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Calculator- Blaise Pascal (1623 1662) was

a French mathematician. He was born in ClermontFerrand, France. His father's name was Etienne.. Pascal
was completely educated by his father. In 1642, at the age
of eighteen, French mathematician Blaise Pascal built the
first automatic mechanical calculator that could add and
subtract called the Pascaline. It did not become
commercially popular, as it was less expensive to hire a
person to do the calculations by hand.
Calculator, machine for automatically performing
arithmetical operations and certain mathematical
functions. Modern calculators are descendants of a digital
arithmetic machine devised by Blaise Pascal in 1642.
Later in the 17th century, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz created
a more advanced machine, and, especially in the late 19th
century, inventors produced calculating machines that
were smaller and smaller and less and less laborious to
use. In the early decades of the 20th century, desktop
adding machines and other calculating devices were
developed. Some were key-driven, others required a
rotating drum to enter sums punched into a keyboard, and
later the drum was spun by electric motor.

Computer - Charles Babbage (26 December 1791 18

October 1871) was an English mathematician, analytical
philosopher, mechanical engineer and computer scientist.
He was the first person to come up with the idea of

a computer that could be programmed. Unfinished parts of

his mechanisms are on display in the London Science
Museum. Charles Babbage was born in England, at 44
Crosby Row, Walworth Road, London. Babbage's
father, Benjamin Babbage, and mother Betsy Plumleigh
A computer is a machine that is able to take information
(input), do some work on or make changes to the
information, to make new information (output). Computers
have existed for much of human history. Examples of early
computers are the astrolabe and the abacus. Modern
computers are very different from early computers. They
are now very powerful machines that are able to do
billions of calculations every second. Most people have
used a personal computer in their home or at work.
Computers are useful for many different jobs where
automatic tasks are useful. Some examples are
controlling traffic lights, vehicle computers, security
systems, Washing machines and Digital Televisions.

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