’); ELSE MESSAGE (‘Illegal operation’); END IF; END; In vbi ch form Level trigger would you implement this? When-Window-Clased When-Window-Changed When-Window-Resi zed When-Window-Activated com> Answer: A Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com -41- 120-132 Explamati on: The code IF :S STEM. EVENT_WINDOW=* WELCOME? will check for acti ve window nane, DO KEY(‘exit_form’) will exit the form, This code can be cal ed to check the nane of the window which is about to clase. It should be placed in When-Wi ndow-Closed form tri gar. Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com 742 120-132 Section Bless important questi ons Study these questi ons as wel QUES TION NO: 1 You wint to create a template to be used as a standard for all conpany reports, which are many different styles. Hownmny different templates mist you have if you plan to use multiple report styles? Two One Que per report style. Qhe per report style +one nore com> Answer: B QUES TION NO: 2 You create a sal ary report to display employee sal aries grouped by the dept col umm. You need to ‘change the break order from ascendi ng to descendi ng usi ng the mp del. How woul d you reverse t he display order of the depart ment? A. Double click the dept colurn inthe group to alter the property palette and change the break out order val ue. B. Doubleclick the dept colurn inthe group to open the property palette and change the set break order value. C. Double click the g dept group obj ect to change the break order. D. Click the dept colum in the group to change the break order Answer: A QUES TION NO: 3 Using the report wizard you ereate a tabul ar report to display all the columns inthe EMP table. The records are ordered by the dept_name and j ob col ums. You need to create a hierarchical report that breaks on the dept_name and job val ues. Using the data model how wo uld you create this break structure? Speci fy the break order on the g enp group Property pulette. Speci fy a break order on the dept_nane and j ob col uns propert y palettes. Click and drag the dept_name and jobs col urm out and above of the g enp group to creat e a new parent group. Ghange the position of the dept_nane and the job columns within the g enp gr oup. ape S Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com 43 120-132 Answer: C QUES TION NO: 4 A few months ago, you created a sal es transaction report using this que! SELECT sales ID, transaction nunber, amount D. FROMsal es WHERE sales date=trunk(sys date) foday you need to modify the report to incl ude each transact ions % of totally daily transactions. How ‘can you accomplish this task? In the date mde! add a summa ry column to the group to give up % of a total of the anount col unm. Inthe data node! add a place hol der col urm to the group to give a % of total of the amount column, In the data model add a summa ry col unm outside the group to give a % of total of the amount column, Inthe data nodel adda place hol der col unm outside the group to give a % of total of th: anount column, E Inthe Layout model adda final inthe ficldin the repeating group to calculate a % of the total of the anount col umn, ape S Answer: A QUES TION NO: 5 Howare messages displayed when you use the SRW.MESS AGE packaged procedure? Dial ogue box that implicitly determines report execution Message line that implicitly determi nes report execution. Message Line that suppresses the default oracle nessage. Dialogue box that does not terminate report execution Tal ogue box that suppresses the default oracle nessage. moow> Answer: D. QUES TION NO: 6 You created a tabul ar report for human resources depart ment. After viewing layout users have requested that you change the label of the dept column to something more meaningful. How would ‘you change the label in the live previ ewer? Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com -44- 120-132 Use the report wizard to change the col urn Label Click and high light the colurm label and replace it with desired text Click the column Label andalter its property palette. Click the dept colunm and alter its property pulette. com> Answer: B QUES TION NO: 7 You created a depart ment report and previ ew it inlife preview. The font for the depart ment name is too small and you want to enlarge it but do not want to change the font for any other fields. What is the easiest way tomake this change? A. Scleot the text to be enlarged in the Life previever and nake the size change using the style bur B. Select the text tobe enlarged inthe layout node and nake the change C. Qpen the report wizard inthe reentrant node and nake the change. 1D. Make the copy of the report, open the copy, nake the changes and then delete the ori ginal report Answer: A QUES TION NO: 8 Your conpany has implemented the report’s server three- tier architecture. From 4 to 5 P.M each day several depart ments begin rumni ng their daily reports. Which tier of this architecture will spawn ‘extra run time engines to process the increased activity? Cliet Applicatin Database server. These extra run tine engines are not aut orm tically created they must be initiated by the users ‘executing the repart com> Answer: B QUES TION NO: 9 You created a tabular report for the sal es depart ment to display each eustoner and the sal es person assign to the customer. The data is sorted by customer usi mg the order by clause inthis query. This is depart ment manager asks you to al ter the report so that data is sorted by sal es person rather than by customer. What is the best way to make t he needed change? A. Recreate the query and default the Layout Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com 245 120-132 B. Alter the qury, default the Layout and redo the boiler plates. C. Query and nanual ly change the Layout to save the boiler plate. D. Alter the quxry and nake no further change. Answer: D QUESTION NO: 10 ‘The CALC function is used several times within the sal es report. To simplify maintenance you want to store the function in one place and call it from within your PL/SQL tri gger code. Whi ch node woul d you use in obj ect navi gator to create a report Level programme unit to store the functi on? Programme wits. PL/SQL litraries Database obj ect Built in packages, com> Answer: A QUESTION NO: 11 You are devel opi ng an invent ory report tolist the item nunber, descri pti on pri ce and picture of all inventory items. The layout of each item is a repeating frame that contains three fixed fi el ds anda image. Wien possi ble you want all objects inthe repeating frame to appear on t he same logical page without creating bl ank pages bet ween instances. Whi ch pagi nat ion property woul d you al ter to achieve these results? Page break before. Page break after Page protect Keep with anchoring object: com> Answer: C QUES TION NO: 12 You are creating a report containing two headers and three tailor pages. You set the logical page size to2into 1. The body if the report is four Logical pages. Hownanyphyi cal pages is the entire report? ape %6 4 9 Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com = 46- 120-132 Answer: D QUES TION NO: 13 ‘The IT depart ment requested a report to list each server name and the name of each depart ment that utilizes resources from each server. You creat e a tabular Layout that breaks on the server name. You ran the report and noticed that the depart ment fieldis too Large for nest of the department names. Which fieldsize setting would you wse to al low the field to be smaller but not Larger than the field Layout size? Fixed Expand Gntract Variable com> Answer: C QUESTION NO: 14 ‘The IT depart ment is creating a human resources application that will require several new tables. You need to devel op a standard al one execut able that willl defines these tables and their rel ati onshi ps. Whi ch devel oper/2000 component coul d you use to create the execut abl e? Provedure builder Query builder. Scher builder. Form builder. Project builder Transactional buil der. mmoOm> Answer: C QUES TION NO: 15 You vant to create a template to be wed as a standard for all company reports. What is the easiest way to do this? A. Qoenan existing template file, remme it and modify the temp late cbjects. B. Open the report wizard and create a new temp late. C. Open the Layout node! and copy the puste items from the default templates provi ded in report bail er. Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com -47- 120-132 D. Tenplates cannot be modified in rel ease 2. Answer: A QUESTION NO: 16 In the data model you created two queries that produced two groups named employee and sal es. ‘The sales groupis a childinthe employee group. You establish a rel ati onshi p bet ween the two queries by ‘creating a link. Which mod fications would you make to the data li nk property sheet for this rel ati onshi p? No modi fications are needed because the default values represent the relationship. Modify the SQL clause to havi ng and conditioned to Like, Modify the SQL clause to vhere and condition to Like. Modi fy the SQL clause to havi ng and condi tian to = com> Answer: A QUESTION NO: 17 ‘The sales report needs to di splay the sal es person with the highest order total. Whi ch build report builder conponent would you use to create a place hol der col umn to display the val ue? Report wizard Layout nodel Datanodel Life previever: com> Answer: C QUES TION NO: 18 ‘The accounts recei vabl e depart ment request ed an accounts status toallowusers to enter ei ther a customer name, customer nunber, customer phone nunber and then di spl ay the customer out ‘standing bal ance. You vant to rest rict the data ret ri eved based on val ues entered by the users. Whi ch where clause woul d you write inthe query to select statement to accomplish this task? A. &p where clause B. :p where clause C. WERE CUST_ID-P_CUST_IDor cust_nane=p_cust_nane or cust_phone=p_cust_phone D. Where cust_ID=&p custid cust_nane=&p cust_nane or cust_phone-&p_cust_phone Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com “8. 120-132 Answer: A QUES TION NO: 19 ‘The order entry depart ment requested a report to display the average time to enter an order from ‘each order ent ry clerk sorted by supervisor witha group average after viewing the report users request ed to bol d the val ue for each supervi sorsgroup average. Where woul d you nake this change? A. Inthe template wed, B. Inthe data nodel C. Inthe Life reviever D. Inthe field property palette, Answer: © QUES TION NO: 20 You created a report from the human resources depart ment based on all the col ums in the EMP table. After viewing the report users requested that the emp_IDcolunms peers first im the out put. How wouldyou change the posi ti on of the col unm? After the query Fier the report and change the col urm’s position in the field tab. Alter the column’ posit ion in the obj ect navi gator. Fiter the report wizard and change te col unm’s position in the data tab. Alter the column's position within its group and change the lay ou. moo Answer: B QUES TION NO: 21 The human resources depart ment requested an employee report to high li ght those employees who are ‘due for 30 days 6 months and 1 year eval uation. The hi gher_data field shoul d display blue text for 30 days employee, a red text for 6 months employees and a green text for one year employees. You created format trigger on the bi gher_data field to handle this task What will happen if the format trigger returns a false val ue? The report execution will be halted The higher_data file will not be displayed. The record will nit be displayed. Nothing will happen. com> Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com “a. 120-132 Answer: B QUES TION NO: 22 Which tool inthe layout model could you use to create an external boiler plate obj ect’? Feld Fram Bitton Rectangle Link file moow> Answer: E QUES TION NO: 23 You are devel opi ng a report to al loweust omers ina depart ment store to viewproduct information, You added a but ton to the | ayout to allowcust omers to view the picture of the product. Whi ch but ton property w oul d youal ter to speci fy the source of the . EMP file? Type Multimedia file Multi media filetype Label type com> Answer: B QUES TION NO: 24 You are creating a tabul ar report for the sales depart ment witha department break group. You need tocrsure that if al Least sixsales records will nat fit at the button of a page, the group will start onthe next page. Which printing frame property woul d youl ter to achieve these results? Souree Print direction Maximimrecords per page Minimum Wi dow records Colurm mde moow> Answer: D Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com = 50- 120-132 QUES TION NO: 25 ‘The registrar’ office requested a report that Lists each students, their advisors name and phone nunber. Fach class has currently enrol Led im and a great poi nt average for each semester. To do this ‘you need to pull data from the student, advisor, class and grade tabl es. From a performance poi nt of view which data model opti ons is preferable for data base access? Create one query and three additional groups. Create to query and tvo addi tional groups and then relat the groups Create three queries and one additional group and then relate the groups. Create four queries and relate the groups. com> Answer: A QUES TION NO: 26 In the data model you created this query SELECT ID no, description, price, quantity, manufact urer_ID FROMimentory Next you click and drag the manuf act urer_ID colunm out of and above the default group. You needed tosort the child group by ID_nunber. Howcould you accomplish this task? Add an order by clause to the query. Inthe data node! double click the ID nunber col unm and al ter the break or der Inthe layout nade! double cl ick the [Dmunier filed and Later the print direction. Bafault the layout, choose a naster/det ail report style and sel ect IDnunber as the break order com> Answer: A QUES TION NO: 27 ‘The accounts recei vable depart ment requested a report with five colums of data several text fields and a graphic to be used as a customer imoice. A fter viewing the report users realize that one of the ‘col ums contains a redund data in the interest of performance. You want to renove t he correspondi ng data base col umm from the report. How woul dthis be accomplished without al tering the text and graphi es in the body of the layout? Renove the col unm fromthe select statement. Delete the field fram the layout Renove the col unm fromthe select statement and default the Layout Renove the col unm fromthe sel ect statement and delete the fiel d fram the layout com> Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com -51- 120-132 Answer: D. QUES TION NO: 28 You created an out standing accounts report for the accounts receivable depart ment you saved the file tothe database as a R109 71. To adhere to your company’s nami ng standard. Since the naming standard creates very simple report name your end user are often unsure that if they ran the ri ght report. Which window could you use to overwrite the report title so that for the wers it displays as out sstandi ng account s? Tools (arrow sign) preference Parame ter forme diter Layout nodel Report properties. com> Answer: D. QUESTION NO: 29 ‘The character mode sales report is stored on the nawork drive as a..REX. You need to make changes tothe report Layout. Using the report builder how would you change this file? A. Qpenthe fille using the nem option file- open nake the changes and reconpile the report B. Gavert the file into REP file using the report conpi ler mike the changes and convert the file back toa REX file C. Execute the R30CONV conmand to convert the file toa .RDF file, nake the changes and convert te file buck toa .REX file, D. Ghoose file >adhnini stration compile, Gavert the file toa -REP file, nake the changes and convert the file back to a .REX file E Execute the R30CONV command tocamert the file toa REP file, nake the changes and convert the file buck toa .REX file. Answer: D. QUES TION NO: 30 Which report style woul dyou we to create a report Listing each depart ment and incl udi ng a Listing of ‘employees beneath thei r respective depart ment? A. Grap left B. Form like. C. Matrix W/group, Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com =52- 120-132 D. Group above. E. Mailing label F. Form letter. Answer: D. QUESTION NO: 31 Hunan resources depart ment requested a report to display the total nunber of employees wor kingin each depart ment. To begin you created this query: SELECT dept_ID, count (employee id) FROMe nplayee C. GROUP BY dept_ID You defaul ted the Layout and choose a tabul ar report style. Inthe layout model whi ch property sheet wouldyoualter to restrict the mmber of records appeari ng on each page? Fram Report Feld Repeat ing frame com> ‘Answer: D. QUES TION NO: 32 When is ani mplicit anchor created? When an object is enclosed by another object When a page break after pagination property is enabled. Whena linkis created bet veen t wo obj ects. When a keep with anchoring obj ect pagi nat ion property is enabled. com> Answer: A QUES TION NO: 33 Whichstatement is true about mouse events? A. The cursor style can be set to CAUTION B. Double- clicking nouse butt on can potent ial ly firesixmnause event tri ggers, C. The val ues for the SYSTEM.MDUSE_BUTTON_PRESSEDs ystemvari abl can onl y be 1 or 2 Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com =53- 120-132 D. Click and double-click button actions can anly detect if the nouse is positioned in an item. Answer: B QUES TION NO: 34 You are creating the DEPT_SAL dat a bl ock from the PAYHIST form. Users shoul d be able to enter a valid department [Dnunber, which will then di spl ay the emp loyee sal ary information for that depart ment. This data block coul d potential ly retrieve allarge nunber of records. Since users will probably only viewa snall nunber of these records, only 10 records shoul d be fetched at one time. How would you create the data bl ock? A. Select The Data Blocks node inthe Cbject Novi gator and click the Greate button, Ghoose to bui ld the data block nanual ly, enterthe procedure name in the Query Data Source Columns property, and the procedure code in the Query Data Source Arguments property B. Choose Tool s -> Data Block Wizard, select Table as the data source type, and base the bl ack on the columns fromt he tables. Choose Tools -> Data Block Wizard, select, View as the data source type, and base the block on the ‘columns fromt he tables. D, Select the Data Blocks node in the Chj ect Navi gator and cl ick the Great e butt on. Ghoose to build the data block nanual Ly, alter the Query Data Source Type property to‘ FROM clause query’, and enter the SELECT stat enent in the Query Data Source Nane propert y E. Select the Data Block node in the Obj ect Nivi gator and click the Great e butt on. Alter the Query Data Source Type, Query Data Source Nane, Query Data Sources Col ums, and Query Data Source Argunents properties to create a stared procedure that uses a red cursor. ° Answer: E QUES TION NO: 35 The manager of the sales depart ment requested all the sales data report execute daily S P.M. The result shoul dbe sent to her via e-mail. Which destimtion type would you use to send the out put usi ng your company’s MAPI- compliant system? Screen Preview File Printer Emil The destination type depends on howt he nanager prevent s to preview th: result mmoom> Answer: E Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com = 54 120-132 QUES TION NO: 36 You are creating a report wizard to create a matrix report. The query build, youselect the patient_nane colum from the patient table; the doctor_name from the doct ors t abl e; and t he doctor_ID, patient IDand [Deolums from the procedure table. In the report wizard you select patient_name as the row value, doct or_IDas the colum values and the count as the cell val ues. You need to add a total for each doctors col umm. In the wizard report which tab will alow you to create the summary col umn? Rows Tatals Glums @lls Dua moow> Answer: B QUES TION NO: 37 How wouldyou default the layout of a parameter form? A. Use the default Layout tool inthe parameter forme diter B. Select nenu itemt ool- >paranet er formbuild. C. Open the parame ter formeditor and select menu items tool- default Layout. D. You cannot default the Layout of the parame ters Answer: B QUES TION NO: 38 Using the reports server howvoul d you force the orders report im the orders ent ry application to run every six hours? A. Schedule the reports exeout ion in the queue manager B. Schedule the reports execut ion using the R30RQM command line with schedul ed parameter. C. Create a tri gaer inthe application to execute the report every six hours. D. You cannot schedule a reports execution Answer: A Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com -55- 120-132 QUES TION NO: 39 You are devel opi ng a bonus report for the payrdl a pplication to cal culate and display the bonus issue to each envel ope. Emp loyees with a sal ary of less than 50000$ earn a bonus of 15% and the employees who earn 5000S or more earn out 10% bonus. Which type of tri gger would you use to condi ti onal ly assi gn a bonus percentage? Report Level trigarr Gra filter. Format trigar None of the above com> Answer: D QUES TION NO: 40 Ahunan resources depart me nt requested a report to showthe total nunber of employees working in each depart ment. To begin you created this query: SELECT det p_ID, count (employee_ID FROMe mplayee ‘GROUP BY dept_ID You defaul ted the 1 enclose all the other 1 ‘out and choose a tabular report sty tyout obj ects”? ¢. Inthe layout model which obj ect will Feld Master group franes Repeat ing frame Boiler plate com> Answer: B QUESTION NO: 41 You need to adda pop-up nenu to the CV_EMP canvas to display when a user ri ght-clicks the mouse within the canvas. Howcoul d you create tie pop-up menu? > Lée the Layout Riitor to create a pop-up nenu, assi gn comunds tothe nenu in the Men Riitor, and attack the menu items to the canvas. Use the Report Wizard to create a pop- up menu and attack the nenu itens to the canvas. Alter the pop- up Mem Property value in the Property Palette of the canvas, se the Object Navi gator to create a pop- up nenu, assi gn commands tothe nenu itens, and attack the nenu to items or canvases. caw Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com = 56- 120-132 Answer: D. QUES TION NO: 42 Youare creating a sales data template and need to add a picture to the margin, What is the best wa y to add this margin? ‘A. Choose the nargin cod: inthe obj ect navi gator and select file- > nport- >i nage. B. Choose the nargin node in the obj ect navi gat or and use the tool bar button, C. Click the nargin button in the layout nods! and sel ect fi le->inport >i nage. D. Click the margin button in the Layout ndel and use the tool bar but ton Answer: C QUES TION NO: 43 You are devel opi ng an invent ory report for the purchasing depart ment. To begin you creates this ID_nunber, description, quantity, unit_price, quntity* unit_price ‘amo unt? FROMimentory Younced a report level total for the anount col umn. What is the best way to accomp lish this task? Alter the query toperform the cal culation, Create a formila colum outside the default group, Create a summm ry column outside the default group. Create a formila colum in side the default group, Gate a summ ry coluna in side the default group, Geate a place hol der col unm outside the default group. mmo mp Answer: C QUES TION NO: 44 You have forgotten the name of binary PL/SQL ibrary saved to the operating system. This file contains the PL/SQL constricts you created for the inventory report. For vi ch file extensi on shoul d you reach? A. SQ B. PLL c. .PLD D. .PRT Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com <57- 120-132 Answer: B QUES TION NO: 45 ‘The transportation department requested a shi ppi ng cost report to list the resources used by each depart ment. A separate page shoul d be product for each departme nt. Whi ch property woul d you modify to achieve these results? Mirirmu m wi dow records Colum node Spacing Print direction Source Maxima mrecords per page. mmoOm> Answer: F QUESTION NO: 46 You create the sal es report and runit inthe live previewer. After whi ch change would the live previ ewer requi re the data? Rempving col una fromthe available list inthe repart wizard Rempving the col um from the displayed list inthe report wizard Ghanging the display width of a column inthe repurt wizard Adding a col unm toboth the avai lable list and displayed list inthe repert wizard Renovi ng a col um inthe live previever moowD> Answer: D. QUESTION NO: 47 You creating a report that will runinboth character node and bitmapped envi ronments. You i ne! ude some printer codes in your report. What will lyppen when you run the report in bitmpped mode? The report will not execute. The report will erly accept destination type of previ ever ar printer. A B C. Printer codes will be ignored D. Only the printer codks that apply will be processes. Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com “8. 120-132 Answer: C QUES TION NO: 48 You create a tabul ar employee report and are concerned about readability because the employee records are very close together. What is the best way to increase the amount of white space between the records? A. Inthe Layout ndel increase the size of the employee record field. B. Inthe report wizard increase the display width values of the employee record fields C. Inthe property palette increase the size of the repeat ing frane surroundi ng the employee records D, Inthe life previever, highligt a field cick onthe parent frame icon and nake the frame bigger vertically Answer: D QUES TION NO: 49 You are devel oping a tax report for the payroll application. You creat ed a before parameter form report tri gger to create three tenporary tales to store text that are need while the report is executed. Which report trigger would you use to delete these temporary tables? Before parame ter form, After parame ter form, Before report After report. com> Answer: D QUES TION NO: 50 You created a tabul ar report for the student housi ng authority that Lists each student”s name, student identification mmber, and dorm room nunber. The default setting prints each record bel ow the previous record. Which two print setting could you use to print the student records to the right of the previ ous record until an entire record cannot bet ween the previous record and the ri ght margin? (Choose two) Across Across/down Down Dowi/across Matrix moom> Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com “3. 120-132 Answer: A, B QUESTION NO: 51 You are creating a tabul ar report to display each employee’s name, depart ment, nunber and hire date. You need to change the col unm data of the hire_date col unm to start date. In whi ch window coul dyou complete this? Datanodel Default Layout window. Field property palette. Labels tab in the report wizard Field's taninthe report wizard moow> Answer: D. QUES TION NO: 52 Which setting change would you al low to make a chil d obj ect to be moved out of a parent obj ect? Flex mode on, Flex node of f. @unfi ned node on, Gonfi ned node of f. com> Answer: D. QUES TION NO: 53 For an invent ory report, you created a work in progress that contains two columns, ID_nunber and ‘quantity. The parent group of the work im progress is in i mentory whi ch cont ai ns one col umn, dept_no, You added a filter of fist fifteento total_inventory anda filter of Last 20 for work in_progress. Which records will the report return? First 15 dept_no values Last 20 ID no and quant ity values withth: first 15 dept_no values for each vork in progress val ue. First 15 dept_no values with the last 201D nunber and quant ity values for each total_imventary val ue. First 15 dept_no values and the Last 20 [ and quant it y values. The Last 201D nunber and quant it y values. ape mo Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com -60- 120-132 Answer: C QUES TION NO: 54 You are creating a matrix report. Using query builder, you sel eet the SALES_IDand DEPT_ID columns from the SALES table, The CUST BALANCE column from the CUS TOMER table and the INVOICE_TOTAL colum from the INVOICE t able Using the report wizard you sel ect SALES_IDas the rowval ues, DEPT IDas the col unm values and SUM/CUST_BALANCE) as the cell val ues. You adda summary columi for a SALES_IDrow If the summary column has a null val ue you need to display a zero. Writ is the easiest way fo accomplish this task? Alter the value if mull property on the summa ry col unm property palette Alter the value if mill property on the save IDpalette Alter the initial value prerty on the sal es [Dproperty palette Create a forma t trigger for a sunme ry val ue field to display a zero if the field is ml Geate a boiler plate text cbject inthe Layout node! containing a zero and place it bet ween the row repeating frane and the natrix obj ect moow> Answer: A QUES TION NO: 55 Whi ch are SRW package procedure or funct on could you use to ereate and then drop a tenporary table inthe sales report? ‘SRW.BREAK ‘SRW.SET_ALTER ‘SRW. REFERENCE SRW.DO_SQL. SRW. RUN_REPORT F. SRW.SET_FIELD moowp Answer: D QUES TION NO: 56 Youcreate a financial report to be represented to board of directors. The accounting manager has asked you to change the nunber format to showa thousand separator. What is the best met hod to make this change to the report qui ckty A. Open the property palette and set the format nask for all the nuneric items in the report. Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com -61- 120-132 B. Select the data to be free form ttedinthe life previever and lick on the thousand separat or icon on the style br. Go toth: Layout nodel and change the field attributes for the data to be changed on the report Rebuild the report using the report wizard setting this format on creat ion. oo. Answer: B QUES TION NO: 57 ‘The sales report di splays each sales person's daily transactions. You need to add a total transaction val ue for each sales person. What is the best wa yto add the summary val ue to existing report? Reenter the report wizard and modify the query, Reenter the report wizard and add the summa ry to th: totals tab, Reenter the report wizard and add the field to the data tab. Add the summr y colurm tothe layouts using the Layout model. Recreate the report to add a summa ry val ue. moom> Answer: B QUES TION NO: 58 You need to add a page nunber to the bottom margin of your report pages. How woul d you navi gate tothe margin area? se the menu opt ions t ool nar gin, Click on the nargin button. Inthe layout model s press This task can only be acconpl i shed programma tically com> Answer: B QUES TION NO: 59 Which three scenarios describe appropriate uses for key tri ggers? (Choose three) Alter data ina database table ‘Add cust omi t emval i dat ion code. Disable the Next Hock key and nenu item Display a custom form in place of a List of Val uss Ghange the navi gat ional arder of the blocks in a form, Perform a conpl ex cal culation each time the F10 key is pressed. mmoom> Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com = 62+ 120-132 Answer: G DE Note: Section Acontains 98 questions. Sect ion Beont ai ns 59 quest ions. The total munber of questions is 157 Leadi ng t he nay in IT testing and certification tool, www.t est hing. com 63

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