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Murder of wife uroxicide

Murder of sister sororicide

Murder of King Regicide
Murder of father Patricide
Murder of mother Matricide
An annual calendar with position of stars Almanac
Something spiritual- Platonic
A person appointed by two partiesto solve a dispute Arbitrator
A person who is bad in spellings Cacographist
A person who writes beautiful hand writing Calligraphist
A name and opted by a writer Pseudonym
Of unknown authorship anonymous
Taking one s own life suicide
A person concerned with practical results pragmatist
A speech by an actor at the end of a play epilogue
A political leader who tries to stir up people Demagogue
Animals living on land and in water Amphibians
A person with long experience veteranAtonement for one s sins repentance
A man of odd habits Ecentric
A person who derives pleasure by inflicting pain on others Sadist
A general pardon of political offender Amnesty
A person who is made to bear the blamedue to others Scapegoat
A person who pays much attention to his clothes and appearance Dandy
A person hard to please Fastidious
A person who considers himself superior to others in culture and intellect Highb
A wishful longing for something one has known in the past Nostalgia
The art of cutting trees and bushes in toornamental shapes Topiary
An associate in an office or institution Colleague
A person who believes in God Theist
A person who does not believe in God Atheist
Witty, Clever, Retart Repartee
A child who stays away from school without any good reason Truant
One who compiles a dictionary Lexicographer
One who does not care for literature and art Philistine
One who totally abstains from alcoholic drinks Teatotaller
A house for storing grains granary
A person who is neither intelligent nor dull(average) Mediocre
A person who dances to the tune of his wife Henpecked
Branch of medicine which deals with theproblems of the old Ntology(Geriatrics)
Careful in performing duties Punctilious
A person who gives written testimony for use in a law court deponent
Equal in rank, merit or quality Peer
Indifference to pleasure or pain Stoicism
Using of new words Coinage
Fruit garden Orchard
Person who gives himself up to lixuary and sexual pleasures voluptuary
Books which excite sex in readers Pornography
One who is likable Amiable
One copies the writing of others Plagiarist (Plagiarism)
Journey to a holy place Pilgrimage
Worship of idols Idolatry
One who ruins statues of gods Iconoclast
One who is honorably discharged from service Emeritus
A place of ideal peace and happiness Elysium
Printed notice of Somebody s death Obituary
A story in verse Ballad
One knowing every thing Omniscient
One who is present every where Omnipresent

One who is all powerful Omnipotent

One who is out to subvert a government Anarchist
One who is recovering from illness Convalescent
One who is all powerful Omnipotent
One who is present everywhere Omnipresent
One who knows everything Omniscient
One who is easily deceived Gullible
One who does not make mistakes Infallible
One who can do anything for money Mercenary
One who has no money Pauper
One who changes sides Turncoat
One who works for free Volunteer
One who loves books Bibliophile
One who can speak two languages Bilingual
One who loves mankind Philanthropist
One who hates mankind Misanthrope
One who looks on the bright side of things Optimist
One who looks on the dark side of things Pessimist
One who doubts the existence of god Agnostic
One who pretends to be what he is not Hypocrite
One incapable of being tired Indefatigable
One who helps others Good Samaritan
One who copies from other writers Plagiarist
One who hates women Misogynist
One who knows many languages Polyglot
One who is fond of sensuous pleasures Epicure
One who thinks only of himself Egoist
One who thinks only of welfare of women Feminist.
One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain Stoic
One who is quite like a woman Effeminate
One who has strange habits Eccentric
The practice of marrying one a time Monogamy
The practice of having two wives or two husbands at a time Bigamy
The practice of marrying more than one wife at time Polygamy
The practice of marrying more than one husbands at a time Polyandry
A hater of mankind Misogynist
A lover of womankind Philogynist
A lover and collector of books Bibliophile
One who has a long experience of any occupation Veteran
One who does a thing for pleasure and not as a profession Amateur
One who talks continuously Loquacious
One who is out to destroy all government, law and order Anarchist
One who does not care for art and literature Philistine
One who can use either hand with ease Ambidextrous
A child born after the death of hisfather or the book published after the death
of the writer Posthumous
Incapable of being understood Unintelligible

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