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MEETING 29/04/2015
Location and actor only one or two
Performance driven so actor is crucial
Questioning scene in the city preparation and test shots
Potentially have the two actors confront one another
Not precious with the script, everyone should write it together
Gender idea, spoke to Greg, this may change the tone of the script
but may rely on stereotypes. Are males a more complete or more earnest
embodiment of the ego idea as opposed to self-consciousness?
Does not want to use a female beauty guru type youtuber
Game of status, having the doubles speak to one another
Is the double an online presence or is it internal?
Wants to have simple setting done well
City may be too difficult thinks we should do test shots
We should work out the narrative arc when he wakes up
Does the personality of Fox have two personalities? How do we
communicate this? The most interesting part of the location shoot was
when the two people are engaging with one another. He would advocate
introducing the double earlier.
Locations doubting shooting at a station permissions, he is thinking
about ways we could supplement this scene to keep the narrative drive
Doesnt just want to have one location as this doesnt progress or
have a complete dynamism.
What should the ending be? In the double they both end up killing
themselves? Who wins? Who is the victor?
What kind of tone do we want? Slow, fast? Conceptual, scifi?

Maddie First thing to address: psychological / virtual = contained within
the screen /
Michael likes the psychological aspect of the film. The is an edited,
constructed version of himself could start on the screen but come out
somehow as an embodiment. Likes the idea of it culminating in a
psychological breakdown.
Maddie looking into public buying into the narrative of virtual identities
Michael wants us to keep our eye on the Sydney 2020 theme
Maddie idea of the underdog mediated with celebrity can the two coexist,
social breakdown. Convey this is a preexisting society.
Michael may be able to use flashes of his reality to establish his celebrity
Tom extroverted/ introverted, are we having an element of surrealism
Maddie how do we show a virtual audience and their presence
Natalie how famous is he? Why is he famous, what is he motivated by
Maddie people can be famous without being real-life famous eg only
subscribers, he is not viral yet, he is both irrelevant and relevant
Tom inverse affect of subscribers and his mental health
Natalie too much this and that, both and ambiguous we only have 10
minutes to address the issue and narrative drive
Maddie the two personalities should be distinct
Michael thinks that the personalities can have direct conversation or
confrontation we can have a more explicit line of narrative, need to
narrow down the breakdown itself
Maddie dialogue between them, what did each of them want, are they
Jie happy with what everyone else has said
We all talked about tone and not wanting to have things overly conceptual
conceptual more in practice eg, camera work and sound, but more of a
psychological drama using sound to evoke a bigger/smaller space than
usual, or camera work using changed reflections, darkness,
claustrophobic, isolated looks
Maddie talking about having the technology in 5 years
Start - start establishes him and his conflict
Middle End
Didnt manage to agree to a narrative structure
Natalie We could show a diversion between real and virtual self
Greg whos POV do we actually follow? Are we actually suspicious of one
of the characters?

Maddie can the character have a skype date with themselves? We could
Greg loose the preeminence of Fox and him being so powerful/ obsolete
have another person eg mother, sister or dog that grounds the real him or
changes himself check into his agency. Play on the idea of a loner, who
can interrupt this and rupture the boundaries of his self?

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